The REAL Tokyo Car Scene | Wangan Racing, Car Meets and COPS!

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you guys ready for this you guys ready for this guy again I know you love him from the last auction video sorry I'm gonna do SH man okay okay you're gonna redeem yourself tonight I'm a coal start my G thing already I have it we're not in Kansas anymore listen Nagoya this is Yokosuka Yokosuka pretty close to Yokohama which is pretty close to Tokyo and here we are about to leave this military base is weird being back on a military base but let's get this night started this guy have some fun I'm gonna leave the GTR my ride I mean leave the Supra and riding the GTR tonight figured I could ride with him and enjoy it more and be able to film more [Music] [Music] how many dollars are the employees uh well we got about 12 bucks there 2 bucks at the beginning and 5 5 6 7 so getting close 20 bucks on totals and we've been driving for 10 minutes does it feel unreal driving here r34 GTR to die Coco Fudo it's a weird experience for the first time you go here definitely overwhelming we are arriving it's kind of funny we're pulling up in one of Japan's top sports cars and it's a wide plate people are gonna you know people see like a foreigner pull up in in a GTR so I'm usually got the little rental plate on it and they rented it from that one of those rental car places I thought she was gonna say it Decco good food - again I'm gonna try to capture that on video because she butchered the name terribly but I mean people are gonna see the why plan but you'll get so many why I mean I don't know I guess a few wide plates come out here but probably not 34 GTRs pretty nice and early it's only like 7:45 which nope nope it shouldn't be shut down yet usually the cops will get out here and shut it down eventually though yeah this is normally where it's blocked off so we're good for tonight we're in now with us being early it might be a little bit dead right now it might be a lot of just regular people actually here parked and resting but there should be a few people out and we'll be here for a little while it has been a while welcome back to die Coco futo everybody first impressions wow there's not even that many people here yet there's some nice cars there's some nice stuff but not much out here yet some rx-7 guys rolling in the FC the FD [Music] so you got to be careful when you take GPS because GPS if you GPS to this location it won't actually tell you to get off in the parking area and we were meeting some people here oh you guys missed a turn huh yeah that'll happen I shoot I don't know yeah I don't know how they can get in at this point they made the mistake that I've made before missing the actual entrance to the place and now they have to drive like 15 minutes back the other direction loop back around and come back in beautiful r34 who is the Supra too ek9 SDI was that a Camaro another 34 I'm not even you were closed in the way Oh No YouTube's gonna hate you again beautiful 32 GTR and you guys recognize this one it's not his kind of looks like yours but it's not [Music] misaki's beautiful r34 GTR what's up good to see you there's my buddy he's also got the blue 34 this Weaver Jeep I think this Ferrari might have just done the same thing but our boy here was trying to park near misaki's car and ended up almost exiting that Goku - that's what you get for cold revving auction cars peace kandi that was pretty sweet got the higher end guys over here oh he found his way back - that's good good for him all right I'm gonna go back up and meet up with him now that he's hopefully parked in the right direction but look at this 180 oh my god 180 goals I mean I'm not I wouldn't slant it quite that much but that looks really good and then there's this rx-7 FD rx-7 that I really like it's got the wide-body stuff on it very very cleanly modified and then another super I should've drove the Supra in parked beside this Supra you don't see too many supras that's the cool thing about the super is even living in Nagoya it took me five months to see another Supra and even out here I think that's only the second super I've seen whereas you know we've seen about a million GTR is already so if you come to daikaku it does get really confusing they originally missed the entrance to daikaku and we're down on the side roads and then they finally circle back around and spend money on the tolls again and then they came this way and once you come through here it's the exit and the truck parking and you can't get back in you made the same mistake but you got lucky they just tried to come back through here the wrong way and got screamed up by the cop so that was pretty funny but now there's gonna Park by the trucks and chill and then they'll walk back over alright now that we got the crew here we got some drinks that's a great thing about daikaku food oh that Koko futo is just a giant parking area it's like any other like a rest stop in the USA but rest stops in Japan are insane they have restaurants they have convenience stores they have everything you need and this one is also where the biggest car meet in Japan is held every weekend every Friday Saturday night and Sunday mornings but now that we have everything that we need and everybody is accounted for let's go do some car hunting g-wagen came back over here taking a look beautiful s13 coupe and then 180 we looked at that 180 a minute ago but this 180 haven't taken a look at it it's just cool points you got to have like American stuff you know you don't count Oh guys he's got the taillights you guys don't like let me just probably an earlier model 180 whereas this one has the taillights what this one has the other taillights that are more preferred on the 180s for sure always got the sunroof too super super low but I do like it super car boys are at it again over there revving up I guess they might be about to leave actually that would be a good one to get on video on to beat [Music] [Music] [Music] the flat black NSX is pretty awesome too there's a guy sitting aside on't want to go up on him guys I was having an absolutely fantastic time here at daikaku futo until this guy shows up I'm here to steal cars and content he invited me he set this up he wanted you to go down last night you missed it that was drifting out there really a mystery yeah that's what I came to see that's what I want to see does that happen every night normally on Fridays recently there's like a specific group of people that are bringing it back but the cops have already set up I'm gonna close down the entry great what's next it's kind of weird how early they're shutting it down I feel like it has something to do with you arriving we were fine until you showed up I just kind of went around the cards to get it Sam it ruin it again typical Sabbath blame I blame the guys that have too much money in there super close give me that 180 I think Jimmy pulled out it you guys are the experts up here where we had a trying to try maybe just let me hold on maybe we could find some cool cars if you guys don't know it's salmon he's doing this every weekend up here he knows the ins and outs of the yoga home in the Tokyo area my sake is kind of also the expert up here but he doesn't have a YouTube channel so check out Sam its YouTube channel for content up here in Japan all the time I leave in a week and a half and after I leave he has no content to steal so go follow this guy in Japan but what's happening right now is the police are already shutting down dyco Kabuto it's not even 9 o'clock yet and they just turn on their lights or sirens until everybody get out of here we're closed luckily these guys know some other parking areas and hopefully we find some more action tonight that's cool-looking that is freaking also I've never seen that before I've been here 12 to now saying I've never seen him you guys come here like every weekend pretty sweet big old boat getting the boot super early tonight they're getting pretty serious about it so we're gonna walk back over the car we're gonna get out of here we followed the guys down to another parking area see if we have better luck somewhere else it's not so popular this is like the tourist car me where you'll see a bunch of Americans other people from different countries so we'll go to a little bit less known parking area neck the sounds of everybody leaving on the highway very very early very surprised even there was a camera guy walking around shooting stuff and he hired a car he hired he has like a real VIP looking like Toyota crown and it's like a guy in a suit that he hired to drive him around he asked us where everybody was going so it's funny to see foreigners here at dico Caputo knowing about it hiring a car to come here not even renting a car hiring somebody to drive them here to see this stuff and then it sucks to see it get shut down before even 9 o'clock lead us to victory Misaki bye-bye dico Kabuto hitting it no come on Misaki do oh that would have been a great video there's so many cool cars passing this right now Misaki come on give it some gas what's up oh yeah all right let's go Japanese Mexico okay okay all right three hooks three times ready when you are [Music] oh my god that was crazy content thief vs. Misaki Simmons little 3334 is pretty quick cutting GTRs next you've got the three wheelers the weather's starting to feel good they're breaking out the three wheelers welcome to Tokyo beautiful Tokyo skyline in the background there's Rainbow Bridge I guess we're about to go over Rainbow Bridge still following Misaki and salmon heading to another parking area gdr Killa you cut those necks off Supra well oh did you get the actual wheel I don't know I think you might be safe that's kind of when I dumped it was just all klutz in and I was like and misaki's still making excuses next parking area shootout parking area few cars it's a little bit smaller what's the deal with this parking area just another popular one in the Tokyo area chill out relax parking area compared to that comes to me on that Goku those are the two well-known like I'm not from your at home yeah play up here and I know dot Goku and Tatsumi that's it like this one I've never heard of yeah it is nice what are you guys doing are the GTR boys flexing I think so but you've got the carbon intake pipe kid and he's got like a 3000 ball in this version no big deal this is what's known but who paid for that there's a sausage what's my dad's I just drive it you heard it here - 23 degrees Celsius okay but it's gonna come out all right it's a vending machine it's gonna come out in 90 seconds and it's a burger with fries and apartments not the bonus nugget cells if the bonus nugget wasn't there I probably wouldn't be doing this he even said it is better than Christmas yeah yeah and crystals pretty nasty yeah so just wait till that and it'll just plump in there okay I'll just grab the middle you open this little door it's all inside there yes yeah everything the barn is now get the fries the burger does it have any ketchup with it yes he's in here this ketchup on the okay honey okay okay this is really frightening I'm super concerned away that like she was already ready to grab the camera I guess she she knows that's alright but the way that you guys are this you're not gonna die from that what should I start with I think the boom is long it's not gonna she's probably safe like yeah eat something that I think this would be a safe save an issue engine try the fries like I said it comes with everything in the big shot only fries still cold in the center if the fries still so cool the center I imagine the burger is gonna be frozen sir see you couldn't catch up there and everything yeah has I ended it's bad this after it's pretty good you know you get some ketchup is hot this half was crunchy with frozen disco don't aren't you lucky and it's oco-2 my kind of bonus 1 pi 2 pi X probably oh it's high it's hard to I'm like right on the edge so you know that got heated up - uh-huh those were all like a furnace oh yeah oh man okay it wasn't as bad as I was expecting right the way you were smoking I thought I was really screwed like I'm like like I've tried it and I'm a real food no man kind of guy so I was like this is disgusting but crystals I hate crystals and all that that's pretty normal it's no White Castle but it's it's okay they're the best but still kind of any machine in 90 seconds I think we've also read almost $3.00 yeah yeah you can't complain about the [ __ ] cent that part complain about the part after taking a break and eating some disgusting cheeseburger not even a cheeseburger a hamburger a chicken burger is what it was we're back out here definitely picking up out here a lot more cars to leave that 33 tell me about it Masaki knows I don't know about that but that color looks nice is it just the light again or is that it's like gold or like millennium Jade almost or I don't know it's definitely I know this owner as is like this has his bumpers a gentleman see to cover yeah yeah our 34 front headlights like Sam it does but this is plate the way cleaner than Sam it's yeah yeah you got the endless break kid with the gold with its Bueller's so that way it looks kind of like a fulcrum yeah yeah learn stuff arson foot beer baked Humphrey oh yes it's nice it's really clean exhaust homemade I think that's required with the GTR as the tombe exhaust everybody has that and that's the gt3 with the gt3 RS fender what there is everything is what do most Japanese people when they look at this car like did they say fair ladies easy 34 like what is like okay I don't think yeah oh yeah that's our boy it's this Dick's car Oh Dick's car Jason where'd you park are you down there okay let's go there what is the eight-six when I first saw it at I first saw today Coco and I looked at it and it made me think of a Hyundai Genesis or a Hyundai Tiburon I think a Tiburon I don't know it just kind of weird it looks like the front is kind of looks like a Tiburon no I don't think I am either it's unique I haven't seen it before oh it's mark 7:15 I love f DS I can't fit can't fit into it 37 coup so the badges are added on everybody wants to do the American stuff to their Japanese cars yeah yeah right und em yeah you gotta have the USDM stuff well like the rally lights so you could go back to America and then send some USD get parts of beer yeah we had talked about you know these like importing some USA cars over here because I mean you know like old-school american muscle's so popular yeah so I mean maybe we'll start a maybe we'll go both ways I don't know no homo damn it are you it was cutting cutting heads off on the way here he beat two or 34 GTRs in the r33 oh you know that one dude it's not just your ordinary 86 tell me why 14 you are 60 so it's made a TRD made they we have 100 of those that car has a carbon-fiber roof carbon fiber trunk carbon fiber wing is everything we're looking at factory yes it's came from back for you okay it's a limited edition car interesting I love how you said that the seat we were talking about that last time fried burrito okay for the TRD model yeah that's pretty sweet I don't - not like these so much just because you see so many of them but the TRD Edition that's pretty sweet yeah it's weird do you know how much this cost man yeah that's spoiler yeah how much you coulda deskah in USD yes dollar I think of a roughly about seventy seventy thousand dollars r86 no kidding no joke are you sure you're not joking no joke send me down all the car yikes and by the way no powering please no power increase yeah with when they were brand new like ran spec new like like the used car dealer seller for about like 17 I think about 65 65 I don't know I forgot that that's crazy that's frightening it's crazy that's frightening people telling them the price was obnoxious pilot it is I mean that is a nice air that is nice I'm cutting the carbon fibre roof in your car tonight expensive things and to come from the factory that's pretty yeah it's a lot more people coming out is this it though for parking okay that's it it has a good exhaust it does something that FC I really like rx Evans I like fc7 they are small but I can fit in an FC and I can an FD it's train lots and lots of people here a lot of people are now parking on the side the Subaru guys I'm interested in the FC though it's not you know super clean or anything but it looks really good I just love FC RX Evans FC's or where it's at this one obviously has been driven driven a lot but I love that CRX Evans I think I would own an FC rx-7 I had a dream the other night about owning an FC rx-7 so I don't know if maybe it's meant to be really picking up here now I bet Tatsumi Park area has been shut down as well [Music] what kind of youtubers checks out and talks about his own car all the cars in the parking lot and he can't get over his own car what is he doing over there so it got really popular does this mean that like all the other PAS are shut down that people go and hang out it so you're saying like Tatsu he's not far right so that's probably what this is Tatsumi and the good thing about this one is it probably won't get shut down right yeah like people trying to read or like cars it might maybe the cops are rolling yeah also there's a good bike oh yeah this is max I fix their own for payment I'm talking about these cards yeah these guys goodbye look at that wing big one they win Game six is poppy soap and they're so cheap now like you can get a 2012/2013 for like eight nine thousand US dollars probably cheaper that at all cannot say yeah yeah yeah horse auction and she's I love this these they're so classic and just I don't know these are good track car the turtle so cor I don't know anything about those it's on 2014 ARC's eights there that is it super super and a four-door integra type-r people love deviates oh really I get a lot of comments like I love DBA it's like or can you source me a DBA really well yeah I think it's dope not not the biggest I'm not that I like a DC to way more than I do it deviate right it is rare I'll give you that I don't know I just like the coop true true very true supras are one of the rarest cars in Japan I feel like like I literally never see them either like people people did one gun race before but now all of you guys you guys the majority the majority of the Super's aren't even USA legal yet super in the mark for super started in 93 so right now only 93 and 94 is why people buy those anyway it took me like five months of driving around nagoya to see another super like I've never seen interesting that's why we had a lot of liquids with our 3433 our thirties not in tsipras right right supers are two-wheel drive yeah they need all 33 party keno races and GTRs and their move way more fascinates like the thing is Japan before they had a hell 20 engines mm-hmm like Nissan's were like the modifiable brothers in that era like people in black you thirty and thirty years ago Wow like the Barbie 26 was the best that's why did modify a lot they put a lot of huge tables in it yeah I've seen a lot of that but then I've also seen some marked for supers are b-26 well I've seen a few of those it has a knowledge of modifying our physics okay [Music] oh you're encouraging it lots and lots of different kind of cars out here here's jason's r34 GTR v-spec - there's Jason Jason deaths some rx eights I skip over the Subarus too much I'm sorry there's a nice look at this STI and the RX a kind of normally a skip over car to like I don't really care about him that much but I know there's probably people that do and people that'll get mad and I know there's some people that would really enjoy that a lot a lot going on a lot to film I'm kind of waiting on some more cars so you know keep driving through some people leave and get some exhaust notes it's so cramped in here right now there's so many cars packed in and nobody's in parking spots anymore that parking spot opening up is pretty rare right now very nice evo but I'm a little more interested in the red Integra I have a very very soft spot for Integris especially dc-to-dc 2's are kind of where my love for cars started after the Eclipse I guess but I definitely enjoy a nice dc2 especially especially a nice rep this 180sx over here has me crushing a little bit you guys know I have a thing for 180s right now and this one is all modified I'll set up different wheels in the rear some graphics on it we've got the wide-body on it's got the bigger wing on it I just have a real love for 180s lately and even even not perfect ones I just like driven 180s [Music] hey it's another Supra I love seeing supras I love the BBS wheels silver like my Supra but it's got the nice expensive game door mirrors very very nice this one is I believe it is the twin turbo leave it's an RZ it looks like it's got the six-speed gear shifter in there supers are quite rare to find pretty sweet no it doesn't have the intercooler though maybe it's a scr with the 6-speed by sweetie [Applause] taking a closer look at the 180 now it pulled in here with the I think p1 racing wheels in the front what if that's actual carbon fiber if that's some kind of vinyl I think it's a final once again I don't know anything about most anime in Japan so maybe you guys in the comments gonna let me know what this is about I know that's one of your favorite things to do whenever I find anything anime is tell me what it is and how I should know what it is it's got the factory 180 seat in the passenger man I just have fallen in love with 180s guys okay we gotta go chase this down in case he leaves the van with the r35 engine just pulled through but I think he's leaving no no come back he's probably looking to see if the screens are here and they're not here and now he's leaving listen to it it sounds like you do maybe we'll hear him go over us right here and he go that's what I get for socializing and not focusing on videoing but it's okay a white r33 GTR pulls in you know I got to get it on video hey it's got a Manabu and sticker on it that's a dealership it's a chain dealership here in Japan those rays look suspect they look a little maybe the color is a little off I don't know looks a little different [Music] really falling in love with r33 GTR s this Japan trip as well this one doesn't look like it's you know too expensive it looks like he really actually enjoys the car drives it and has a good time with it show it off what do we have pulling in now that's a Chevy Camaro boys marrow followed by what a beat the Honda beat got the bike guys that was sweet I like welcome welcome police Misaki said they'll only be kicking out the people that aren't in parking spots he said that's the only thing they care about at this part here is the people that aren't actual and real parking spots so hopefully we're not getting kicked out here totally but once they do kick out all these people that aren't in parking spots it's gonna be a little bit dead I think definitely scared all the people out here away I don't know if they're gonna get onto these people or not he's still just at the entrance kind of blocking everybody from coming down this road now and all these guys are getting out of here like this eight-six or x x8 BRZ but that one's actually kind of nice I modified it is I'm only really enjoying seeing super modified things like this I like the side louvers and seeing like the TRD addition that was pretty cool too but that one actually looks pretty good supera rolling out [Music] so they're actually sitting here and waiting on everybody to move their car once all the cars are going then I guess the God's gonna roll out of here but he was making sure come over the loudspeaker like hey under this blue BRZ new your car oh nice super to focus on the cops right now not watching all the other cars that are still pulling in over here now it seems like most of the people are moved from this area but I think he might also be waiting on these guys over here to move since they're not in parking spots either the s15 has an all tech version badge on it or anime stuff for you guys more for you to tell me what it is because I don't know who is gonna get that Escalade he's mad because people are pulling through is still another 180 pull all look at his taillights - I like his taillights they're spinning around man he's probably not gonna stop those since everybody's getting kicked out things are kind of dying down a little bit out here cuz the police kicked everybody out but now the police are gone and people are starting line back up again does it pick back up again you think or is it kind of like for the rest of night kind of chill bullfighter with that one is that urs that's a rare wine you're looking at that I'm over here checking out this I always see this yeah that's what me it's like yeah let me that is yeah but this there's no addition this gt2 RS that is awesome as a Japanese person do you look at like American like blonde girls and you're like oh it's a blonde girl like everybody right now on this YouTube it's watching this video they're like Oh show me Japanese girls show me Japanese girls is the kind of opposite thing yeah that's funny like ghost and like other guys do there you go everything's opposite in Japan they want left-hand-drive they want scion badges they want blonde girls yeah kinda it's exactly it's the same thing forbidden food to us you guys love so much about GTI right we all got fed up with in the road modified accreted [ __ ] out of it everybody wants what they can't have yeah that's why yeah as we're checking out this guy's gt2 RS the Lamborghini pulls in a flashy I think I've seen that exact car two years ago here yeah I was I've seen that car so the Lamborghini has pulled in this is something you would normally see it like Tatsumi parking area and I swear I think I've seen this exact one before near Tatsumi parking area a couple years ago when I was driving on maybe the c1 but you definitely don't see stuff like this every day the lettering on the tires all like bedazzled out very very cool to see I love the customization that goes into these kind of things Lamborghini on the tires very very cool to see stuff done up like this [Music] it's Italian Italian party with American engine has aegyo treatment equipment engine in it okay you knew that I don't even know what that is it's a famous it yes we had a poor engine interesting today it looks second old feeder feeder up like a car I thought it was a city at first it's not a Honda City is it oh yeah it's far is it City maybe it's today really it looked like the city kind of and then the city had the the Honda moto combo the the little scooter in the back Oh at first ten a team a lot of these with look at all the American stuff coming in Hale yeah brother [Music] all we added one more oh he's got that weird if that massive LT okay no thing's huge oh man 180sx hello baby they're so beautiful they're so classic they're so beautiful the lines are just so nice on them SRT oh it is a Hellcat we're in rental is that a rental that's a rental isn't it doesn't have any yeah but it's definitely a rental it's a rental plate yeah I'm very so it has a walk right right right right this will probably be two yeah yeah yeah that's got the only she rat stick or - yeah when you look at number three yeah they have radios there as a Japanese person when you see the rentals like do you have any thought on that like because I can remember pulling into daikaku for the first time in the rental r34 GTR and like you know I was like oh and I'm so cool right now but like that was before I even realized that the wah cymbal and everything for the rental cars so I was like really everybody was looking at me even like [Music] more 180 action [Music] I love someone 80 loving it factory wheels always got the good taillights do he still got the Nissan badge on the back the type X all the type X arrow so this is the later model type X that came with these taillights it comes with these little lips down here on the bottom it's really nice to see a clean 180sx not all modified not all the wide fenders like that one very cool to see more 180s oh he's got the California license plates of a school it's got a front mount intercooler on it too I need to get a front mount for mine very very nice I love I like to see the 180 owners get excited about me filming because typically their cars probably don't get that much attention unless you're like a true like 180 enthusiast there's that red Integra again I think it's the same one [Music] guess who's back again this time we get a marked car time to kick everybody out again that is not in actual parking spots this will probably be it for the night I don't think most people will come back and give it a shot again it was still kind of early whenever they originally kicked people out so a lot of people came back but I don't think people will be back after this one [Music] the same it right is the glow coming back what do you guys think ring back under glow I don't know you guys let me know what you think [Music] we've been in this parking area for three or four hours now so it's time to get out of here we're gonna go do the c1 loop set it so it's called c1 loop and then maybe he had to Tatsumi afterwards I don't know who we're gonna be riding on the soggy so let's get in let's get out of here you think it's gonna be a modified car do you think it's gonna be okay already got rid of it they call rid of it but I saw like saddening when you but for oils yeah some quick c1 action now we're at Haku Zaki it's another smaller parking area a very small parking area but there are some modified cars out here my sake Scott we were just riding jaison's respect too or this stuff guys [Music] definitely a fan of the FT I don't see very many of them in blue either interesting wheel choice on the eight-six there it's very interesting to see going from different parking area to go to different parking area and just seeing the different kind of different cars you know the different styles different types of cars that you see out here it's very interesting to see how styles change between parking areas guys it is 3:45 in the morning still people out here so people pulling up still people enjoying their their morning their evening whatever you may want to call it at this point but we have about an hour drive back to Yokosuka and it is about time to get home and get some sleep before the Sun rises the sunrise is super early Oh sounds like her about to go photo shoot now hey before we leave this is the moment that all of these are 34 base side blue owners have been waiting for so they can take this picture it is a good picture it is beautiful seeing them all lined up like that I don't know this this could be thumb no quality picture so much went into tonight but that is an awesome awesome view it maybe we're not good maybe okay no no no it was just confusing we're still good you ever give it ever gonna go I feel like it's strange they turn the bridges off at night like they turn the lights off what time did they come back on alright I guess they probably don't they the Sun comes up in like 45 minutes [Music] it is currently 5:00 a.m. we've been out all night the Sun should be up any minute now we are here and we're sober what a change you don't know yeah yeah yeah always someone know but if you stay out this late normally you're out drink and have fun in Japan but tonight was all about the cars tonight was all about experiencing that true Japanese car culture absolutely great time seriously an amazing time thank you Misaki showing us around thank you everybody for hanging out having a good time and for those who say day we're here at Yoko licious we're in Yokosuka it's about an hour south of Tokyo and there's a military base right over here Yoko licious is kind of a famous like restaurant here in Yokosuka because it's right from the base right over here is like all the bars and stuff where everybody goes and drinks on the weekends and this place on the weekends is open 24/7 they have burritos wings fries all the delicious goodies all the delicious fixings does this place is going to be legit very very legit okay okay what a douchebag don't be salty about the auction video but I hope you guys have enjoyed this video it is time for us to smash some of this food and go to sleep and sleep until like 3:00 in the afternoon the Japanese car scene does not disappoint if you're in Japan go rent something fun go drive go to all the parking areas hit up Misaki on Instagram I'll put his Instagram right here he will give you a tour around all the parking areas seriously amazing time I will see you guys very soon in the next video as always thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: YourCarBro
Views: 1,627,896
Rating: 4.8826022 out of 5
Keywords: The REAL Tokyo Car Scene | Wangan Racing, Car Meets and COPS!, The REAL Tokyo Car Scene, REAL Tokyo Street Scene, tokyo car meets 2019, fresh tokyo car meet 2019, tokyo car meet daikoku, tatsumi car meet, tokyo car meet parking lot, tokyo car meet locations, daikoku car meet, tokyo parking garage car show, japan car meets 2019, tokyo car scene, japan car meet, japanese car meet, yourcarbro, tokyo street racing, tokyo car culture, tokyo drifting
Id: Sei7jlAOpGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 55sec (2995 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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