REAL LIFE AMONG US *Imposter IQ 999+* w/The Norris Nuts

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the norris knights is going to be playing among us roblox we copied this idea from phase rug thank you faye the rules are very simple each round one no stunt will be chosen as the imposter and the other no snaps are the crewmates it's the crewmate's job to complete all tasks and work out who the imposter is it's the impossible's job to eliminate the crewmates one by one and get away with it if a crewmate spots a dead body they blow their whistle and all the north nuts will meet up and take a vote on which neuroscience they think the imposter is not as nuts we must be careful there is an imposter among us and charm's my mini crewmate one of the pieces of paper will say you're an imposter the rest of crewmate all right take a camera we don't know anything yet please get it it feels like i'm doing a gender reveal and inside this piece of paper's agenda oh but you realize that [Music] we are cremated [Music] [Applause] i am uh the impossible so as a crew mate so i'm gonna quickly do my task i think in this one i'm gonna be like a fake imposter and see if i can throw anyone else off [Applause] [Music] [Music] was chasing all those kids around upstairs i was just being a fake impossible no you won't just find chase he was like chasing us like he's like why didn't he just touch someone guys don't vote for me because i was just being a fake imposter in that one but i was just trying to like play the game bit funny but i just have to laugh so if you vote me out that'll mean that someone else is still a real imposter still in the game i believe papa i believe and i'm gonna skip both because it's too early in the game but i know who it is i know you norris not so well and saki's got this evil look in her eye whoever [Music] all right and they don't know who it is you can't kill people in front of people so we know like you're the impossible we vote you out it's really someone else papa seems very sad the first task i'm doing is warhead these are very sour the task is graffiti neuroscience so maybe their body so who died jockey [Music] that's interesting he's doing it well i think that's that's something impossible to do sorry legends papa's a bit of a noob piggy just killed me and then walked down and went back into like a self-report saying that he but he was the only one upstairs biggie reported the dead body yeah papa was downstairs doing fake tasks even though he's a crewmate obviously now i was downstairs naz was downstairs saver or biggie a sus ass upstairs no it wasn't i was i was in mother's bathroom the task is graffiti nurses faces their bodies their body oh i'm gonna go see he feels okay what's good in anyone's bathroom yeah i'm so annoyed they need to know it's biggie wow if sabre was in my bathroom she didn't do any tasks but what it was biggie so biggie reported his own kill yeah i reckon that's a trick that people do they don't know that me and my would know that trick but i know that's actually a trick [Applause] because okay two people vote saber i swear i think vicki's i'm gonna vote biggie and papa's voting biggie so no one's ejected well who are you going to vote saber oh well she oh does she think she can't vote i think she thinks she can't say that was a bit of a clue no it's piggy got spiky it's vicky but i'm sticking with big yelling ass biggie i'm not going to pick myself so i'm going to be three biggies are you the imposter shelter [Music] [Applause] how dare you kill me okay let's go if i get picked to be imposter i'm going to be the best one you've ever seen now i'm imposter [Music] my hands are shaking [Applause] [Music] again yes too fake my first task is to graffiti and noise that and i'm gonna do me nice yeah we haven't started yet man i want myself to have red glasses it's like where's wally are you the imposter are you are you imposter i'm not i'm friendly people do it together i'm gonna cheat and throw sucky off i think she can hear me if i yell out enough round number two i'm the imposter for this round it's gonna be so cool i can't wait to go never ending tricks [Music] i just wanted to be your friend biggie it's not me i was trying to be his friend and she went like this no i said we could stick together so if the killer comes up and tries to kill us then we could be together and he straight away falls in the posture so that means that you're the imposter because you're trying to frame me because i'm not damn nice charm and my crewmate yeah i think you must be one of these two guys stop stop are you something to say so i was in mom's bathing doing the graffiti task i had proof i was drawing glasses and then papa shouted behind the imposter round number two i'm the imposter for this round it's gonna be so cool i can't wait to go never ending tricks i'm watching this thing like oh where is that hat no you and you're telling me he's a bit dumb like that wait what is that are you dead no well why are you down here i'm getting spy shots all right let's get ski boat no i'm voting mum i skipped can i see it me because mum was chasing me around and when i went to dash away no when i went to dash away mom came after me like i didn't i was saying let's be friends biggie skip boat okay i'm keeping a close eye on you mom [Music] i don't think so he's imposter he looks too innocent piggy i saved you i just wanna be your friend okay well i'll be your friend but if i die everyone knows that's the case oh nice nice we're so sassy that champion knows it's not me don't you change it you know it's not me i'm scared of you i'd better talk i swear the attack don't be friends yeah i do believe you no i believe you i'm not impossible okay we'll be together okay i'm keeping it going i'll keep the glass on you why don't i think you're investing with me i'm watching you he's like moving on there i'm doing the task i'm not the imposter oh i don't believe you so this time i have to get a green ball to match my green top i think that's just gonna die okay i'm doing the task now so this task is i'm gonna try and find the eminem out of the box of skittles so looks like i'm just gonna have to eat a couple you're gonna kill it don't you dare [Music] justin i have a feeling justin's dead in the other room i'm dead last thing i saw but she was chasing biggie as we just went back around the table and just reported mommy's body because now i die by nas yummy person is still talking saber i think she's gonna die at any moment um [Music] [Applause] [Music] that might mean you're the imposter because you can't do it completely ask okay i just put a block tower well bunny is now dressed right now he looks like he's fake tastic she's faked us [Music] zayn's [Music] i won because there's only one person left wait where's all the other people are you [Music] all right go okay you going here's something with a big reveal again i want to show you why i'm wearing a beanie it's because i've got a pink i'm a crewmate [Applause] [Music] time to go be a friendly crewmate i'm gonna do the raspberry one because i haven't done it so i'm doing the m m tasks [Music] found the other end take two red skittles i'm just doing some [Music] it's drawings [Music] i think mom was looking ass in the bathroom she was gonna try and kill me you had no proof no you look sad as soon as she saw me and i was like going to break grab my whistle she just pretended she was going off to do a task in the study which it's the worst task in there that's true you need to get trapped in a study there's still tasks work i feel like justin was looking success and i looked at him and he started laughing and hitting him in my eyes he slid in his eye like i'm gonna kill you and i started laughing and running and he couldn't catch me i have his eyes are dark skip but i think we keep a close eye on these two yeah keep it close on youtube papa i vote papa okay [Music] you're very nice [Music] i don't know whether mum was fake tarting or was that considered a real tough i'm gonna go outside and water the plants oh my god i got a big blob [Music] my packing size i just want to sit in here and eat skittles okay time for some fishing and fishing's actually a clue for something we've been working with a big big big big big surprise papa's fishing okay i'm gonna go papa why are you grabbing your whistle you're only allowed to whistle if you find a dead body remember okay so this task is your mouth i'm here just so you know i just want to eat the skills these things are pretty hard is this stuck oh my gosh they're all glued together i had to eat this hey tony i think saber's still in here eating smarties now it's a good time to escape [Music] was pretending he was scared maybe he was actually coming closer towards me trying to like grab me i voted for piggy too [Music] hands up if you vote biggie hands up if you vote papa what does that mean what are you doing what are you doing i'm gonna skip so that means biggie is eliminated i wonder if this will be biggie papa's looking suck ass maybe it had a bit more proof no one's died but biggie's been bowed out and he wasn't even the imposter looks an interesting task over here is a warhead [Music] how has someone done this to my beautiful face well that was unexpected this reminds me of my childhood eating sour warheads looks like i've got some oh is it a cockroach or is it a fluff ball right to the outside [Music] [Music] hi hi i think i know who it is i'm dead it's just a whistle oh my god that was so stuff i can't blow my whistle because i've been eliminated [Music] myself there's a dead body in the bathroom what happened what i was doing my outside tasks now it wasn't nice warden ring the garden and i saw mark run to the corridor into your bedroom and then you ran out and saved their body was in the bathroom it was not me i was upstairs the whole time making charm laugh through there i would go up and check to see if my task was done no go check it you are so fake and when i came down here saki pretended to find the fake body she was like oh what you're so fake she did and when she saw her did you see her face did she look surprised she did not want to be surprised because you knew and you're trying to frame me no i was up there i think it's soggy it's sucky now mom is too frantic i definitely think it's mom i think it's soggy i fight for stocky two on two it's a time no one's ejected saber who killed you can you tell me oh this very beautiful lady had amazing black hand it's brown snappy snow so i'm doing the fishing task we're gonna feeling the fish oh it's bright sorry okay don't worry i think he'll work out the rules soon we'll just delete that part okay we're just okay it's fine okay we'll just forget about that keep going keep going going to do the operation task [Music] [Applause] i was taking a nap this is gonna get heated mom was doing a tough i swear you saw us in there and you thought it was only mean you thought that was the perfect time to kill me turned out you tried to kill me yeah i heard i saw mom going poppy doesn't understand what he's doing he still doesn't even realize that you only blow the whistle if it's a dead body i was doing fishing right and then as well passed the corridor into my office then mom will pass the corridor into your office and i heard bang and that's why i went in there to check on nas because i was gonna blow the whistle she's trying to frame me justin i went in there with nas no one killed each other and she came in like this no no and then she saw it and as soon as she saw me yes she was like i can't kill you because that one will see i swear you have to vote mom who [Applause] [Music] hey brooke how about that alone time to talk to that troll it's so you so you you brook's actually calling me in for some alone time with us so i'm just going to take the opportunity that's really good for you i know it's really sad you guys know who it is yeah i do i can't tell you though otherwise it's cheating time for me to do this task one for me [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] [Music] she tricked me she said to come in here i thought we're gonna have some you know special husband and wife time but she just wanted to kill me it's so much fun killing you guys we should go again today we get maybe some likes maybe 300 000 likes and we'll play again yeah catch me [Music] knuckles legends never
Channel: The Norris Nuts
Views: 9,394,539
Rating: 4.925148 out of 5
Keywords: norris nuts, family vlog, sabre, sockie, biggy, naz, disco, Sabre Norris, SOckie Norris, Biggy Norris, Naz Norris, Disco Norris, among us, faze rug among us, among us in real life, faze rug among us in real life, among us irl, among us but in real life, imposter iq, among us imposter, among us impostor, impostor iq, among us but in real life imposter iq 9999999, impostor iq 999, norris nuts among us, norris nuts house
Id: HqLbwAg_rTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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