Real Life Alien Encounters | Weird or What? | Ft. William Shatner | Documentary Central

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you know i've been around for a while met some interesting people done some crazy things so you just might think that there's not much that can take me by surprise you'd be wrong the world is full of stories science and things that amaze and confound me every single day incredible mysteries that keep me awake at night some i can answer others just defy logic are aliens among us in colorado a farmer makes a gruesome discovery a cow is mutilated by technology beyond human comprehension my first thought was their back did aliens commit this ghastly crime [Music] across the world thousands of people are being dragged from their beds in the middle of the night are they being abducted by extraterrestrials there's nothing normal about these beings and in the usa an astronomer makes a remarkable discovery a cryptic message from outer space could this be the first scientific evidence of alien contact yeah it's a weird world and i love it [Music] aliens exist and what's more they not only aim to take over our planet they're already here and they're breeding with us you think i'm crazy well maybe but think twice more than 15 million americans claim they've seen a ufo and let's face it most of us believe that aliens are somewhere out there but now all over the planet weird unexplainable and sometimes horrific events are telling us something else they're not only right here they're up to no good weird or what the san luis valley is a beautiful corner of colorado and home to hundreds of cattle ranchers just like mike duran i grew up in the area here lived here all my life but on march 8 2009 mike's perfect world was shattered when one of his prized cows went missing last time we saw her was friday for sure sunday when i came to feed i noticed her little baby was by itself it's not unusual for cows to get separated from the herd but farmers must find these valuable animals and fast [Music] so i went around the property looking for her and i did not find her so i went on a ridge and on the ridge i can see the whole property very very good finally mike finds what he's looking for but it's not good news i figure while she came down she just fell she just died thought to myself she's been a good cow but on closer inspection mike makes a horrifying discovery and that's when i noticed that her utters had been removed and then i looked and also noticed that the female organ around the vaginal area had also been cut out and it's weird because there's no blood around there are no tracks it appears mike's cow has been brutally mutilated but remarkably this senseless crime isn't the only one in the dead of night someone or something crept onto the martin property and removed the sex organs and other parts from a 700 pound steer i don't see anything on this side garth lamb had never seen anything like it appears to be something very sharp during the last century cattle mutilation has been reported all over the world the incidents are all chillingly similar the animal's sexual organs tongue eyes and ears are often missing its blood has been drained and there is no evidence to identify the attacker mike believes he knows what is responsible for these vicious mutilations the cuts are something that you cannot just make with a knife or anything it looks like it's cut and cauterized at the same time like a laser cut my first uh thought was uh they're back i believe that it's not something from this world people may think i'm crazy but i think it's likely that it's something extraterrestrial or aliens it's horrific isn't it innocent cows farmers friends sliced and seemingly dissected mutilated beyond recognition by something and besides what a waste of delicious steak can we simply blame aliens every time something weird like this happens why should they take the rap but if aliens aren't beating up our beloved bovines who or what is arkansas state police officer sergeant rick o'kelly and sergeant doug fogley are cow mutilation experts they personally investigated nearly 40 identical cases in washington county in 1979 we started having a rash of mysterious deaths of livestock and our job is to determine whether a crime has occurred i got to review most of the cases in arkansas look at their photographs and go to a few scenes there were a lot of theories a lot of people crawled out of the woodwork but this was a crime they had never seen the likes of before they decided to use detective work to try and solve it the sheriff herb marshall came into my office and outlined a experiment he wanted to do to determine you know what might be causing these cattle mutilations using surveillance cameras to study sick and dying cows from the moment of their death they hoped the experiment would reveal how injuries in the mutilated animals might occur what we were seeing within just a couple of hours these animals would start to bloat from the gases inside and that would force all their organs on the outside the eye that was turned up that was exposed to the air it was missing it was gone the tongue was missing and the sexual organs of the animal they were they were all gone but could escaping gasses account for other classic signs of mutilation could they produce the precise laser-like cuts mike durant found on his dead cow there was a lot of talk about surgical incisions and things like that but this was all done by flies anytime you have an animal like that that's laying out in the hot sun and it swells up and all of its organs get pushed out through its anus you're going to have some blood out there and the blowflies cleaned it all up i mean this was a classic cattle mutilation the flies would lay the eggs in the carcass and within just a very short period of time they'd hatch out into maggots and these things would they're great surgeons i mean they they took care of it very quickly we were able to produce that in our experiment there's no difference in the classic mutilation photos and the photos taken by washington county i'm absolutely positively convinced that our experiment proved it beyond the shadow of a doubt and the results for the past 30 years i think backed that up it's a compelling experiment but questions remain what killed seemingly healthy animals in the first place and what about the lack of blood christopher o'brien is an investigative journalist he's been independently researching livestock mutilations since 1992. i find it very hard to believe that aliens are coming light years to harvest parts for lip and eye stew or utter souffle or for whatever reason somebody somewhere knows what is behind these perpetrators agenda chris believes the answer is far more sinister we have 350 reports very good documented reports of helicopter activity in and around cattle mutilation sites and since then we've had about 100 more they are monitoring what i think is a scourge in the food chain which is known as mad cow disease mad cow is a highly infectious and deadly disease that can spread from cows to humans with horrific results when it's discovered in livestock all hell breaks loose because of the pervasive spread of this disease in england six million head of livestock was slaughtered chris believes this deadly disease and the cattle mutilations are linked the first outbreak in 67 occurred right when the first publicized cattle mutilation case occurred which was actually a horse named snippy ever since then we've seen the spread of this phenomenon across the united states 32 states at last count have been targeted and we're no closer to finding out who or what is doing this now i find it interesting that mad cow disease should break out in in in the environment and then we have these unusual livestock desk case commencing [Music] and if we do have mad cow loose in the food chain it stands to reason that there's some quasi-military possibly a government group that's going around lifting these cattle from the pasture doing environmental monitoring to find out how pervasive this is sweeping through cattle herds covert government choppers dragging cows away to be tested for mad cow disease it might explain why there is no footprints at the scene but does it tell us why their organs were removed the soft tissue organs that are most commonly removed in during these cattle mutilation experiments are the organs that humans develop cancer in most often i think that there's a connection there these soft tissue organs are also the youngest organs in the body they're the quickest regenerating tissue and you can find the most recent residual effects of the environment in these organs it's a remarkable claim but why keep it secret if the government ever let word out that they were doing this and that the food chain had been compromised you could just imagine what the panic would be in the red meat eating public and that's not gonna happen so let's think about this what have we learned so far horrific cattle mutilations are taking place all over the planet these mysterious and unthinkable crimes have so far been blamed on choppers kidnapping mystified animals in the middle of the night part of a mad mad cow conspiracy and if you think that's hard to follow others believe the culprits for these heinous crimes are our flies maybe the idea that these were encounters with aliens isn't so crazy i killed an alien worldwide cattle are being mysteriously mutilated is e.t responsible the evidence that we have is that alien intelligences are actually sampling the environment through the removal of tissue and glands of animals on a global scale philip hoyle is the director of the animal pathology research unit in the uk he believes that not only are aliens guilty they are more advanced than we can imagine some of the weirdest stories we hear from farmers that actually have these mutilations is this the spheres of light and within themselves what clearly can only be described as ufos and they operate completely differently and unconventionally to any helicopters or any known aircraft we have some evidence that the perpetrators are actually taking the animals from the farms by using special we call transference beams these beams are an anti-gravity beam and as soon as the animal is placed in the beam they are taken on board the craft where the animals are obviously dissected and then placed back onto the ground the materials that have been actually removed from the animals are then taken back obviously to another location possibly off world to be used in whatever agenda that they might have transference beams might account for the lack of evidence surrounding the cows on the ground but does hoyle have an answer for the precision surgery yes some of the actual injuries that we've actually investigated the technology that's been used is quite frightening because some of the actual injuries would indicate the tissue has been unzipped totally different to a scalpel would be used so it's obviously far in advance anything we have at the moment on planet earth it's clean precise clinical straight line cuts sometimes we discover a black putty paste upon the carcass and this pace when analyzed is actually determined to be hemoglobin it's actually been separated the white and red corpuscles have been separated by a centrifuge and that can only be done in a laboratory predators can't do it phillip oil is not only convinced he's right he thinks the other theories are crazy if maggots have caused these injuries what happens um when an animal's found within minutes or hours of the last time it's been seen what's responsible for that super maggot so if aliens are abducting and mutilating our innocent beloved cows what do they want with them i think there is a number of alien intelligences with a vested interest in planet earth and humanity and they are monitoring the food chain and the environment through the sampling of genetic materials and tissues taken from animals so i think that they're not hostile and they have really got our interests at heart because if they didn't we wouldn't be here today in the end we are left with more questions than answers are cows being mutilated as part of a government conspiracy are their injuries the result of natural causes or are aliens plotting to take over the planet this is a true mystery this is weird people this is weird or what you know i love my sleep i sleep like a baby in fact there's nothing that can wake me up safer well never mind but across the world for hundreds indeed thousands of people sleep as a living nightmare these chosen ones have been woken up in the middle of the night dragged from their beds and taken to somewhere strange where they going and who oh no no they're not there not there oh please not there jim sparks is a very down-to-earth kind of guy i've always been considered to be an honest uh logical straightforward person but in 1969 he experienced a string of events that would threaten his hold on reality i kept having the same recurring dream where some things were coming into my bedroom escorting me out of my bed through the hallway and across the yard into the woods at first jim tries to dismiss the dreams as nothing out of the ordinary but they soon turn into something far more sinister i would be asleep and i would be instantly paralyzed and i would hear this loud whipping whirling sound inside my head i was paralyzed so i couldn't jump up out of bed until the sound was just screaming in my head and then i felt would feel a sensation coming up from the pit of my stomach working its way up to my upper torso and once it hit the area of my heart my heart would race you know like a thousand miles an hour is what it felt like and um these sensations were gut-wrenching and i would be screaming inside my head because i couldn't get my vocal cords to work i don't want to die i don't want to die and then you feel a sense of acceleration and it scared me to death so you scream inside your head i don't want to die i don't want to die and then you black out when jim eventually wakes up he can't believe where he is i was in this room and light was emanating from everywhere but nowhere specifically try to imagine yourself this average person finding yourself in a room not knowing where the heck you are and why you're even there but the one thing jim does know is he is not alone everything was weird there's nothing normal about these beans um they do things in a very methodical business-like fashion they're fast they're quick they're to the point and they're going to tell you things and when they when they decide to shed information it's not always what you want to hear they did a variety of experiments there were mental experiments physical experiments medical experiments it was horrifying it was scary i didn't know what was going on i didn't understand what was going on i just knew that something for the first time in my life paranormal was taking place and i just had no i couldn't i had no frame of reference i couldn't figure what it was i had no clue that they were aliens all i was doing was yelling and screaming is where am i where am i why am i here who's doing this to me sadly jim is no longer an ordinary man he now has an extraordinary claim i've been abducted many dozens and dozens and dozens of times over the last 23 years i understand that there's going to be doubters but this is real after a series of bizarre events a man claims he is being removed from his bed at night and experimented on by aliens could this be true susan clancy is a harvard psychology researcher she believes alien abductions are easily explained could it be aliens came into your room and took you or touched you or performed sexual experiments it could be but it's far more likely that it's an episode of sleep paralysis sleep paralysis is a little known medical condition that affects one in five americans sleep paralysis is one of the weirdest things that can happen when you're sleeping in our research interviewing people who had sleep paralysis experience most people don't think it was linked to alien abduction but most people also do report that they wanted to know what it was and the explanations they generated on their own for example i'm going crazy i'm dying i'm having a heart attack um there's a robber in the house and then of course there's also the alien abduction possibility i experienced sleep paralysis once i was actually writing on sleep paralysis and i had a new baby and i was on my couch trying to finish a paper and i fell asleep and when i woke up sometime in the middle of the night i was spinning in the air like a rotisserie chicken and there were presences in the room and i remember thinking it's real it's all real people really are being abducted sleep paralysis is likely to occur when you have a disruption of your sleep cycles so for example if you're jet lagged or if you're a new mom up all night with your kids or if you're on the night shift during sleep neurotransmitters in the brain send out signals that shut down major muscles and prevents us from acting out our dreams so essentially you're paralyzed when you're sleeping which is very good otherwise you'd be thrashing around and beating up your partner et cetera et cetera but this self-defense mechanism can backfire when your brain wakes up before your body this behavior has been shown in clinical trials when you experience sleep paralysis and you wake up you're still experiencing the paralysis that accompanies sleep so it really is this limbo state where your two sleep cycles sleep and awake have temporarily overlapped you are aware of being awake but you're still sleeping in the sense that you're paralyzed now imagine this on top of that when you experience the sleep paralysis you were dreaming so imagine what happens when you're having a dream the visual images going through your head the feelings you have those visual images those feelings that kind of dream mentation is going to leak into your waking state it is a terrifying experience in this bizarre limbo state terrifying images from the dream world can take over you can feel that there's something in the room you open your mouth to scream but you can't because you can't move at the same time there's a stabbing pain in your stomach and the thing on the bed is so close to you that it's pushing down on your chest this is what a sleep paralysis episode can feel like there's a clear link between sleep paralysis experiences and alien abduction memories however they're not the same thing the way sleep paralysis figures into alien abduction is that usually a sleep paralysis episode is the first thing that happens to people that makes them suspect they may have been abducted by aliens so they have an episode of sleep paralysis they wake up they're thinking my god what just happened to me if these are people that are familiar with movies about alien abduction or read books about alien abduction many of them will think wow is it possible that i was abducted by aliens they're searching for meaning that's perfectly natural are thousands of people who claim to be abducted by aliens simply victims of sleep paralysis or can these bizarre stories be explained by something else neuroscientist dr michael persinger believes he has solved the mystery with a remarkable invention known as the god helmet the helmet has little devices that generate magnetic fields they are pulsed through the brain and very weak intensities very much like putting your face in front of the computer screen is what controls the mark is a computer program special software that translates a serious series of numbers from zero to 256 through an analog to digital converter to the pattern and the pattern we extracted from the brains of people who are having or at least reporting these kinds of experiences so we replicate nature the god helmet was designed to discover why our brains are so receptive to religious experiences but during a series of experiments in 2005 persinger discovered it produced something unexpected and weird and it says you felt the presence of something yeah there's like other things around me i would say the vast majority say it's an alien thing of something it's not theirs these volunteers claimed they were seeing alien entities in the room persinger believes these visions were produced when electricity from the god helmet stimulated the temporal lobes on one side of the brain so here's a human brain it's shrunk a bit because it's been fixed but you can see that you have a left side and a right two hemispheres it's only when we stimulate the right hemisphere that people start to report these entities so what is it about the right side of our brains that can create lifelike aliens let's see if i can explain the left and right sides of our brains are noticeably different if i ask the left side of my brain who am i it would answer with words smart charming handsome all those obvious things but if i ask the right side of my brain who am i it couldn't answer you see the right hemisphere doesn't understand language it only recognizes and stores shapes and images fair enough but what's this got to do with aliens many of the images stored in the right hemisphere of the brain represent ourselves persinger believe stimulating this area causes them to be projected seemingly outside of the body as aliens when you're aware of it it feels like an alien type of sense of self and it could be described depending upon the culture everything from an incubus or a succubus to an angel to a demon to even in terms of contemporary context in our space-oriented society an alien but there's just one problem people like jim sparks weren't sleeping with brain bending helmets on their heads so how did they see aliens some people are more prone to it than others these individuals pick up all kinds of small alterations in the environment and what triggers it can be something as minor as simply a single neuron now what makes that neuron fire well sometimes it's the intrinsic electrical sensitivity of the person sometimes it can be external magnetic fields they occur from tectonic strain before earthquakes or during geomagnetic storms that's why you often have large numbers of people reporting these experiences because large numbers of people are being stimulated at the same time artists writers musicians are very markedly prone to these kinds of experiences in the ancient days they were called the muse you were visited by the muse from another dimension that gave you special inspiration or knowledge or even precognitive type of experiences today of course we call them alien experiences and they're just as real to the person as the muses were to the poets of the past are alien abductions simply a trick of the mind or could they be true one man believes we should be very afraid i fear for my kids and everybody else's kids thousands of people worldwide claim they're being abducted by aliens is this simply a sleep disorder or a trick of the mind temple university professor david jacobs has spent his life studying alien abductions he's come to an incredible conclusion i was not a great believer in abductions when i began this work and now the evidence has persuaded me that alien abductions are real over three decades jacob's research has stacked up numbers which are impossible to ignore i have looked at approximately 1100 different abduction events with about 150 people they know that there's absolutely nothing to gain by coming to my house and saying that they've been abducted by people from another dimension or planet or whatever it is it's all downside there's no upside it makes them look crazy they don't want their names used they don't want they don't want people to know that they're even coming here i have worked with people who refuse to tell me their names they just work under a fake name altogether and i understand that people are abducted with their families they are abducted with strangers they're abducted in groups people can verify each other's abductions should we believe the claims of thousands of victims of alien abduction and if so why is e.t coming to earth you know lots of people believe that this is a benevolent phenomenon that these are loving caring light beams who are concerned with our well-being but jacobs believes the aliens have a much more sinister purpose people have unusual experiences related to ufos and they can't remember what happened to them there might be a two three four hour missing time period that they cannot they can't account for and nobody else around them can account for it either are aliens erasing the memory of their victims why jacobs believes he can find the answer using hypnosis i feel i'm sliding out of the bed are you alone at this time no i feel like there's something around me beings and they're on either side of me i'm scared when i'm under hypnosis i remember being examined some sort of medical exam or some sort of medical procedure all abductees say the same thing they are required to lie on a table uh and when they do that a series of physical reproductive and mental procedures are performed upon them they have a steering procedure whereby a gray alien will stare directly into their eyes from a distance of an inch or maybe even touching foreheads they cannot close their eyes they can't shift their eyes and they can feel a a sort of something happening in their mind it might be flashes of images it might be the evocation of feelings it might be all sorts of things that these beings want to have happen if it's a woman eggs are taken if it's a man sperm is taken why would aliens perform these brutal acts when jacobs digs deep he uncovers something bizarre there was one experience i can remember with a small baby i don't know what you would call it the baby that i was holding was very pale colored seemed very weak to me and didn't have a lot of hair and i felt like i was comforting it um somehow so that was my experience with this this baby and it was you know it's a small fleeting memory in the entire experience and it was um it was puzzling to me because i didn't understand it they all describe unusual looking babies or children who look sort of like a cross between alien and human there was a spectrum some look more human and others look more alien jacobs believes there can only be one answer aliens are breeding with humans why are all sorts of people describing this we think that this is an integration program into the society why it's an integration into the pro into the society i don't know we don't know that that is the main question in abduction research now why abductees are not told why and therefore we don't know why now if this were psychological we'd know why they just make it up like they're making everything else up uh and we'd have a variety of whys but we we really do not know why it's adding up to in the exploitation of one species over another i fear for my kids and everybody else's kids i fear for the set for the generations coming up i i don't think that they're going to be leading the lives that they think they're going to be leading are aliens abducting innocent people in order to create a breeding program and take over the planet are they walking amongst us whatever the answer this story is definitely weird or what august 1977 a mega telescope records what could be the most important broadcast in history could this be the first proof of contact with alien life weird or what if we're to believe that not only do aliens exist but they're here in breeding half human half alien children most sane normal people are going to want something more concrete than some theories by sorry nut jobs we're looking for something a little more substantial like scientific proof right well here it is in 1977 jerry aymond was a university professor with a unique hobby hunting for alien life i was actually a volunteer at the ohio state university radio observatory jerry's job was to study data from a giant telescope called the big ear acting like a giant radio antenna big ear hoped to receive a message from outer space but finding a needle in a cosmic haystack wasn't easy i had been looking at the printouts for many months but seeing nothing significant after years of little more than radio silence at 10 16 p.m on august 15 1977 the big year suddenly came to life for the next 72 seconds it would pump out a message that could ultimately change the world i looked at the computer output and just within two or three pages i saw the signal this was so unusual normally printouts from the big ear contained a few ones and twos representing weak signals from the lifeless vacuum of space but what jerry saw could only be described as i weird six equ5 a sequence of numbers and letters representing a signal that was rising reaching a peak and then falling off i called the director of the radio observatory we decided to start looking up known uh sources of radio waves uh planets satellites anything we could think of nothing matched not a thing so i circled it and wrote the word wow since we couldn't identify it with anything else we just started calling it the wow signal a 72-second message sent to earth from someone or something deep in outer space jerry's right wow is this what we've been waiting for yes the wow signal the first indisputable scientific proof that we are not alone if so who send it and what did it say let's think about this for a minute if you were an alien making contact with earth wouldn't you like to make more of a grand entrance like they do in the movies why bother with something low-tech you wouldn't put a record on a spacecraft and send it out in some random direction at a relatively slow speed you know if you really want to talk to the neighbors on other star systems you you send a signal at the speed of light dr david grinspoon is an astrobiologist he believes the wow signal is something we should be very excited about it seems quite possible to me that the wow signal really is communication from an extraterrestrial intelligence did et really call us and what is it about the wow signal that makes grinspoon so sure it's a narrow band signal which means all of that energy is in one little radio frequency it's not spread out you go a little bit on the dial one direction or the other and there's nothing there naturally occurring radio waves travel across space in a wide range of frequencies narrowband signals are concentrated into one channel which lets them travel vast distances but if the wow signal really is a message from an advanced alien civilization where are they well we know what direction it it came from it came from um a point in the sky in the constellation sagittarius sagittarius is a group of stars we can see from the earth on summer nights if grinspoon is right it could mean the wow signal came from somewhere close within our own galaxy we're now discovering all these planets around other stars so we know enough to know that there are are billions of planets out there in the galaxy and there's got to be life out there and probably lots of it remarkably there's even more mystery surrounding this amazing event if an alien race did send us a radio beam they only did it once we were hoping that the signal would repeat itself so we covered that strip of sky close to 100 times and didn't see anything again an american radio telescope intercepts a powerful and mysterious radio wave from deep in outer space scientists call it the wow signal could this be the first scientific evidence of alien contact astronomer dan wertheimer has analyzed the wow signal he thinks he has the answer it's an interesting signal and i'm very proud of what these guys did they were pioneers early on in the 70s but i don't think they found e.t but if jerry ayman didn't find proof of extraterrestrial life what exactly did he find a radio telescope is very sensitive so anything passing over the beam of the telescope we can detect but it's also unfortunately sensitive to signals that can come in from the side radial pollution comes from people with cell phones television transmitters radar airplanes every second human technology produces billions of radio waves on a radio telescope most of them are seen as random energy but the wild signal was a concentrated signal over 72 seconds long could anything man-made produce something similar the answer is yes that kind of thing can come from a satellite passing over the dish as it gets nearer to the dish it gets stronger it's good right go over the dish it's very strong and then as it moves away from the dish it gets weaker we have 100 of these things that look very similar to the wow signal but they're not e.t did jerry ayman mistake a satellite for a message from aliens it's certainly a plausible explanation but there's just one big problem we've investigated you know all known satellites and none were in the area at the time of our observation could they have missed something could there have been a secret military satellite in the area a satellite closer in three four hundred miles off the earth's surface would have moved so rapidly we wouldn't have got the beam shape that we observed so if it's not a satellite if it's not some guy on a cell phone or a bad 70s rerun and if it's not a broadcast from aliens what else could possibly produce a signal that makes us go wow caleb scharf is an astronomer who peers into the deepest regions of space he has seen things that make him believe neither man nor alien made the wow signal there's a lot of weird stuff happening in the universe the universe may look quiet when you're standing outside on a on a peaceful night but the truth is there are phenomena in the universe that are explosive violent and changing all the time and sometimes we see that energy as bursts of radio emission even bursts of x-ray light the space weirdos caliber refers to are things like neutron stars the leftover cores of once great stars and supernovas the explosive results of when even bigger stars die but one of the weirdest black holes i think the black holes form when a really massive star burns through all its fuel and can no longer support itself against the force of gravity its own weight crushes it the truth is as material drops into a black hole and gets shredded by the intense gravitational field it releases energy back out into the universe that energy can be in the form of x-rays of light and of radio waves which is if after the black hole has a meal it burps and that burp can be heard across the universe so the wow signal the thing that we thought might be the first message from an advanced intergalactic civilization and one of the greatest moments in human history is just a black hole belching after gulping down the nebula too fast is this guy for real and does it explain the biggest mystery of all why we only heard the wow signal once i'm not sure it does excuse me there are many phenomena out there that may only happen once in a human lifetime so imagine you're in a big stadium there are 20 000 people around you and they all have cameras with flashes you'll see a flash and you'll try to locate it the problem is it's almost impossible to know exactly who used their camera at that moment the while signal is kind of like that but we know that there are many incredibly interesting phenomena in the universe like neutron stars getting cranky black holes burping that do just this it's like flash is going off in a stadium and we're at the center we're trying to understand what's happening could the wow signal be made by something so strange science hasn't even discovered it yet it may be the best explanation yet but many believe this mystery isn't solved so easily this could be some natural phenomena that we we don't know about but people have tried to sort of match it up with natural phenomena we do know about and it just it doesn't work it doesn't have the right characteristics so if the wow signal wasn't something natural what was it did we just get lucky and catch an alien conversation and if we did it raises one last compelling question what were they saying i think of it as uh what i imagine is a ship to ship communication it almost seems accidental like maybe we were eavesdropping on something because it's there and then it's not there it's uh it's sort of haunting that it's still out there the wow signal now is you know however many light years away from earth still traveling through space it's a beacon that's saying hey this is not completely fruitless this search keep keep looking there are things out here to find in the end we are left with a mystery is the wow signal just some freaky radio transmission from earth was it the bizarre burp of a black hole or could it be the first real proof of alien life whatever the truth it's definitely weird or what [Music] so there we have it strange and mysterious stories of encounters with aliens in colorado a farmer discovers a cow mysteriously mutilated by unknown forces in texas a man is taken from his bed night after night abducted and experimented on by beings he cannot comprehend in ohio an astronomer receives a cryptic message from outer space are these bizarre stories evidence of human encounters with aliens can we dismiss thousands of eyewitnesses who claim they're true you decide join me again next time for more stories that will undoubtedly be weird or what [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Documentary Central
Views: 1,172,797
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Keywords: Documentary, Channel, Watch, Online, Videos, Full, Free, Stream, Documentaries, TV, Series, Movie, Doco, Season, Episode, YouTube, ufo, ufo documentary, alien documentary, roswell, alien, William shatner, weird or what, William Shatner, Weird of what?, Star Trek, Animals, Monsters, Aliens, Conspiracy, Thoeries, Thery, Conspiracy theory, William, Shatner, Narrator, William Shatner Series, captain james kirk, captain james t. kirk, captain kirk, captain kirk impressions, impression, impressions, reviews, shatner
Id: 2tJtZtp7rzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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