Real Housewives' Kids Who Are Screwing Up Their Lives

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Poppin' bottles, poppin'  pills and breakin' the law.   From The O.C. to Jersey, these "Real  Housewives" kids took reality fame and   flipped it the bird. Here's who screwed the  pooch and who just might make it out alive. Tamra Judge's 30-something son, Ryan Vieth,   has been in trouble since we first met him  on "The Real Housewives of Orange County."   Things escalated in 2015 when he was arrested  for alleged domestic violence after reportedly   fighting with his fiancée, Sarah Rodriguez,  who's also the mother of his daughter Ava. "I'm not buying into it." Judge downplayed the incident on Instagram,  but Vieth and Rodriguez have since broken up.   Vieth then proceeded to bash his ex online.  Three years later, Vieth shared a homophobic,   transphobic, and racist Instagram Stories rant  that was captured by Reality Tea, when he wrote: "Who else is sick of hearing  about gay/trans people or how   racist white people are toward  black [people] or asians now?" Oof. Instagram Stories expire, but this  one couldn't disappear fast enough. Josh Waring's rap sheet is longer than  his mom's short-lived stint on "The Real   Housewives of Orange County." Lauri Peterson  stuck around for two seasons, but told The   Orange County Register that she left to deal with  the fallout of her son's ongoing drug problems. Sadly, his issues have only escalated  ever since, and now include battery,   and felony drug and forgery charges,  according to Crime Watch Daily.   Still, nothing is quite as shocking as his  2016 arrest for alleged attempted murder. "He started smoking marijuana and I just  feel that that was just the path down." According to the Los Angeles Times, the arrest  involved a police chase and brief standoff.   Waring pleaded not guilty to all  12 charges related to the incident.   For the next two years, his case  continued to make headlines. He was caught with wine in his prison  cell; sued by the man he allegedly shot;   screamed profanities in court; and  fired his lawyer while alleging a   grand conspiracy to frame him by  the Costa Mesa Police Department. Waring pleaded guilty to the shooting  in 2021 to avoid additional jail time,   but he was back behind bars  shortly after his release. According to CBS News, he was arrested  twice in two years for drug charges   involving fentanyl — along with a number  of felonies. When he missed his court date,   he was declared a fugitive  and sent back to the slammer. Tammy Knickerbocker only appeared on "The Real  Housewives of Orange County" for two seasons.   But her adult daughter, Lindsey Knickerbocker,  is still catching headlines for bad behavior. According to WREG Memphis, she was  cuffed in a Motel 6 parking lot in   Arkansas in February 2022 — thanks to  a broken license plate light. Per the   report, officers also searched  Lindsey's car and discovered: ".4 grams of meth, more than  $2,000 in counterfeit money,   2 forged checks and a device  to print more checks." More than a week after her arrest,  The Sun reported that Lindsey was   still behind bars because her family  failed to pay off her $25,000 bail. Ashley Holmes had a wild ride   as the daughter of "The Real Housewives  of New Jersey" alum Jaqueline Laurita.   In the early years of the show, Holmes was a  major character who pretty much did what teenagers   do best — rebel against their parents and get  arrested for assaulting their mom's coworkers. "You're not going unless you make  your bed and you put those away." "Mom, are you on crack?" In 2010 — the year following the iconic  Teresa Giudice table flip — Holmes was   involved in a now-legendary scuffle  that got the New Jersey Housewives cast   banned from the North Jersey Country Club. During the incident, Holmes yanked Danielle  Staub's extensions straight from her head   during a verbal argument. Of course, for the  serious fans, we should mention that Staub was   wildly offended yet basically did the same  thing to Margaret Josephs a decade later.   But either way, weave-pulling is  classified as legitimate assault,   and Holmes was convicted and slapped with a  $189 fine, according to the New York Daily News. Today, Holmes seems to have gotten her  act together — at least when it comes   to no longer pulling people's hair.  She moved out of her parents' house,   became a makeup artist, and tied the knot. But her alleged temper apparently moved  on with her. In 2020, Holmes announced   that she had separated from her husband, Pete  Malleo, and seemingly began lashing out online.   According to Page Six, she went as far  as claiming of her estranged husband: "[He] is busy f—ing some busted looking w—-." That's a lot to say to a fan in a tiny Instagram  comment. While Malleo denied the allegations,   Holmes told another fan not to feel  bad for her, writing, "I'm fine lol." One so-called "Housekid" who seems to  have possibly rebounded from some of   his trouble is Peter Rosello, the son of "Real  Housewives of Miami" star Alexia Echevarria.   He had a tumultuous couple of years  when he was arrested for allegedly   assaulting a homeless man and posting  a video of the incident online in 2012. Then, less than a year later, he was arrested for  possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia,   according to Gossip Extra. Apparently,  police only found him out because he was   riding in a car that struck an unmarked  police vehicle and fled the scene. "As a mother, obviously, you  can, you know, feel my pain." But even today, Rosello still seems to  struggle. According to People, he was   arrested for battery after allegedly getting  physical with his girlfriend in early 2022.   The charges were later dropped, and  while speaking with Showbiz CheatSheet,   Echevarria tried to explain  her son's ongoing issues. She revealed that Peter was traumatized  when his younger brother Frankie was   involved in a head-on collision and placed  in a medically induced coma. At the time,   Peter reportedly claimed that he didn't want to  live without his brother, who eventually emerged   with debilitating brain trauma. It looks like  everyone in the family has a lot of healing to do. Luann de Lesseps' daughter, Victoria,   successfully offended Aviva Drescher on "The  Real Housewives of New York City" in 2014 when   her art — which often features nude women —  was included in one of Drescher's parties. By all accounts, Victoria seems to  be living a pretty typical life in   the Big Apple these days as a  budding artist and designer.   But her time in her mom's spotlight hasn't  always been filled with wine and roses. In April 2017, Victoria was pulled over in the  Hamptons for driving without her headlights on.   At the time, she was given a breathalyzer  test, and blew a .15. If you need a refresher,   the legal limit is .08. Victoria was  arrested and spent the night in jail. Bravo fanatics may also recall that mom Luann was   similarly arrested in Palm Beach that  December for what E! News reported as: "Battery on an officer, disorderly intoxication,   resisting arrest with violence  and crimes against a person." Luckily, the former countess and her  daughter have since been able to keep   their noses pretty clean. Luann —  who launched an alcohol-free rosé   brand — has long been open about her journey  toward sobriety, telling People in 2019, "I take my sobriety very seriously and like  many in my situation, it is a daily struggle." "I put you through such hell for a long time,  so, I just want to say I'm sorry my love." Luann has also bonded with Victoria  over the decision to give up alcohol,   telling her daughter in a 2021 episode of the  show that she was proud of how far she had come. "Very proud of her. Very  grown-up to get it at this age." Lynne Curtin joined the cast of "The Real  Housewives of Orange County" in the middle   of Season 4 and stuck it out until the end of  Season 5. But she had her hands full from the   beginning with financial issues and with  her two teen daughters, Raquel and Alexa. "Alexa's just Alexa. She's semi-retired,  she doesn't work now. She has a boyfriend." But things have gone south for Alexa,  who turned 30 in 2022. Back in June 2016,   she was pulled over and found to be in  possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia.   A year later, she got a DUI for allegedly driving  under the influence of prescription drugs. The following month, Alexa's grandmother accused  her of breaking into her house and threatening   her. Just two months after that, cops busted her  again for allegedly smoking heroin in her car. She was also accused of keying her  boyfriend's car in February 2018.   And after pleading guilty to a  variety of similar charges in 2021,   she was sentenced to over two months  behind bars, according to The Blast. It should also be noted that in August  2017, she won a $2.25 million civil   suit against the County of Orange and  Deputy Sheriff Nicholas Lee Caropino. Alexa claimed Caropino sexually assaulted  her after investigating a 2014 domestic   dispute between herself and her ex-husband.  Though Caropino was cleared of criminal   charges after a lengthy investigation, Alexa  maintained her allegation, telling People: "This has been the hardest  thing I've ever gone through." NeNe Leakes was already battling son Bryson  Bryant's legal woes in the early seasons   of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta." He was  arrested twice in 2010 on gun and drug charges,   which Leakes downplayed in a  statement to People, adding: "Like any parent, I am disappointed  with the actions and arrest of my son,   Bryson. […] [We will] deal with this  family issue in a private manner." "My oldest burned our kitchen  down once. Like, years ago." Unfortunately, Bryant has been  arrested multiple times since. In 2011,   he got caught stealing from an area  Walmart. NeNe Leakes refused to bail   Bryant out of jail and even kicked him out  of the house, according to Distractify. Things spiraled so far out of control  that by late 2014, he was sent to the   slammer for three months and ordered to  check into an "intensive" rehab program,   according to Radar. In 2015, the Atlanta  Journal Constitution reported that   Bryant had been arrested again, for  providing police with a false name. To make matters even worse, someone leaked  photos of Bryant to Radar in October 2017,   alleging they partied with  him while he snorted cocaine. Still, Bryant turned things around. In addition  to welcoming three children, his Instagram states   he's an aspiring music producer, manager,  and actor, as well as a proud family man. If you or anyone you know is struggling  with addiction issues, help is available.   Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental  Health Services Administration website   or contact SAMHSA's National  Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
Channel: Nicki Swift
Views: 135,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nicki swift, real housewives, celebrity kids, scandal, reality tv
Id: AHEx66-9GzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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