Real English Conversation: Eat With Us

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Vanessa: Hi, would you like to bake some tasty chocolate chip blueberry muffins with me and my family? You are invited to join us today here in my kitchen where we are about to bake some muffins with my kids and our new baby. And you'll learn some real life English along the way. Hi, I'm Vanessa from The best way to learn English is in the real world. So today you're going to immerse yourself in English, I hope to have some fun along the way, and just enjoy the English learning process. Like always, I have created a free PDF worksheet with all of today's useful expressions, pronunciation, ideas, everything that you need to be able to speak English in the real world. Plus at the bottom of the free worksheet, you can answer Vanessa's Challenge question. You can click on the link in the description to download the free PDF worksheet today. All right, are you ready to meet my family and to make some wonderful muffins together? It's a little bit chaotic, I have to admit. Baking with two children is like that, but that's real life. So let's get started. Hi everyone. Did you want to introduce yourself or do you want me to introduce you? Theo: Introduce me. Vanessa: Okay. This is Theo. How old are you, Theo? Theo: Five. Vanessa: Five. And they are eating frozen strawberries right now. Sometimes you got to do what you got to do. And Freddie, this is Freddie, how old are you, Freddie? Freddie: Two. Vanessa: Two. Okay. And we have another baby that's going to be cooking with us. What's her name? Theo: Matilda in her belly. Vanessa: Matilda Mai is in my belly. That's right. And today, what are we going to be making? Theo: Muffins. Vanessa: Muffins. All right. Freddie: And we have our own camera. Vanessa: We have our own camera and microphone. How cool? This is Freddie's first time making a video cooking with me. Theo: You have to talk on yours. Vanessa: Yep. And they'll be able to hear me in here. So what we're going to do first, do you know what the first step is, whenever you make something? Theo: What? Vanessa: We got to turn on the oven. Theo: Turn on the oven. First step to cook something. Vanessa: That's right. Turning on the oven is the first step. Theo: I did put it on. Vanessa: Thank you. Okay. Well, I told Theo and Freddie that you guys were interested in cooking with us, baking with us. So they're going to be your teachers too. Freddie: Yucky. Vanessa: All right. We turned on the oven. And the next thing- Theo: I can eat more. Vanessa: You're going to eat strawberries this whole time? The next thing is we need a big bowl. You guys ready? Theo: Yes. Vanessa: I'm going to need to put that bowl where the strawberries are. Theo: The next thing we need after we heat up the stove is to give a big bowl and mix the stuff up. Vanessa: You know what? Those strawberries are going to be just for eating and they're not going to be for our muffins. All right, Theo, can you hold this one cup measurement? We are going to need one and a half cups of oats. All right, dump it in. And a half full, just eyeball it. There you go. Okay. And then it says we need one cup of milk. Could you hold that cup again? Theo: Okay. Wait, after that we need one cup of milk. Vanessa: You're right. Okay. And then after we pour this in, Freddie is going to be our professional stirrer. Theo: No, I will. Vanessa: Pour it in. Theo: Can I please stir it? Vanessa: All right. You guys both can stir. You get a couple stirs and then pass it to Freddie and he gets a couple stirs. Freddie: No, I want that one. Vanessa: You're going to use a different one. This one? Freddie: No, that one. Theo: He can do it at the- Vanessa: This one? Okay. You're going to use the whisk? Theo: He can do it at the same time. Vanessa: All right. If you guys can do that together without arguing about it, then... Theo: I'm done. Vanessa: Or you can pass it off to each other. All right. While Freddie is doing his good stirring skills and Freddie- Theo: Okay. And the next thing is to stir it after you get the big bowl. Vanessa: Thank you, Theo. The next thing is we need a medium bowl and we're going to mix- Theo: The next thing, you need a medium bowl. Vanessa: That's right. Okay. Well, it sounds like Theo is really taking on the role of teaching baking. Is this Theo's cooking class? Theo: Mm-hmm. Vanessa: Muffin class with Theo and Freddie. Freddie, make sure you use the whisk. Don't use your fingers when you mix it. Thank you. Theo: I want oats. Freddie: Ow. Vanessa: All right. You guys each eat a pinch and then we'll set it aside because it says we need to set it aside for 10 minutes. Do you know why? Theo: Set it aside for 10 minutes after that. Vanessa: Yes. And that will help the oats get nice and soft. Theo: And that will help the oats get nice and soft. Vanessa: All right. Freddie: Ow. Vanessa: Take the one cup. And I'm going to need you to- Theo: Take the one cup and... Vanessa: Scoop one cup of flour, please. Theo: Scoop one cup of flour, please. Vanessa: There you go. Dump it in. All right. And then we're going to mix the baking powder. So Freddie, can you help me with that? You take the little scooper. Theo: You take the little scooper. Vanessa: Theo, you don't need to repeat everything I say. Theo: No, I want to. Do I have to- Vanessa: All right, Freddie. We got to clean it off because we don't want it to be wet at all. Here, I'll use my apron. Here you go. Theo: And then- Vanessa: Freddie, I just asked you to not put it in your mouth. I don't want it to be wet. You're going to put it in here and scoop. Make a good scoop. There you go. Theo: And then take a big scoop of the baking power. Vanessa: All right, put it in here. Theo: And then take a big scoop of the baking power and mix it up. Vanessa: Yep. Can you mix that up, Freddie? Mix it with that scooper. And then we're going to put cinnamon in. So Theo, can you be in charge of sprinkling some cinnamon in there? You're the bowl holder, I see. All right, we got a- Theo: Okay. Are you done? Vanessa: A pinch of salt. And you can put cinnamon in there. You know what? I think you could even put a lot. Theo: How much? Vanessa: We'll see. Or you can just- Whoa. Now you're going to have to be a muffin. Yep. You can put more. Just tap, tap, tap the back of it. There you go. Oh, that's good. Now we're all going to cough. Theo: Are we? Vanessa: Okay. Mix, mix, mix. Theo: And then put lots and lots of cinnamon in for oat muffins. Vanessa: Yum, yum, yum. You know something I forgot? I forgot the sugar. Theo: Sugar, we need to put sugar in. Vanessa: We need sugar. Oh, right. Let's use some... Theo: “We need the sugar! We need the sugar now. Hi ho the dairy-o, we need the sugar.” Vanessa: I don't know if you guys even need any sugar. You guys got the crazies. Theo: No, we want some. Vanessa: Okay, so what we're going to do is we're going to use two different types of sugar. Theo: Okay. Freddie: I need sugar. Vanessa: I would like Freddie to help me be the musher. Do you know how to mush bananas? Freddie: Yes. Theo: Yes. Vanessa: Okay. Let's see if Freddie can be the musher. Freddie: Mush me- Vanessa: Here. This is the bananas. Can you mush, mush, mush like that? Freddie: Yes. Vanessa: All right. Freddie's going to be the banana musher. Theo: And I'll put the sugar in. Freddie: And I have both. Mush, mush, mush. Vanessa: Yes. Theo: Now, how do you- Vanessa: Thank you. Theo: I'd like to open that. Vanessa: Yeah, this one's... Freddie: And you straighten all this out. Vanessa: So this is honey and this is molasses, sorghum molasses made by your school, that's pretty cool. Freddie: I'm done. Vanessa: We got to be careful not to use too much. All right. Freddie: Am I done? Vanessa: That's good. That's a good amount. Theo: Then some molasses after. And then you put some sugar in and put molasses and honey in and then you mush the bananas and put some... And then you dump the- Are you ready? Freddie: Tasty. Theo: I'm going to mix with this or this? Vanessa: We're going to mix the- Freddie, did you finish mushing the bananas? Freddie: Mm-hmm. Vanessa: Okay, we're going to pour the bananas in here. Theo: And now we'll mix it- Vanessa: And can you mix all that up please? May the chaos ensue. Freddie: Can I eat it? Theo: Okay. Vanessa: All right. And then we have a big job. Freddie, you hold your whisk. And Theo, can you dump all of that into here? Because after this, we're going to have one more important task. Theo: And then it'll be ready to cook? Vanessa: Almost. These are pretty easy to make. Theo: Can I eat one? Vanessa: I wouldn't eat that, but you can put your finger in there to get it into the pan. So we let our oats set aside for, I don't know if that was 10 minutes, but a few minutes. Let them get a little bit soft. Now, can you be the dumper? Theo: And now we'll pour. And now we'll pour one of the mixes into the other. Vanessa: Mm-hmm. Theo: And then- Vanessa: Let's see if there's any extra in here. That's a great idea. Freddie: Frozen strawberry. Theo: And then we'll get all the- Vanessa: The highlight is eating frozen strawberries while you bake. Theo: Yes. You have to eat frozen strawberries or else you're not baking. Vanessa: Wow. Is that a rule? Theo: Yes. Vanessa: All right. All right, so each of you get to choose one egg from our chickens. Freddie: And I want- Theo: To crack? Vanessa: Which egg? You want to choose a blue one? Freddie, what do you want to choose? Freddie: I want this one. Vanessa: That one, the speckled green egg? All right. Nice crack Theo. You put that shell right in there. Theo: Wasn't it so good? Vanessa: That was a really smooth crack. Freddie: And now my eggs. Vanessa: And now Freddie's egg. All right, Theo, could you step back for a second on the back of your chair? And me and Freddie are going to do it together. Freddie: No, I'll do it. Vanessa: Freddie, can you put your hand on my hand? Theo: Do you want me to do it or do you want to do it? Vanessa: Freddie's going to practice because you've been practicing cracking eggs for a couple years. Ready? Theo: I want another one to put in. Vanessa: Well, let's make sure. It says two eggs. Ready? 1, 2, 3. Theo: And then you put two eggs in. Vanessa: Yeah. Freddie: That looks yummy. Vanessa: That does look yummy. All right. Each of you take a turn stirring the muffin mixture. Theo: How do you get eggs out of something? Vanessa: Wow. Yep. Just keep stirring it. Keep stirring it. Theo: Is it done? Is the muffins done till we eat them? Vanessa: Well, there's a couple special ingredients after you stir that we're going to put in. Theo: Chocolate. Vanessa: Yeah. Freddie, do you know what we're going to put in next? Theo: Chocolate chips. Vanessa: We're going to put some chocolate chips. And... Theo: What? Vanessa: Something that was frozen that you guys didn't eat yet. Theo: What is it? Vanessa: Blueberries. So it's going to be blueberry chocolate. Are you not excited about the blueberries? Theo: No, I am. Vanessa: Okay. More excited maybe about the chocolate. Freddie: Now it's my turn. Vanessa: All right, Theo, are you done with your turn? Theo: Mm-hmm. Vanessa: Okay. Theo: And I'll take that- Vanessa: Looks like it is Freddie's turn to stir. Theo: I'll pour in some chocolate chips. Vanessa: That's the empty bag. We got to wait till Freddie is done. Theo: No, I'm just going to hold them. Vanessa: The famous, "I'm just going to hold them." Freddie: I'm going to eat it. I'm going to eat it while it's open. Vanessa: You're going to eat it while it's open? Freddie: Oh. Can I eat it? Vanessa: Not now. It has raw eggs in it. Theo: When will we try to- Vanessa: Those are from our chickens and even though our chickens are healthy, you don't want to eat them raw. Theo: I want to put the chocolate chips in. Vanessa: Soon. Soon, soon. Theo: I want to pour these whole bags in. Vanessa: Mm-hmm. Freddie: I'm all done. Vanessa: All right, Freddie said he is done. So you can hold onto that whisk. Theo: Now put in some blueberries and chocolate chips. Freddie: And I want to eat the chocolate chips. Vanessa: Freddie, can you dump that whole thing of blueberries into that bowl? Theo: I don't- Vanessa: I think personally, you can never have too many blueberries or raspberries in muffins, right? Theo: Yes. Vanessa: Keep shaking it. Theo: Not all of it is out. Vanessa: Freddie can do it. Theo: If you need any help, I'll try. Vanessa: Lucky he's getting it. (Singing). Freddie: I need some help. Theo: Is it? That wasn't even the side. Vanessa: It looks like there's just a little tiny hole at the end of this bag. Maybe we can make that hole bigger. Theo: How big? Vanessa: Rip it open. There we go. Now they'll fly out. Okay. Theo: I think we'll have to get a bowl- Vanessa: Now, I have an important task for each of you. Can you get one big handful of chocolate chips? One. Just one hand. Theo: That's a hand full. Vanessa: Now, that's two hands, but okay. Freddie, you take one big handful. Freddie: I'm going to eat it. Vanessa: You can eat a couple, and then we're going to put- Theo: I'm going to eat a couple. Vanessa: A big handful in- Freddie: I'm going to eat that bit. Vanessa: That's a little too much to eat before the muffins, so why don't you put those in the batter? Theo: Can I eat this much? Vanessa: Yeah. And you guys can each take a little handful to nibble on while we bake the muffins. And maybe I will too. Freddie: May I eat this little? Vanessa: That's a little bit. That's okay. I'll have some for me too. All right. Now who's going to stir the muffin mixture for the last time? Theo: Me. Freddie: No. Theo: You can try. Vanessa: Yep. We both knead. You can both do it. I'm going to get our muffin tin out. All right. I'm going to put some coconut oil in the bottom of our muffin tins because I don't like to use muffin papers. I think it's a little wasteful, but a little bit of oil does the job, and that way you guys can put the muffin mixture... Whoa. All right. Can we show that to our students? Theo: What? Vanessa: That is so many blueberries. I think these are blueberries with a side of muffin, not blueberry muffins. Wow. Well, it's sure going to be good. Theo: We're going to have so my blueberries there. Vanessa: Yeah, it might take a little bit longer to cook because there's so many blueberries, but that's okay. Freddie: Hello. Vanessa: We'll eat them. Theo: They'll still be yummy. Vanessa: They will still be yummy. All right. How's that mixing going? Theo: Next up, the shoelace cake. Vanessa: What's a shoe lace cake? Is that where you cook shoelaces? Theo: Mm-hmm. You can only cook shoelaces in a shoelace cake. All you do to make a shoelace cake is making cake and put shoelaces on it. Vanessa: Oh my. Well, there you go, Theo's special recipe. Freddie, what kind of cake would you like to make? Theo: To make shoeless cakes are very yummy. Freddie: But I want to make a chocolate cake. Theo: But you have to take the shoelace of. Vanessa: You want to make a chocolate cake? Maybe that's what we'll make for your birthday? Freddie: Yes. Vanessa: Okay. Well, technically the recipe says don't over mix. But you know what? It's just muffins. It's okay. You can mix them. And then the important thing is bonding, spending time together. Right, guys? Theo: Smell this. Vanessa: Smells like blueberries. Freddie: Can I smell it? Theo: Mm-hmm. Freddie: Can I eat it? Theo: No. Vanessa: When we bake it, you can. All right. It's going to be Freddie's turn soon to mix the mixture. Theo: He already mixed it. Vanessa: Freddie already did? Okay. Theo: Hey, I make it blue. Look at that. Vanessa: The next thing we have to do is- Theo: That's smell so good. Vanessa: Yeah? Freddie: Can I smell? Vanessa: It says we're going to need to bake them. It also says, "Fold gently". Theo: What's fold? Vanessa: It means carefully, slowly mix it, which is not what we're doing, but it just means that they'll be a little bit thick. Freddie: Can I have a scooper, that scooper? Vanessa: Maybe a little hard, but that's okay. Freddie: Can I have that scooper? Vanessa: Which scooper? This scooper? Freddie: Mm-hmm. Vanessa: Okay. Freddie: So I can pour the muffins into this. Vanessa: You want to pour the muffins into here? Theo: I want a scooper. Vanessa: All right. Here. Why don't you guys both work on doing that? I'll get you a smaller scooper because that one's too big. Here you go, Theo. Are you taking my chocolate chips? Here. Let's give this last one to Freddie. Freddie: That... Vanessa: There you go. Can you guys scoop them into the muffin tins so they're like- Theo: I feel like we might need- Vanessa: Not quite full, but almost full. Theo: Like this? Vanessa: Yeah, that's good. Because if they're too full, I might need another muffin tin. We have so many blueberries. Oh, boy. I like making recipes that are forgiving. That means that if you add lots and lots and lots of toppings, it's fine. It still cooks. Let's make six in here. Theo: This is going to be a lot. Vanessa: You got to see this explosion of ingredients. Wow. Theo: Enough. That's on me. Vanessa: All right. Maybe this one is going to- Theo: Cinnamon everywhere. Vanessa: Overflow. Yeah. You guys are covered in cinnamon. Theo: Yeah. Vanessa: Well, it's not the end of the world. It's just cinnamon. If you were covered in like eggs or something, it might be uncomfortable. Or maybe that would be fun. You never know what kids would think is fun. Swimming in eggs. Freddie: I can swim in eggs? Vanessa: Are you going to swim in eggs? Theo: Don't put it in one that's already full. That's the full one. Vanessa: Yeah. Theo: You think I- Vanessa: So we'll just kind of squish the ingredients into the tin so that it doesn't... Theo: No, don't pour it in that one. Vanessa: Let's show him which one he can put it in. Theo: Put it in the ones that aren't filled up. Vanessa: It looks like all the ones close to him are pretty full, so maybe that's why he keeps adding it to that one. Theo: Okay. Add it to this. But I need to take the rest out because I have no- Freddie: Uh-oh. Vanessa: So Freddie, why don't you put it in here? All right, guys. The next step is to put them in the oven. Vanessa: Yeah, there's a lot of stuff in the freezer. Theo: I guess we'll just have to chew on some frozen bananas. Vanessa: Chew on some frozen bananas? Freddie: Yeah. Vanessa: What? Freddie: You want some frozen bananas. Theo: We have a whole bag to eat. Freddie: We have a whole bag to eat. I'm terrified of it. Theo: Do you want to try one? Freddie: They're too cold. Theo: They're yummy. Freddie: Yummy, but also cold. Vanessa: Do you guys want some frozen peas? Theo: Hmm-mm. Vanessa: Maybe frozen peas would be better. Freddie: No. Theo: These are squishy. Freddie: Yes. Vanessa: All right. Are you guys ready to answer some questions? Freddie: Mm-hmm. Vanessa: The first question is this. These are all questions about our baby. This is a good question. It says, "What type of things will you teach her how to do?" What kind of things will you teach Tilly how to do? Theo: What do you think? Vanessa: Well, I think I'm going to teach her- Theo: Did they ask us all of those questions? Vanessa: This is my question. What kind of things are you going to teach your little sister how to do? Theo: These are all questions that you wrote? Vanessa: Uh-huh. Theo: Or did your students tell you them? Vanessa: No, my students didn't tell me these questions, but maybe these are things that they're curious about. So what are you going to teach her how to do? Freddie: I need a fork. Vanessa: Here you go. Theo: We're going to teach her to play. Vanessa: To play. Okay. What about you, Freddie? What's something you're going to teach your baby sister? Freddie: Cook. Vanessa: How to cook. Perfect. All right. Let's see. How many hours do you think she will sleep, every day? Theo: Three. Three. Three. Vanessa: Three hours. How many hours do you think Matilda's going to sleep, Freddie? Freddie: Eight. Vanessa: Eight? Okay. All right. You know how long babies usually sleep? Freddie: I don't know. Vanessa: When they're first born, they sleep like 20 hours. It's all day almost. This is a good question. Theo: Our baby's going to sleep 20 hours. Vanessa: Wow. When she cries, what should we do? Theo: Sing her a song. Vanessa: Aww. Okay. Freddie, what are you going to do when Matilda cries? Freddie: I'm sing her a song. Vanessa: You're going to sing her a song. What kind of songs do you think you might sing her? Theo: Rock-a-bye Baby. Vanessa: Rock-a-bye Baby? Okay. What about you, Freddie? What song do you think you might sing her? Theo: I'm Rock-a-bye Baby. Vanessa: Rock-a-bye Baby. All right. All right, let's get another one. When she learns to talk, it's probably going to take like a year, but when she learns to talk, what do you think her first word is going to be? Theo: "Truck." Vanessa: Truck? Theo: I think it's going to be "rock". Vanessa: "Rock", okay. Freddie, what do you think that Matilda's first word is going to be? Theo: Fan. Vanessa: Fan? Like a fan on the ceiling? Freddie: Mm-hmm. Vanessa: Okay. Babies like to look at fans. You never know. Theo: But Fred's chewing the cold- Vanessa: You got a banana? That's okay. If you're done grabbing that piece- Theo: Hey, give me more. Vanessa: Theo, are you done with the bananas? Theo: No. These are out the- Vanessa: Take one out and put it on your plate and we'll put the rest back. Oh my goodness. That's a giant banana. Theo: It's a whole one. Vanessa: All right, my question is- Theo: Hey. Vanessa: What will be her favorite food when she's born? Theo: We don't know. Milk. Vanessa: Oh? Theo: Her favorite food will be my mom's milk. Vanessa: Mom's milk. What do you think, Freddie? What kind of food will- Theo: Are they hearing all the stuff we're saying? Vanessa: Yeah. What kind of food will Tilly like when she's born? Theo: Muffins. Vanessa: Muffins. Theo: She'll like muffins. Vanessa: Muffins. All right. Now, this is the last question, and I want to see, how big do you think she will be when she's born? Show me with your hands. How big? That big? Theo: I think she'll be this big. Vanessa: That big? Okay. And you think you're going to be able to hold her? Theo: I think she'll be this big. Vanessa: You think she'll be that big? Theo: I think she'll be this big. Freddie: Going to be this big. Theo: I think she'll be this big. Vanessa: This big? How big do you think? Wow. You think she's going to be that big, Freddie? Freddie: Mm-hmm. Theo: That's so- Vanessa: That's maybe as big as you. Freddie: I'm this big. Vanessa: You're big. Yeah. Yep. You're almost three years old. All right, well, while we wait for- Theo: Eat frozen banana. Vanessa: Yeah. While we wait for the muffins to finish, you guys can finish your frozen snacks and then we will show our students the final product, what we baked together. Theo: These are going to be super blueberry muffins. Vanessa: Yeah. I think they're super duper blueberry muffins. Theo: Yes. Welcome to the magic super blueberry muffin show. Freddie: Corn with- Theo: Corn with bananas are the best thing in the world. Better than chocolate muffins. Vanessa: Wow. You heard it here first, folks. How's that corn and banana mixture, Freddie? Theo: Yum-yum. I almost swallowed it down my throat it was so yummy. Vanessa: I can't understand what you're saying. You like that? Theo: I said, "I almost swallowed it down my throat it was so yummy," without chewing it up. Vanessa: Oh my goodness. Freddie: Hello. Vanessa: Hello. Freddie: Hello. Vanessa: Hello. Theo: Hello. Freddie: Hello. Vanessa: How old do you think that your sister's going to have to be before she makes a video like this for our students? How old's she going to have to be to bake with us? Theo: Probably two because Freddie's already doing it. Vanessa: So maybe in two years she can bake with us too? Theo: Mm-hmm. Vanessa: Okay. Freddie, what do you think? How old do you think Matilda needs to be for her to bake? Theo: Eight. Freddie: Eight years. Vanessa: Eight years old? Theo: Or do you want her to be two? Freddie: Eight. Vanessa: Eight? So she's going to have to wait till she's eight years old to bake with us? Freddie: Uh-huh. Theo: Maybe one time when she's two and one time when she's eight. Vanessa: Yeah. What about when she's five like you? Theo: That's before eight. Vanessa: It is before eight. Theo: Yes. I'll say eight. Vanessa: You think she's going to have to be eight? Theo: I think she's going to have to be five or two. Vanessa: Okay. Freddie: Five or two. Vanessa: Just like you guys. Freddie: Yeah. Five or two. Vanessa: What if she's 35 like me? Theo: You bake. Vanessa: Okay. Theo: She can bake by herself. Vanessa: That's right. She's going to be able to bake by herself. And you would too when you're 35. And when you're 35, you can bake by yourself too. Freddie: I want that myself. Vanessa: I bet you could bake by yourself by the time you're like 10. Freddie: I want something to wear. Vanessa: Like an apron? Freddie: Mm-hmm. Vanessa: Okay. Freddie: Now I can be clean. Vanessa: Yeah. Your apron helps you to stay clean. Theo: Oh, I have a apron. I forgot, the first thing you do to cook is to... Vanessa: Burp? Theo: Not to burp. The first thing you have to do is put on an apron before you cook. Before you cook, you have to put on an apron. Vanessa: Okay. You don't need to talk right in. Theo: You have to put on an apron. Vanessa: It's going to be really loud, Theo. Watch out. Here it comes. Round number one. Freddie: Can I go- Theo: Okay. Look at my chopstick. It doesn't even have blueberry juice on it. Vanessa: Okay. Maybe it's- Freddie: Can I pull? They're too far away. Vanessa: Yep. We'll bring them closer. We're going to let them kind of cool on here, but- Freddie: I can't. Vanessa: These red mats are very hot. Freddie: I can't get those. Vanessa: So we're going to let it cool for- Freddie: I can't get them. Vanessa: You can't reach it? We're going to let them cool for 10 minutes and then we'll come back and we'll have a little taste test. Freddie: I can't get to them. I just lean over. Vanessa: There you go. Don't touch it, Freddie. Yeah, it's very hot. That's a little burnt piece. Theo: I can touch it. Vanessa: You think that's going to be good? Yeah. Don't spit on our muffins though. Theo: Burnt it. If you find a burnt piece, don't eat it, it tastes yucky. Vanessa: All right. You heard it here first. All right, guys. We're going to let these sit for 10 minutes. Freddie: I can’t reach it! Vanessa: And then we'll come back and eat them. Dan: Wee. Vanessa: Wow. There's juicy, it's yummy, and it's made with love. Thanks, Theo. Theo: It's good. Vanessa: High five. Good muffin making. High five, Freddie. Good muffin making. Dan: High five, Freddie. Good job. Thanks for the muffins. Vanessa: Yeah. Theo: These are chocolate blueberry muffins, everyone. Dan: Was it made by the muffin man? Theo: Yes. Dan: Are you the muffin man? Theo: Mm-hmm. Dan: Theo, the muffin man. Vanessa: There we go. Dan: Uh-oh. Theo: What? Dan: Chocolate explosion. Vanessa: Could be worse. Freddie: I ate it. Theo: We had a cinnamon explosion that touched the ceiling. Dan: How? How did that happen? Vanessa: We just poured a lot of cinnamon. Dan: And it puffed up? Theo: I accidentally did. I just didn't know it was open and then I shook it and then it just shot up into the air. Dan: Oh my goodness. Vanessa: Yeah, I'd say these are pretty healthy too. Freddie: Can I have some? Vanessa: We put a little touch of honey and a little touch of molasses. Theo: We still have more. Dan: Is there chocolate on my nose? Theo: Where did those go? Vanessa: I put all of the muffins from the tins onto the cooling rack. Theo: This is all we have? Vanessa: That's all we have. Dan: No, I'll see. Vanessa: This is a lot. Let's see. Dan: I'll tell you myself. Vanessa: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. We made 20 muffins. Dan: Wow. Theo: But we're eating them. Freddie: All of them. Dan: We're eating all of them? Right now? Vanessa: All right. Let's say goodbye to our students and then we'll keep eating muffins. Theo: Bye Freddie: Bye. Vanessa: Bye. Dan: Bye everyone. Vanessa: Thank you so much for joining us today in my home and immersing yourself in real-life English. Don't forget to download the free PDF worksheet with all of today's important real English vocabulary so that you can use this yourself when you speak in English. You can click on the link in the description to download the free PDF worksheet today. And now I have a question for you. Let me know in the comments, what do you like to bake at home? I'd love to see what you like to bake, and maybe we'll give it a try here in our house. Thank you so much for learning English with me, and I'll see you again next Friday for a new lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye. But wait, do you want more? I recommend watching this video next where you'll see my family baking over the last four years. Every year I've made a similar video to this so that you can grow with us and learn with us. I recommend checking that video out and I'll see you there.
Channel: Speak English With Vanessa
Views: 439,659
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Keywords: learn english, english conversation, speak english, english pronunciation, speak english with vanessa, Speak English With Vanessa, english with vanessa, native english teacher, american english, phrasal verbs, fast english, how to speak english, real english conversation, real life english
Id: gE8qv2VQ420
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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