45 Minute English Lesson: Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation

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Vanessa: Hi, I'm Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com. Are you ready to learn a lot of English? Let's do it. I have a little secret or surprise to share with you. For the last year I have been making 10 second to 30 second quick, rapid fire English lessons for a social media channel that I have in China. You can check it out here if you are in China. But I thought, why should my lovely YouTube students, you, miss out on these English lessons? So today I have compiled 84 rapid fire English lessons that you can study today to improve your vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and cultural knowledge of American English. 84 lessons is a lot, so I have created something spectacular for you. I have created a huge PDF worksheet that you can download for free that has everything you will learn today. I hope that this worksheet will help you never forget what you've learned and feel excited about English. So make sure you click on the link below this video to download the free PDF worksheet. All right, let's get started with these 84 rapid fire English lessons for beginners and intermediate English learners. Don't forget to click on CC to view the full subtitles so that you don't miss a word that I say. All right, here goes. In America, these are pants. These are pants. But in the UK these are trousers. Trousers. So what are pants in the UK? You wear pants inside your trousers. They're this. So be careful. In America, these are pants but in the UK these are pants. Do you know how to describe this shirt in English? It is a long-sleeved shirt. It has a color and it has buttons. Sometimes we call this a button up shirt. A button up shirt. I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt. This is the sleeve and it's short. This is the sleeve and it's long. Long-sleeved, short-sleeved. This is a tank top. A tank top has no sleeves. This tank top has a built in bra. This is a piece of elastic inside the shirt. This is also a tank top but you can call this also a spaghetti strap tank top because the straps are thin like spaghetti. It's a spaghetti strap tank top. Jeans. Jeans. Khakis. Khakis. Sweat pants. Sweat pants. Women wear leggings. Leggings. Or sometimes we call these yoga pants. Yoga pants. What's this? It's a baseball cap. I don't play baseball but it's still a baseball cap. In daily English we do not say it's a cap. The word cap is old fashioned in American English. Instead, we say baseball cap or this a sun hat. A sun hat. This is a winter hat. A winter hat or a beanie. A beanie. What are these shoes in English? Slip-on shoes. Slip-on shoes. Sandals. Sandals. In America, these are flip flops. Flip flops. Rain boots. Rain boots. Tennis shoes. Tennis shoes. Maybe for running or basketball, they're all tennis shoes. High-heeled shoes. High-heeled shoes or high heels. High heels. And dress shoes. Dress shoes. What do you wear under your clothes? I won't show you, but we wear underwear or undies. A bra. A bra. For men, men could wear briefs, boxers or boxer briefs. Do you like to garden? First, you plant the seeds in the soil. Let's watch. I'm planting the seeds in the soil. I'm planting the seeds in the soil. What a beautiful day, spring has sprung. This is a great expression we can use at the beginning of spring after a long winter, cold, dark, cloudy, snowy. When the trees become green, the flowers bloom, you can say, "Yes, spring has sprung. Spring is here. Spring has sprung." Do you hear that sound? The birds are chirping. Birds are chirping. This is a wonderful phrase that we use in the springtime because the birds are making a lot of noise. Usually, its beautiful noise and we say, "The birds are chirping. Spring is here. What a wonderful day. The birds are chirping." What is this in English? Let's see. These buds haven't opened yet. This is a bud. This is before the flower opens or before the flower blooms. It is a bud. A bud. In the springtime, there are a lot of buds on the trees. I hope they will open and bloom soon. I have great news, my seeds are sprouting. Let's look. The seeds have sprouted, have sprouted. These are seedlings. Seedlings. They're not big plants, they're just seedling. I love when flowers bloom. Let's see, flowers bloom in the spring. These flowers are blooming, are blooming. This means the flowers are opening up and we can see how beautiful they are. This is wonderful. The flowers are blooming. If you see bad behavior, nip it in the bud. Nip it in the bud is a wonderful English idiom that means to stop something bad before it becomes terrible. For example, when my son lied to me, I wanted to nip it in the bud. I told him lying is bad and it is not acceptable. I want to stop this behavior before it becomes worse. To nip it in the bud. Oh, I got a cut. I need to put some antibiotic cream on my cut. Or sometimes in the US we say the brand name. I need to put Neosporin on my cut. And then I need to put a Band-Aid on my cut. I need to put a Band-Aid on my cut. I think I have a fever. I need to take my temperature, take my temperature. This is a thermometer and this is also a thermometer. I like this one. It's very easy. I don't have a fever. This is to take my temperature. Have you needed to take your temperature recently? If my child has an allergic reaction, he needs Benadryl. Benadryl is a brand name. You can say antihistamine but in the US we say the brand name, Benadryl. Take some Benadryl and your allergic reaction will be less serious. Benadryl is a very useful medicine. Benadryl. Have you ever taken Benadryl? Oh, no! I'm feeling sick. I need to take some medicine. You can say, "I need to take an allergy pill or I need to take some Tylenol." I have a headache I need to take some Tylenol. Do you think you are pregnant? You need to take a pregnancy test. This is a common phrase. I need to take a pregnancy test I think I might be pregnant. Or I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Or I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I'm pregnant. Have you ever taken a pregnancy test? Oh, I have a splinter in my finger. A splinter is a little piece of wood in your finger. It hurts. You need to get the tweezers and you need to take the splinter out. Ooh, I took the splinter out with the tweezers. It's all finished. Where's the medicine? It's in the first aid kit. The first aid kit is where you keep some necessary medicine. Some Band-Aids, some antibiotic cream, some cough drops. You can keep this in the first aid kit. Do you have a first aid kit in your house? When you feel sick the doctor will give you a prescription, give you a prescription. This is to write a note so that you can purchase some medicine or we can say the doctor will prescribe some medicine. The doctor prescribed antibiotics for two weeks. I'm booking a doctor's appointment. To book a doctor's appointment means to schedule a doctor's appointment. I will call the doctor and we will choose the best day to have an appointment. To book a doctor's appointment. Do you like to book a doctor's appointment? I don't. When I was in high school, I broke my wrist. Broke my wrist. This means the bone was broken. I broke my wrist playing volleyball. It hurt a lot. When I broke my wrist, I needed a cast. A cast is very hard and you cannot take off a cast. Only the doctor can take off the cast. It's important to help your bone to heal again. Have you ever broken a bone? Oh, I just ate some candy and my tooth is hurting. Or my tooth is sensitive. I have a toothache. I think I have a cavity in my tooth. Oh, no! A cavity is a dark spot on your tooth and the dentist needs to fill the cavity. This is not very fun. Do you have any cavities in your mouth? I don't feel well. I think I ate some bad food. I have food poisoning. When you have food poisoning, it means you feel nauseous. Nauseous means you want to throw up and usually you do because you have food poisoning. Food poisoning is not fun, but thankfully it only lasts one day, maybe two days. Have you ever had food poisoning? At the doctor's office the doctor will listen to your heart with a stethoscope. A stethoscope. The doctor will check your blood pressure, check your blood pressure, take your temperature, it's good. Check your ears, eyes, nose, and mouth and maybe you will get a shot. You will get a shot. This all happens at the doctor's office. My head hurts. My nose is running. My throat is sore. I think I have a cold. A cold. When your head hurts, your nose is running and your throat is sore, you probably have a cold. I hope you don't have a cold. You can put powder on your face using a brush or using a little sponge. Sometimes people call this a poof. Or you can use this type of sponge. I prefer this. Do you wear makeup? When I don't sleep much and I want to hide my tired face, I put makeup on my eyes. First, I curl my eyelashes with an eyelash curler. Then I put on mascara. I put mascara on my eyelashes. Next, I put on some eyeliner. The eyeliner goes on my eyelid. And finally, I use eyeshadow. Eyeshadow on my eyelid. My vision isn't very good so I need to wear glasses. I need to wear glasses or I can wear contacts. These are also called contact lenses. Usually I say, "I need to put in my contacts." Today, right now, I'm wearing my contacts. Do you need to wear glasses or contacts? I put concealer under my eyes or on my face. I put blush on my cheeks. I put mascara on my eyelashes. I put eyeliner on my eyelids. I put lipstick on my lips. When your skin is dry, you can use a moisturizer. Can you say that with me? A moisturizer. Or you can say lotion. This is some lotion that helps my skin be less dry. Especially in the winter, it's nice to use some lotion or some moisturizer on your skin. I need to use some deodorant. This is a normal deodorant. My deodorant is a cream. It looks a little different. My husband's deodorant is a spray. It looks a little different. But this is a normal deodorant. It helps your armpits to smell better. Do you wear a deodorant? At the end of the day I use makeup remover to take off my makeup. This is makeup remover. It cleans my face so that I can sleep without makeup on my skin. It's a good idea to use makeup remover when you wear makeup. In English, we often shorten names. Michael, Mike. William, Will. Daniel, Dan. David, Dave. Joshua, Josh. Christopher, Chris. Benjamin, Ben. Jonathan, John. We like to shorten names in English. The mosquito are so bad. I need to put on some bug spray. Bug spray protects me from mosquitoes. I hate getting bit by mosquitoes so I need to wear bug spray. Even though it's really bright, it's nice to soak up the sun. It's good for your skin to have a little sun for vitamin D, for your spirit. I am soaking up the sun. Just a couple minutes and I feel better. Do you like to soak up the sun for a couple minutes? It is so hot today. The air is humid. Humid means that there is moisture in the air. When it's humid you sweat a lot. It's so humid, I'm sweating so much. Is it humid where you live? It is so hot today. I need to put on some sunscreen. Sunscreen protects your skin from the hot sun. You don't want to burn so you need to put on some sunscreen. Do you wear sunscreen every day? I do, especially in the summer. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. This is a wonderful English idiom that means don't say something will definitely happen if you are not sure. For example, don't say my boss will definitely give me a raise. Maybe he won't. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. A little bird told me that it's your birthday soon. This phrase a little bird told me, is a great phrase to use when you don't want to say who told you. A little bird told me that you're pregnant. A little bird told me that it's your birthday. A little bird told me that you're going to get married. A little bird told me something important. In the Summer it's nice to stay in the shade with my sun hat on. It protects my skin from the hot sun. It's nice to stay in the shade under my sun hat. What's this in English? It's a spatula. Spatula. There is a T in this word, but listen, carefully. Spatula. The T sounds like C-H. I cook with a spatula. Can you say it with me? I cook with a spatula. What's this? It's a whisk. A whisk. Can you say it with me? Whisk. Whisk. Notice how my lips make kissy face, whisk, when I make a W. You can do it too. Let's do it together. Whisk. Whisk. I use a whisk when I cook. What's this? This is an oven mitt. An oven mitt protects my hands from a hot pan or a hot pot. Can you say this with me? Oven mitt. Oven mitt. When you say oven, make sure your top teeth are on your bottom lip V, oven. It's an oven mitt. Water. Water. I like to drink water. In American English, the T sounds like a D. Listen carefully. Water. Water. I like to drink water. What's this? This is a cooking thermometer. Thermometer. Can you say this word with me? Thermometer. Thermometer. Do not say thermo meter. This is a thermo meter. No, that's incorrect. You can say thermometer. It's a thermometer. What's this? It's a rice cooker. A rice cooker. Be careful with the R sounds. Rice cooker. There is an R at the beginning of rice and an R at the end of cooker. Can you say it with me? This is a rice cooker. I use my rice cooker a lot. This is a rice cooker. Fork. Fork. Say it with me. Fork. Spoon. Spoon. Knife. Knife. Notice the K is silent. Knife, and chopsticks. Chopsticks. What's this? This is a wallet. A wallet. I put my money in my wallet. Let's practice this word. Wallet. Wallet. Wallet. This is my wallet. Oh, no! I bought this shirt but it doesn't fit. It doesn't fit so I will return my shirt and get a refund. A refund. A refund means I get my money back. Can you say this word with me? Refund. Refund. You can say this sentence at the store. "I'm sorry, I want to return my shirt and I'd like a refund please. I'd like a refund, please." Come to dinner with me, it's my treat. It's my treat. This means I will pay. Come to dinner with me, it's my treat. Maybe it's a special occasion like your birthday or a celebration. Well, I will pay. Come to dinner with me, it's my treat. Those shoes cost an arm and a leg. What? An arm and a leg? This is a wonderful English idiom that means really expensive. Those shoes are really expensive. Or those shoes cost an arm and a leg. Can you say it with me? Those shoes cost an arm and a leg. I have no money, I'm broke. I'm broke. That means, I have no money. It doesn't mean I'm broke, really broken, this means I have no money. Sorry, I can't go to the restaurant, I'm broke. In the US when we give a present, we usually scratch off the price. The price is a secret. So when we give a present we take off the price or scratch off the price. Do you do this in your country? In the US there are two ways to pay. You can pay with cash or a card. This is called a debit card but we also have a credit card. Can you say that with me? Cash. Cash. Card. Card. I have some apps on my phone. They are really applications but we say app. Can you say it with me? I have some apps on my phone. The P is a puff of air. Can you say it with me? I have some apps on my phone. I have some apps on my phone. My phone has a battery and this is also a battery. Can you say that word with me? Battery. Battery. In American English, the T changes to a D sound. Listen, carefully. Battery. Battery. My phone has a battery and this is a battery too. This is my phone charger. Charger. Can you say this word with me? Charger. Charger. Make sure the R at the end is very strong. Charger. Charger. I need my phone charger because my battery is low. Do you use social media? Social media. Can you say this with me? Social media. Social media. In the middle of Social, you need an S-H sound. Say it with me. Social media. Social media. Some people use social media all day long. Do you use social media? This is my phone. Do you have a phone? Let's practice this word. Phone. Phone. Your teeth are on your bottom lip. Phone. Phone. I have a phone, do you have a phone? In my office I have a computer. Computer. Can you say this word with me? Computer. Notice that the T in American English changes to a D sound. Computer. Computer. Do you have a computer in your house? Where's this? It's LA. LA. You can say Los Angeles, but usually we say LA. Say it with me. This is LA. This is LA. I want to visit LA. Where's this? It's Disney World. It's Disney world. Can you say that with me? Disney World. The word Disney sounds like a Z, Disney World. The word world has two parts. Wor-ld. Wor-ld. Let's say it together. I want to visit Disney World. I want to visit Disney World. Where's this? It's New York City. Can you say it with me? New York City. In American English the word city is pronounced with a D sound, not a T. Say it with me, New York City. New York city. I want to visit New York City. Where's this? It's the capital of the United States, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. We often just say, D.C. I'm going to D.C. I live in D.C. Can you say it with me? I want to visit D.C. Can you say it with me? I want to visit Washington, D.C. I want to visit Washington, D.C. Where is this? It's Hawaii. Hawaii. Can you say it with me? Ha-wai-i, Hawaii. Hawaii. I want to visit Hawaii. Where is this? It's San Francisco. It's San Francisco. Can you say it with me? It's San Francisco. It's San Francisco. Someday I hope to visit San Francisco. Where is this? It's California. California. Make sure at the end of this word it sounds like yeah, let's say it together. This is California. This is California. I want to visit California. When you're driving maybe you'll see construction cones. Construction cones, or barricades. Barricades. This is where they're doing some construction. You need to drive carefully if you see construction cones or a barricade. What's this in English? When you have something heavy and it needs to go up, you need a crane. A crane. This is a construction crane but this bird is also a crane. This word has two meanings, crane and crane, but they have something in common. They are both long. Two words, crane and crane. This is a truck. A truck. Sometimes we say a semi-truck, but this is a big truck. It carries goods or things from place to place. For me, I think it's a little bit scary to pass a big truck on the road. What do you think? Do you like to drive near big trucks? If there is a fire, you will see a fire truck. A fire truck. A fire truck is very loud because it has a siren. A siren. A siren is the loud sound that you here when a fire truck is going to a fire. Have you ever heard a fire truck? Oh, no, my car broke down. I can't drive my car. Who can I call? What can I do? I need a tow truck. A tow truck. A tow truck can take my car to a mechanic or somewhere else. A tow truck is really useful. Have you ever needed a tow truck? Have you ever seen this type of truck? This type of truck is a dump truck. A dump truck carries dirt or other things and it dumps the dirt onto the ground. It dumps the dirt. It's a dump truck. This shirt has polka dots. Polka dots. Polka dots. Or you can say, this shirt has dots. This shirt has dots. Or you can say, this shirt is dotted, dotted. But the most common is to say, this shirt has polka dots. Does your shirt have polka dots today? This shirt is plaid. Plaid. Plaid is the pattern, and this shirt is plaid too. Plaid can be many colors but it always has these types of stripes. Plaid is a common type of pattern for a shirt. This hat has stripes and zigzags. Zigzags. Zigzags are stripes but they are not straight, they are zigzags. Can you practice that word with me? Zigzags. My shirt has stripes. Stripes. Also, this shirt has stripes. These are thick stripes. Thick stripes. And this shirt has thin stripes, thin stripes. This shirt has a logo on it. A logo. A logo is the name of a company. Sometimes in the US schools have a rule, no shirts with logos. This is called a dress code. You cannot wear a shirt that has a logo. It's against the rules. What about in your country? Can you wear a shirt with a logo when you go to school? What's the difference between these two things? This one's blue, this one's yellow, but also this one is solid-colored. This has no pattern. It's a solid color. This one has a pattern, a pattern. There are little shapes on these pants. This has a pattern and the other one has no pattern. So how did you do? Did enjoy these rapid fire English lessons? I hope so. I hope they brought a smile to your face and some knowledge to your mind as well. Well, make sure that you don't forget to download the free PDF worksheet so that you never forget what you've learned. You can click on the link in the description to download that PDF. And now I have a question for you. What pattern of clothing are you wearing today? My shirt has stripes, what about yours? Use the knowledge that you learned today in the comments. I can't wait to read what you have to say and have a wonderful week. I will see you again next Friday for a new lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye. The next step is to download the free PDF worksheet for this lesson. With this free PDF, you will master today's lesson and never forget what you have learned. You can be a confident English speaker. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for a free English lesson every Friday. Bye.
Channel: Speak English With Vanessa
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Keywords: learn english, english conversation, speak english, english pronunciation, speak english with vanessa, Speak English With Vanessa, english with vanessa, native english teacher, american english, phrasal verbs, fast english, how to speak english, real english conversation, english vocabulary lesson, beginner english lesson, english for beginners, beginner english, easy english, daily life english, real life english, real english
Id: KF4zd2hb2nk
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Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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