Ready to Buy a Mule? What You Should Look For | Steve Edwards

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I'm loading up my pickup unhidden folder you know what if I look at animals for people I look at confirmation all the time people ask me you know what to look for well what to look for is this you look for disposition first disposition a willing disposition one that says up that's okay oh that's all right and pretty much goes along with everything the majority of time yeah they'll get grumpy like Daisy where she's kind of wanting to be the top of the pecking order and she'll you know be grumpy for a little bit but disposition second thing I look for is confirmation now confirmation if we look and see a little stubby neck that is hard for an animal to turn with a little stubby neck like that can you get it yes you can notice how when this mule stands his neck comes up out of his shoulders you see that notice when this mule stands his neck comes down out of our shoulders do you see the difference when I'm looking for a trail animal I'm looking for for confirmation next I'm looking for if when they walk they walk up just like this framed up already naturally framed up without bridling okay so that's the next thing I look for it next thing I look for then is I look for confirmation wise look at how straight the legs are and you see how the slope of the shoulder fits the slope of the foot real nice clean front in nice and straight okay things I look for is white hairs like this and bumps like this somewhere another this mule has hit himself on the cannon bone area know that well you got the fly problem okay for flies okay take wd-40 in the spring before the Flies start getting them and spray wd-40 on their legs it's not an oil base it's not a petroleum it's a fish base okay and that oily oily on there will keep the flies off of it and keep the itching off of it okay it just depends on the animal you know it depends on the dust and sore things I also put it on their hair on their tails so when they flip around their tails it flips the the oil onto them the wd-40 okay okay the next thing we look at look back here in the back legs okay this little meal here look this whole meal here has got a really nice heavy Gaskin muscle see this muscle right here that's a nice big heavy gas muscle okay but this is quarterhorse bread you know her type of hip is quarter hair it slopes down so some type of quarter horse is in this little meal now when you look at this little meal from behind you see it has a nice rounded hip okay let me move the legs a little bit here okay now with them standing you see how this whole meal stands fairly straight we move step step step OOP okay you see in the back here notice how the feet flare out toward the front okay right and left that's from not being trimmed as a baby so he's actually walking like a duck kind of like this okay that unfortunately what that does them that brings the hock area which is this area right in here it brings the hocks close together alright now watch when I walk this mule how far apart the Hawks are that's really important because if he's got a lot of donkey in them you'll see the Hawks will come close together and be brushing each other which can create problems later on in life Oh
Channel: Queen Valley Mule Ranch
Views: 97,185
Rating: 4.8287292 out of 5
Keywords: queen valley mule ranch, steve edwards, mule trainer, mule training, equine training, mules, donkeys, equine, buying a mule
Id: zQ-XOCetQfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2015
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