Reese Brothers Mule Sale

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[Music] rural heritage on rfd tv is brought to you by rural heritage magazine a bi-monthly magazine featuring articles about farming and logging with draft animal power small-scale diversified family farming and homesteading and other aspects of our rich rural heritage rural heritage magazine borrowing from yesterday to do the work of today for subscription information please call 319 two three zero two seven or order online at reece brothers is almost a hundred years old from the time that their grandfather started meals up until today currently they are fourth generation uh company family they work on a we want you satisfied basis if you buy a mule in say arizona or someplace that they have taken a load of meals if you buy a mule here they will tell you from the get-go if that meal has an issue they will tell you if this meal has been in a situation that may cause an issue later on and if you are not satisfied with the animal that you buy from reese mules they will make it right they will bring you to the farm let you pick out something else transport it to you they work very closely with each meal they sell just to keep their reputation on the narrow that it's just it has to be the stay in time i'm the writing mule sale people are signing in their meals they're consigning them they'll be two groups there'll be a group for the early competition which we'll be seeing later on today and then there will be meals that she's coming in for the sale we're expecting anywhere from two to two hundred and fifty of them as they come in the back door uh vivian reece and our vet will check him in uh make sure that all of our paperwork is good she's sort of the mule police back there they can't get into any gate until that they go through that shoot and everything is on the top side uh once they're assigned a number they'll get him a pen and then in today's show and sable they will be giving these mules out and saddling them and riding them and there's a big exhibition area out back then about one o'clock they'll have their competition and after that's over they're going to post the results so that everybody has a chance to look and see how their mule did and and it's really not a competition to get the blue ribbon it's a and way to let the buyers know this is what your mule can do well it's been since back in the eighth about 1980 i guess so you've seen some changes then oh yes i've seen in the we used to haul a load of mules a little sucked up loaded used to roofsy sail every sale and a loadout and now that kind of trading is over you've got to have a good broken news those would have been more the belgian draft fuels than that no you would settle mills mostly riding news and a few draft meals okay but the ryden mule thing is really ruthless has done a good job with this sale and he gets the best ride news to the country here and it's just a remarkable sale um an amazing bunch of mules that are here aren't they oh the best in the country it makes you wonder how you get that many up for this site yeah it's really an amazing concentration if this is all that you ever saw you would think that mules are just amazing everywhere yeah i like that that's not true i mean it makes you wonder how together of course these moves has come from all over the country here and he just has a real good sale and done a remarkable job of advertising it and getting the people out and it's great i've known rufus for that many years and he he'll back up what i say hang on back up what we're just friends i'm gonna say three-fourths of the mules we buy come through auctions and then they're been in business so long if anybody wants to sell something they actually call us and come to the house guys we designed this course because the purpose of it is not a quarter horse aqha showing here today this course is designed so that your sail mules will look good to the buyers that are here and to help the buyers look at your mules and decide what's good for them and hopefully tomorrow everybody's happy so that's truly our intent so it doesn't matter about fanciness and all the the horse show stuff doesn't exist here today this is a real mule trail class and all we ride is mules so so that's the way we're going to judge it there's ten obstacles and they're scored one through ten so a perfect score is a hundred um and we'll go over each obstacle a little bit um so with caroline you come up to her lead your mule with a halter on and your bridal on the saddle horn and you're going to lead your mule up she's going to write your mule's number and then you need to go load in that trailer tie your mule she's going to time you 30 seconds and then you're going to go back in take your mule out and then you're going to bridle the mule in front of her that's one obstacle it's a 10 point score so bridling and trailering is a five point a piece score and then when you're done i'll wave you on and you'll come up to me and then you're going to mount and then the first thing you're going to do is you're going to get on and then you're going to come to this yellow slicker and put it on and then the stumps there's three stumps i want you to jog or trot whatever you your mule will do and serpentine it down and serpentine it back and return the slicker then you're going to ride between the bear hide and the the bear hides on the left with the st patrick's day hat very f but if you choose if you go between the log and the stump and the bear hide that's 10 points if you choose to go between the rail outside it's five points if you go between the bear and the log and you blow sideways you gamblers choice a little bit and you might get three so that's your choice on how to ride by the bear hide then you're going to just keep going between the two tires and across the blue tarp go around the the gray tall stump and you're going to go to the waiting box with the four flowers in the waiting box i want you to ride in stop and you're going to stand patiently for 30 seconds we hope okay we're looking for patience and for an animal just to stand and wait so you just want to stay calm stay quiet let them stand hopefully they don't fidget fuss or move and that's what you're being judged on is how they stand and are just quiet once you're done with the waiting box and i'll wave you on after 30 seconds go around the next uh gray obstacle and then across the bridge and then you're going to come up to the mustache guy here you're going to dismount and pick all four feet up and then from there you can leave or you can do your freestyle one minute when you come up to me if you do have any specific questions you're welcome to ask at the end of the course if you'd like it's your choice you get one minute freestyle and what that is is you are allowed to do anything you would like in this arena so if your mule lays down if you can ride it backwards or if you want to lope it whatever you might want to show that this course didn't bring out of your mule today you have one minute to do that we're going to make comments and that's probably what's going to make our top cut so if we have 10 mules that made this perfectly 100 point score your freestyle is what's going to set the cut one two three four five in our placings thereby understand that you do not have to do a freestyle you do not if you finish the course and you want out of here go ahead and wave us on but you get one minute to do whatever you'd like to do if you like and you don't want to do anything of your own and you want to re-ride an obstacle go ahead and rewrite it if the bear hide was a good obstacle for you and you think your mule can go put his nose on the bear hide and you want to show off there take your one minute go rewrite an obstacle so you can do either whatever you prefer now [Music] good [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] 10 seconds [Music] is [Music] so [Music] 10 seconds [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] three [Music] [Music] [Music] three down give me one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get there 31 39 one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right lot number 19 will be milly milly be a four-year-old married you she handles well she shoes well clips washes [Applause] everybody [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wait a minute okay you're easier to get home [Applause] [Music] one more time solder right here 14 37 for almost 40 years rural heritage magazine has helped readers borrow from yesterday to do the work of today the magazine is packed with stories and information about farming and logging with draft animal power as well as other aspects of our rich world heritage if you or someone you know wants to run a self-sufficient diversified family farm or just learn how to make a weekend hobby farm more productive rural heritage magazine is a smart choice articles cover a wide range of interesting and useful topics and are written by people living on the land doing the work they write about a one-year subscription is 34.95 for six issues 24 off the newsstand price sign up for two years and save even more order online at or by calling 319-362-3027 that's or [Music] been going to 319-362-3027 sales for 40 years and i've been setting up tacking them for over 20. well they've had to be pretty good to be around long as they have their granddaddy started it dicky and roofy's granddaddy started the sales several years ago and uh i used to go to dick and roofy's daddy and uncle sale which was dick reese and mr hubris there's these boys daddies and they they had i went to their sales over 35 years ago back then it was more draft deals than settlement 99 was all draft yeah what do you suppose made it change over mule is more sure footy than a horse and that's why a lot of the trail riding people went to the mules instead of horses you'll be a seven-year-old mayor jaden seven-year-old number eleven [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey hey this wheel scored a 98 in the trail play should catch her anywhere she just all over you in the factory to [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here thirty thirty thirty thirty three twenty one by two you win three they're going to give it to us four thirty four five five wraps thirty four thirty three thirty four thirty are you ready to get something volume [Music] this program is available for purchase to order your copy please call 319-362-3027 or visit www dot heritage rural heritage is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to draft animal farming and logging as well as other aspects of our rich rural heritage it is published by mishka press which also offers a complete line of back to the land books dvds and calendars call or write for a catalog or subscription information or visit our website at
Channel: Rural Heritage
Views: 66,459
Rating: 4.9041915 out of 5
Keywords: Rural Heritage, mule sale, trail mules, riding mules, reese brothers mule sale
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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