5 Things I Wish I Knew About MULES

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hi I'm here on the homestead thanks for tuning in today I didn't own a mule before Charlie here's my first one so all these things I learned on my own let's go welcome to Becky's homestead I think I like about mule they introduce a hunky part they're very lovey-dovey and I I like that connection that I have no charlie mules have quiet strength they don't show off their strength but it's in there they're kind of more humble and you look at him and you think hmm you know it doesn't look like it's too much Wow but once they start performing you know pulling riding jumping running a little then you're like wow it's a big deal I know the thing about mules that you need to know is they do funny little mouth things if you watch charlie now they're all a little different some will just yawn and stick out their tongue some well you know lift their lips off they all do funny little mouth things they have a big stretchy mouth it's a little different than a horse mouth and just the way they move it and use it and they have giant teeth bigger than a horse teeth when I first got him I was worried I was almost like oh what's that you know what's that going on there but then you just see other mules and you just realize that's just kind of a characteristic that mules have because you know I love them so much mules don't like impatient rushy pushy people they like calm gentle patient leaders I still need to be a leader but mules like a nice gentle leader they don't need like a cowboy yeah yeah they do no they don't respond well to that at all and they just they just don't have like a quick and snappy response like a horse does I notice Charlie will do anything I say he's actually obedient he just it took me time to realize he just does it slower you know a horse you stay back and a lot of horses work it all just whereas in Charlie when I say back up he just like goes he's like okay hey he's obedient he just is calm and slow about it which really that's what I like about the mules is they have calm slow strength another thing I learned about mules is they eat like horses I don't feed charlie the same as I feed my horse I feed him like a donkey because they're desert animals I don't want my mule to be a big fat mule like where they look fat if you look at him is below when I first got Charlie I would see his a-frame back here and I would think oh he looks skinny he looks like he might need more weight on him but no that is the way a mule is built they take after the donkey and that's perfectly normal this brings me to my next point a mule needs mule saddle because they have the same skeleton as a donkey also their shoulder operates differently it operates like a donkey shoulder which is different than a horse shoulder I own a lot of different saddles I've tried a million different saddles on Charlie and they just don't work properly you just never get a really good fit you want to get a good fit if you really want to ride and you know go riding out in the trails and stuff so I just have to get a mule saddle for Charlie please click the like button it really does help me alive I want to see if we can get to 5,000 lights if you like my videos there's more right here watch them a big thank you to all my patrons too for I love you so much to all of you I couldn't do it without you [Music]
Channel: Becky's Homestead
Views: 78,083
Rating: 4.9296784 out of 5
Keywords: Mule Animal, Mule, Horse, training mules vs horses, riding mules vs horses, difference between mule and horse
Id: 13NDXfpA6PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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