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hello it is Thursday actually today I'm taking like five minute break and I thought I thought I would also something super exciting you can't really see it properly but there's everything today I'll show it to you later but my plan for the day is to like put a lot of stuff away so I can finally start like a living in half sometimes yesterday I was building furniture after work sting getting me chance to read this is fun this is fun fun fun I thought I'll go through the Goodreads nominations with you guys cuz I'll just cast my vote and I thought I'll bring you with me cuz it's fun so let's go and try and do that so we are obviously gonna go on to fantasy to check woods there I haven't had a sneak yet okay burn bright do not know do not know book off em her Dalton Rita why she put water Cersei still on my TBR gray sister poppy water also really high on my TBR and spinning silver actually haven't actually read any of these skipped back best of the best I don't know and always like previous year's nominations or something who did know like this gave it two stars surprising caught uses OH Martian and salted this see read that akka war noble service and Thunder clear stuff Artemis mmm hate you give queen of Shadows what else is here room Oh seems like aegis and say we've read that guy's a gone girl all of these were in there all of these like The Hunger Games all of the books on Hunger Games curse child a Kemal Sagar what is this how long is this lipid racing okay we've we've found a list I think I'm gonna vote Martian cuz I really did like that one so we're gonna cast a vote science fiction that's the stuff okay only human hell yeah on no record of space one for you I have ready yet ah it's all my TBR again I have just read the other the second one this year but she is one of my favorite also he's only human okay binti vengeful is under science fiction suppose I thought it would be more like a fantasy okay I'm gonna vote only human but I would like to vote both of both of those graphic novels and comics now we're talking okay ooh on my TBR I want to actually read this in November and I will I will I will maybe all started today saga paper girls was not my cup of tea just I know very unpopular opinion I'm going to I know I love this honestly I had a peek and I know I love this but I'll wait oh that one as well I only read the first one was in the biggest fan of I'm also gonna add all of these probably to read Because fun okay poetry I'm gonna save that one until I read the adventure stuff let's go to what a have not read emergency contact nor save the date nor cheerleaders wow I have not read any of these interesting oh there we are young adult fantasy and science fiction that's gonna be my category isn't it I did not like it Oh opps IDEO cool friends commercials already they're always supposed to make sense who Thunderhead life like this kinda D wasn't good wasn't bad oh I give it four stars I must have been like a really little one children are blood and bone wild card I'm gonna vote for Thunderhead because that ending man was amazing I did like obsidian but I think you I bought it for Illumina last time and I did like aluminum more than obsidian I like Gemma not the most I think middle grade and children's let's just see if there is anything there all city of ghosts yes anyway I'll speak to later I'll show you about the little bit more and get back to work I got a lamp delivered I still don't have a light bulb though so you know little by little it's gonna be for my reading corner here is use already occupying the chair but this is a lamp I got from Ikea of course and just screw that all together and now I need a lightbulb I don't know still if I'm gonna keep the chair here I don't know but we don't maybe a low angle it the other way but I also want to see the shelves when I'm sad there I also look you want to have it there for the light but then like it's so far away from the shelves as you can see there's still so much like mess and these are full sorry my battery died it's much later now but what was I saying oh yeah yeah this is my reading lamp I'm very excited to actually put it to use as I said I don't know if I'll put this somewhere else I don't have a bulb yet but I'm just finishing editing now and I'm gonna go and try and tidy up a little bit my room is really kind of annoying because the internet reader is actually in the bedroom where Logan's desk is my and my Wi-Fi like there's four walls between that it just so happens because with the kitchen and the bathroom it's all like just like straight line so there's actually four walls even though it's not that far the Internet is just not been great so applauding it's taking a while I did order a couple of things that I'm very excited for them so one is a game and that is the new tomb raider I've been loving the last two or three games I think - maybe and I'm very excited to have some quality time with this I am very excited that I actually have my ps4 in this room this time and and the book that I got is what if it's us and I am more excited about this and I thought I would be but I'm so excited this is a story about two guys I think that I don't know if they both believe in faith or whatever but they meet them something cute happens and then they separate and then they're like what if it is the one and they're trying to find each other or something like that I clearly don't know much about it but this is by becky albertalli who i had a big win with for simon and a very big loss for Leia so I loved one of her books and really didn't like the other one and then we have Adam silvera because you co-wrote this book so I'm very excited to see how that goes and I read they both died at the end by Adam silver and it was okay yeah I think it was like three or four stars so so yeah that is exciting but first of all I want to upload that video have that sorted and go up and then tidy a little bit because I am tired of living of the suitcase although we still don't have the drawers properly done because our parts were missing from Ikea so we have to return part of it tomorrow and get a replacement so fun fun fun but to at least get a little bit tidier but yeah I would love to start are the music nightmares or one of the mangas I'll see how much energy I have but we're gonna start something even if it's three pages I say that like Oh what I cannot believe it's Thursday also was catching up with a friend just like where's the time gone my mom was actually mad at me because he was like it doesn't message me I was like well mom like barely have time to do anything it's basically almost midnight now and instead of either cleaning or reading I had a pre panic attack type of thing I would I would want to like repeat myself here but it's really it takes a lot out of me to speak about this so I could already speak about it and some tips and what is up on like Instagram stories and a lot of you I know watch my stuff there as well if you don't follow me on Instagram it's always linked in my description bar I post a lot of stories there so it's like mini vlogs but as I said I want to at least read a page so I start this you know so I've grabbed news of nightmares so I'm gonna cuddle up on this be just a couple of pages cuz it still counts there's another cat three chapters and I always find it really fun to go back to a series cuz you already know a lot of things we don't have to like build the world on you I am still obviously remembering some bits and pieces but I am so happy to be reading Lanie's writing again I am a big fan of it and I am very excited to see where this goes I am already really enjoying it and I'm only like 28 pages in this is gonna be good I can tell already I'm so excited but it is after midnight and I'm very tired so I'm gonna go ahead and try and transport Momo transport Momo into the bed see you tomorrow morning it's actually so late I did wake up you know in time for work and then I did some stuff and then I message asking if I can take a day off because I was just way too tired so I stayed in bed slept a bit more and it is now 11 o'clock so the plan is to actually do what I was supposed to do yesterday like tigey stuff up a little bit at least enough to like put my suitcase away a lot more and hopefully maybe go to pick up my mail later on today as well yeah fun the unbeliev is so late but I also feel like I slept way more than I know I'm really wouldn't that makes me happy I don't know what's wrong with me I was supposed to be like super productive today get a lot of done so that I can like have less of a crazy weekend because we're going to Ikea which is like an hour away from here and getting some stuff that you can order online and stuff we we don't have plates like we are eating plate stuff out of bowls because we don't have plates at the moment so stuff like that the things that we couldn't order online I'm gonna get in data get that then so now we're both ways so two hours just for the traveling and obviously we're gonna take obviously gonna take a while there when we actually there so that's gonna be our Saturday pretty much I'd like I just want to get it sorted but I've just spent literally it's almost 2 o'clock and I've just spent what 3 hours doing like nothing but watching YouTube because I don't know I need to get off my butt and start doing things like I wasn't even reading I was just like watching YouTube which is fine but like I'm procrastinating and procrastinate because I don't want to clean ah let's go do this let's go do those the next time I'm come on here I would have like clean something I don't know guys what's happening let's actually go ahead and do that so the situation is I have stuff in that like it's full filled with like clothes now my situation I don't know where I'm gonna keep it it's not gonna be here I also don't really want to have the drawers here I don't know where it's gonna go I don't know where it's gonna go hi you cute I'm hope I move the cat tree I move the cat tree here this is my this is my new desk situation I really like it when I look at it like this but when I'm sad there I'm sort of sad in the shadow plus I'm looking at the bright stuff outside which you know you light on the desk and it can really trigger some headaches if you staring at really light stuff all the time but obviously I it would look really weird if I sat on the other side that's could be here I also popped some fold that cardboard here because as most places that we've lived in here the florida sort of is tilted in inwards to the middle of the room it's it's all flat guys we have a bunch of stuff laying on the floor because things don't have homes yet this is actually some book stuff that I need to unpack bag of random stuff tripod that's fine yeah that's where my that's where my like cat tree was before build a little stand for the TV and this is how we're gonna block the chimney like extra block the chimney I mean we we taped it so it should really be safe for the cats like there isn't it's like with Gorilla Tape so there's like no way can't go through wait I'll show you okay I won't show you just now because I don't want to like drop this but this is where the pee is Forrest I'm very happy that we have it there bunch of random stuff there I would really love to have mirror here but we shall see because this part actually has a lot of suckers I probably won't need the sisters were like organizing for our cables and extensions and whatever this is all messy but like literally there's like stuff every was really annoying and I want to like Logan decided it's a good idea to wear his new socks they're like fluffy ones but he shed whatever he walks I was like wash them first and he's like but maybe they won't feel the same I'm like it's literally when you wear you walk stop shouting also get away from the grapes Holloway situation we honestly like we filled the bill yesterday downstairs so he's don't have to wait for stuff it's my old desk it's stained in both sides one from Zeus where he spilled water overnight and I can't remember what the other stain was from I honestly just can't remember I had that for good for years and it's just a table top from Ikea so I loved it but it's too big for this place so we're taking it out and then there's the legs and stuff too I still have a couple of things to build hoping to have like a shelving unit here for candle stuff maybe to rethink my life and that aspect but we'll get there when we get there we also really need a laundry basket because this is completely it we got a replacement those are gonna be a clothing drawer so we have three long ones and then two smaller ones on top because that is the only thing that would really fit here next to Logan's playing station one set of these came damaged and we also got two left sides on there in that package so even if it wasn't damaged we were still needed to be replace but it was so it's just all at least it's all in one bit so they picked up the old one and God I just got this delivered a couple of hours ago so my Bildad as well that's gonna be the unit for the hallway and I honestly don't know if I had a stroke or something but I don't remember ordering this and it's like throwing me off because I think maybe this was supposed to be for the bathroom but we can really fit any shelving units in there I'm very confused and what was I thinking I mean we were very tired when we were ordering this but I'll set it up and I said maybe this is instead of that one cuz this was supposed to be like a tall one but I think that's anyway I'm getting myself Oh another lack as I had to move this for people to come over sorry Z's but yeah like the floor is driving me crazy because it's all like dirty bits from Luke and socks as well but it makes no sense to Hoover when it's all so messy so I'm gonna make the bed now I don't even know we need to find places for things that are like random so for the clothing is all good and fun but for like random pieces like we have that whole box is like that's a whole box from the units from the previous place of like things that don't belong anywhere that's gonna be fun and this is my solution for not fitting a wardrobe anywhere in so I just got the clothing rack and I think we're gonna keep it here I mean the windows are also still gonna probably hopefully have enough light plus it might actually be a nice way to not put the blind down but still you know put this on here so the neighbors that live there well actually that's the hallway windows but so still people cannot like peek into our flats so easily special because this is a bedroom and if it's too dark then I'll try and find some other place now we can't really put anything here because you might say like oh just put like a wardrobe or something here because we got a bed that like oh god oh there's something in there that's local stuff with drawers cuz as I said very little storage space it's actually kind of crazy I've never lived in a place that have such little storage space the only storage space is the one that I showed you in the previous vlog it's like a tiny tiny cupboard where the boiler is oh my god I'm still like low-key getting used to the glasses and as I said like the source a little bit on the sides and I just turned and I think like it went from like you know my bad eyesight to like correct says one and I have like a lot of stuff there and I thought it was a person and I just had a tiny heart attack but what the hell but yeah we have these little jars but they are very very dusty so what I'm gonna do now I think I'm gonna take these because I sort of like took the side of the bed some reason even though that's where the radiators so I should probably samba I just like it just cold for me you know so first what I'm gonna do now is to make the bed because annoying you're gonna jump in there probably he it does like to go and jump in these wipe the surfaces there and in that one as well I don't know if Logan's gonna sacrifice this for me or not because he has considerably less in the flat than I do which is like I'm grateful that he doesn't get too annoyed about that and put I think my trousers and sweatshirts and there is what I'm thinking [Music] [Music] building the rest of the jurors so I can soar that hello it is almost 11 o'clock now and I thought I'll just update you on how things went and this is literally all of them this evening so no reading again I mean maybe I'll do a little bit now but anyway finish building the drawers and so these two are mine and the two bottom ones are mine so I finally got things off the floor on both sides and put things in the drawers we stalled on half the hangers so stuff is sort of like semi hanging we have some hangers but we don't have all of them so yeah as I said we're gonna have a rag here now I actually really like this thing it's kind of funny cuz so this is basically all of my like sweatshirts and hoodies and all of that which I like seeing them like this because it was always sort of annoying to have him and no horizontal jars because obviously you can see what's below so this is actually really cool I kinda realized I really like that kind of wall cabinet thing anyway so the top ones are just like plain ones this is what's funny all of these a Harry Potter so those are actually my robes here then we have the Quidditch Harry Potter hoodie then my like cardigan that's Harry Potter like Gryffindor won a Gryffindor Primark won this is like a Christmasy sweater that's even for Harry Potter that I got in Goffstown Ally I think this one's another one from Primark same with this shirt as well like long sleeved one and one from dobson alley that says like Orion training which I adore and these are my jeans I'm spray and some odd ones so this is like a red jumper and another red jumper cuz those are sweaters so this is the current situation and this one we are gonna ignore this area because this is absolute mess same or the kitchen and same with the hello and see what the kitchen in the bathroom but I did tidy this place and I have ordered as well so now feels a bit nicer again I don't know about the placement of these things I don't have the favorite lights on now book show us you've seen oh I see the life in the neighbors and I'm just walking with my shorts on that's fine I will move my TBR tray somewhere else afterwards but this is the current situation move the mirror there and I don't know if I like and I don't know if I like my desk there but I'm thinking what makeup is putting most of the makeup and to these drawers or maybe one jar I probably need both but you know there's my laptop in that one at the moment and like notebooks and stuff that I need in this one which I do love having it there but I could then maybe do my makeup here this is not gonna be here and this is not gonna be here on top of it either but that's the makeup brushes that I need to probably downsize so like a cup holder but yet this is an absolute mess at the moment but I'm also like I did really love having this and I did have it for a very long time now and it's a nice you know acrylic makeup thing but I'm sort of in a state of really not wanting to have things out in the open this is just the stage that I'm going through and is really sort of annoying me so I would like to me because I already have things and like little drawers or not all of it but some things most things so I'm thinking those could just go into that and then I could do my makeup here and move all of the skincare stuff into the bedroom hopefully take everything out of this because my old desk did not have jars and anything like that so do you see that cardboard layer on the bottom because again we're not allowed to nail anything to the walls and this only we only put that half way in so there's no cowboy there so that's a little tip if you live in all the flats as well Italy has like not entirely level floor and also you're not allowed to put anything on but you don't want to risk the safety of anyone so my bookshelves are also a temporary solution for this again don't have any hooks so you can see like this like a big gap and then go smaller so it means that it's leaning like that so it's not gonna fall on to anyone or the cats so you know little tip there's obviously there's gonna be a sofa here just like a little one almost like it's called a two seater but I think the size of it is actually more of like a cuddler size because I don't want the one to like not have space that is the progress for today I feel like I have done actually quite a bit unpacking I have impacted a lot of boxes in the bedroom especially those annoying ones you know the ones that you have like a drawer where you put things where you really don't know what else to put it I had a little bit too much caffeine I think and I also like after yesterday I'm still a bit like weird I had a good cry at one point today just a bit like frustrated my stomach feeling a bit weird I think it's like that I have this kind of sometimes when the stress like catches up with me like you know when you're like thinking you're calming down but like actually you're just like like you're paying for you being stressed previously you know so I'm gonna maybe take my book with me I think I actually take a comic with me instead I do love that book but I feel like I want to like Aveda here and let me just take something else with me and I also maybe can finish that earlier and feel a little bit better cuz I feel like I need to finish something you know just like to feel good and I actually know exactly what I want so it's fine I have the adventure zone which I wanted to do for my charms and I did and this is like this is like a Dungeons & Dragons type of scenario I saw that my audible membership on thro so I actually have a credit which makes me which I then need to I I didn't finish what I was listening before so I think I'm gonna download a new book tomorrow so I can listen on a bus cuz yeah girl cannot read because I will Chandler everyone anyway I'll see you tomorrow have a good night good morning we are starting to move out of the five Bay Bay elite much later than we anticipated we said like all its let's leave at like 9:30 that's like nice and you know you'll get to relax until then but no more was being a little for the night so at 11:30 now um we're just getting some caffeine into ourselves and we're gonna go I'm also wearing the same sweatshirt but I don't know I don't know if it's just me but sometimes when I find something that's really comfortable and new I'll wear it for a couple of days at the beginning I give myself an audiobook I think I mentioned that yesterday and so I can listen to that when I'm on a technically I have histories all you left me hmm I'm gonna listen to the knowing so the knowing is the second book to the forgetting [Music] oh I'm gonna get some bits and bobs and actually we probably took like at least an hour and 40 minutes or something to get here now anyway we are back and it's like it's dark outside it took so long for like literally very little result but we're also good denied the legs that we were missing from the other one because I forgot all I didn't forget I just I don't know where the receipt is and we don't have a male one because it was a paper one so we're gonna still try and do it online but apparently did don't sell the like separately but that makes no sense so what if whenever like breaks oh I got a light bulb for this so now I can actually turn it on maybe I should do that now because we had a little slip through the door that people are gonna have like a housewarming party because apparently they also just arrived so I thought it would be nice to just like pop up and give them like a bottle of Prosecco which is actually what look enough of his quick so it's not like we bought it but Logan doesn't drink so where's my light bulb oh I think it's gonna be here well so got these from Ikea and they're so tasty we were really hungry though Logan just popped into the shop for food the idea so he's gonna gonna basically get a small food I can't even think anyway so we will pop to the upstairs just to say hope they have like a lovely evening cuz it was like very consider of them to like put slip because I'm assuming they try to speak to us but thing and so we just popped in to see you have a nice evening and also those are our faces were your neighbors they also just moved in same as us it was a little bit awkward cuz we were all like speaking at the same time I also don't really have much to say and they were like obviously inviting us and we were like probably know how you dance person so don't know them but I thought it would be just nice to like we've thrown the whole way anyway you went for more breadth so we can make us more Michela I had a Lowell yesterday and I burned my tongue but yeah and how do I turn it on oh is that the little button here only address ah my reading core note that is very light that's only like six watts though so why's that so light thinking maybe would be better if it was like behind that though well yeah I think I'm gonna we're also gonna go to Primack tomorrow cuz we can find everything that we needed and also some things are just like cheaper in Primark we're gonna go that tomorrow in the morning and I think I'm maybe just gonna film like a little hole nothing like very exciting it's like I've been and stuff but I thought you guys seems to have liked the vlog and you said you would like to see a hole so I am here to please but currently we're gonna just like cook a little bit and we got plates finally um so these are the plates they're like and dislike like a really nice grey matte finish which I really enjoy no no no no no no we what have you been just doing huh I saw you scratch that I saw it just now you have a whole cat tree there go scratch that this is gonna be a problem you know you you know you did bad you can get two men ever to tow could you shoot pretty okay what was I saying oh yeah I'm hoping to like read a little bit later tonight I also am absolutely loving Adventure Time I read like I'll show you how much there it is so I read this much oh there we go yesterday so I'm really enjoying it it's really even be funny it's just like just what I needed and so hopefully we can do a little bit of that tomorrow as well result in our internet because that's stuff working as well cuz why not but yeah first of all we're gonna eat them we're gonna watch some science gate which is an anime that we jinkers we also really enjoying that a lot so that's fun and yeah I think I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable out of my jeans and have some chill time we decided to actually finish science K yesterday so by the time we finished it was like twelve o'clock so no reading has been done again and now we what was exactly the same Annoying bastard like last night so again we didn't wake up that early an actual representation of what happened do you need to pee do I need to put you in the letter so now it's almost all o'clock again but we're going to probably Mike Ross some bits and pieces and then maybe oh Filmore I'll I'll do some reading later on at some point hopefully we are back I found the home where hole because we came back with a lot of stuff and all the stuff from Ikea and I really just want to like put things away um so that is the situation on the floor at the moment but that's fine and my plan was to like wash my hair so I'm all ready for the next week but I don't know what I've done I think I slept on it weird or something happened like I can't like haha like my what's a cold shoulder socket is just all weird unlike my hand actually tingles and it's like every time I try to lift something or move my out like that out like this okay so I think not it was like I could just still wash my because if I go over out this is fine it's just the middle part that's like painful so could wash my hair but then like the straightening of it which is literally like this so maybe we'll try and do that tomorrow oh I just might like edit and read a little bit or something I don't know I'm very starving so no guys making us breakfast rolls which I know is I as for company we put the stuff away on I'll update you on there a bit building left over things even like the even this bad boy needed to building what is life but I've build this little thing we have a little space because we have meso water here we usually have two litters but I think currently we're just gonna have one because we just don't have space for it which is weird cuz this is technically much bigger than our previous one but we fit two in the previous one I don't know this is the little memory foam mats which was very funny when cats go and maybe they'll do it again see oh no I only stopped for a little bit but that's the me it was just like Christie just like steps and I was like ooh was this yeah these little drawers just made them up now and and I also made that little hooks here just hook on the door which is it really useful to point out with the throat that I bought because I saw is gonna be like proper one but it's actually really flimsy and also doesn't cover the whole bed but oh well it'll do for now and I also want to sort all of this out because people coming over on Tuesday and I just it's a good deadline even though my arm is kind of killing me so I'm gonna go ahead and try and build these up I am done Independence Day is full so the hallways they're like filled with boxes but this is the units for the Kendall stuff some of it still had to go up there that's alright right yeah and unfortunately it's probably really late now but I have sat down and I finished the adventure zone and I really enjoyed it it was so fun I was literally what I expected it to be and very happy to start November on this note and and really hope that they release a new one fairly soon because I really enjoyed that and I might check out their podcast even though I'm usually listening to audiobooks at home listening to something all the podcast would be nice this blanket is so lovely and soft but it's been like shedding and leaving like little things on my new reading chair I'm so sad like look all that even on the back it didn't even have it there I'll just have to go through like a little role later on at some point and just roll it up udi TMI but what else is new think I'm developing societies which is something I'm susceptible with too and had like a little bit of a headache but I'm trying to power through anyway another busy day tomorrow so I should probably go to bed now everywhere so it's basically 10:00 to 11:00 now and I have read with some distraction periods I did read up to this point which is page 108 which is better than most better than a long while I just love being back in the university I love her writing so much and there's some really heartbreaking moments already and I just really love it like it doesn't mean super quickly to me because it is a high fantasy Plus so there's a lot of names that you know are made up and the world is all new and all my new but different and since the writing is fairly lyrical it doesn't be super easily cos like you know a lot of people don't speak that way but it's definitely not hard it just sort of it's not like super easy either it's beautiful I absolutely I'm loving it yeah a hundred and eight which seemed like a really good Chiang while I was reading I'm like looking at the rest of it I mean it's a big book so you know so over 500 pages but I'm really enjoying it so I think I am gonna go and take my makeup off and go have a shower and like put all of the skincare stuff on I feel worse now so that is fun especially because tomorrow the fairly team is coming over here and we're gonna film some stuff so the timing could not be better thank you body thank you very much if it doesn't if it doesn't seem to be improving by the end of tomorrow I will go to the doctor on the day after but just very annoying but trying to lie not get that get to me so not like that get to me but anyway I thought I will just update you a little bit and say good night and I'll see you in the next vlog this is not really like this is not really like blog related but I also made a decision that I think because I'm feeling like doing these vlogs and I like editing them and I absolutely love doing the book in a jar thing but sometimes I read the book over the course of like two or three weeks for that period of the book in the jar and whilst they read enough log how IV but obviously it's spoilery I don't include anything else and it also stops him from doing these vlogs so I think from now on I would I will at least try try it and try and do the live streams instead of the book Diaries and that would also give me a bit more like direct contact with you guys because you can also be in the comments there while I'm live so we're talking like you know live and I think that would be really lovely I don't know what you guys think it's just because I really like doing these vlogs and I think you guys enjoy watching these vlogs and sometimes if I'm reading a book that takes me longer than a week I miss out on like two of these vlogs do you know what I mean so plus I really love discussing the book because why those vlogs are so bloody long but I absolutely hate editing them because I have to listen listen to myself talk about it all over again and it's just it's a law so I was just thinking maybe I'll switch that I did they do a poll I think last year or something like that when I was two also considering doing this change but people did vote for the book diary so I hope those who do prepare that I don't mind and know my reasoning so I would have the life and more vlogs like this hopefully because I wouldn't be preoccupied with that one book if you know what I mean I will announce that somewhere soon I will I will tell everyone somewhere soon maybe you on Instagram stories as well because this is at the very end of the vlog and not a lot of you will make it here but if you do I love you very much I hope you have a wonderful evening I hope you enjoyed the vlog let me know what you've been up to how are you hope everything's good Ches me down in the comments basically thank you so much for watching stay awesome stay kind and I will see you very soon my
Channel: Book Roast
Views: 5,915
Rating: 4.9822221 out of 5
Keywords: books;, bookish;, book;, booktube;, youtube;, bookworm;, girl;, book, addict;, reading, reeading vlog, moving home, moving vlog, cleaning, muse of nightmares, adventure zone
Id: R8ju_7qwqWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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