😳 Reacting to my 5 star book predictions from 2017 I forgot I made 💫 | Book Roast

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hi how are you hope you're good welcome to the floor we don't go the same places that we're used to it is floor time i think it was the end of it last year what where i had a video planned in my head and the video was uh just the usual reacting to my first five star predictions but then when i looked at my videos i actually couldn't find the five star predictions so i was like oh i must have just never done it i did find that i did the uh reading the first chapter of the first five star predictions so i did do that so maybe we'll react to that too but not a long while ago i was actually looking for a different video of mine and stumbled across this top 10 books i have super high expectations for from 2017. do i remember making this video not at all do i know what the books are mentioned also not at all and i was so i was so tempted to just click it and see but i've saved it for us to watch together i don't know if this video will make it out there especially if it's literally me listing a bunch of books in 2017 that i still have not read because that will just be a true book roast roasting myself which is the only kind of rose that we really do here just just a little fun i thought we could have together so get cozy and let's um let's let's try all right um [Music] sure let's go hello how are you hope you're good the the cheery music in the background that everyone and their mother used to put in the videos so the first book i have is not by adrian not a good start not a good start i'm not i've still not read not um and that is supposed to be like a i kind of reckon a little bit you know black mirror-ish um about a world where a large population amount just stops being able to sleep in my slight defense though entirely invalidly because this video is in 2017 but since the end of 2019 i kind of avoided sleep topics especially when it's like insomnia people dying from it because i have started having insomnia episodes that were very very very bad slight defense for 2019 and 20 i have nothing for 2018 and 17 so here we are next is snow like ashes by sarah i did read that i did read that okay we're good you know what all i cared is that there was at least one book that i've read from the list and here we have it i would like to spend as much time speaking about this because i really know i'm joking um snow like ashes so i had very high expectations for that apparently but um i think by the time that i was actually reading which i'm not sure when that exactly was my expectations were lowered i guess a little bit at the time that i was reading it um it was very much like middle of the road um i think it is a fairly old book so i don't know if it's fair to say that it had all of the cliches and all of the plot twists that you would see even if you're blindfolded you know although i don't know if it's that old to be honest anyway um it was very predictable it had like a lot of the aspects in the story that i as a teen plan for my my own book granted at any time honestly i just have like the utmost respect for any author that actually makes it out there and publishes their story and writes their story because god knows i've not gone as far as to even properly write stuff apart from that time where i lost a lot of it listen stop now speak about that i think i gave it three stars in retrospect i remember very little yet enough to like continue with the series but i don't know if i ever will i do still i think have the books but they are definitely verging on a unhaul just because i i have so many other reads that i would rather read than continue with the series um it was good fun but again i wish it's way too predictable it's your typical y fantasy with the girl that had more responsibility than she thought she did and there is this kingdom that they want to conquer back and it's quite fun it has a lot of winter setting so if you're into that that's good too i really actually like the covers which is probably why they are still on my shelves which is not a good reason of keeping books but i have read that one it did not live up to my high expectations apparently next book is annihilation by jeff vandermeer this has been given oopsy daisy i think we're collecting a whole bouquet of whoopsy daisies here annihilation i think i gave it two stars and i think this was probably at the time that i did not really gave low stars that often uh because obviously the more you read the more you have to compare it with the more tropes you experience the more you get tired of them this didn't have that issue of the tropes at all and this one hurts in particular because it's obviously jay's one of the favorites um i just did not vibe with it even though by all means i should have and i actually preferred the movie because the movie came out later on this book has a premise of having a very weird zone in this world where they send a scientist and then they often not come back and it was such a short book and i just struggled way way way too much for it to grant anything more than that i don't know what it was i think it was partially the writing cell partially the decision to not go into people's personal stories because that was like it totally made sense within the sphere of the world or the rules of the world and uh they explained why they did that but as a character-driven person i think i just didn't get as engaged because even though there were a lot of times in danger during this mission is it area x i want to say it's area x but i might be wrong it's been a while um i find it hard to care if they live or die but it was very atmospheric and i wonder if i read it now if i liked it more because i could have just been very much not in the mood for it or if i thought maybe that it was a bit different to what it was now that i know better i might have enjoyed it more but um i'm not quite sure that one was another disappointment i wonder my most highly anticipated reads literally made those reads less enjoyable because i had such high expectations it could be it could be that and this is her absolute favorite book for so next one is actually a second book in the series that and the first book i absolutely loved it was the book in the jar for april and that's the book in the jar leave a book emoji if you've been here since the book in a jar days magic by ve schwab so i don't know if this is really fair but whatever i'm really looking forward to this and i have very very high quality so it's the gathering of shadows i actually did really enjoy it um i enjoyed the third book in that series by far the most and i don't think it stuck with me as much as with some people however i did enjoy it and i loved the third one i know that there is this um consensus that they did kind of suffer from the middle middle book syndrome this trilogy but i actually quite enjoyed it i think it's because a tournament and i'm very partial to tournaments so i had a good time with it so you know what i think it was a decent prediction i just did not love it love it however can we just like note that i have read these past three ones because because that might be it seriously giving someone put it in my graduation bag and i have no idea who or why or just no idea so it also adds up to the mystery of this book and i don't think i have actually read the synopsis of it because obviously it was graduation i had other things to do like graduate so this is called the fractured man is written by julian khan the fractured man you know what i think i still have it because it still intrigues me for all of those reasons that i've mentioned here so um i do have it but i've not read it i don't think that i have extremely high expectations i think my expectations are pretty medium to low for that one now but i've not read it i have such high expectations for this book because it has been compared to my absolute favorite book ever and that's the name of the wind and everyone says that if you like the name of the wind you will love the the lies of lok lamora this book haunts me i i did not know that i actually had this since 2017 but i think this year was the first year that i didn't name it in my like reading goals video because i always do and i never read it um i do still want to though so i would read it and we could talk and oh there's genesis by bernard beckett did read it did love it a very short story again a very like black mirror-ish vibe and i did actually love it when i read it i don't know if i would now but then that goes for everything that i've read more than like a couple of years ago i feel um but i really really liked it i don't want to say anything about this this is a very very short book and i think it's best you go in to it like blindly i did really enjoy it so that one was accurate next one is nevernight by jay kristoff jay kristoff was a co-author of illuminae with amy kaufman and i really enjoyed that book and i actually have high expectations of this book than the other one because logan read it and he loved it okay that one's complicated um because i did like it i pondered back upon it i did i didn't love it to the five star rating but i did really enjoy it and i think i gave the first and the second one either four maybe the second one got the three but it could have scraped the four i think the i think i liked the story-ish but it got a little bit messy and it got a little bit draggy in places and i don't love the writing style because it makes it feel like more work than normally so whilst i love reading like for example watching shows on netflix and other platforms um to me that's relaxing reading is not always relaxing never night i feel to me just felt more so like labor for a bit more of the book that i would like and i think it largely came back to the writing style so i don't even know like i've read two out of three so i might as well just finish but i'm i'm in no rush but because i know that the end is supposed to be tragic i kind of want to be so that one's complicated because i did like it but i didn't number nine is the raven voice by maggie stiewater this book is everywhere i'm sure everyone knows what this is about i actually don't know exactly what this is about i know there's a girl and like a group i'm sure everyone knows it but me another one that's quite complicated because for the first like half of this book i almost dnf'd it and then the second half of the first book i loved and then i read the rest of the series and enjoyed question mark um one of the books have had way too many car references and car speech and car stuff just for me personally like i just know my jazz but um and the ending was disappointing to me because i think it lost its goal somewhere in the series so it was a little bit frustrating but overall i actually am quite a fan of raven boys i i like the aesthetic i like the the crew the supernatural aspect of it like i loved exploring cape's water i had a good time so yeah actually yeah this one is a win and last but absolutely not least whilst i couldn't rate all the other books this is definitely the one that i have the highest expectations for and that's the final empire oh okay yeah yeah that is one of my absolute favorite trilogies and books in general so i'd say that that one was spot on i really enjoyed this one i enjoyed the the world building the characters the the plot list at the end um and also i still think that this original trilogy like the first three the first era um in this born has one of the strongest if not the strongest endings to the series for me for what i've read so far um big fan big fan so it's an interesting mix of some predictions that are entirely off and some that are okay interesting interesting interesting i don't want to go through the whole video because uh in at some point between 2017 and 2019 i have forgotten how to make shorter videos which clearly carried into now but um i did do that can the first chapter help you predict your next five star read challenge um and this this little graph here i think is what like all of these books were you know four to five star predictions in my mind before i read the first chapter and then this is where i sorted them once i read the first chapter and i have read a couple of these books now um so let's go through them from the three stars there's the even the darkest stars in autobiography and i've not read either of them so i don't know but clearly reading the first chapter of them did put me a little bit off them so it might be the reason why i have not picked them up yet then we have the four-star category i truthwitch i've not read the seven and i have death or deaths of evelyn hardcastle god dammit that title honestly every time it trips me up i've not read but i am reading next week so i guess i'll come back to you about that red rising actually is correct in the four star category at first i think i gave it a five and then retrospectively lowered to four um still a high four because i really enjoyed myself i definitely i mentioned this a couple of times now but i would just read it at a good time i read it and it just fit what i needed at that moment but it wasn't perfect um so it is actually a four star so it's correct in both respects that i at first had very high expectations clearly for this book and um and that after reading the first chapter i actually didn't like the first chapter i remember that's why i lowered it and i will say that the beginning was the my least favorite part of the book so i can see why that happened then we had the humans which went into four and must have not loved the first chapter however this wasn't the whole like high expectations books and it is a winner i gave it five stars i would probably give it six if i could i don't reread books but that one i might i loved it it's one of my favorite books now ever so good on me for that prediction the alloy vlog i still have not read it but i but the reason actually is the first chapter that's so crazy because i read the first chapter and i loved miss born as i established already but because this one is set in more of a western setting i'm just not a big fan of it but i know i will read it and i'll probably love it i just haven't and this might be why then we have serpent and dove which i thought might be five stars and then i put it in four stars and it was a four star book i think it was like a lower four-star book as well i actually enjoyed it but i kind of am content where it stopped and i've heard not great things about the second one so i think i'm probably gonna leave it there and then we have red's sister which makes sense a lot of people said that i would love this book um and then um i read the first chapter didn't love it put it down to four stars but it's definitely it wasn't it wasn't a four-star uh unpopular opinion actually dnf'd it around 80 pages or something like that i just couldn't get into it i couldn't get into it and it was i just couldn't and then what left what's left in the five star category is actually kings of the wild uh which i which after that challenge i straight up went into reading because i loved the beginning that much and the beginning was still my favorite part and then afterwards it got a little bit repetitive so it ended up being like three or four stars because of that but um it definitely had a strong premise and it was enjoyable and then we had the poppy war which is in the five stars i think you got a four star rating but a very high one so also a good book out of this expectation pile and then we also have the way of kings which technically i shouldn't be rating but it did get four stars because i read the part one book then i still need to read the part two book which i know technically is the same book but been split into two so i'm reading them as two but no i i do hope to get to that soon to actually put like a proper more reading because obviously it's half a book so you know what apart from red rising no apart from red's sister and kings of the wild maybe i'd say it was pretty accurate for the ones that i have read so i feel still kind of like 50 50 or maybe not 50 50 but it feels like 70 30 as to whether or not i guess my what i will like i might do a new five star prediction video and see if my predictive skills got any better over the years let me know of the most recent highly anticipated book that you've read and did it live up to your expectations or if it didn't and why i'd love to see those comments thank you so much for hanging out with me i hope this was somewhat entertaining i just i just wanted to see what books i set up my love in 2017 that's literally it thanks for joining me hope you're well stay awesome stay safe and i'll see in the next one [Music] bye [Music] [Music] that you let me let your pain go
Channel: Book Roast
Views: 10,263
Rating: 4.9832811 out of 5
Keywords: books;, bookish;, book;, booktube;, youtube;, bookworm;, girl;, book, addict;, reading, 5 star book predictions, reacting to my 5 star book predictions, watching my old video
Id: YPccBt2RBrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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