Book buyer hate, Harry Potter haul, PMS chat & reading vlog | Book Roast

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hello and welcome to another vlog so it's actually been a week since the last one or more I had a pretty busy workweek so there and I did literally zero everything like I have not read a page since the last vlog so there was really like no point in me show you anything but it is Tuesday now again yesterday same story I was working till maybe nine o'clock and it was just no point in turning the camera on but I've just sorted my hair so I washed my hair and everything and it is like 10 o'clock now so I could squeeze in an hour reading and I think I'm gonna plan and do that because I just need to find time you know at certain points you just need to find time for everything so I thought I'll sit down and read even if it's just like a tiny bit and I think I'm gonna go and peel myself some clementines to just munch on while I read I have also just left my Leap candle I have my bowl of peeled Clementine and how am i reading nook so this is where I'm gonna be at I'm watching Jade's vlog before and well yesterday actually and she's mentioned the app that I wanted to get and forgot and then she now just reminded me by mentioning it in her vlog and it's cold I think a forest or something is basically where you set a timer and you grow a tree and your tree dies if you use your phone so it's basically just an app to make sure that you don't go on on your phone which is gonna be brilliant for like my little vegans friends because that is one thing that I do I get distracted by going on social media like if I get a message I want to reply or I get a comment I want to check it out so this is gonna be brilliant for that so I think I'm gonna set and now where is yours right Oh actually yeah let's do 50 minutes so it's currently 7 past 10 so yeah let's see what we we can nurture guys it is half past six on the next day I have read I think 49 48 pages yesterday so I thought I'm gonna show you a couple of things before I tell you what is that so first of all I want to show you Jamel my home well home way hole while back well I did mention there that I picked up a couple of Harry Potter related things from Primark and I was thinking of going back and getting something else so I can film like a whole thing if I wanted but I went back at some point and I didn't really see anything that I wanted from that particular prime work so obviously I'm not gonna buy you just to like put it in the vlog I just thought I'll include it here so first things first I got these slippers and um they come in this like really cool book that has like Hogwarts creston there's you stand up I my back already and that is how these look like they look really really cozy I have worn them now because I needed something to like not freeze my feet on cooking it's pretty cold so I think they actually shed there were six pounds this is kind of silly because obviously I made candles myself I currently it's close but I usually do and obviously my flat is like filled with that but yes so this is pretty ridiculous for Logan but I saw these and I couldn't resist because look at the packaging and also the sense of I just really wanted these in my life likes because I mean candles I feel like I shouldn't stop me by you from or like sure I by way less than I did before but at the same time I started making candles for a reason is because I love candles so you know anyway I got to you and these were both like 50% off so instead of four pounds it were two each so rhubarb egg custard rhubarb is one of my absolute favorite scents in the world and he loved custard so I was like hell yeah so these are really beautifully packaged and this sort of all flavored beans and like honeydukes kind of packet I really love it I don't know maybe I'll keep them in this I don't know but I want to take it out to see how they actually look like even when not discount four pounds is extremely good for a candle those are I think you know paraffin and obviously there's so mass-produced and they can't afford to sell it for that price this is a ten I don't know how well you can see it that's the size of it like a pretty reasonable 10 and it says every flavor beans scented candles and this one is as I said rhubarb and custard it is actually just widen side and it smells kind of metallic almost but definitely like I can smell rhubarb oh it's not as nice as I was hoping for but I did have super high expectations for that but that's okay because this one can live in the packaging because it's so beautiful as beautiful as it is but I think in the packaging and the next one is candy floss the mama made a pain to open it just sort of like because there is oh there's a hot glue sticker here really strong so yeah this one is candy floss in it as well has the exact same top here let's give it a sniff oh this smells actually much nicer than the other one mmm oh I love this end Oh didn't think I would love it cuz candy floss is not like my favorite scent he's usually a bit more like bubblegummy than I would like oh I love it actually reminds me of my body lotion I have this one that I absolutely love and I really need to hunt it down again anyway the next thing that I got they started doing these little snitch necklaces and they also have like one with broma so it's like a choker and like a little chain one and they do it with your like birthstone so I am born in June and so the birthstone is pearl and and that is how it looks like so you have a little itsy bitsy from there and a snitch and in the middle of the snitch there's like a little pearl this was three pounds and you know you guys know I like necklaces so you know cute and then another thing it was also three pounds and I think for this like they're some of their pins are really nice some of them are not the nicest for me but like some of them are so nice and for three pounds are you joking me you guys look at how many you get so we actually have the monster book of monsters which is a May and the reason basically I got it it's not like the best design but I mean it's three pounds for a little potion bottle this one says Alohomora they had this for all of the houses I think I want a Slytherin as always I was obviously got a Gryffindor acceptance letter a Gryffindor badge and then the last item I caught isn't necessary but I feel like it's very appropriate for the season and actually now was it Momo thank you for your help can you be this on going for Christmas oh cool look at it it's a little Hedwig like snowball snowball is it's called a snowball how'd you call these how do you call these things is that a snowball it's not a snowball snow globe but it also sits on books and if this is not a perfect thing for a book reader to get I don't know what is and they have a little Hedwig inside of that oh cool I think I think it's cool having that unlike a little every flavor beans so yeah that is what I got from there and but I also picked up my mail and I wanted to show you some bits so first of all I got another letter from Louisa and I just wanted to give a quick shout out and a massive thank you for sending this she see me a picture that she drawn and it's like it is so adorable because if you look there there's use and there's Momo and also there is use and the rainbow shelves this thing is the cutest anyway and she sent me a little card and there's obviously a letter inside of the card and thank you so much it's so so so sweet one of my besties AG also sees me a housewarming gift which you totally didn't have to AJ but I laughed my ass off off when I opened this earlier today and it's hilarious this is the type of don't be a pole this is the type of humor that I haven't has and like we share it you know so this is the cup that he called me this is the most amazing thing ever and I cannot wait to drink from it like it's amazing I can't confirm but so far there are no horrible neighbors so it's great so today it was a little bit of a weird day so most of the day was like completely flying I was fine um and the evening I which is really hit like really strongly and fairly suddenly would like really bad mood and I think it's because like I started feeling like pain again and I think if you live with something I feel like I must have some sort of autoimmune but we can't find it don't worry I could go to doctors and see where this is all coming from but anyway I think when you don't feel well often or you have like chronic headaches or chronic migraines or some are you're very susceptible to a lot of illnesses or just like infections of whatever sometimes it really gets to you and sometimes you feel really you know so I hope for your self but then you don't let yourself feel sorry for yourself because always there's people with way worse conditions and way worse circumstances and I just if you feel like that and it makes you feel even worse I just wanted to like you know remind myself and you that that's completely fine to feel a little bit beaten sometimes to feel a little bit sorry for yourself to feel like you know why like just tired because it's very mentally tiresome to be like physical pain for a prolonged period of time but I'm not just I'm not here just like more and stuff I'm just saying that don't be too harsh on yourself if you are feeling down let yourself feel down a little bit and that is my plan for this evening so I'm just gonna take it easy I've been working pretty hard for the last couple of days and I feel like it didn't really leave myself a lot of space so just Chile as you know I haven't done a lot of reading because I just didn't sit down which I adore by the way like I like being busy this is who I am I am always doing doing doing high five on my busy schedule so it's not that at all it's just that sometimes I I just need to sometimes I just need to bring a little bit of balance like some days need to be you know I need to stop around 7 or 8 o'clock and do some chillings I think feeling the best together so we went to the shop and got some snacks a lot of the healthiest choice but that's okay and I'm gonna put some fake fireplace sound and video on my computer light some candles dim some lights and put my reading light on which is already on and do some more of the reading really needs to start snow like ashes as well as continue eating I'm use of nightmares because no like ashes is November's choice and I only really think it's like the middle of November how it's insane I am NOT doing the vlogs for that anymore I'm gonna be doing a live stream instead because of the reasons I mentioned before it's basically a bit more of a real-time talk and I don't know how many people will be able to join I feel like I'll be alone there sitting for that one I'll try and see what I think about it so it's the next day I think is like 2:30 now I'm gonna take my lunch break you guys I had the worst night I was up at 5 a.m. experiencing something really weird but I feel like I don't want to talk about it because I'm always so honest with you guys and it's not why I don't want to talk about it it's just because I always mentioned it I feel like sometimes these books I just like more complaining than anything else because it comes across like it like complaining but really I just want to share it with you especially if you also have weird and health things come up to you come up as well because I know it to me is very relatable seeing someone struggle as well but you know for the sake of today I'm just gonna like not do that like my brain is a bit like laggy but it's okay so I have like makeup on because my plan was to film during the one tree but it's a very dark day so ain't gonna do that I got a really exciting parcel though in the mail but it was broken so I contacted the customer support it's a Harry Potter related item I was so excited for it but it is came broken so I had to contact them and I think I'm gonna have to send the back she's trying to get into the box but that was kind of sad cuz like other than like it good I did read quite a bit yesterday le right here and that is page 214 what 65 it is not something which like I don't know Laini Taylor's books or like high fantasies always obviously to me read much slower than your normal one so maybe I can do more reading later today but yeah I need to like get on with it so I can start the other book because we need to be reading that for the book you know JA also decide on the next one for the book at Najah which is gonna be January so this is the last one for 2018 okay [Music] hello it is Friday Jorge what a week anyway I am just getting really sick my lunch break and go for a walk pretty much because without a commute walk it's pretty easy to just sort of like you know forget to leave the house so me and Aneesa sometimes you know remind ourselves well remind each other to get on it I will either chatting her on the phone or all we need to turn the water off because between the water on in the bathroom for these two drinkers that is the water that he likes to drink a running 100 light hello it is a no makeup day-to-day so I will either chat to her on the phone or I will at least for the part of it we'll be listening to histories all you left me which is my audio book at the moment I am on I won chapter 7 actually but that is only like I have almost eight hours left and I think and thought was like around 10 I'm not sure anyway so I thought I will just let you know I'm gonna go outside pray for me anyway I'll let you know what is that when I come back via was good [Music] [Music] hello so I am rushing off to actually maybe this is not the best choice for the sweater for the hairdresser's should be awry she'd be away yeah I am running to get my post because it's actually like much further away than he used to be and then get there as often but I think it's probably gonna be a couple of things accumulated there and then I'm going to my hairdressers because apparently my hair needs dying again it looks kinda off I think the last time we died everywhere I was a bit too alive so it's now like extra noticable so I'm a bit all over the place because I need to like a run but I wanted to have day too so I think I'm gonna go a little bit darker cuz don't know so you were still listening to histories all you left me I'm actually fairly far into it now I think it's like literally halfway whose existence the prices me for hours and a half left of that but I'm listening at like 1.25 speed but anyway hi I'm back I picked up some mail and some of these things I could just open for you now I do have a whim safai and an owl crazy so I'm gonna open this first seems like someone was trying to get in there already oh this is that try Wizarding letter thing so you get this is like a paper subscription will paper items subscription that is themed for Harry Potter and this one was the November's fantastic beasts try Wizarding letter so this is your like info card and then I have a little envelope here with my name on I will I will link this down below as well if you wanna check it out I'm seeing the new fantastic next one next week with the week after that so I'm very excited very on theme so there's a little letter that I'm not gonna read cause it's like addressed to me first thing is this beautiful bookmark and it has all of the fantastic beasts stuff on there so we have a boat wrecker we have a have a snake oh and we have like housed animals as well and we have this little dude that is my favorite and I keep forgetting the name of but it's fine this is an illustration that's exclusive to Troy wizard letter a subscription is by Hannah hitch man very cool then we have some lint paper stickers look at how cute if you planning your life including stickers and such this is a really really cute oh-ho-ho look at an if ler and all of the characters very adorable and then we have a postcard which is this beautiful illustration of Newt with all of his attire and gear and it's an empty one so you can gift it to people as well as a little envelope for that and lastly we have a 20% off code if you want to use it this is how it looks like this is how it looks like if you want to use it and that is for behind the pages order if you want to get a discount and that is it for the Troy Wizarding letter o Zeus thank you hello it comes in an M so that's pretty cool let me get a bit lower there we go I also have two other things to unbox just here just now since everyone's speaking so weirdly anyway I got a glossy box and I think I will cancel I don't know because I signed up for the discount of getting the admin calendar so anyway this is how the glossy box looks like so um I'm gonna open that up very pretty we have the little letter and oh that's probably everything that's inside don't wanna look at that yet oh yeah there was like a lip gloss thing that they let you choose from like two different colors I think so first thing is this no way no vex no no Becks I don't know deep conditioning hair mask it's a hair mask that's cool too actually sounds very much like a hair sullen hello what's up I actually much prefer getting a hair mask instead of like hair shampoo or conditioner that like never last properly for me but a hair mask very much behind that and then a Chloe perfume sample so like a little spray one we have a context microderm a regenerator I'm assuming this is gonna be a serum two and one daily cleanser and gentle exfoliator again super nice for like traveling I love these next up we have this eyeshadow palette all right depends on the colors so let us get into it and this is by style but just with st yl london i've never heard of the brand ooh very pretty colors very very nice okay actually squash is really nice what about the mat okay then let's do this are you joking that is beautiful and so vivid and let's do the chunky or one okay this is much better than I like the thought it would be a let me get something to walk wash my and the last thing is the huda beauty liquid matte lipstick which is it's great Oh smells like sweets and that is the color mm-hmm lovely hopefully it looked nice on my actual face but so far super lovely and hopefully will wear nicely so a very strong box I actually might keep this for another one and then lastly I have a little paper gang so this is very festive so that's how it looks like when you're sorry I'm gonna like slightly rush through this because the cameras like so first off we have two three years super cute cards so there's this Christmas cheers one with like gifts and a puppy another one that just says warm wishes all I love that one so much and season's greetings oh this might be my favorite look at that or I could oh I can't this is perfect cuz obviously this is the time of year for like cards and stuff so very much appreciate that have a little a paper gang leaflet that tells you what's inside nevermind camera died either way so we can continue calmly yeah we have little like gift tags which i think is again really thoughtful for their like season that what's coming and then we got a postcard it says you've got a lot of balls coming in here just like that well I love that I don't really use postcards but this is amazing love it I've done a little wish list card pretty cool pretty heat down we have a notepad that is fairly simple if we just have a little bear poking out I like these I do get a lot of use out of these some never mad when we get one of those then we caught a little washi tape that tape that is very like festive beautiful and then we have our tea sheets of wrapping paper I actually like this one so you know what overall I am very very happy with this box I post cause it's always really depending on what personally you personally like himself this one was like definitely a win I think the value was definitely there as well because cars are expensive for every four boxes the donates to plant one tree which i think is nice I'm gonna go change actually and I really need to like plan my life and stuff so probably gonna sit down and do that a little bit or I'm gonna like sit down and listen to more of the audiobook I don't know I'm kind of getting into it which is nice because it hasn't happened to me in a while I feel like I'm in a big purchase today and big purchases are scary cuz it's like a dull thing it's it's scary but it's something that I needed for a very long time now because my main camera as you guys probably know has been breaking down for a long while now and it's just not been great to be fair like a year ago I started thinking and selecting the camera that I want to invest in because obviously I film so many videos so it totally makes sense and I know that and it's definitely gonna work out and you know it's gonna be worth it but it's like a big purchase so it's scary but um it's been really really bad recently and I was like you know what let's just do it because Black Friday and Cyber Monday so Amazon has a lot of deals and I was waiting and waiting and creeping they're like literally parts of it like for the microphone jag is getting all broken like there's weird sounds but it's not from the micro microwave it's not from the microphone is from the actual jag to be fair this has this baby has served me for almost eight years now and that is a long while for a camera my lens is the only reason that this camera like the videos look almost you know alright there will be a couple of sponsorships coming up because with a company that I went before because I won't obviously believe in them they like working with me and they wanted to like do a couple of more so I'm hoping it doesn't get annoying I am very picky with my sponsorships I do not take a lot because I don't want this channel to turn into that but at the same time the more the more support I get for my channel the more time and quality I can put into it any income that will come from these are obviously gonna go to cover this purchase and hopefully that will give you guys higher quality videos I'm really really just hopeful that it all just works fine because I've been putting aside some of the YouTube earnings into like a separate section for this specific reason for a very long time now but anyway long story short is basically that I have ordered it and I am really excited for it but I didn't come today it was supposed to so I'm just hoping everything is fine tomorrow but if not I'll probably have to call my bank cuz like I don't make favorite purchase because I'm very careful with my money but anyway but the bank is probably like I'm usual yeah and what to say as I've been going through all of your recommendations that I asked you on Instagram for like books and stuff because I'm like clearing my like to read stuff and I'm just looking for what you guys think that I would like and what you like and what did you think were like really good nice like fast reads when you couldn't put them down I got so many insane look at how many there oh I've been going through all of these to check and a lot of them we're books a lot of them were repeats and a lot of the books where I mentioned that I've already read so it wasn't as bad as you know it looks at me I'm not gonna gonna sit down for a little while because we really don't hang that much nowadays at all so we're gonna sit down and watch them attack on Titans listen to me watch a couple of episodes of that and again I don't feel like I've done any readings so hooray like I feel like there was an adrenalin rush at one point and I'm now I'm just like come hello it is half past ten on a Sunday I do not know why or how this happened but anyway I've been filming all day which was the plan I edited two videos and posted it I also asked you guys to choose which videos I post so if you don't follow me on Instagram and want to make decisions for me you should definitely do that and I'm gonna sit down and read a little bit of this I will tell you also where I am in my audiobook because I have actually done quite a bit of listening when I was doing my makeup and like I was going to shop for some food so not too far from the end actually and I'm really enjoying it but yeah I just thought I'll catch it I'll check in and tell you what is up we have a cat here we're gonna read a little bit so I am on page 214 I'm just about to start chapter 25 okay and I am undone it is 20 past 11:00 so I stayed everything a little bit longer what else is new it's okay I'll just go now I am up to chapter 29 I mean I got I read 28th and 29th is the next one but that is page 250 so I've read like 35 pages in an hour which is pretty low even for me always take me a bit longer I am gonna go and annoy zoos because he's all very cozy and surely he wants to just stay here which would be nice but it's time to get ready for bed so I'm gonna clean my face and everything and my phone actually died so I can't really show you how much over the audio book I have left but if I'm not mistaking it's like two and a half hours or three hours maybe but as I said I listened on 1.25 speed so a little bit less than that but maybe I'll just tell you tomorrow because I don't remember what they I started to the blog I want to see Monday so technically I should stop tomorrow but I'm not sure if it was Monday you know hello Monday and I'm gonna take a little break to make myself some food so I'm gonna make myself some buckwheat to actually eat for now and then I'm also gonna put like a slow cooker for soup with some gammon and leeks and potatoes peas so I'm gonna put some water on and peel the peas and pre cook my leeks a bit for these soften up more and I'm gonna do all of this while listening um the audiobook and so I was right I have two hours 58 minutes left of the history as all you left me um I'm gonna put that on now and get to work okay so tonight my feet [Music] [Music] okay Real Talk so I don't think I put my camera on yesterday um this is like probably TMI but like what else is new you go here expecting that at this point if and if not then you should so like different girls experience you know the pre period emotions differently for the last year I have had the strongest hormonal backlash to the point where I actually started marking on Logan's calendar days that I might literally go crazy on so it's usually like you might start beating like four days before my period is due I will be a different person like it's I don't think people I don't think some people quite understand or fathom how much it can affect your personality and your emotions in your state and sometimes I feel like a completely different person I can the mind fog and yesterday was one of those days that I was angry at everything and everyone for the majority of the day obviously I wouldn't take it out on them but but I was just like very angry about everything and I spend the evening crying wanting to just disappear it was very very bad with me also being sort of confused as in like what is happening why am I feeling like this even though I know why exactly it is coming but it doesn't make it any easier but like every minute was a torture it's insane it's all of these like emotions coming over it with no reason and I understand that I have a great life friends a boyfriend a cat's you know I have I'm surrounded by love that is obviously that doesn't mean that I cannot feel sad but like all things consider things are pretty great and I just I couldn't function yesterday at all and obviously I still had to function cuz like you can't just stop your life for that I've never had that before I've never had that to this extent where my emotions are so and affected I would obvious I would obviously get you know physical symptoms and stuff but I would never have such strong emotional stuff yesterday and things like that our actual struggle to get through and I just wanted to bring this out because in the society they have this joke of all like that you just PMSing you're just like blah blah blah isn't like it's like overreacting or like being weak but it's a thing it's a thing that no one wants to experience is the thing that happens is I think that is absolute worst and I I am actually like and sometimes it's like I hesitate telling people why I feel like that because I know the society's view on like premenstrual cycle stage that is just like ah you know you knowing they brush it off and like oh you're just being dramatic like dude no like I really am nah when I'm like sitting there crying my eyes out that is not a joke and I never had it so constructed in like these specific days and so at first that was really worried about my mental health and where this is going but like it passes so quickly when like I get my period and then like a day after or so like I feel fine so after like tracking a while and thinking of actually going to a psychologist because like that is not okay that is not an okay feeling to you know I mean it's okay it's not something you know it's something that requires attention and then I was like checking in and I was like wait a minute it was like the most bizarre things I now aware of those and you know I know I know why are they there I just wanted to let you know that you know you're not alone maybe I am though because I have not heard anyone speak about this and maybe it's just me I sort of like I hope I'm not but I also hope that I am because I do not wish this on anyone because it it basically robs you of a couple of days a month which is a lot and it it's inevitable that's the only word that I can think of it's actually actually miserable being through those days so I thought all brought it up it's funny cuz I remember at the beginning of this blog I was just like I'll try not to men but I've never heard anyone talk about it I mean maybe I'm sure someone dead or maybe this isn't anomaly of some sort of mind but I really you know if it's not then you know if you have that kind of stuff like you're not alone that is that is that I did I did actually enjoy it so just as you heard finished the histories oh you left me I haven't read it yet obviously but I it's definitely a book about grief and dealing with grief and this is a person with multiple mental health conditions mostly pronounced OCD from the beginning but we learn about something else at the very end of it there were definitely things that we shouldn't be comfortable with when we're reading it but I think is just life not everything is smart not everything is the best decision he can make for himself it's basically about a guy who date's another guy and then they break up and he goes away to college and he they starts dating another guy and he drowns and then this happens at the very beginning and then this is about our main character grieving this person and also rediscovering his way of living and also learning to look into himself through finding helped from the person that he least expected to like bond with it's a very interesting journey I think you were so emotionally charged in the writing it brought out so many aspects of life and everything was so complicated and nothing nothing was black and white and I that's why I love there a lot of the times the main character was quite annoying to me in the aspect of like this is so more what you should be doing but then Who am I to say that even though some people would say it's problematic and some aspects I thought it was very realistic and I actually really enjoyed it I enjoyed it more than I thought I would I sort of listen to this because I got it on sale a couple of months ago and I was like I already have it on my phone so I'll give it a go and boy was it a good choice I you know thumbs up it's probably gonna be like at least four stars maybe five I don't know but like really really good very impressed I like this much more than they both died at the end which is the only other book that I read up has because as I said this was so nuanced it was so many emotions so many things going on at once and so human is the best way I can describe it this really makes me want to read this that I got not that long ago I've been surprisingly into sort of this kind of mood I think I'm gonna keep this though for when hour readathon is for December month which is I just like rub my face with oil and whenever I do anything on my face like this is what happens it's not because I'm allergic is that my skin is like you touch it it's red okay I'm in bed already and it's actually kind of dog here but hello I mean well the best for your eyes but like well Logan said here playing his new obsession game do you want to tell people what it is what's a war yeah he's been playing that like non-stop for two days about about today's I think mm-hmm Logan has not been paying attention to me for a few seconds what is your chosen race soon Kings okay boys but strong bones and calcium see what that zero though I know fighting away the scheming like you yeah mama not me so I am on the page 250 and yeah let's try and weed in the dark hello guys we had our last piece of furniture delivered the sofa has come the color is much lighter than what I thought gonna be so basically I'm basically not quite but basically matches the carpet but in reality really we're probably gonna have a cover over it either way not that it's not a pretty colors it's all right it's just that this is the king of the sofa and this is the color of the chair and I thought those two are gonna match I mean it's not the end of the world obviously that's how the sofa sort of looks like I got it with like dark legs to match the dark legs here these are black these are brown I didn't say it's brown but you know it's fine as I said it's not even like a two-seater it's more like cuddler so it's quite small because obviously you know we don't have a damaged space here and at first we put it here like in the basically the middle but then I was like it's really weird because I have my armchair there so it's all like behind it so we moved it into this bed the only thing is obviously that it like sort of blocks the radiator so I left like a tiny space here so it's not entirely hidden I do like actually one of the things why we really liked of the sofa is how it looks from the behind which I now can't show you because obviously we put it next to the wall so currently I just have my fluffy throw on it don't know what throw I'll get later on but this is like a temporary solution and I actually like having it in here because it feels like a full of room because otherwise it was like a bit too spacious and if I felt I felt a bit lonely sometimes not gonna lie cuz it was just like a lot of room and a lot of me being alone 7 o'clock now I really need to start penciling my bullet journal so I can do that cuz I'm going away during the weekend and I am gonna go to the Harry Potter studios again since like for the first time after like 2012 I think so very long time and I'm meeting AJ let me do my friends first for a couple of days and then I'm meeting AJ because I took 3 days of work so I'm meeting AJ and then we're going to see the new fantastic beasts movie as well basically I need to like make sure everything is you know mostly sorted here I have read a little bit yesterday so let me tell you where I am now I am on page 290 so not too bad at all especially cuz I didn't read for that long and I've just created a little feedback form for you guys to complete to give me some feedback on what you like what you don't like what you skip what you do watch all the time it's very short I'm so nervous I'm always so nervous I do I know I don't know if it like translates to the other side but I do really really really try my best on this channel and I put so much effort into it a lot of work goes into every video really and everyone does obviously and I really just I really love this space and I want to keep you guys happy and I want to keep you know myself and you both of us happy so it's like a nice healthy relationship and I've noticed that obviously unintentionally entirely and intentionally just naturally gravitated to a lot of unboxings and I just wanted to know if you guys don't mind that I know a lot of you guys like it but I don't want it to be like some sort of like commercial thing I just personally have been always really drawn to subscription services and I know it's very much of a first-world type of thing but I love it I love the surprise I love the little things in life that bring me joy be feel like if I can support little businesses like that that run these things because they also support little businesses in there to them with like buying stuff from Etsy shops because that's the majority of the stuff inside you know so I I can see why this could be like really much like all consumerism but at the same time it's not the worst kind that there is and I feel like if same with buying books I feel like there's a lot of people who sort of frowned upon for buying a lot of books where you can go into the library and don't get me wrong I love the library when I was a kid and I couldn't obviously didn't have income I lived in a library and I'm not a total stranger to the library now but I do not understand why is there is this stigma against buying books we're not just collectors and even if you are just a collector if you can put some of your earnings into supporting authors and supporting publishing houses and physical or electronic copies doesn't matter you're supporting the author you're supporting the whole book community you know if you don't support the authors they cannot afford to be writers full-time they do not release as many books you know what I mean like it's not it's not a bad thing to buy books if you can't afford them it's bad to buy books if it's just for the sake of buying the books to like boast about it but who does that it's not like we're the coolest people there you know we'll look at all the books that I bought but anyway that was a little like rant aside but I keep saying that and I will keep saying that you know if you if you can put aside some of your earnings you know some people spend it on like take away some people go into the cinema it's your earnings and you get to choose where they go and what you support and I don't know I just feel like if you love something so much as we love reading why is it why do we come for each other and at each other's throats when all you're doing by buying books is according authors and making sure that this continues you know that they have a job that we can provide story stores and that publishing houses stay afloat I don't know just my little T sense I don't know what you think let me know let's have a discussion downstairs down in the Commons yeah this vlog is gonna be a little bit like lots of chats huh Amy and logan started watching overlord i don't know if you have seen this it's not for like younger audience but it's not like dirty or anything they just have like dirty jokes so if you like that kind of thing it's funny it's basically like sorta online but it's not supposed to go crappy after the first season or like half of the first season because we really like that one it's about basically people getting stuck in a game in a virtual game but when they got into the elf stage I just couldn't we couldn't do it anymore so this one was recommended to us by our friend the same one that I recommend this Lionsgate and we absolutely loved that one so we thought we're gonna check this one out is on Funimation is what we're watching it just like Netflix for enemy but if you into that kind of stuff check that out I really need to go now I'm just chatting to Chad now see you soon you are loved I literally would be saying because I'm wearing the same jumper I don't care it's fine it's nice Oh freezing okay oh why is this freezing it's like I'm just taking a break to make myself some breakfast we're working for a couple of hours dev and I cannot believe that this is supposed to be 10:00 a.m. like you cannot see but is it so dark have the lights everywhere it's like the Sun just decided like nah mate not today if you like I haven't made a smoothie for myself and forever because I kept forgetting to get spinach and now I got spinach so my smoothie of the day it's gonna be let me know Thun judge me but I got a little mix because you didn't have any other frozen fresh mango pineapple and papaya and like that's fine right cuz like that one is like rarely to be found so it's fine I'm gonna put a little bit of that a bit of spinach probably this is all randomness pecan that's because I like adding those in and one of these super-hype my trusty oh my god I'm almost out I need to order another one this is by far the best one I have ever tried it it's so tasty it can make anything drinkable not that this wouldn't be a drinkable either way but yeah let's blend that up here guys so it is I think it's like 11:30 now basically I have a half started listening to the snow like ashes as well I don't really have many thoughts about it at all yet because like it's I've literally had what like 20 minutes of that so I can't tell you what I think about that I'm still in the same page of news which is really annoying because I actually want to like I hello I physically want to read it's just that I've been well quite literally too busy to do that I'm like I hate when people say that oh wait I can't hold it too much effort I hate when people say that you know like oh I'm too busy to read like make time you know like it's reading like you either make time for it or you don't do it like I'm gonna be one of those people I like it didn't have time because I wanted to I wanted to and I try to make time but no I'm thinking of taking muse of nightmares with me though - but I also need to like move on into the snow like ashes as well so no no no so I hope you guys enjoyed it I think I'm gonna leave this here because I want to edit this tomorrow I'm gonna go take my makeup off go shower gonna go to bed because my brain is not working so I hope you guys enjoyed this vlog let me know what is up little chat to me down in the comments I hope you guys are doing really well and enjoying the content and everything thank you for coming back to my channel it really means a lot I'll chat to you later I'll see you in the next vlog the next vlog is gonna be Bailey oh excuse you the next vlog is gonna be de very exciting I hope I hope it will be very exciting thanks so much for watching stay awesome stay kind and I'll see you racing
Channel: Book Roast
Views: 8,608
Rating: 4.977695 out of 5
Keywords: books;, bookish;, book;, booktube;, youtube;, bookworm;, girl;, book, addict;, reading, life vlog, rant, health, reading vlog, christmas shopping, gift ideas, vlog, papergang, harry potter, harry potter primakr haul
Id: aXXlRi1Cmdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 36sec (3036 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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