REACTING To VaatiVidya The Lord of Frenzied Flame | Prepare To Cry, An Elden Ring Movie

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this feels honestly and I know this may sound really silly there was part of me that's like oh I'm glad that we waited until the end to watch all these lore videos because we're here we've made it full circle it feels like the right time to like come and and really like dig into this but then there's also the part of me that wishes like and watch this as I was playing the game so that I feel like I would have a better understanding of what's happening but that's not the point we're here now uh this will all be up on YouTube so if you are watching this and you're on YouTube Welcome on in I have just finished album ring I'm finally Elden Lord it was my first ever from soft game it feels euphoric to have defeated it but now that I've defeated it let's go back and actually try and understand what's happening so we're going to start off with vati videos and Alden Ring movie The Lord of frenzied Flame what a great thing to say our lore of frenzied Flame the lands between are ruined mired in torment and despair is there really anything here Worth Fighting For is there any one worth saving hello somebody there my name is Arena coming back to the South to this point in the game again my good father secreted me out the castle but decided himself remember when I didn't want to know what the word secreted I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I know this isn't the point um am I correct in thinking that those are balls there are actual balls sculpted in this Cod piece right it I'm that was such like Whiplash shock I just was and they've lingered on this frame for so long it is frankly so distracting it's historically accurate though but like did COD pieces have have the ball part sculpted into them geez Louise okay sorry ever here I'll read the shout out and then we'll carry on oh well now I have to read it out don't read it it starts off going don't read this out but I feel the special shout out needs to be given to gravity for being the second hardest boss in Elden ring I I think I died to Melania gravity accurate that feels accurate to me whoever the 3D model yeah Moulder was had a good time sorry guys okay I'm sorry let's we'll get back to this we'll get back but it was important that we pointed that out we had to see now how many other React videos that you've watched I've pointed this out goose egg I tell you okay we're carrying on very serious smash Commander have rebelled filled with hatred for every one of us they've since come for every one of them that's horrible they haven't spared a soul I I fear for Father's life my soul wishes wow look at that enchantment that's that's the thing Miss begotten the very existence is considered to be a punishment the only crime was being born outside of Grace it's no wonder that hatred has fermented in their hearts inspiring them to finally break free of their masters the next step in a cycle of Revenge that began at Castle morne long ago also sorry it has to be pointed out it has to be pointed out he does such like please what goes on in this guy's brain to it's like it [ __ ] cinematography because I'm gonna map out what scene I want I'm talking about the Miss begotten at this point and I'm gonna have to go into the game and film like beautiful incantation and myself fighting these Miss begotten and well and like [ __ ] 4K how do you how how do you think of this stuff it is so well done it is crazy it is crazy and anytime I think of like oh I would love to do a talking head video about you know my opinions or thoughts on a game I always then think okay but if I'm I can't just be like me talking at a camera I have to be filming on showing other footage that is there and yet my brain just doesn't cook like this to show that you know what I mean it's nutty the cinematography is amazing lb right it is so well done it is actually insane they make these like movies they're so good it's genuinely like a movie you have no have no idea how good he is about this I've seen a couple of his videos now um and each time it's just blown me away with some of the stuff it's insane sorry also before I push play again to me it makes the most sense to just pause this and get my thoughts out so that I'm not talking over important parts um if it's too much stop and start you would rather I say these thoughts as the video is playing please just let me know feedback is it's good feedback I don't typically do react stuff um but we're branching out guys all right incredibly talented oh it's it's just oozes Talent it's so well done it's it's clear that he's very talented at this I see from Arena thank you I mean you're dead it's so weird looking out yet the armor the castle should fall as close like this must remain to ensure the treasured sources into the wrong hands ages ago a lone Champion fought at Castle morne my gosh this fight but he grafted their swords onto his own and continued to fight so determined was he to claim his not the backflip dude this became the legendary sword of Castle mourn it was claimed by the banished Knights of godric stolen by a Miss begotten wow passed down to you and with it the cycle of Revenge continues oh is he a summon for this fight and I just didn't know that for an eye I'm in your debt for keeping the sword from those foreign creatures oh that's good rescued Arena I will spend my remaining days with her actual [ __ ] jump scare no yes I completely forgot but also you don't see it happen right we don't ever see it happen we just it just we we just know that it happens I wasn't expecting that Jesus Christ and the Stinger music [ __ ] it up yeah you can summon him I never did yeah total Game of Thrones Sword Art it's so so good amazing cinematography oh totally blonde silver totally how do you get the shot I don't know no seriously flipper poor Gollum with the long ass hair he probably made a character to cosplay him was that just a head manifest machine yeah should we rewind a little bit just like a little bit Greener I will spend my remaining days with her God it's horrible it's also so crazy look at how detailed the armor is how could this be and you never get to really appreciate it whilst you're playing for life with me I chose Duty over my daughter's safety and that is how fate is answered I'll find them the foul wretched responsible for this I'll hunt them down and exterminate every last one of them rest assured Arena it will be done good grief guys right Jesus you're a tarnished I can see it you know what else I don't know about sorry I don't know about the merchants and apparently whatever their story is is quite sad so that might be a good one to follow up on right and I can also see that you're not after my throat then why not purchase a little something I am Carly purveyor of fine Goods I am of a nomadic people selling Wares as I travel the land has been tainted by madnesses Sheltering of the Elden ring it's only tarnished like yourself who keep things from drying up entirely so I wonder why he's wearing this armor bracelet hmm there are others of my people who yet survive in these lands if the mood takes you when you meet one then offer them some trade won't you my people Wanderers all have long been spurned by the grace of God oh is he which is why we cannot settle instead are forced into this pitiful unceasing Journey but thanks to that things are not so different for us now I think this makes us Kindred Spirits of sorts okay your people the tarnished and mine see that no harm comes to my kin but he doesn't say what is the skin on not just Nomads lament's not your solitude expect no sympathy no regard nothing but if anyone dares harm us show them no mercy that is our code so to speak just the way we are deeply unforgiving deep within the eyes a secret is hidden deeply unforgiving indeed I'm thinking of moving Elsewhere for a Time so far we've spoken of Miss forgotten banished Knights tarnished and Merchants all was burned by grace in one way or another you can't go too far without wondering if the golden order is to blame for the oceans of anger and despair when we last met Edgar he swore Revenge upon the Miss begotten but now all Must Die Miss begotten or not and if you defeat Edgar you will receive a chabreary grape yeah to prove that his need for Revenge no longer divides it distinguishes love Revenge melt it all away in the yellow chaos flame jeez like that must be the proper profession and you just don't ever get to appreciate that whilst you're playing the game but there are those who stalk their own Euro the hunter of bloody fingers will often be at your side the hunter of bloody fingers whoms or the bloody fingers am I supposed to remember that or not because their story in this video okay great yeah it seems that they're Invaders okay okay [Music] gosh the katana's really are very long swords a place that has long been locked in a miserable Civil War and it's said that the entire nation has succumbed to a blood-soaked Madness it's not too surprising then that Europe fights against any blood craze tarnished whether they serve the Lord of blood or otherwise but yura's true Mark is a drake Knight named Elia Nora located where she kills Ellie and Nora is that character's name eleanora and not eleanora because if that's the case I'm actually going to throw myself you know you know the clip in you know how they go in uh you know the clip from Mrs Doubtfire that goes it's [ __ ] what's her name the actress who plays them on Missed Out Fire she goes the whole time the whole time like that that's literally me right now red red you or my mods you have been here you've literally so the whole time eleanora I'm we're gonna have to have a talk we're gonna have to we're gonna have problems here I can't bear the idea that there are hours and hours and hours of me saying it wrong I want to pass away I want to the floor to open up beneath me and just swallow me whole stream ending real quick yeah I have to read I'm literally just gonna like rip out the ethernet cord right now I'll call it quit yes it's my blade but I didn't know it was Eleanor Sally Field that's exactly who it is thank you elianora elianora I said it wrong it's no worries thank you the whole time the whole time [Music] yeah evil yeah rude yeah all rude uh the way you said it's better it's blood once Eleonora had a legacy as a proud knight but because of her Dragon communion it seems her Humanity has slipped away okay you put that Legacy to rest hang on has slipped away ah so because of her Dragon she is wearing it seems her Humanity she is wearing the cape that we were wearing guys I inadvertently paired the pole Blade with the correct armor top and gauntlets did did you all know this that she wore this and I didn't yes yes you don't make fashion mistakes I definitely don't why didn't anyone tell me everyone hates me such cool detail though and we don't we have to love and appreciate I want everyone to go that's my streamer clap clap clap that's my streamer don't be love and appreciate that I quick as quick as a whip recognized that I that's the same outfit that I wore right right the other being destroyed over these small details is so funny to me they're not small details they're big details game breaking stuff here all right let's carry on away so you put that Legacy what is that helmet though bad choice by now I would never that Madness takes many forms hello how beautiful someone there my name is hayata and I'm journeying in search of the distant light if I might hyatta looks exactly like the daughter though right is there a reason law wise why she looks exactly like your daughter who we know is dead just to ask would you donate any sugary grapes in your possession to me she looks like Arena oh but arena is dead somehow this hayata has taken over that body but for what purpose one me getting the answer to my question right after I ask it is like par for the course and then some is so fearlessly on brand but two she's taken over the body so it's not that she's just copied the body's shape she's taken over the actual body she's inhabited her dead body welcome in Jerry possessed she's possessed the body of Arena god I didn't even make the connection when I was playing because it had been like months between probably even knows herself it will lead me to my true Duty as a finger Maiden you're not like the others who give me grapes are you they rest their trembling hands upon me howling wordlessly they gently stroke my eyes their frail fingers yes yet still sorry they give me the grapes but you somehow firmer now I can feel the distant light once more that aside I wonder what shapiri grapes really are uh tender and sweet and Searing what a sight they must be to behold of course the chabreary grapes are eyes yellow shriveled and oozing that's not possible not all of those people the room so those noises I heard were not the bombing sound oh full on bomb tasty Ernie welcome in chabreary the most reviled man in all of history it All Began long ago with crime of slander shabiri came up with a lie and it was so damaging so heinous that his eyes were gouged out as a punishment when that lie was proven to be false why would you cut out someone's eyes for telling a false lie surely it would be more appropriate to cut out that tongue right if you're lying gonna cut your tongue out questions questions that are forming right now we can't be sure of what was said but what if shabri slandered the nomadic of merchants what if with a crooked smile he accused them of the very crime he himself was guilty of saying that they had fraternized with the three fingers and were not to be trusted this would explain why the nomadic Merchants came to be so hated it is said after all that the sickness of the flame of frenzy began with shabri and after his eyes were gouged out the blight of the flame of frenzy came to dwell in his empty sockets yellow eyes became known as chabreary grapes and frenzy started to infect the despairing world the madness that belongs to those who have lost everything ah by the way well even we had a place to call home once the great Caravan they called it but it's been lost to us for ages I've been searching for it as long as I can remember and with a name like that you'd hope they kept some fine Goods there hey I've always preferred my own company to that of other peoples valid and I don't have any burning questions I wish to ask my ancestors but there's something I need to know my roots I want to know who I am where I came from this guy's voice is so familiar I don't think it's like I hope you can join me a well-known actor but it feels like it you know what I mean who knows what wonders there might be to trade geez did indeed yes I did urgents than he knew exactly is that you over there yes something very important indeed thanks to you the reason why it was eyes I had to eat the distant light is far and frail so faint it can't be seen by the naked eye but with everyone's eyes together it appears finally it all makes sense I'm certain now I will be a finger Maiden do you donate to a fingerprint grape to me they're special grapes which only grow on those who've been clasped by the burnt fingers uh we only know of one other who was clasped in such a manner wow his name was vike the dragon spear oh gee after the war with the ancient dragon and hang on if you go because I don't know if they're gonna show it again you can see what I assume are fingerprints right from the from the three fingers burnt into what's melted away the armor and burnt into it so fantastically well done so fantastically well done but again what feels like continuously to be the blessing and the curse of this game is that in the fight with vike which we did do you don't see that I don't I I I I I'm as far as I'm aware I had no recollection at the time that vike was involved with the three-finger nurse you obviously don't get to see and appreciate the melting into the armor of where the the fingerprints would have seared in there and it reminds me a lot of what uh what the um sort of costume design is and the set designers and pretty much anyone who touched Lord of the Rings what they used to say which is you know because for anyone that's not well one if you've not seen Lord of the Rings please watch it too um if you've seen it you will notice well you may not notice it's incredibly detailed and I mean the amount of like work that goes into like the hilts of the swords and whatnot is so phenomenally phenomenally well done um and but they kind of go like you know a lot of people aren't really going to be able to see and appreciate all the small detail that goes into this however you would notice if it weren't there it doing all this detail makes it feel more realistic makes it feel like a like a more whole world and I have to believe that's still that's the case with Elden ring where a lot of this stuff is so phenomenally detailed that you don't get to know set and appreciate whilst you're playing the game but you would notice the absence of it um and I find that to be both amazing and just like so [ __ ] heartbreaking Vic is the character in the cover art ah okay the the person is like he's on his knees right I think that makes sense um okay let's carry on but I felt like that was important to share with one other who was clasped in such a manner his name was vike the dragon spear after the war with the ancient dragons they came the house of the Dragon cultists who earned the dragon's affection hang on Fame the rise of the draft after the war with the ancient dragons there came the rise of the Dragon cultists who earned the dragon's affection one of the most beloved was vike the dragon spear descended from Godfrey who eventually returned from across the sea to join the Roundtable hold in hopes of becoming Eldon Lord and acquired the power of two great runes but when he stood before the Thorns of the oak tree he realized the truth that a maiden's true purpose is to burn the Thorns for the one who would become Eldon Lord and whether it was born of Love or Duty vike refused to burn his Maiden for the whisperings of chabreary had told him of another Flame a flame of frenzy hidden deep below the capital that could burn the Thorns away but when vike returned as Maiden was dead did she commit suicide after betraying her purpose or was like captured and punished for his truth I hate pausing it because the music and the cinematography is doing so well but I want to make sure we're understanding so we had to we okay Molina was awe finger Maiden and we had to burn Molina to burn the roots or Thorns of the air tree right I didn't understand that correctly stand in finger Maiden yes okay okay so fight had a finger Maiden that he loved question mark or felt strongly for he didn't want to burn her so he found out about the other Flame came back she's dead where would we have seen her body in the game because I assume that you would be able to come and see her body here one and then two how the hell are you supposed to know that it's Fikes bikes finger made in there that's why we fight eleanora sorry oh Jesus eleanora that's how we fight eleanora not eleanora Nora so the church where Fike is you get her clothes it's in the village where he invades okay I think the Elia Nora fight was in Altus I think shabri as she tries to see view too the same way even when you pass through the mountaintops telling you you should spam Melina ah you can see her body it's where you get the bloody clothes from that one guy for that one guy it's not clear in the game but the item description gives his oh Jesus and it's like all of this I think what's again the amazing thing about Elden ring and like something that I would want to say in a video where I put more of my thoughts together um or like a segment a part of this where I put more of my thoughts together is that I think it does something that's really Brave in a way which is it's so filled with the lore of the game but it doesn't force you to interact with it right it's there and if you want it it's you can there's so much of it that you can consume obviously there's a YouTuber who has made hours upon hours upon hours doing exactly that um but you can also play through the game in like however long it takes speed around us to play through the game or however long it would take a casual play through this game and not interact with any of it you know and I think that that takes it's I think it's really Brave to put so much work into something and accept that no one maybe no one will interact with it or see it it's crazy huh after betraying her purpose it was like captured and punished for his treason whatever the case now Vic's vengeful Spirit defends dead Maiden at the church of inhibition whoa well the real bike Neil's imprisoned in an Ever jail deep within the Forbidden lands Clyde in armor clasped by three burnt fingers okay we fight Fike in the church where the body is but he is also in an Ever jail and I think it was his armor set that we wore for a long time it was a dragon something armor set that has like a that has like a scarf to it I think right yes you loved his armor set I loved this armiser I can't believe I mean I can believe it I can believe it but like it is so wild that we fought like twice in my playthrough right the summon version of him and then the version of him that's imprisoned and it totally never clicked to me that it's the same person that you're fighting and also I would Hazard to say that it probably doesn't click for a lot of people that you're fighting assuming that you do both fights that you're not fighting the same person because you could be there could be tens of hours between the two fights you know yeah real folks in the ever jail but his Spirit haunts the church isn't [ __ ] insane she's in that church in the hernia she's the one where you get the uh the bloody over the bloody cloth for vowel oh do you know what though I got the bloody cough before from um I got it from um where you start the very beginning of the game I think is where I got the cloth from uh and I got there by going in the um Belfry through the Belfry you know I think that's the one I got but I'm not positive anyway we'll carry on this feels wild that's two of my favorite armor sets I wore throughout the game or like armor tops or armor tops I've shown in this video that's crazy and I never appreciated whose they were it's it for sure it's his armor piece of armor without the legs obviously because we were pantsless and in case you're watching this on YouTube and you stumbled across this video before my full playthrough your gal became Elden Lords never wearing pants check it out crazy and yeah now that I remember this fight he is using the lightning what was that what attack was that this I never did that with Paul blades I was robbed yeah I think you can cassery I'm like 90 sure it's where I got it yeah I can't I think that's that's my thinking as well which makes sense there are so many weapon arts in the game there's so much of the game and I feel like I used a lot of the weapons available in the game that was part of my like desire when I did the play through was to cycle through a bunch of different weapon types that you guys and and I could experience a lot of it and yeah there's just so much it's wild I see how people can play this game so long you know eleanora's Twin Blade is very anime wow look guys yeah the charts and animation is the early church place where Tony discovers his first murdered Maiden no but you know the one it's it's like literally at the start of the game like like on the you have to go back there with the Bell free that's where I got it from it's not even listed as a church well I don't know what it is you guys know better than I would held L2 longer but not with eleanora's full blade obviously it would have to be with a different full blade or twin blade is there a difference between a pole blade and a twin blade that I'm not realizing or are they the same thing [Music] please God and look at his look at his armor but now see here's the thing right because we took his we have his armor our armor that we wore I'm like 90 sure that the armor we wore didn't have the burnt finger Prince on it is there a reason it wouldn't have had the burnt fingerprints on it does anyone know pole blade is like a knife on a long stick but it was too it was double-ended wasn't eleanora's pulp pole blade double-ended Jesus was not even double-ended it did though it did it did it was double-sided okay so eleanora's pole blade isn't a pole blade it's a twin blade it does I think it was just hard to see Jesus God how oh and I'm like wow we meet a tarnished board I fear that you were previously acquainted with this vessel well that is most unfortunate for he is dead as for his flesh he gave it to me am I correct in understanding guys and this is why I paused it am I correct in understanding that shabiri is like hayata and chabrieri took over the body of Yuri who halt or who died fighting Eleonora what the [ __ ] the whole time the whole time chat was like we me and the homies always kill shabri we always call shabri you gotta kill shabri and I'm like why no I'm not gonna kill it why am I gonna kill him yeah maybe even I'm not gonna kill him why do I kill him he took over our friend's body and someone says that shabiri might have been hyatta hayat is like shabri yeah he took over Yuri's body Sheree's kind of a demon good God mind blowing going bad it's so mind-blowing no truly Peregrine it's horrible now you see why we killed him yes now I see why you killed him I feel like my mind is being cracked open like a chabreary grape yeah as soon as you heard him say I went and borrowing Euro's body I instantly went for the kill I just didn't even I never connected the darts that's insane you're about to sacrifice something precious the life of a fair Maiden that you would toss into the fiery Forge only so that you may be Lord what a horrible thing to ponder would he have known that before we did it how would he have known that before we did it your ascendancy whether she wishes it or not how would the Lord Crown so be looked upon chosen tarnished and would be Lord Dare To Tread the path of true rigor spare the poor girl and sends your own flesh in her Stead if you are prepared to show resolve and attain lordship through righteous hardship then eat the words of I shabrieri chosen tarnished and would be Lord descend into the depths far below the Earth tree capital seek audience with the three fingers and the flame of frenzy if you inherit the flame of frenzy your flesh will serve as kindling burn the Earth tree to the ground and incinerate all that divides and distinguishes ah May chaos take the world May chaos shabiri is chaos foreign [Music] would killing chabreary and give you the friends you flame no right that was phenomenally well done and the other thing that's crazy is that it's I if I'm remembering correctly it's quite easy to miss finding the three fingers in the uh when you needed to go like behind her gosh you're in you're if I'm oh gosh you're in a boss room mogs mog's boss room I think and you need to go back behind mog's boss room right to to find the three fingers if I'm if I'm right and remembering that I'm gonna be actually very proud of myself I'm not gonna lie extremely easy to miss jump puzzle yeah the jump puzzle but to get there you had to go through you remember correctly guys I remember correctly that it's behind mog's Bar store are we not all wildly proud of me Chad are you proud of me thank you for the followers by the way welcome in Pathways behind the hidden wall how insane yeah you have to beat MOG okay you have to beat MOG you have to then know there is a hidden wall a hidden pathway in the MOG boss room you have to descend down a really effing annoying puzzle that's really annoying and hard to do and then to then I think that's the last thing you have to do to then find the three fingers it's just nutty it's crazy there was a cut questline to make you go there but Kayla doesn't mention it how how do you know that you can only access the area behind MOG after you'd beat morgot is it quite common that people would try and fight MOG without having fought more got yeah I guess so because more got more got also in layendell leyendale not lend or leandel so there is a potential that you would try and fight MOG before you fall whatever that's crazy uh people digging into the code it's crazy okay let's carry on me chaos if you intend to claim the frenzied flame I ask that you cease it is not to be meddled with chaos devouring life and thought unending however ruined this world has become however mired in torment and despair life endures births continue There is Beauty in that beautiful beautiful editing beautiful it's like amazing storytelling do not deny what sword is that please it almost looks like Bloodhound flying but Bloodhound Fang but it's not and maybe you would have left it alone word not for the horrors that you found down there did you see what they did to my ancestors the whole clan buried alive sick maddened husks of themselves if you heard their moans they're hardly human anymore but it's worse than buried alive fingers that we called the maddening sickness down upon them well if that's what they expect from us then that's what they shall get from us that's not an actual voice line that they deliver right I don't remember that piece of dialogue between the cracks to have intruded Upon Our solace having broken us upon their whims never forgive any of you we want you training any longer [Music] it's actual audio but it's removed from the game what it's in the code Jesus Christ what's that how rise it inherited the flame of frenzy now we all know they that would have killed the person all right you're not fooling me [Music] everything the whispering creepy so well done but creepy [Music] oh that's it [Music] the yellow flame of Chaos [Music] gosh the fingers are much more spread apart than the two fingers you know please frenzied flame to melt away the curses suffering and despair and the order God is crazy ah hello May chaos take the world it's a shame that was caught that was beautifully active beautifully beautifully acted thank you for the follows by the way welcome in the quest line is the the quest is playable just different oh my god wow look how you come out from the room my eyes they're melting thank you this music's not in the game anywhere right I don't recognize it it's awesome I don't know if maybe it comes from slime so she is our new finger Maiden then Affliction every sin Every curse everyone born at the mistake and so must be returned melt it all away with the yellow chaos flame until all is won again whoa I wish that was real without saying they wish they were they were spare their Affliction every sin Every curse imagine melting all the way this Lord have cake [Music] imagine how well was that done that was done so well that was done so well that an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind gosh how grim here have inherited the frenzied Flame a pity our Accord ends here I mean look your head is just the eye of Sauron honestly if you heard the friends you find you can summon shabri for Godwin in the same location that you summoned Molina from morgot that is interesting I mean it's gorgeous we've seen this end we did watch a video that goes through the alternate ending so we have this is not my first time seeing this hiya Wyatt welcome in that's so crazy how many endings are there it's like nine six or nine I think a ring the one ring to rule them all question mark surely not it is a ring the Elden ring Torrance ring Torrance ring Flame I will seek you as far as you may travel to deliver you what is yours destined death horrible thank you for watching if you want to get early access to more videos like this then you can consider signing up that's patriotic horror money from there helped me to I would absolutely want to cry and [ __ ] and vomit if I got that ending and at the very end you see Torrance ring the thing that you used to cool and ride torrent who's been your companion throughout the entire game and it's Molina being like I will absolutely make my mission to kill you I would simply pass away best ending in the game worst ending in the game you killed tauren in this ending [Music] I mean this with my entire chest I am so fully serious when I say this if chat had trolled me and tricked me into guessing this ending pretending like it was the best ending and then I found out that I accidentally killed tauren I neither of you no one would know peace no one in my chat with no piece I would have to just do a little redo I think I would have to just delete the channel go back live under a different name or something and just go again you would all be banned so swiftly I would be fuming I would be fuming I it would honest I would lose sleep over it frankly that was a gloomy ending what does glow me mean what does that mean yeah yeah and what's the deal with her tattoo her tattoos no longer there what's what's going on with that she wants you she wants like five times that's true that's true you've got a good point for that stream we pushed you to not do that ending yes yes thank God we're definitely fighting that day to make sure yeah you didn't do all of you were fighting so hard it was good thank God the thing by itself made Melina one of my favorite fire Keepers characters yeah so good [Music]
Channel: itsjavachip
Views: 27,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring first playthrough, it's java chip, let's play, eldenring, elden ring, elden ring beginner playthrough, british accent, elden ring new gameplay, elden ring playthrough, first playthrough elden ring, new gameplay, elden ring lets play blind, vaatividya, vaatividya elden ring, elden ring lore reaction, elden ring lore, elden ring reaction, vaatividya reaction, elden ring lore explained, elden ring vaatividya, vaatividya elden ring lore, lord of frenzied flame reaction
Id: Zjc98rFQKYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 17sec (3197 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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