Reacting To True Scary Stories Of The Japanese Slenderwoman & Elevator Game (This Got Me Paranoid)

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hey I'm Jay from the Cub Scouts welcome back to another episode of watching scary animations with you guys I read the comments all the time a lot of you guys liked the animations that I'm watching but a lot of you recommend me to react to a channel called snarled and we're gonna do that in today's episode if you guys want to see their full library of videos check them out in the description box below but no more talking we got some animations to watch something has cooled a you down with that everybody get ready and Buffalo gets here we go first video is called ghost guide watch out for the kuchisake-onna who's talking about who gene [Music] wait chapter 2 I don't even know there's a chapter 1 during the Japanese hey on period around a thousand years ago a samurai was married to a beautiful woman she daddy she was the object want everyone's affection and she knew it she would walk around town and ask those who stared am i pretty with you like my body was eliciting and when he discovered she was being unfaithful he wanted her to pay and the life will one day armed with a knife he attacked her he pressed the blade into her cheek and slit her mouth Oh leaving her with a bloody two aesthetic Corinne who will think you're beautiful now soon after she died and returned to earth as an angry spirit named kuchisake-onna the slit-mouthed woman in the late 1970s a countrywide panic broke out after numerous people claimed to have encountered could she sought the owner more police officers were assigned to night duty students were required to walk home in pairs after school people took extra precautions to avoid this vengeful spirit because any encounter would be deadly if you were walking alone she will appear around a corner wearing a trench coat in a surgical mask wait where the hell did she go here would not seem out of the ordinary since it was common for people to wear such masks to prevent the spread of germs yeah for sure you will assume she is just an ordinary woman then she will approach you and ask am I pretty if you say no use like that yes she will bring her face closer and keel back her mask to reveal her disfigured mouth and I'm really now no matter how you respond afterwards your fate or remain the same however a few school children discovered a way to trick coochi sake okay listen up young whippersnappers her question responding with an ambiguous so so would confuse her long enough for you yeah you still so ugly you still so hideous and then run beware the wrath of kuchisake-onna alright so that was the kuchisake-onna she is the slit-mouthed woman and that's how you know how to trick her next video today's episode is called the elevator game ritual ELISA Lam and I've heard that name before because I saw the video of what it was and it freaked me out for days for days and nights and nights and days and afternoons shut the [ __ ] up but for the people who have never seen or heard about it before prepare your butt cheeks cuz it's actually really scary we live in the age of information answers to everything and anything are available to us in an instant and yet there are still so many things in this universe that cannot be explained sometimes those are the best things sharing the most puzzling creepiest unexplainable events that really happened this ELISA man thing is very common our first story I already don't want to see you who checked into the Cecil Hotel and never checked out the Cecil Hotel in downtown Los Angeles has been around since 1927 and since its doors have opened it has had a very dark history at one point it housed famed serial killer Richard Ramirez who murdered his victims in his hotel room what there have also been numerous incidents of guests jumping out windows and other unsolved deaths just like the one I'm about to tell you oh no hurry up 2013 a young woman named ELISA Lam flute oh I don't like his face it's like tickling the bottom of my screw Cecil Hotel she was first placed in a hostel style room was she shared with another guest but after two days the front desk got a call hi the woman I want comfortable right now so Alisa was moved to a room of her own and that was the last time anyone saw her during her I'm gonna let you guys know that it is 12:30 in the morning right now but when they didn't hear from her when she was leaving Los Angeles they became worried and called the LAPD around the same time the front desk kept getting more complaints the hotel staff member went up on the roof to inspect the water tanks he noticed that one of them was open and that's when he found Alisa floating in the tank to this day nobody knows how she got in there undetected but there are a lot of theories see Alisa had bipolar disorder and depression my hands are sweating action medication to help keep your balance she kept a blog where she wrote about her struggles with her illness and seemed to be very open about it the most logical conclusion is that Alisa was off her medication broke from reality and drowned herself in the water tank another maybe is that she was playing the elevator game the elevator game is a ritual that originated on a Korean website when performed properly you can supposedly be transported to another dimension guys I'm late yeah I feel like I shouldn't be watching this you know like sometimes you watch something and then you feel like you shouldn't be watching it because you feel like there's gonna be a curse on you or some [ __ ] so if you guys are watching it too does that mean we are all in on the curse I have no idea but I'm gonna play it again whoo okay come on Gemma oh hey it's muy caliente in here in order to play you need a building that has at least 10 levels it's best played at night since you need to be completely alone you enter the elevator and go to different floors in a particular order once you reach the fifth floor a woman will get on with you what's the order that you go on the floors don't look at her or speak to her she isn't human oh when you reach the 10th floor you exit the elevator and a new dimension you will still be in the hotel but only you exist be careful in this dimension book that cell phone won't work and you may feel disoriented oh [ __ ] that I think if you wake up without taking the proper steps to come back to our world strange things may happen so what does the elevator game has to do with ELISA Lam after news spread of her bizarre death a surveillance video from one of the hotel elevators went viral oh I'm acting very oddly in an elevator pressing random buddy seemingly nobody was she playing the elevator game the Cecil Hotel has since rebranded itself to stay on main look they can change their signs but they can never change what happened within its walls so what do you think happened to ELISA is there a reasonable explanation or did something more paranormal occur let me know in the comments okay I guess the most reasonable explanation would be that she was off her medication like I'd really don't know anything about her I just know about the story that she was on the elevator and then there was like surveillance footage of her acting weird she got off and then the next thing that they found out was that she was in the water tank and decomposing in there so let me check some of the comments I'm actually very uncomfortable right now I'm very uncomfortable right now this person said fun fact on Elise's blog she had mentioned that she had felt like someone or something was watching her the night she went missing she had said on her blog that she was going out and that she hoped no one followed her my theory was that ELISA saw whoever it was and tried to confuse them and get away by hiding in the elevator going to random floors etc no idea who she was talking to though maybe trying to ask someone to come into the elevator with her so she was safer it did look like she was beckoning somebody it did like when she was going like that I don't even want to recreate that this person said wait ELISA seemed to be talking to someone maybe she talked to the woman I'm freaking myself out so much we're talking about a real woman that died she isn't a ghost story she's a real human being people treat ELISA with respect yeah so I'm saying like this was a real thing that happened this is not like a conspiracy theory or anything there is actually footage of her doing what she did next thing you know they found her body that nice video today's episode is another pizza delivery horror story this comes from Lama art's link to their channel will also be in the description box below but let's see this scary pizza delivery some of these creepy as people man they're always hungry for pizza always want some of the pepperoni nipples they burned I want my pepperoni nipples cuz they can't have I was out doing a deal they can't go one late night let me shut up it was probably the longest drive I have ever taken for a pizza delivery oh quit bitching with that it was a 20-minute drive which is a plus they ordered four large pies so I figured it was a party and I would get a much bigger tip navigating the dirt roads at night was always annoying though I pulled up to the given address oh I bet he gets all the ladies that blame on his cars get you looking building literally in the middle of a forest clearing there were no cars parked anywhere or any lights on I put my car in park and called my boss I asked him to reread the address at least three times to make sure I typed it in right but that checked out I could tell he was in a really [ __ ] mood and he told me to at least knock on the door and check it out he would normally get mad if we took back one pie but I was afraid of what he would do if I brought back for now I'd kill you and die in a ditch but got out anyway and forced myself to the front door of the building attaboy there was no doorbell grab those steel balls really hard no he's a maddio's pizza I heard nothing and didn't really expect to hear anything I was extremely disappointed not because nobody answered the door but because I was realizing that it was all waste of time and guess I knocked one more time I was desperation hoping to [ __ ] up it spaced a time and began to hear some kind of rustling noises from the inside of the building those are some heavy footsteps I knocked again and yelled that I was the pizza guy there was silence now I felt a bit more Herbal now than before but before I could turn around I noticed something at the window there was someone looking through the window who I couldn't tell if it was a man or why I freaked I noticed where it their eyes their eyes were do you want your pizza or not possible open the freaking door I was disturbed enough by this and dropped the pizzas that's gonna be $35.99 man you wanted her nothing wouldn't start until turning the key to this time to these [ __ ] boys I drove off the grass Darren a people hey you want the damn pizza or not shaking and bumping goodness gracious it wasn't right I didn't make it far from the building before I started hearing the sharp scraping sound coming from outside there was so much resistance that I couldn't even drive the car came to a stop my god what the hell was wrong a chill ran up my spine as I began to feel like my heart was constantly skipping beats my tires had been slashed and had completely fallen off the rim he said you didn't put the head Jovi's all four tires were slashed I realized somebody did this when I was knocking on the door to that building instead of running I got back in the car and locked the doors that softballs and I could practically see it from where I was if it weren't for the trees blocking the view I dialed 9-1-1 and explained everything else she told me the cops would be over as soon as possible and that I need to stay hidden I was being a wise guy earlier this is actually greatly geeky and she told me it would be best to stay in the car with the door locked yeah she asked me to stand the line with her until the cops arrived my whole body was shaking in all directions there was nothing but dark seemingly endless forest I can only imagine that we would take forever for the cops to get there I was not comfortable with sitting in that car so close to whoever did this the next part though is what utter ly destroyed me it still shakes me to this day and I hope nobody ever has to experience this kind of fear tell us as I was scanning all the windows making sure nobody was outside I looked in the rearview mirror and there was the same person open wider than ever I could see now that it was a woman and I could it ever so slightly see a smile begins to spread across I opened my door and found sprinted into the hands up to me I ran until I was out of breath which didn't take long and I hid behind a giant log on the ground I tried to cover my loud breathing with my hands as I waited and waited so what felt like hours what's up damn little you know her little strap wasn't even over her shoulder out of the night I got some scraps right here so I finally heard sirens in the distance I gathered up all the stamina I had left to run all the way back in the direction of the dirt road eventually the glowing red and blue lights came into view and I had never felt better in my life they were parked in front of my car investigating with flashlights I came out yelling at them like a lunatic to help me I fell to the floor and started to gag almost throwing up from running so much they picked me up and began to question me to which I explained everything to the best of my ability one of the two cardboard boxes of people answers began to search the building why there's somebody in your car they came back with nothing except for a couple of spiky objects these objects were exactly the same as the ones used to slash my tires the cops guessed that it was some kind of sick demented couple being that I saw the woman but unfortunately they were never found and that still kills me to this day I obviously quit my job right after that and started working on Rockville Jack fort I was painful and never forget seeing that woman at the back of my car I feel like the police should have arrested him for having that ugly-ass design on his car hey I'm sapphire want to hear something scary yeah let's do it hit me with it baby come on give me some scary chapter for [ __ ] shucks you've heard of the Slender Man but have you heard of a tall slender woman this next chapter is a Japanese urban legend called Hachi shock Osama Rajiv Shah kuzhambu my grandchild got in the same village in Japan she dunk well Stan parents would take me there on holiday to visit them the last time I saw them was the summer when I was 8 years old my grandparents were inside the house and I was playing by myself outside in the backyard I heard a strange sound I didn't know what it was and it was hard to figure out where was coming from I was looking around searching for the source of the noise when I noticed something on top of the tall hedges that enclosed the backyard it was a straw hat it wasn't resting on the hedge it was behind it that's where the sound was coming from then the Hat began to move it stopped at a small gap in the hedge and I could see a face oh my goodness it was a woman but the hedges were high almost 8 feet tall I was surprised at how tall the woman was she was like talking she was wearing stilts or some sort of huge high-heeled shoes then a split second later she walked off and the strange noise disappeared with her fading into the distance confused I got up and ran back into the house my grandparents were in the kitchen drinking tea i sat down at the table and told my grandparents of what I had seen they weren't really paying attention to me until I mentioned that distinctive sound they both froze grandma's eyes grew wide and she covered her mouth with her hand grandpa's face became very serious and he grabbed me by the arm this is very important he said very intensely how tall was she act like she has a ruler and she's like she was approximately seven point nine feet tall as tall as the garden hedge where was she standing when did this happen what did you do did she see you I tried to answer all his questions as best as I could he rushed out of the hallway and made a phone call I couldn't hear what he was saying but after he hung up he walked out the door grandma I feel like the fact that this is all in black and white makes it way scary something dangerous of adducting juice what's the sounds you that sounds calling Hachi shocked Usama it takes on the appearance of an extremely tall woman and says Oh in a deep voice dragon time ago it was captured by monks and they managed to confine it in a ruined building on the outskirts of the village they trapped it using 4 G's Oh small religious statues that they placed at the north south east and west of the ruins so that it could not escape but somehow this is making me so uncomfortable right now it appeared was 15 years ago look I feel like something's watching me right now I was destined to die within a few days it all sounded so crazy I wasn't sure what to believe just then my grandpa came back but with an old woman who called herself Khe Sanh they took me upstairs to my bedroom and began covering the windows with newspaper with ancient runes written all over them Khe Sanh plays small bowls of salt in all four corners of the room and a small Buddha figure in the center soon the Sun will be setting so listen carefully stay in this room until 7:30 tomorrow morning do not open this door for any reason she placed a button today not even to use the restroom my grandparents in case so she had to piss in that bucket pissing and she tore after them I couldn't believe what was happening was they really gonna die in a few days I turned on the TV to try to take my mind off everything and eventually fell asleep I was awakened around 1:00 a.m. by a tapping sound on the window it was the haughty Shaka she lost a tree or something I told myself then came a knock on the door and I heard my grandpa's voice are you okay in there if you're scared I think them no it's not [ __ ] shocked - uma hearing his voice was such a relief it was like a like a mimic over to the door but something didn't feel right I looked at the bowls of salt in the room all four of them had turned black and then I heard the sound again the tapping on the window continued I knelt in front of the Buddha and began to pray I was so terrified and hot at the home our Teen Mom my nipples are so hard had stopped they could cut slices of meat right now my meat carefully I opened the door and ran to my grandparents we all got in a van and headed straight for the airport apparently there were others who had escaped the grasp of Hachi saki-sama as long as they never stepped foot in Japan again so two years ago when my grandpa got sick he refused to let me visit him he even left strict instructions in his will to not let me attend his funeral I couldn't believe that this creature prevented me from saying goodbye to him imagine guys if she went back to Japan and she logged her whole experience there and she actually caught the Hashima flesh Ummah on tape so when my grandma called a few days ago to tell me she had been diagnosed with cancer I wasn't gonna let her stop me from visiting it's been ten years grandma and so she could go back we don't even know if this thing is real yeah I'm not gonna let it stop me from seeing you I love you grandma I'll see you soon oh oh no like this video subscribe to snarled and our sister you can't do this you can't do that if you or anyone you know have a oh no that's not right you have to have like the continuation like what happened when you went to Japan did you hear the haze did you hear the hey hey like you gotta tell us all right guys that's gonna do for this episode of watching scary animations the ones from snarled really got under my skin like those were actually really creepy I'm very paranoid right now like I keep looking into the viewfinder making sure that I don't see anything that shouldn't see or I don't want to see here that shouldn't be there all the channels of the videos I watched in this episode are gonna be in the description box below but if you want to see more of this series make sure you guys give this video one big fat like and tell a friend today that Jay from the Cub Scouts is that dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 3,442,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubz, scouts, kubz scouts, scary animation, reacting to scary animations, scary, animations, scary stories, scary cartoon, animated, horror cartoon, stories animated, true story, real story, reacting, reacting to, react, reaction, real stories, real stories animated, scary animations, horror, funny, cartoon, cgi, scary video, ghost, chills, real stories animatied, reacting to animations, slenderwoman, japanese slender woman, elevator game, hachishakusama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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