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probably one of the most natural things a human can do expressing emotions is very important in human society if you don't express emotions I call it inhumane today ladies and gentlemen we are gonna react to the saddest animations on YouTube I'm already crying or starting off with watching a sad animation about animals we're going underwater whales I love whales this is already so sad [Music] is this supposed to be a sad animation or a musical I'm a bit confused make me cry sorry about that [Music] that's so cute [Music] in he's dead oh I'm scared Thunder oh it's a storm what's gonna happen no humans are bad people bad things or your leakage good fly bird fly way please no that's not good [Music] stores we can the world I thought the will was dead why is it still singing anyway what's gonna happen to this 100 you're gonna take the fur [Music] don't take the fur off man don't take my dogs are crying in the background they think it's sad to know that was really sad I want to eat an apple now God good he's dog shut up Thanks we humans aren't exactly good for this planet we're killing all the animals for killing our own planet it's making me cry they're gonna drink some water now is it just me or whenever you get sad you'd you start kind of like eating and drinking things I don't know that's that's how I express my emotions pretty good all right so if you're not crying just yet don't worry about it the next animation will definitely make you cry what's going on a little kid always playing call of duty or other games it's not good yeah let some Sun inside young boy it's not sad just yet open the present young boy there's a dog in there or something else I didn't actually know that it was in the thumbnail I'm sorry hello hello little doggy what's got to be kidding why because he doesn't have a paw what's wrong with that you can't do that what I wish it was a dog that's fun that's what he just keeps on playing his stupid little game come on play with the dog come on yes Oh what is happening [Music] did that just happen he's stuck in the box oh it's kind of sad but it's kind of funny continue eating my Apple come on play with him play with him come on the dog is awesome oh well what's he doing what's he doing oh he doesn't have a lake - mom he's also handicapped just like the dog that is so cute with the doggy look what happy his sorry more my Apple [Music] twice is a sad story this story is awesome what's that it how was that a sad story I don't get it I'm sorry I was supposed to start crying here was it sad because it was cute wasn't like cute sad I guess it was kind of cute sad right it was a super cute dog and the doggy was little handicapped and wasn't accepted by the little boy but then eventually because the dog was so awesome the dog was accepted I think the dog should be accepted anyway because it's a dog dogs are awesome I'm still not accomplished with these animations though I want to cry I don't say that very often but I want to cry ok so we're gonna watch one of my most favorite animation show on TV when I was a little kid spongebob we're gonna watch a sad spongebob animation what's happening [Music] [Music] what what is going on I don't get it there Tara's running away from them no the electricity it's gonna die only if that happened a little earlier they wouldn't have gotten burnt by the light smoke yes water get the water yes yes suck it off soak up the water sponge yes [Applause] Oh God oh I cried I cried I swear look I cried it's real tears I was really sad god this waters cold I mean the tears are cold that was actually a legitimately sad like that was really sad it had a happy ending though what's I'm so happy about but it's kind of sad still but it's okay it's okay I'm okay now all right next up we've got a very short animation called Scarlett it's gonna be sad the music is already making me cry this little girls call it over here cannot sleep I don't know why but it's she doesn't feel well that's for sure I can see it off her face I think she doesn't have a leg elementary school going back to school what's going on little kid [Music] take make mistakes keep on hold there she looks really happy there that's awesome yay I guess that was a dream lose a dream [Music] oh maybe mommy can help mommy can L put it on come on you can really do that you can do it never give up never give up you can do it please yes yes come on you can do it some of the moves yes good good improving that's right yeah oh no oh nice catch yeah and now this time it ain't no dream it's reality going back to school shove your moves you'll make a lot of friends yes look at that oh no now he said what's going on oh boy [Music] what's going on what's going on hope is being able to see that there is light despite of all the darkness good statement Desmond good job that was a very sad story I have tears coming down but it had a happy ending though never give up hashtag never give up I was really cute what I've noticed though is that all these sad animations or like sad stories in general have like a sad piano Choon in the background which makes it even more dramatic just me thinking about it makes me cry [Music] next up we're gonna watch a sad story by a lonely wolf and a lonely rabbit they're out in the al-sisi lands of Greenland they found each other the good friends this is the back of the rabbit it's a beautiful back ok oh it says scary wolf he's got blood around this mouth probably because he ate another rabbit the rabbit is bleeding did the wolf trying to eat the rabbit why what the wolf do that what did the rabbit do wrong I guess we'll find out in this short animation the wolf the predator with his bright yellow eyes is walking over to the rabbit which is probably scared of its life oh no don't do it move come on be a vegetarian eat plants trees and drink water not the rabbit don't do it wolf don't do it No no don't do it the rabbit is crying [Music] it's a lonely wolf it's a lonely wolf the wolf loves a rabbit he's sick of killing all the rabbits because it's making him in it's making him a lonely boy yes wolf yes wolf yes be rabbits friend help him make him feel loved but all the rabbit sees is an angry wolf [Music] snowy it's dark and it's snowing is it weird seen do you think know what wolf what did you do that I don't get it why wolf I guess the lonely wolf his instincts came out after all [Music] not cool wolf it's not cool the rabbit just wanted to be friends [Music] and now the wolf is sad because it killed the rabbit it didn't mean to do that [Music] god what a sad story a wolf is a hunter and even though he's lonely and wants to have friends his instincts will make him kill a rabbit it's so sad it's it's it's so sad it's a happy story yay I'm down for a happy story yes it's a bet it's a beautiful little dog oh the dog is having such a good time yay he's gonna get a nice walk in the forest by his by his bald man what happened why did he drive up like that no no no no don't leave hey you can't just leave your dog like that Oh oh my god Thank You truck driver for using your precious brakes [Music] oh the dog abandoned but his big man is Big Boss now the dog has to eat garbage hey don't throw that on the dog the dog is just waiting at the same spot his owner left him hoping one day that he will come back three years ago [Music] yes the dog is so many good memories [Music] what happened what the dog had left behind they got a baby that's what happened they got a baby and then they didn't like the dog anymore the woman never liked the dog [Music] but the man did the man loves the dog but he had to leave the dog by the woman [Music] it wasn't allowed to sleep in the bed anymore weeks passed and then months no yes the man please man come back [Music] that was really sad do not abandon your pet guys don't leave your doggy your cat your snake your whatever bet you have don't leave it alone it's really sad okay it's really sad I want to thank you guys so much for watching this video and if you cried with me today then please leave a like on this one ly equals one tier I appreciate you all being here subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet and I will see you in the next video thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly
Channel: Jelly
Views: 10,460,968
Rating: 4.8438725 out of 5
Keywords: saddest, sad, child friendly, crying, jelly, spongebob, new, family friendly, funny, REACTING TO THE SADDEST ANIMATIONS, comedy, try not to cry, internet, you will cry, challenge, kid friendly, reacting to, animations, reacting, cartoon, cringe, reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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