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oh my goodness you're a huge snake compared to me oh my god yes I am so Santa listen I came up with this great idea this morning of cheating in Slater thought I oh yeah I all I need is your help I need you to UM yeah die you need me to die why well listen if you die I can eat your body parts to grow myself since I guess but that's not really cheating you're just killing me not well not really I want you to compete and try and kill the other big snakes that are around us okay look at this blue one down here come down real quick there's a huge blue one like for example if you kill this guy and I eat all this stuff you know then I didn't have to take any risk oh I will eat your remainings he is not getting close to me I just killed a really big one jelly you should've seen where are you yeah well you're supposed to kill me after so it's all for you in the end right that's great that's great Thank You Santa thank you come and bring it over please come over here please quickly any help with this second I'm in the middle I'm in the middle you're in the middle of everything no a tub oh my god kill me kill me uh just me before something bad just just going to my body going to my party you can do it oh wait jelly I'm in trouble hopefully I am okay in a couple seconds I need to get out of here oh my goodness when you died I got circled by another guy and he was trying to steal your your body parts yeah it sounds weird I know all right but I'm still alive I'm now a thousand big I need to get at least 20 times to get number one on the leaderboard so we we need to speed up things over here you same thing okay yes this is good this is yes I just killed somebody but it didn't lose anything because he touched the wall that's bad what apparently that's the thing that's cheating I mean it's not really it's just kind of dumb you get it just give him the food to me you know alright we've met up again Santa look at me I'm quite a good size I'm still quite small sorry that doesn't matter you know being small is the best because you can maneuver quite quickly so if we together as a team find big snakes you can go ahead and kill them for me that means I'll have to die all the time to make sure yet just make sure that you don't die you know it's kind of just like that oh he's huge sanic he's actually Santa Fe dairy cattle Oh big I died Oh big guy died big all right yeah be very careful don't kill yourself Santa it's dangerous around here so what about this guy that's right next to me can you see it maybe yes maybe I can circle them in [Music] your legend you are a legend set up great food for jelly I have no 3000 big oh that's actually amazing Oh big snake careful careful careful Santa I don't want to lose you okay until you need it until you need it because then you will want me to die yeah that's that's actually true oh I'm being circled I am being circled by a massive guy don't you should try and get it maybe you should try get it I will I will you are the best oh no because there's so many other snakes around us I've wanted to take a little bit you know I know I know that's all good kill me yeah guess I sighs guess my size 5,000 well yeah Oh careful okay don't play no risky games cuz people can steal your food but your food is basically mine if you die I'll leave your body parts only this time okay only this time only this time only this oh you're the best you're the best slither dial player I suck at this game that's for sure so the good thing is if you end up dying I get I can still you know eat the stuff that you drop you know I still trying to kill me but ain't nobody killing Santa I killed I killed him but I have to say I'm very impressed you're so good at this game if we kill a couple big guys I'll end up on the leaderboards is a big purple guy maybe we should try and go for him what do you say he's not that big but I guess he's a decent size watch out with that one this one no not that one not not that one oh that was not the purple one you were talking about oh he's going up he's going up he's going up let's go after him get this purple guy go up to the right we're gonna try and get him to the right right no other oh my god but you were going to the left though because I couldn't go to the right he disappears well may he rest in peace we lost them alright well there's some more more people to be right right let's uh let's go down to the center Santa cuz we are almost at the top of the map and a big boy like me is hungry okay I need to find some big people lead that's a decent size goodness yes I know 7,000 how big are you saying I'm wondering I'm wondering that Oh 3,000 if I eat you I'm on the leaderboards okay well should we make it happen yeah let's go to the top of the map let's go because you're you're getting a decent size it's gonna get hard for you to maneuver around okay oh my god oh my god yeah careful careful someone's coming for us alright let's go up go up and then said I'm gonna circle you so nobody else can eat your food okay oh my god oh god little guy coming in you're on the leaderboards place you know what when when you die I might be like what fifth place oh that's good I'll try to kill this little guy inside oh my god don't worry about it don't worry about it he's gonna die - he's trapped okay he's actually trapped sweet up there we go he out although we might have lost the lock there I only gained like a thousand oh my god we're gonna we've met up great oh my god there's a huge guy right next to us yeah this one is tried to kill I'm gonna end his life saying I'm gonna in his life don't you worry about nothing he's trying to circle me oh he just killed a big guy he's large at this point I'm 8,000 now which means him not on the leaderboards anymore somebody's caught up she need this guy to die and I'll be like what 10,000 again that'd be great too many snakes he's circling me he's circling me he's circling me it's bad my god me someone circling me dead be careful okay it's danger it's really dangerous he circled me and I died said I'm shrinking I need Oh God oh I see the purple guy I see the protocol he just died oh my god that was epic I'm nine and a half thousand oh yeah that's what I like to see my game is actually starting to lag a little bit he died oh my god that's insane Santa I am eleven thousand twelve thousand oh my goodness Sena we are the cheaters never got a fourth-place hmm oh thanks to you Sena all thanks to you what's gonna happen here what's gonna happen is somebody gonna die where are you still here stop Abbi there's a lot of big snakes here three of them actually why can I not see you yes how do you see this purple guy right next to you he needs to die like let you go that guy wait hold up hold up hold up hold up I'm being circled oh no don't say that oh that's good some big guy just died and I'm eating I am hungry yep it's happening okay good good oh yeah that's right 13600 fourth on the leaderboards mmm-hmm get this big guy get him get him Santa you could do it I'm trying okay but I'm I'm just so tiny yeah I know you are quite tiny it's so cute I'm sorry to hear that Stan I'm sorry about your loss of life don't worry about it okay I ate you Oh 15,000 L though Thank You Santa fifteen thousand I don't think I've ever been this big I'm second place on the leaderboards right now I just killed two people I'm a trouble on the trouble I'm in trouble I'm being served second play I'm second place all I want to do is be the first place that's my goal here okay yourself small okay you need to yeah I know I'm literally trying to escape death right now so it ain't easy being big are you so being sir I think I see you I'm huge I'm green yeah I think I think this is you just don't kill me please yes oh I said I was it going all right hi so you see this blue guy right on top of me he's currently eighth place on the leaderboards if you kill it I'm in number one oh my god so you know what you have to do now right come inside come inside please come inside come inside come inside yeah oh yes 17,000 Oh still second place I don't know where the number 1 guy is but he is far off there's just a lot of big snakes around me Santa it's a you know my quiet scary you gotta be honest that's quite scary I just got to keep myself big because my turning circle is absolutely awful these little snakes are the actual worst get out of here okay gotta keep myself big because my turning circle is awful Oh blue guy just died blue guy just died blue guy just died great that's pretty is pretty good got a lot of food there oh and somebody touched the wall so his body disappeared yeah that's too bad I'm home nails in Santa almost number one so what just died in front of me and I ate a little bit of his body hmm yes I just killed somebody well it wasn't really me but he died anyway gosh that was pretty cool although somebody stole all the food sanika see you're so tiny oh do the fake jelly there as well okay there's a purple guy to the right of me two of them actually and they're quite scary okay they're really scary you can see them this jelly guy wants to kill you oh yeah he dies but I want to kill him yeah don't die don't die okay minutes foods I eat his food all right yeah give me away oh my god I'm circling a huge guy it is huge yes that's how I like to see it that's that's how I like to see your you're done for me Yelp you are mm-hmm yeah that's gonna make my little snake smaller hopefully not get circled by somebody that's around me you know a lot of snakes around me this guy is actually really good at Fred preventing himself from dying it's actually quite impressive how good he is oh and I lobbied circled up jelly this is the craziest thing I have seen in my lifetime of slithered io how does this guy still alive that's inside of my circle I am in big trouble oh he died he died different never mind never mind I thought he had me actually he was he's pretty good at that I've not circled anybody before that's been so good at preventing the circle I'm second place under later boy leaderboards that's where I am oh yeah me too I'm just a little bit to the right side of that I'm not 22300 oh oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh god come on do it do it No so close to circling another guy in that was awesome but now he's in trouble oh nice kill gotta be honest they will never see this coming mm-hmm they won't they won't there's a purple guy here he's on the leaderboards I think oh he's actually huge oh wait wait there's two of them down down down down down what oh my god what oh my god I'm gonna go from the other side okay all right that's good I'll go from the other side I almost circled them in but I couldn't was a thick jelly that was in the way right next to you what is remaining I didn't see nothing and another one let me know when you want me to die well okay well the video before you're not number one anymore well I guess so I did it I actually did it with you said it's all because of you oh my goodness wait maybe you should give yourself up one more time okay well well just circle mean circle me in I gotta try them I'm trying okay it's hard Oh big guy just died big guy just died alright I'm gonna try circu it alright oh and I died Oh sand up that was absolutely amazing now I'm gonna make this riskiest move of my life and if I fail then that's it oh oh I'm alive I'm killing the fake jelly Santa yep i-it's happening it's happening Santa and there he goes oh oh sand outta trouble big trouble oh no oh god oh god thanks oh come on little buddy come on come on with playing games here or what Oh loser oh okay I kind of that was a sad ending but I got the biggest in the world thanks Santa haha thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 33,461,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, slither, slither io, world record, biggest snake, sanna, iamsanna, girlfriend, playing slither with my girlfriend, funny, game, games, gaming, cheat, cheats, slither cheat, My GIRLFRIEND Helps Me CHEAT In SLITHER.IO!
Id: 2cbRL3lrNHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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