I Gave A Creeper 100IQ And He Did THIS…

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today we're testing which mob is the smartest which mob has the highest iq not me today's video is full of tests and i have a test for you guys can you hit the like button in the next five seconds okay here we go five four four four four four three two one did you eat it did you fail the test come on dude come on dude all right so here we are in my secret laboratory top secret location don't tell anyone but my coordinates are at y level 73 000. so basically i have this big old command center control center right here the goal is for the alien to get across this path and kill the cow now we have multiple different mobs of tests we got a creeper a robot a cursed chicken and a villager this right here is just level one and so far the alien is doing pretty well not bad my guy are you gonna be able to kill the cow oh he's yeah he's got this easy bro absolutely easy okay so the alien the alien past level one let's try the creeper oh it's a mutate creeper yo that dude is definitely gonna fall oh oh oh what the heck you just gonna like climb up the wall okay yeah he failed all right next next we got the uh robot so here is mr robot let's see if he can walk across i feel like the robot should be able to do it i mean what the heck is that bro what the flip what this man literally got a jet pack what the heck okay um you have passed the level my guy wow okay what a savage bro all right now we have now we have the cursed chicken i don't know what a cursed chicken looks oh dude what is that bro i'm gonna have to look at that this whole video are you kidding me nah there's no way that dude's gonna make it across he's not even going yeah he's done he's already dead yep there it is fail last but not least for level one we have the villager this is a normal villager he's not cursed or anything so i feel like he should be able to make it across hopefully uh and he's spinning in circles you know maybe this guy is not the brightest of the ikea oh he just did he just died what the heck okay nice [Music] all right now we're moving on to level two they have to pass the water without being eaten so i don't know exactly how they're gonna do this but uh let's see if it works as we go on throughout this video the levels are gonna get more and more difficult right now this is level two we have a total of ten levels and the last level is the most difficult so be sure to watch till the end to see which mob is the smartest all right starting off starting off with the alien let's see what this dude's got up his sleeve you're gonna craft a boat my dude how are you gonna do it oh he's he's being eaten he is indeed being eaten that's a fail for the alien all right now we got now we got the mutant creeper i feel like the mutant creepers got this you know you ain't scared of water bro oh he's definitely nervous oh okay fail now we got the robot zombie i feel like the robot zombie is not gonna win this robots plus water they don't really do too well let's see what this dude's got oh oh oh we got electrocuted oh my gosh all right now we got the cursed chicken um so far no one has passed this level and i feel like the cursed chicken has got this or he's literally so derpy what you gonna do my guy is that is that a balloon what the heck what the heck what's up with y'all flying and stuff where'd you even get a balloon well what all right cursed chicken has passed okay now we got the villager um villager you can craft stuff you know you got that inventory i don't have any emeralds for you but can you craft a balloon bro come on you got this and oh oh oh i thought he was gonna make it but he died [Music] [Applause] all right moving on to level three now we have a lava pit which mob can make it across this one is really difficult and i think this is only level three oh my gosh let's try the alien the alien did not do very good last round but let's see if you can get over there and kill that cow you got this my guy i believe in you come on bro oh oh oh what i mean i guess he is an alien okay cow's dead congratulations alien you have um successfully passed yeah i didn't really expect that next up we got mr creeper mr creeper what you got up your sleeve pal come on what you got i feel like i feel like he's gonna lose again i'm sorry i just have no faith in the creeper they're literally they're pointless all they do is just explode they have no skill whatsoever i'm sorry that was me yep and there you go uh the robot might be able to do something here it's not water so maybe he can cook something up his sleeve maybe you know make a super computer get across or something i don't know what you got bro he's thinking oh what he just turned all the lava into obsidian oh what a savage bro why didn't you do that to the last level you could have turned all the water into ice or something maybe he's not programmed to do that all right well robot is a pass moving on to the chicken i have absolutely no faith in this guy unless he gets another balloon but the chicken's dead i just think he's gonna die i'm sorry i just bro it's not happening this is a big lava pit and i know you ain't got any more balloons in your inventory what's he gonna do oh that was kind of sad i'm not gonna lie next up last but not least we got the villager on the lava level my guy i know you can craft a boat but that's not gonna work so think again you're gonna have to use those emeralds think about your family at home oh [Music] a for effort a for effort good job [Music] moving on to level four the goal here is for the mobs to defeat an iron golem let's see if they can do it first up we got the alien versus the iron golem and oh oh homie didn't even stand a chance bro he literally like one shot him he said all right well uh let's try the mutant creeper i feel like the mutant creepers got this i feel like the mutant creeper could explode and just easily ko he failed you just kill himself all right well moving on to the robot um the robot has definitely got this i spoke too soon so far the alien the creeper and the robot have all failed the cursed chicken there's no way this dude is going to take this dude on are you kidding me no flipping way absolutely oh what [Music] the no that is not what i was expecting okay okay you know what if the cursed chicken can do it the villager can do it i mean honestly the villager lives with these guys he should know their weakness all right he's gonna do some crazy like pressure point and knock him out in like two seconds oh oh wait he killed him he died he did it with his mind can villagers really kill iron golems [Music] moving on to level five we are halfway to level ten this one is full of fire so it's kind of like the lava one let's see what these guys can come up with first we got the alien what you got my guy he's looking around he's like bro this is kind of sus um you know it doesn't look like this in my spaceship bro did you call all your friends homie oh my gosh bro you got 50 of them up in here wait oh they're putting water on the fire yo what the heck why did you do that for the last couple levels yo you big brainen i mean is your brain really big are alien do aliens have big brains is that a thing all right congratulations my guy all right mutant creeper i have honestly lost hope in the mirror and creeper i think he's gonna explode again that is my vote he's just going to give up and explode um this dude like i said has no brain so he's definitely not spawning anything in or crafting anything wait for him and he's gone that's an l for the creeper the robot i feel like the robot might be able to do this i mean it's just fire and he's made of metal so it might get a little hot in there but i feel like oh oh oh he's gonna make it through oh he's out no way what if he dies right at the end oh my gosh he made it he flipped and made it it's a little toasty in there isn't it my god but you made it okay unless the cursed chicken pulls out another balloon this dude has absolutely no hope unfortunately um there's no way you're getting past this one pal unless you turn into a giant mutant chicken again oh he's gone he's going he's gone oh oh i think he died oh yeah he died yeah okay good try though good try though we got the villager up next mr villager can you make it past level five and make it onto the semi-finals what are you gonna do mr villager think with your mind think about how you killed that iron golem and recreate it against this fire oh he just he just died he didn't even touch the fire [Applause] all right now we're on level six it is getting spicy the contestants have to walk through here without going into the portal if they bump any of these walls they're gonna be sent to the nether so this is gonna be a good one first up first up we got the alien i feel like the alien doesn't even know what a portal is so you might be out on this one but then again you never know we might bond in like 50 ufos again and just i don't i really don't oh oh oh he hit one of the walls here because he's gone all right now we got the creeper now the problem with the creeper is this guy's absolutely massive there's no way he's gonna fit on that path he's just gonna uh oh did he just break the pull you know i take back what i said the creeper uh somewhat has a brain wait hold on how did he explode the portal without himself exploding that's some big brain stuff right there think about that congratulations mr creeper you've completed this level it's about time all right now now we got mr robot i feel like mr robot should be able to make it through this you know he should analyze and see the portal and perfectly calculate where he needs to walk in order to uh never mind never mind i'm just gonna you know i didn't say anything now we got mr cruz chicken i feel like the chicken is done unfortunately not going to make it because he's so small and he can't see over the edge and he's just gonna he's just yep there it is and he's dead i wonder i wonder what they're all doing to the nether right now you think they're having like a cool party i want to be invited all right last but not least on level six we got mr villager can you make it through my dude i mean honestly i feel like villagers are pretty good at walking i feel like this dude's got it come on my guy come on my guy you got this you got it what's wrong what's that noise you just made oh he's dr are you pooping oh he's you just died did he just poop himself homie just pooped himself he's never always probably terrified of the nether oh that makes sense [Music] all right moving on to level seven we have a maze let's see if the mobs can make it through the maze if they're smart enough i feel like this level's gonna take a while because i feel like one of them's just gonna get stuck in a corner but let's see what happens all right mr mr alien is up first if anyone can do it i think it's the alien so the contestants start over here and they have to make it over here to this cow so oh bro come on are you for real what is it is this homie mapping out the path for you bro what the heck also i forgot to mention this is a very easy maze you literally have a straight shot all the way there oh well the alien has passed but seriously look how easy this maze is you start right here and all you have to do is walk straight all the way to here it's literally so easy let's see let's see if the creeper has a what it takes mr creeper do you got this don't look at me look at the maze focus on the competition now you're going the wrong way you haven't even started yet i feel like this dude's gonna give up oh okay he gave up all right now now we got the robot if anyone's gonna be able to do this it's gotta be the robot i mean dude he's literally a robot you should be able to like see through the walls and like predict the future and stuff like come on bro he's analyzing oh here he goes here he goes oh like a boss going the right way oh yep there it is oh he's literally walking straight towards it watch him make like a right turn and go the other way there you go that's a w for the robot all right cursed chicken is up next my dude do you think you have what it takes to make it through the maze i feel like this is gonna be like watching paint dry let's go okay he died last but not least we got the villager let's see if this dude can do oh he's confident oh he's stuck are you gonna poop again there's nothing to be nervous about on this one okay he's got this good there you go there you go he's going straight for it let's go let's go let's go is the villager gonna be the second person to finish this with the robot oh come on and there it is yes oh oh it's cause there's an emerald in there oh you sneaky little villager [Music] [Applause] for level eight the opponents need to farm the land i can already tell you that the villager is definitely going to win this one but let's see if an alien knows how to do some farming mr alien go ahead and step up to the farmland and show me what you got i feel like he's about to pull out a ufo or something he's spinning in circles i think he's nervous or maybe he's calculating or maybe he's about yep he died that probably stressed him out oh wait aliens are from another planet have they even seen farms before like do they even eat food all right here comes the creeper i have absolutely no faith in the creeper i feel like he's just going to blow up the farm because that's what creepers do they literally blow up your farms and your houses so he's gonna do what he does best yep there it is there it is i flip into it all right now we got the robots i feel like the robot might be able to do this i mean he's pretty smart he's a robot but then again there is some water right there so what if he like electrocutes himself again let's see let's see what he's got come on my friend oh oh oh you're dead oh my bro he placed water on himself oh my gosh now we got the chicken i feel like chickens hang around farms a lot so i feel like he should be able to do this i feel like he's uh he's seen a lot of farms you know he's uh he's pretty advanced to this technology oh is he eating seeds oh he just ate a seed and died and last but not least we got the villager please my dude you have to be good at this you're literally a villager this is what you do to survive if this dude doesn't do it villagers are are scammed there we go yes yes yes yes sir oh let's go let's flip and go that's my boy oh he's coming to another one he's trying to flex on us he said oh i'm gonna do all four good job my guy good job yep getting that last one as well i already knew this guy was gonna win what a flex he said nah i'm gonna do all of them look at me it's the only thing i'm good at [Music] [Applause] moving on to level nine we are one step away from level 10. now this one the opponents have to make it across here now it looks easy but there is actually invisible walls so we have one here another one here another one here here here and here so are they going to be able to make it through here basically what they need to do is they need to go this way this way and then they can go straight out so let's see um they can do it first up we got mr alien here all righty he's analyzing the course he said oh look at this this oh oh okay of course of course you know honestly bro you should have brought the ufo out on every level you would have won and there we go alien has passed literally dude makes it look like a walk in the park now we got the creeper as you guys know i have absolutely no faith in the creeper and he's about to explode i feel it coming he's gonna explode oh there it is mr robot i feel like the robot has got this i mean i feel like he should be able to see things that are invisible i mean he's literally or he could uh get a jet pack you know that works as well okay mr robot congratulations you have won mr chicken what you got for us come on at least i just want to see someone walk on there no one's even walked on the course yet oh oh oh oh but you couldn't even make it on the path all right well chicken's dead and last but not least we have mr villager all right if this dude passes i'm gonna be very surprised he's on the right path so far all right he needs to make a right turn oh my gosh how did he know that what no flippin way he's gonna no way go pick up that seed while you're at it because there we go the villager the villager is a savage roll what [Music] [Applause] we have now made it to level 10. we're gonna see which opponent can craft items they need to craft something and get it to the targets this is the most difficult level let's see which mob can do it starting off with the alien here we go my guy are you gonna be able to do it let's see all right so he's got his materials from the dispenser there let's see what he's gonna be able to craft come on my dude you got this you got this you got me he's crafting something he knows how to work a crafting table so they must definitely have those oh is that a pickaxe oh okay good job mr alien you have crafted a pickaxe i'm impressed next up next up we have mr mutant creeper again i have no hope in this dude there is no way this dude is gonna craft something absolutely no way he's just gonna explode he doesn't even know what a crafting table is he's probably never seen one of them up there it is there it is i flip into it alright the next one the next one we got is mr robot i feel like mr robot has got this he is a robot so he should be able to analyze a crafting table and see what kind of recipes are in there so let's see what he's gonna do here yes mr oh a beacon what the heck failed what do you mean failed all right i think he won but the game said he failed next we got next we got mr cursed chicken all right chicken are you able to craft something do you think you have what it takes to be the top 10 best chickens around are you dropping eggs oh wait what if he's making a recipe oh you're gonna make some cake my guy yo homie's dropping so many eggs bro i've never seen a chicken drop that many eggs how many eggs you got in it oh and statue and last last but not least for our test we have the villager i feel like the villager should be able to pass this one but i want you guys to leave a comment in the comment section below who do you think is the mob that did the best out of all the mobs and if you comment creeper don't do that because the creeper oh why did you just craft bro a bread and pickaxe and he failed uh i guess the mission was to craft a normal pickaxe but i feel like the robot should have won because of beacon bro he crafted a beacon that's a pretty advanced crafting recipe [Music] well guys let me know in the comment section below out of the 5 mobs that we tested which one is the winner also if you guys want to see more videos like this in the future leave a like i'm sure we'll make more complicated tests with different mobs i'm super super excited but thank you guys for watching until then i'll see you next time peace [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableReacts
Views: 9,240,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: WAXms6tTMW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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