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these are some of the funniest animations on the Internet this one's called decaf we have a little popper over there and we have a little little cat too in popper has an idea that cat just wouldn't stop sleeping so the popper is like hey you know what is he really making coffee for the cat he sounds like a terrible terrible idea now he's like a little pussycat why don't you have some coffee and a pussycat is awake sup strangers you know cats do that and then walks over it's a delicious coffee fit the doggy says sure the cat thinks ok I'll have some coffee this is not good know that I can finally play together the puppy thinks this is a great idea but puppy you don't know the side effects of coffee you'll see them picking fairly shortly ok you can't even play on the piano koalas outside you know just having a good time Oh more coffees that get busy can't drink some more don't sleep all day just drink some more of this oh no oh no the cats getting a little bit grumpy or coffee no oh No Oh No the cut is starting to lose it oh no that's gone satanic this is bad all right so he's sleeping in the safe area right there wide away drink it Wow no I don't want to drink the coffee I'm gonna kill our owner if you don't drink it oh but there's no more oh no check the cat wanted more that's what the cat wanted oh no the cat wants more coffee - she's really addicted but meanwhile did the plow is still sleeping outside low there did you get share your wise words of wisdom with me give me some love those cocoa leaves no the cat is the goddess crazy oh no koala I gave you my pick no this cat is so scary wait what's a cat drinking oh the cat just fall asleep no the cats drowning this is bad this is really bad get the cat at least out of the bowl and the owner comes back after like three days the entire place is a mess and they're both asleep oh let's check out this animation watermelon this is a story about a delicious watermelon who doesn't like watermelon I love myself some good ol water man that loan Oh No if you eat the seeds one's gonna grow in your belly don't eat the seeds no no he ate the seeds he ate the seeds it's gonna turn into watermelon no it's already leaves coming out of him bears already leaves coming up no no he's turning into a watermelon he's turning into a watermelon this is bad this is really bad oh no guys don't you ever eat the seeds of a watermelon don't worry this can never happen to you don't know he's turning into a watermelon boy you know my native name used to be watermelon cuz I had a big forehead but I never was green like this guy look he's a watermelon the teachers are getting mad at him too for eating the seeds oh no wait that's watermelon that's watermelon juice that's not blood I thought he was blood but it's watermelon juice he's fine no no his eyes just turned into seeds and his mouth is completely watermelon no but it's part of him he is a watermelon boy now he's turned into the watermelon boy look it's fine no need for that run grab Jimmy or whatever your name was watermelon boy oh snap he's turning into a watermelon now fully his body is yep there you know he's a watermelon he's pregnant of watermelon babies run run a roll roll watermelon boy look at him he's watermelon boy yay he's such a beautiful watermelon and he slides down to meet all these cool tricks now this is so cool we oh no oh boy this is that you just shattered here's a broken water militant people are eating him are you kidding me except we have jungle bucks oh this is oh look at him yay oh nice now it's his turn now it's his turn all right move it out of the way move it out of the way oh no there's it are you kidding me there's a stink dirty hair sticking out of his nose pull it out pull out the hair come on pull out the hair Oh nope not yet not yet pull out there already don't pick his hair don't you dare take there from his nose oh no oh no you just made him sneeze this guy really wants to take that hair out come on just follow him just get the hair it's right over there grab it grab it grab adult dope dope dope dope dope dope dope please don't letting this happen oh you're not gonna take that hair oh no oh no oh no you strolling up to there you kidding me come on hold that hair hold that hair hold the hair wait the hair is getting longer and longer are you kidding me no wait he is an armpit hair he needs to pull out the army there oh my goodness oh no and now they're hanging of his armpit hair nice now let's pull them on the nose hair that's how they can help each other out that is their superpower look at this look at this that's amazing oh they got some really long hairs now oh no oh no oh no oh no come on nope and their hairs fell off - another one of these - they ordered a boomerang they got a beautiful boomerang as you can see right over here oh no you cannot eat the boomerang you need to throw the boomerang buddy yeah there you go you throw it and it'll come back look at that's beautiful oh no oh he's angry at him look the boomerang throws it away again oh don't do it no he's beating please beat oh no and I ate him again Annabelle ian is Peter disgusting oh so they fought it out you know that's how you do it in the jungle and now he has the boomerang again he throws it away no it's gonna come back I'll hit him again how do you not understand boomerangs okay they threw it but now they're both hiding anything yeah they bit of Boulder on it all right throw it no it's gonna come back with the rocket now I bet it's not there oh my goodness no how did the boomerang get all the way back bury it bury the boomerang there is no way there is no way it's gonna cook okay there's two Boober are you kidding me don't do that are you joking oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no it's got me back hide it's gonna find you it's gonna fight oh there it is there it is it's how do you reckon the boomerang knows the boomerang knows the boomerang knows where you are what the boomerang is a life of its own well I guess they'll stay there forever after many years so actually a few years late Oh actually a lot of years later wait what happened to the boomerang come on move quick move quick the boomerang won't catch up with you Oh even the boomerang no but she's just not throwing no they got a win make a catch out the Boop yes they defeated the boomerang get tossed away yes cops if you enjoyed these funny animations that click on the screen right now check out some more funny [Music]
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 3,077,289
Rating: 4.6430445 out of 5
Keywords: funny, child, family, moments, comedy, challenge, kids, kid, family friendly, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, funny animation, funny animations, animation, animations, funniest animation, funniest animations, reacting, react, reaction, reacting to
Id: YnTpzzdGDkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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