Reacting To My First Performance In 2 Years!

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen i'm back on my website and i'm going to do something crazy i'm going to react to my own performance after a litany an absolute litany of requests from people saying how do you prepare to sit in with the band you've never played before and play a cover song in front of an audience what were you thinking and can you tell us when you watch the video what do you see from the band and your own playing and i figured you know what this is actually a really good teaching experience because this is something i have a lot of experience in i don't claim to be the best guitar player in the world but i certainly have sat in with tons of bands doing tons of covers um you know a thousand of them right so there's a lot to talk about in here i went and sat in with uh the amazing the amazing humphreys mcgee um and uh we did an old who song eminence front uh basically uh i asked to do a cover song i just learned eminence front did a react to it like a month before i went and searched on there saw that they did one with jimmy herring and so there was a version up there so this is always what you want to do when you when you um when you sit in with a band you want to one you guys know this learn the original two learn how the original artist played it live and three check out a good band that is similar to your band if you're trying to figure out different pieces and arrangements and how they play it live and then you take all that information and so all the different parts the key the arrangement from the record how the band may have altered it and then how the cover band plays it because here's one thing that anybody that's done a lot of cover gigs knows and that's i don't care who you are every band covers famous songs a little bit wrong and a little bit different than everybody else sometimes they play parts that aren't in there sometimes they don't play parts that are in there and so you want to come with a toolkit knowing you are entering their world so you need to be prepared with all the different parts in any directions they gave you to jump into their world not to come up there and expect to play what you've been practicing and be upset or surprised if they don't do it that way right key mental thing so they gave me no charts there was no rehearsal they just said we'd do it in e the original thing is in f okay so i know i have this i got the you know that [Music] so e to c right and then there's that keyboard part [Music] right there's that little part and then there is these little hits but doesn't do the third and so those are the elements that have to be in there i don't know how many verses they're going to do i don't know how long the solo is going to go the one other thing that i know to look out for is that this song when it comes back i'll point it out in the video when it comes back into the verse it doesn't finish that four bars after the chorus it hits right on three and so i'm going to talk you through exactly what happens in here [Laughter] [Music] so he's firing up the keyboard track and notice the tempo is increasing they're looking around getting the spot they want [Music] that's something you never know what tempo people are going to play it's different night for night you got to be prepared so i'm watching the band intently you'll notice throughout this performance i really don't look at the at the audience because i'm absolutely laser focused eyes and ears on the band now here's a cool thing that happens so you never know what they're going to do is there an intro or whatever and who's going to start it we know we're in e minor and then when it goes to c you can still stay with e minor or you can do c major but that that b to c thing is where you're gonna get that c major seventh to get that float j comes right in with a note and i just decide to match it the band because they're listening immediately acknowledges that they look over and and realize we're going to vamp for a little bit and jake and i engage each [Music] other bayless is staying out of the way all right so now right here you hear me mimic this keyboard part this [Music] to kind of signal that i'm ready to go to the next part whenever they are but i realize immediately that the rhythm is off and it doesn't mesh but chris picks up on it and even though i bail on that the message gets sent and he brings it in because we're all waiting for the drums now immediately my thought is because i watched the other video where they played with herring um that uh no one none of the three guitar players were doing this that little keyboard part that you hear the who do live right that's one of the live elements that really really stands out so i come in to do that and quickly realize it's it's it's creating a conflict and and and i immediately abandon the plans and i and i go to the rift to try to make one singular big thick sound like watch it i come in with it and i'm just like you know what that's that's just no it's not happening today immediately cancel the plans [Music] great [Music] now what happens here is jake gives me the nug and he says you do the intro lead now because i was on clean to do this little part i started to come in with the clean because i didn't know um if it would sound right because he was still you know very very clean and as soon as i hit it i realized it wasn't going to have the muscle for this band right and so i had to go i had to go click my channel and say we're going to be dirty from here on out [Music] and there i got my one mistake out of the way anybody that knows knows that whenever you get your nerves or whatever you just gotta hit the one note to start and then as soon as you hit your one mistake you know you're past it so that was me and i just did it there and from here on out i just settled in and made a point to listen to the band and not overplay just be all groove so watch it again let's sing a little mistake [Music] so what i tried to do there is start low go to a middle spot go high create something where the ear follows not be licky not be flashy just get out of the first lead go down come back up make sure the band knows that i'm not gonna screw this up and look at bayless like look at his face he knows he finally realized he's like okay okay he's not gonna screw this up because you have to remember no one's seen me play before you split see me play on the computer but not in person there's not like a plethora of live videos of me playing with good audio like they've taken a serious chance letting someone they've only seen on the internet on a stage with them right and so got the mistake out of the way figured the parts out uh where i'm gonna fit into it got through the first little lead band fields at ease and now we just now we just sail now we just sail and enjoy the ride [Applause] this is one thing i do a lot i noticed that none of the other guitar players were really um putting that low c in the bass that that you're getting that [Music] but not this and doing that little dyad and so i started to try to thicken up the low end by by you know [Music] to make it super crunchy because i know these guys have a metal background and i know that they would they would be totally fine with it getting it crunchy and that's like something i'm good at that's my that's what i love and so i knew it would work especially with that tone so we just did it take what the left foot [Music] is [Music] all right so you notice what happened there i didn't know if they were gonna do that they didn't know if i was gonna make it so they all look around make sure you get the eye contact drop together see stasic looks around and crazy's like is this it is this it bayless hasn't left eye contact with jake the whole time following him completely to me he's like yeah yeah [Music] she's party so here is an interesting thing that happened so after the after the gig i talked to chris on the drums and he was like yeah you knew the song about as good or better than we did i almost missed that first drop and i looked over and you were giving me eye contact and so i was this is the point i'm talking about we're like are they when they come back into the the [Music] when they come back into that after that first chorus it just is three three it doesn't finish that full bar it's got that jump to it and so i am not at all interested in playing it if they don't right i am interested in following them as wherever they go and so at this point because we can recover like the drums of the foundation i'm locked in completely and entirely on chris to make sure that if he is or is not going to that part i'm with him because i'm assuming the rest of the band because they play together forever will also be with him even without looking and he's going around and he sees me and we drop and get it together i'm on here [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh jake is so good it's so great to play with people like this all right so for the lead so we come out and i'm just anticipating playing the lead it's not it's not discussed i just was gonna play a couple licks and if you notice sometimes jake jumps in and sometimes i do we're listening intently so but then i take over um because that happens sometimes and i choose to come in with this four to the five catch on the flat seven to make my focus on that minor third on that g and i i click my wawa on at the next point and all i'm playing is the mt15 with the wawa right um and a little bit of reverb and i just keep it same thing just straight down the middle singing searing notes try to be in control as possible right come up i'm right footed like jake does his while left step on it and then go right to [Music] right right to that right to that b and then just slowly let the gate come open and let the vibrato shake and i'm trying the whole time to keep the vibrato like match the intensity of the band i'm trying to feel what's on the stage i'm not trying to dictate my own pace okay i'm just letting the channel come more and more open over time [Music] and that little flick back there that's just like it's like one of my favorite things to do is a lot of derek trucks just a little right and then i'm just going to grab some benz in e minor and jake's watching me intently and as soon as he realizes that i'm going to let notes ring out he jumps in with the harmony [Music] so he puts on a little more gain on his end and now and now it's a dance of who moves first and are we going up or down and with what type of touch so he so i let it sing first and so he let it sing and then i went one two three then he comes straight down does one [Applause] right and now we're trying to lock in so i start with the butter and he matches uh now he expects right here for it to continue to keep going down expects the wrong word he's ready for it okay it could keep going down you know i acknowledge that but i choose to let it sing because i don't know how far they're you know willing to take this and where they want it to go [Music] and immediately dump into this dominant thing five and a flat seven to let them know that i'm not gonna solo all day and that we can get out of this thing because that's what you do and that's the one little bit of nastiness uh that i saved i had to get i had to get one in there that just that little just you know that little just a straight little moving down one fret at a time keeping that minor third just diminished little thing because i didn't know if they were definitely going to go to that five there but i knew if i just started going down there i could end up in either place because i'm doing a filthy run that really doesn't have a harmonic value it's just like filthy right and so you gotta always squeeze one or two of those in there um it works dirty it works clean it's like just one of my favorite moves and no one really ever expects it because it's low fills you know it's not the high field and there's another thing that i like to do a lot especially when you're playing with a lot of people is if everybody that like so jake is here on this b you can clearly see bayless is up in this position right here right and so what i want to do is i want to avoid those roots entirely and i want to try to pick something out of the way of that so i start here and as soon as i acknowledge that they're not going to move [Music] i go to first inversion bring out that major third and then to keep the cascade going jump up to my fifth and major third again making it overwhelmingly major to really push back to home and it really stays out of their way you wouldn't notice it but that's kind of why you wanted to see this video i wanted to see what i'm thinking so check it out and so there they may have ended it right that was that was that was a flub right that happens so now because i again i don't know how much or how little they're going to do just to change the vibe a little bit i take my hands off for at least for at least a second and look around because i just feel like the vibe has to change you know sometimes you have to reset when you find yourself you're in the moment and then you you realize you're thinking like no i gotta stop thinking i gotta take my hands off for a second and just listen that's what happens here let the feedback see now so bayless hears it and bayless takes over the puts a little squeal in there because he knows jake is going to do his clean lead thing and i'm just letting the heavy guitars ring out and sustain you know like big you know fifth in the bass like metal kind of inversions and leaning towards the amplifier pulling my palm off just enough to let it start to sustain and then when it and then when i feel like you know we've reached the breaking point i bring it back in and i reapply hit that that pulse that's that's what i'm thinking in here you know so watch and notice that it creates a a good balance there's three guitars doing three different things with different sounds like different tonalities i'm looking around is i know we're going to the end here so for each one i'm doing what i did before on that b then trying to show that you know i realize that we're escalating to the point that we that we pop right and so when we get to the c here right and doing all these little things that have been saved for the end right so we're we're going all the way up and then it's and it's over right we're ending on top so i'm just i'm just escalating each one of those and they are staying in their spots allowing me the breathing room to do so whether or not they heard me do it before or they were hoping i would or it happened by accident it the whole song we we the three guitars were playing in different positions with different tones doing different things making different sounds and it and it and it went back and forth that's the goal that's the goal if you hear whatever it is you adapt you don't try to double right and so this just worked out great they're just so easy to play with just an amazing group [Music] i'm going to steer us out [Applause] yeah and you just end with the hits um that's it ladies and gentlemen that that is excuse me um that is how i approach sitting in with a band doing a famous song if you sit in with the band playing their song an original you know exactly how they're going to play it right because you can listen to them playing on the record and then them covering it and you can try to figure out a new spot that may or may not exist but when you play a famous song it's very different because again every band covers it a little bit wrong a little bit different and they might stretch it out they might do more verses or choruses they might do whatever so the point is take the take the things you learned from the record from the from the uh the original artist who covered it and from the band or a band similar to you're gonna play in and how they would do it take all those tools to the gig right and just know that you're entering their world and nimble being nimble and present and listening is the most important thing the worst thing you can do is say i'm going to set my sound like this i'm going to do this part at this time and this is how it's done correctly on the song no it's not what you do um you you enter their world and try to be a cohesive unit and add just a sprinkle of yourself in there but make them feel extremely comfortable and and just enjoy it you know the jitters are going to go away as soon as you get your first bad note out of the way make eye contact listen intently and enjoy the ride and that is it thank you all so much thank you all for watching and all of that if you like the way i play and teach and you're interested into a whole curriculum from beginning to start from start to finish it's all in guitar game it's been my life's work it is literally a combination of being a student being a teacher and being a player and it's all those put together and it's practical just like you saw this this practical application of music theory i love you all cheers can't wait to do it again
Channel: Michael Palmisano
Views: 253,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, guitar lesson, prs guitars, paul reed smith, Guitargate, guitar reaction, palmisano umphreys, eminence front cover, guitar teacher reacts, reacting to self, reacting to own performance, michael palmisano performance, michael palmisano live, michael palmisano live guitar solo, guitar solo analysis, how to improvise on guitar, guitar solo lesson, how to jam with a band, how to cover a song, how to learn a song, learn guitar, electric guitar, prs mt15 demo, prs 594
Id: BwrrF_hvOss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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