My 7 Best Tips for a Self-Taught Guitarist

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thank you so much for watching thomas the music today i would like to share with you one of my fan wrote me an email message asking about advice generally i receive so many emails and i'm so busy and i do professionally teach so that means i can really teach people casually i'm really serious okay so that's why i have my guitar wisdom but this this email i almost about to say oh sorry you know i'm full of skype lesson and um i can you know answer you but i just keep reading he really really appreciate my work and he really felt he needed some guidance and he said i'm curious what would you recommend to someone in my position and i was thinking everybody because a lot of people self-taught and study or you know work on things at the um youtube but youtube it's a free so there is good information i'm so many respectful teacher like justin guitar and guitar marty music active melody musicalism fun my student former student paul davids so many i you know and so many so many um michael pompson you know he's great too and so many so many but other side funny part is to become a guitar teacher you don't need any certified license anything like that so that means as if you become brain surgeon tonight without any license and somebody believe what you do very dangerous so let me read about his uh letter okay i hope you're well here here really important dear dear mr fujita very polite i hope you're well first of all it is an honor to even write to you i first started playing guitar because of john mayer and when i learned that you were his teacher naturally i became an instant fan of yours thank you for all your amazing work so when you write a letter from somebody first you write about that person not about you that's very important okay any guidance would mean help a lot i currently live in miami florida and want to keep growing as a guitarist the issue is i don't have a teacher and since i had a serious hand injury in the past due to bad technique i would rather not study alone second sentence finally where are you from what you have been doing what you want to do what's problem third some people have recommended i study classical guitar to learn proper technique other hub recommended i find the jazz i find a um judge guitar teacher so this means like somebody recommend p you know mr m to me saying like you know you you want to learn a little bit more details reasons and all that details and uh foundation other hub recommended i just learned through videos but it's not the same i i i'm worried i'm playing with bad technique with no one to correct me yeah a lot of people say just keep working on youtube but they're easy to say but if you have not improved with within six months or year then it's not working i really believe if you have right direction three months six months you really feel something different just like anything if you don't do anything nothing will happen but if you do the right thing something will happen okay i'm curious what would you recommend to someone in my position take care and thanks again for everything mr m i call mr m so even this lesson how to write a letter i mean i cannot even ask anything larry carlton i'm a huge fan of laurie cotton but i have a few questions but uh i can write a letter because i'm so scared right some people write hey dude i love your video show me this and there it's a little difficult to genuinely like you know help that person just because too casual if i say something i used to write something right and then thanks i wrote it like this you know so you know i don't do that anymore so yeah so um okay let me show you so this is like sort of practice routine with right direction and this could be semi-permanent or you can change in other words i'm not saying this is it this is one example so i'm gonna show you maybe seven eight different things that you must know to become a great guitar player and this is lostin i teach all my students john mayer too okay posture number one usually number comes up here the paul davids but i don't maybe i should write the paper on the paper anyway number one posture so watch i'm using secret love because i went to music is when he's a studio he has this and i i have to buy it i bought it so anyway and i like the t see i only sit this much already i can see like a line here i only sit this much i never sit back just because i play guitar i'm not relaxing i'm here working all the time okay it's not couch but soft and movable you know okay so number one posture your body is straight your shoulder drop now of course you have to do exercise a little bit that's different story nothing to do with this one but anyway so posture see straight so if you do this this is not good you have to do this all right now acoustic guitar again sit down and then i i i move this this side a little higher you know that's why classical guitar player use that steps you know i just do this you know and yeah you can cross it like that so fine but just you know and then so my chair is kind of low a little bit low so that right height you know yeah because you don't want a leg going like this then you know guitar is kind of slipping up you know right so that's so number two is normally this oh i mean oh i changed a bit yeah strap okay good so i use ace strap from england because i love this shrub my wife bought me this as a gift and uh it's it's this backs it play your ass off you know yeah anyway you see this side it's lift up from my body so my whole entire see really soft not pushing anything if you don't have strap guitar is dropping unless sometimes i don't use a strap but i have right chair right posture so you see even dancing and guitar to stay whatever you do you know okay tequila you know mr bean yeah so if you do that guitar should be stained do you see you see that so the both hand free that's really really important okay so you understand strap is important right posture is important number three fingering exercise picking exercise so number one you hold your peak sort of halfway and peak is moving between the finger and very difficult to do and i use heavy this is peak boy one millimeters and generally teacher would say you should start with thin pick the reason is the thin picker you can hold really tight the peak is moving okay and you pick hard and pickers adjusting okay for that purpose but to me i play same pick for electric guitar acoustic guitar okay so i use my picking volume all right so in order to do this picking volume you have to have a little exercise so this exercise it's written in the description all right see i'm not using full volume [Music] already someone asking me should i use metronome no because connection timing is far important than keeping time first so the beginning you don't have to have a metronome but eventually after you master this technique yes metronome will help okay so you go up the pattern up to 12 frets your pinky reach 12 frets when you go down you want to go down slightly slower just because usually descending a little bit difficult down ascending slowly why i choose fourth string to start fourth and a third like that because this way your thumb position very steady so your thumb position lightly touching the center of the guitar neck it's not above it's not too long all right so it's easy also i don't teach anything vertical movement in the beginning just because vertical you have to use a thumb position change that's hard to do so horizontal pretty much slightly change but pretty much uh keep your thumb on the center all right so that's good so you practice that five to ten minutes next one is try it understand fretboard so of course you have to learn one note each side by side you know to understand the note [Music] try it is domi [Music] so you this one you actually you go vertical and horizontal purposes you learn everything only three different kinds okay so you go sodomy [Music] you have to sustain [Music] and i pay attention from fifth string sixth string i pick a little bit softer miso [Music] i use three four two like that and the thumb position always moving so i teach this try as all my berkeley student just because thumb position change is really important so this is a bad example this if you do this incorrect [Music] because you're not moving thumb you're not making any effort you're just playing correct position that's the problem if you use video temperature because you only see the front and then you only use the position you have to really understand the meaning okay all right so vertical so that and then horizontal sudo [Music] you know okay so i'm just going to kind of quick bottom notes maybe your display three is good like that you know of course i have detailed lessons at guitar wisdom that's where all the important lessons are okay and uh third one i'm sorry this is fourth topic triads but you do like this vertical horizontal then you do the same in version domi so domi so domi so really great for phrasing miso do miso do miso sodomy great excellent excellent and then you know you can do that right and i will do like a fifth one i teach a lot of these called root third or seven very useful very very useful so like if you play route 37 strumming a blues so this one root seven third okay only two form this one root 37 okay yeah then what you do is like downstroke upstroke this one you could use metronome but [Music] slowly [Music] the reason i teach this uh idea triad also to everyone every one of my students just because this really easy to understand jazz okay and harmony because dominant seven minor seven major seven dominant seven major seven minor seven so this way basically you can play any song already i did teach a lot of route 37 here at the gita i'm sorry thomas which is the music so you you go to my okay you go to my um youtube channel search right root third seven swing comes up a lot lessons you should review that okay you got number five number six strumming or strumming or you know shuffle but i think open string is really important so this one you could like this simple c okay do and last one you have to really play this because it's just like foundation of guitar electric guitar and blues guitar a shuffle i didn't listen lesson here too you know rhythm guitar sometimes something sometimes i'm sorry i'm not really good at making right titles so sometimes title title not really matching the contents you know but i clean up a little bit [Music] my channel so a little bit easier to see like air collapsed [Music] simple but we have to play clean see that this shuffle is quite difficult to do proper you know mute so question usually people ask so which hand you use for muting both really i use this i use this palm muting [Music] so are you clear about what to do sort of a daily practice routine also going to the right direction so this is the basic routine from here of course ear training bending exercise learning just standards many things [Music] guitar is so much fun guitar makes your life our life so beautiful and no competition makes us very humble to become nicer people if you become nice people everybody else become nicer so nice people be kind to yourself don't worry so mr m do you understand whole thing okay definitely if you study alone limited yourself even john mayer came to boston from connecticut so means has to pack so many things prepare being in boston himself and fits to berkeley and every day get up go to class practice figuring out okay so many uh challenge so that challenge even one two semester change his life because he understand how to measure things otherwise if you stay in a small town without any um experience you you see everything kind of small you don't really see from far away so you think kind of easy to do maybe make a mistake about the measurement see if you make a measurement it doesn't fit you know so you have to look carefully and i highly highly recommend to join my guitar wisdom because only 9.99 10 a month subscription that you can watch every detail sight reading beginner series blues jazz funk neo soul soloing improvisation harmony ear training everything everything i know actually i'm putting out every single week so more you stay more you come back you'll learn more and i'm adding more so that's that's i think good deal to me because it's not too expensive and you can join anytime if you if you have a difficulty financially or you don't feel like the practicing yeah take off for a while come back again that's people do that's good and so yeah again if you have a lot of you great person great player a great teacher great learner great students why don't you write any recommendation how to practice and what you thought about my suggestion for mr m so technically again review i gave you guidance how to build basic routine this routine can be changed okay it's not stick to this now you know many many months but you can see some of the stuff you can develop some stuff you focus on two three months and after that you don't have to do it like a triad you don't have to do that much after you learn but then you have to apply that into different songs and stuff and uh i i hope uh this helpful okay thank you so much for watching too much the music make sure these things you want to review okay how to set posture second how to use a strap how important you strap number three fingering and picking exercise horizontally it's written here and then try it try it make sure c major triads all over the place understand the degree and root 37 swing so this way you understand root third and seven guide the tone for jazzy chords and strumming will be a body grooving you know open course and last one shuffle because if you want to jump with somebody of course you have to backing up somebody to play kind of bluesy thing so like if you go for example if you go to norma's real guitar somebody's there joe bonamassa there you you want to jam his jaw and you want to play e blues and shuffle maybe like a hideaway you have to play and if you play really good rhythm he will remember all right sounds good thank you so much for watching thomas music thank you for your support please like this video share this video with your friend that's all i ask sharing like this video and follow subscribe my you know this channel and of course if you like my contents i recommend to subscribe my guitar wisdom thank you so see you very soon thank you
Channel: TomoFujitaMusic
Views: 142,510
Rating: 4.9807577 out of 5
Keywords: Guitar, Self-taught, Practice Routine, Guitar Wisdom, Tomo Fujita, Shredded
Id: 0AjGZKzt0ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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