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[Music] ladies and gentlemen Michael Pomano here back on guitargate Mark Sheldon hits him with a little alterbridge Blackbird featuring The Parallax Orchestra live at Albert Hall let's do it for you mark oh let's make this bigger Mark thanks for being a member of guitargate I obviously know who alterbridge is uh I know the song Blackbird I'm assuming this is a Beatles cover let's go [Applause] here the strings on that F sharp [Music] beautiful [Music] one of the most beautiful progressions of all [Music] [Applause] [Music] time the willow wish today a breeze from the distance is calling your name and F your black wings wow he sounds good across the Horizon it's to SM you away it's coming to swing you [Music] away yes [Music] the car heart oh my way may you now on on me S okay I did not [Applause] [Music] know yeah you know it sounds good I I did not know that this wasn't a like a full 12 minute Beatles cover I did not know that like they had a song called Blackbird that they open with the Beatles cover um let's just keep going the guitar sound awesome his voice sounds awesome I love it with the symphony it's such an epic tune I just feel like it's going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger at some point I'm going to stop and try to figure this stuff out but now I just want to see what happens next Jade place show impure the static of this world and CA somebody to fly before this GL for [Music] this for world car God this guitars sound awesome um obviously I play PRS right most of the time this this mt15 amp this tronti Lunchbox amp might be the it is the favorite most favorite amp that I have not an exaggeration I mean just listen to how brutal these guitars sound just huge that slide going into it was just massive um great chord voicings here Bren like that that that flat nine to a one hold on a second Annie Kelly hey are you going to the show on Friday that's on the calendar maybe not sure yet well we're gonna have to talk about it because we have a lot on the calendar for Friday I'm aware of that uh yeah okay timl called me it's John scoffield it's like the front table it would be cool if I could make it work but if I can't then that's life we just need to like have a conversation because I'm supposed to work cicc but Blake's supposed to not he's supposed to have a party and then we have three other kids I know we're juggling a lot of balls doesn't make sense for me to do this cyc thing but they're like in a bind and so I don't know what to do tell them you have an extremely extremely difficult husband who's demanding to go to a show then you can't do anything about yeah okay all right we'll figure it out okay bye bye let's keep going why you way you okay so real quick we're in drop C so these little moves where it's just like where it's just like that flat nine to the one absolutely brutal I hope they do that beginning riff again though too because I just I can't stop thinking about it one that [ __ ] [Applause] yes so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] this little [Music] moves all those that that that that that that [Music] that love that SL so smooth smoother than I can do it you find no resistance and oh you make such a difference and all you leave behind we live to live so good for the memories of you stay strong some I will [Music] fly [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay the tone is so smooth I love his lyrical placement it is it is you know F minor F minor pentatonic I know the Frets don't matter looking at it but it's so smooth so sustaining and so tasteful at the very end at the very end you get this leading tone you get this remember you can be in a minor progression right so let's say you're an F I'm an F you can play a note right behind the tonic so this would be e sharp if we're in harmonically correct but F you know it's still a white key on the keyboard right and you get harmonic minor again the point of harmonic minor is to get a major five chord to get that lead leing tone cuz the third of the five chord is the major SE seventh leading tone of your key center right so it's so cool when you do [Music] these oh sorry I'm off like these big these big searing leads everywhere right but then once you get all the way up top that that that that leading tone that it's just so damn cool and so [Music] tasteful nice Legato l [Music] [Music] now again that's just speed picking that's you know I can't do it like I used to be able to do it but just that like that har just just just you're thinking minor scales and you just you're just burning and getting that going the hardest part is usually figuring out like what Target note to land on it's it's hard to go from this and then land on something that like just sings it's it's a very hard transition there um God the guitar sound great like really great like really really great there my way may you now on I be great base run those little moves man I'm telling you those voicings um there's a couple voicings that are happening here um again I'm not in drop and I'm not tuned correctly but like one you hear them do all the time is I think it's when it goes to e here um is like when you have a power chord like this and you drop just the root one half step what that really becomes is the major third and root of your new chord so a becomes E major right and when you put that major third in the base it's just heavy heavy heavy um all you Mega Death fans out there you know what I'm talking about nothing heavier than the major third in your riffage um this riff this riff [Music] one I'm going to speak in terms of F sharp nine pushing into the into the minor third and then right major 7 just half step below still push into it this is the [Music] rift yeah and then so s wait so so we [Music] good yeah yeah there it is [Music] [Applause] it so bitching right then killer killer killer I know that's not exactly right but that that descending just Just Vibe with the same Motif with the little Bend up but it it like it's so even just remember it for life especially when you get into music like this like if it is good or if it sounds good it is good it's just true let me restart the camera real quick make sure I got this we're good [Music] just an fshp kind of thing staying through it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] interesting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] I guess that's it dude that was unbelievable okay Mark Sheldon thanks for being a targate member um I don't have the right tone I am not in the right tuning um I really didn't um try to stop and learn that much because it was such a long video I wanted to kind of take it in and even though I know who alterbridge is like I did not know this song and I got to be honest with you I don't know how much of the band I've ever listened to like at all uh so my key takeaways today are one um unbelievable Arrangement like with the strings in there like just perfect the guitars huge disastrously huge sounds spectacular classic High Gain PRS Mojo like just dripping in it um his voice is spectacular such a great rock and roll tone and control I loved all the descending and ascending like chromatic little motifs that build and the like the Counterpoint of his voice like one going up and one going down I by no means have internalized what was happening like I didn't learn the song like I have to go back and and do that um but there was so much of it that like I'm always waiting for a clash like oh this is really a big big song like the the the guitars are going and he's just like going up and it's just perfect from what I can tell and the tones are perfect like the actual tamber of the different sounds is perfect um really really big Bas just amazingly full B Bas sound and all the little moves right all that little flat nine um it just this is the type of music I love when it's just like you can't really pigeon hole it into a progression it's not just the same riff every time it's this flowing thing and it's these big drop tunings and you just hold yourself on these chromatic clips that like you just got to sell the piss out of them otherwise they don't work but you do it and it's the best best thing ever again if it sounds good it is good I'm going to go crank this up in my car on the way from picking my kid up for school and then call my wife back and tell her probably going to have to go to the front table at scoffield this Friday in Baltimore that's it my friend I love you all so much Mark thanks for being a member of guitargate and shooting this to me if you guys dig the vibe here please hit subscribe drop in the comments anything you'd like me to read anything You' like me to think about and do next and if you want to learn how I approach the neck uh you're looking for a motivating and inspirational place to learn guitar not just like static courses and YouTube videos um my life's work is called guitargate and if you take my lessons in courses you get to pick what comes next on YouTube just like Mark Sheldon here so if that interests you that's the first link in the description that's it my friends take care keep it in your hands keep trying to get a little bit better each day I'm doing the same hope you'll do it with me cheers wow oh my oh
Channel: Michael Palmisano
Views: 148,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, prs guitars, paul reed smith, Guitargate, reaction, guitar reaction, alter bridge, alterbridge reaction, alter bridge reaction, alter bridge guitar lesson, alter bridge live, alterbridge black bird, alter bridge blackbird live, alter bridge blackbird guitar lesson, how to play blackbird, how to play balckbird on guitar, blackbirg guitar lesson, black bird alter bridge guitar lesson tutorial
Id: O1b5S59mHFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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