Reacting To KSI in a BETA SQUAD video....

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ladies and gentlemen beta Squad have released a new video I did this every single week I don't know why it's a surprise I'm reacting to it here yeah here we go so beta Squad time it is guess the black person featuring KSI they have done this before but now that they've got KSI they're doing it again their guess the videos are like we've done a couple guest videos there's uh like I feel like their guests the videos are like our holiday videos if you get what I mean like the ones that people watch of ours like our holiday videos everyone watches and they're like oh this was sick this is this is like the best cyber videos blah blah that's like this is their version so here we go trademark videos yeah so we're doing guess the black person but this time we've got an expert black person to help us so ladies and gentlemen introducing JJ I mean knowledge [Applause] as well great to see all of you yes we have given a small small YouTuber a chance today knowledge strength and integrity I suggest you guys go check him out after this video is done yeah it's great 23 subscribers I I have to just send someone a message quickly JJ told someone that he doesn't have a suit he's wearing one in this he's lied he's lied ah okay I've been informed he got given it I've informed yeah going by to be here obviously I am indeed okay the blackest black man of all mankind yes me Mr private school why did we bring KSI for guess the black person he's white here are six people and they're all claiming to be black however only one of them is telling the truth and it's our job with a real black person is round by round we'll vote out one person at a time and if we guess we know how this works don't worry bro but if we guess wrong then the lies will get a cash prize this is false identity no I'll bring all the black people smelled like a used PE kit apparently it's not his suit I have been informed I was wrong apparently it's not his suit but number one has come on the stomach knowledge is so excited to be on the bet it's good Channel he came and it landed or not I'm watching him as they're walking in right now just seeing who's got a bit of swagger in their walk I can confirm one of them do so this is going to be wow I think they're all white honestly round one Aesthetics what are you guys thinking I caught lights number five frames different number five is a white man I could tell don't ask me how I just know I've never seen a black brother where the A6 [Laughter] or Jordans wearing Asics anyone else anyone else really annoyed by the fact that he said Asics that hit me that hit me that hit me in here you say Asic oh yeah you say A6 that's what it is A6 it's like the Joe Weller song got an A6 song because I rate them you know pull up to the manner with the keys in the hand and a bottle that would keep in the basement jeez Joe Weller fire you know dude who wears those because oh God he said it as well shock you know oh I was hoping you weren't going to call me out for that thank you appreciate it it was red ones as well some Dreadful that was a very tough time in my life I wore those shoes everywhere what the hell is wrong with Asics guys the way you say it that's what's wrong I'm feeling fine I'm Alicia and I'm 22. I like Jamel Williams and I'm 23. Jamil Williams my name is astel I'm 24. a steel it was named after the band Bastille so wait wait wait we're going for 25. but I still have how old I'm a fan of 24. yeah I don't really listen to bastard that much but I know for a fact he wasn't out 24 years ago yeah some people he's got a black name and he's trying to change it by calling that I still why don't you just say like William or something yeah okay William yeah what's wrong with this guy is he okay he just decided to pick names out I'm Ricky I'm 44. yeah [Applause] I reckon every Friday night he's down there with the lads they're all at the pub having a bunch of pint Spears whatever you call it number six you know the editing is so clean this is what I really think this is this is the one thing I think sidemen need to pick up on the most out of everything is the little edits like it's all well and good at editing you know the start make the start really fast paced but this you know 15 20 minutes in just looks so good they're all at the pub having like little editors it makes it feel a lot better I'm saying we start off by just asking where they're from okay okay all right and maybe what their Heritage is yeah yeah yeah in fact let's start from six downwards I'm from London I don't know my dad's side so I went to get some milk did he yeah gotta be back then [Laughter] my father said he's gonna buy some milk and I've not seen him since then of course never never we just need a bigger team think how long the videos are I'm more of a fan of [ __ ] videos not the professional studio setup I get that I fully understand that now we just need more editors that's what it is like at the moment like chip fat doesn't edit the whole sidemen channel so we need we need like two or three people to work together for it to go get milk he's gone missing and I feel like everyone uses that just just based off of that I could tell she's a white person ah classic classic uh milk dad thing classic yeah I hope you're not stealing Sharky's pain as a way to fool us [Laughter] Ricky I'm also from London is that it is London hey yo Ricky what's going on we're talking about where your parents are from and you're just saying London I'm still I mean William where are you from Essex Essex and what's your ethnicity it's a background my dad is from Paisley in Scotland and my mum was from and what color is your is your mum why why Dad I'm gonna just okay I'm doing maths if your mum is white and your dad's white and you're black what does that mean man that means you got left at the doorstep sorry I hate to break it to you you are adopted what's going on let's ask this big question Josh saving the six months number five hey all right let's end this round wait a minute you're wasting our time what sort of game are you playing here bro yo why is he saying that so I don't I don't get it he's just gone I don't care anymore you caught me and wait you have to convince us wait I'm now confused wait are they trying are they all trying to pretend to be black or they're all trying to pretend to be white AJ asked him are you black he said no they're all trying to pretend to be black but they're there's only one black person okay uh uh okay I think it might have been him though I reckon all the others all the others are white trying to be I can all the others are white trying to be black but that person is black trying to be white and I think it's all messed up I don't know it's that you're black but he's trying to do the polar opposite Something Fishy with this guy something's up with him I think he's playing well you're playing you're playing games you're playing games there's no way you're trying to do the black man game okay yeah yeah yeah yeah jokes there's a real staying in the game I know you're still yeah he's a fraud oh he's just told you he's watching okay are you black yeah five yeah four yes [Laughter] you back yes yep oh man okay you can't just come in here and say I'm so black and expect us to believe you're black all right Jamal what is your ethnic background so I'm from Essex and my mom is Jamaican [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] I don't know why everyone's reacting like that he sounds perfectly fine it's Jamaican I saw him in um Carnival last year he was whining 30 girls I swear to God if there is if there's a uh a what should we call it what's the guy called you know the guy who's in all the other videos the cop from New York the undercover Co-op from New York that guy whatever his name is uh Bradley if Bradley is in is Bradley is one of these people I swear I swear beta Squad need to get some new people I don't know that is what wait all right cool so number two uh Alicia I'm from Brazil oh number one Anthony my mom's Irish my dad's from Jamaica whereabouts in Jamaica are you from the milk Club in it so you're suspicious I think they're all white honestly I think they're all black none of them are black like this this game is broken no no man anyway number three or two I'm thinking I think we get with them too yeah yeah number two all right it's voting time um I'm gonna start with my vote with number two sorry I'm from Brazil you're not from Brazil I don't think number five is a black man if you guys do know we've literally got someone that said he's white somebody's up yeah he's just trying to hide yeah yeah maybe no it's probably the outline in his um on his suit that looks yeah number six number six so it's two six two books or two shark is down to the side go to these lovely ladies to make it easier just sexist really oh my big accusations and for that Leah you're going out beautiful I've been canceled a few times in my time and it's not fun you can't make those kind of accusations Leo and now I know you're you're a hazard I don't know what else is going to be saying throughout the video so for that reason you're out round two dance moves oh my God normally black people have uh this thing called rhythm uh whereas white people can sometimes struggle with that although there are some exceptions let's start I've seen JJ dance Ricky adults [Laughter] wow I I never see moves like that uh what I have on fortnite all the time and on more sidemen we've literally watched Harry and Vic do the same thing Harry's was amazing he's got his arms flail light oh it was so good what now four oh that's exactly how College dances by the way okay yeah yeah I like this um I like this edit I like this edit of like you see when he's dancing like they've got rid of the other two people for no reason but it looks nice that's a nice touch that's exactly yeah but uh let's move it like a chicken he's the one in the room for sure I can't wait but number three doesn't mean oh my God [Applause] give me a better beat come on man oh widen yeah number three I don't know what that was but that's definitely not a wine that's more of a whiskey ah no girls jumping on that no Gold's gonna be like yeah that's a fun ride Alicia now she's Brazilian that doesn't mean I have to dance though anything you don't have to do anything you don't want to do yeah yeah so anyway uh numbers you don't want to dance no no never mind number one Anthony foreign [Applause] why do I think that that's Bradley why do I think that that's Bradley I genuinely think Anthony has some sauce to his dance you know if you look at the hips it was a mover like a Jamaican Yeah Boy number five you see him slightly white um can you name three words that rhyme with trigger crazy did have a very good education not good or rhyming what's he also trying to say that we're not educated no nothing he's gonna start sweating underneath he was Defensive straight away but how does he not know three words that rhyme with trigger we've got Digger uh figure and what kind of music do you like bro a bit of everything so like what's your favorite like Batman uh artist wasn't big into Jamaican culture so I mean geez that just changed your mom is Jamaican so you didn't know your mum too much so how do you have the accent I went on holiday to Jamaica he said he got his accent from holiday how the hell did he get an accent from ksi's songs well I lived there for about six months with me on the holidays oh yeah so so you're telling me this man when on holiday for six months six months and instantly Jamaican accent you've got an accent from living in Jamaica for six months so what about the other 20 something years in Essex you flipping bimbo Alicia number two who is your favorite rapper I don't like rap I listen to jazz jazz yeah Ray Charles Ray Charles okay I think even Ray Charles can see that you're white [Laughter] [Applause] that's good that was a good one last end around two time for votes I'll go first uh Alicia Alicia I just don't think it's her she hasn't said much she didn't give us any dance moves so we couldn't really tell what kind of reasons I just think you know what Alicia Alicia I'm going for you sorry I'm gonna say I vote for Alicia because I don't think she's the black person on the panel yeah I'm I'm gonna have to go for the same one yeah I believe so sure anymore I was gonna vote for number five but probably looking at me how about yourself yeah I don't know I thought like Alicia just wasn't bring in The Vibes man she was just really like reserved and she just she didn't want to show much uh she had to go man a father that means bye bye Alicia get out half around three let's just get this question out of the way yeah how big are your dicks so you're waiting for the woman to go [Laughter] finally some dick some dick action let's go as a certified member of the one meter gang 100 meter asked a question of how big is everyone's penises because there's a stereotype the black men have long words how big is your day I'm not complaining itched he itched here he aged his knee as if it was like it was there interesting about seven and a half go on then I steal six conservative yeah that means he's got four and a half but anyways two Mel enough for his sister [Applause] Jamil has lost his mind what what how does he even know he has a sister what no getting on to my man's sister I'll call I would have been just banging people in the face where did I come from I still do you have a sister yes if you're a real black man you're fighting but never mind how old is she 17. oh my God yeah arrest Jamel immediately I'm not trying to say anymore he is a monster he is a beast and he is a nonce that can't run yeah bro that's an elbow wow you were so close he was so close 13.5 so your dick is 13.5 inches it's true it actually is you make a mistake it was meters I've seen it 1.5 meters yeah don't make that mistake again I've seen it so is that what's touching my leg right now no no that's just the ball sack that's 7.2 yeah [Laughter] yeah I'm trying to get right in like I honestly do believe I have the perfect penis let's talk about Hobbies what would you do on a Friday night Ricky just keep buying my girl yeah we go there you go what what race is your goal she's light skin light skin okay all right what type of girls do you all like yeah thank you great question number three snow bunnies [Laughter] American slang common saying in the states okay so it's an American thing well then clearly I'm absolutely plowed through plenty of Snow Buddies it all makes sense now all right goals wise this is like this is like this is like 2017 KSI like yeah I've got a big dick I've had sex with loads of women like what is this Apostle tits classic questions as a black expert uh I would know that black men do not care for boobs all we care about is Bunda oh ass panda Jamal clearly watched against the black person the first one uh so that means nothing to me even though yes I'm also a bunderman but he [ __ ] gets with a bundle comment because he saw how he reacted the first time you're not getting us me personally guys I'm saying we finally as executed I've been on him okay one more before we vote you up because what is your ethnic background you can't say London so like my uh my mum's from Africa yeah what about Kenya Kenya yeah whereabouts it's a little village so Kenny or West Africa yeah I'm guessing it's little enough yeah you don't know I got him Ken is actually an East Africa brother sharks that was so big it was so big as soon as you get Kenya in in West yeah it was so oh it was so how how's he falling for that man's geography um you're obviously not from West Africa East Africa you're not from Africa maybe if I'm being honest I didn't even know which side Kenya was damn it I might be white right Ricky gerbase hi Ricky yeah Ricky you gotta go bro [Laughter] all right take care Ricky go back to the pub all right round four it's getting close here we go we have to decide which one is actually black we might have messed up no no I'm telling that this guy okay can we ask him more questions yeah he's throwing us off faster what's your actual name I'll be honest my name is John still I was trying to throw you off my name's actually William you can look back on the tapes I said William let's look at the footage why don't you just say like William or something yeah oh what you're looking at I'm right I was gonna say William so where are you actually from because you said Scotland and something else but I was obviously a lie well my mom's from Eritrea and my dad is from Cape Town this guy's going from a still to William and and he's changing ways from he said Scott from Eritrea which I don't even know where that is and he's the only one doing that so now he looks very sus listen I don't blame the guy that he was changing his name he's just got so many names because he's been adopted so many times no one actually kept him I might even adopt him next and just call him rat have you ever broken your nose uh yes black people don't break their noses it's rare yeah that's what I was thinking just like the 11 months by the way yeah but whoa It's like flat I was saying knowledge is talking about it being rare when a black man breaks his nose well what's rare is a man not being able to grow a full-fledged beard at the age of 28. JJ's right on that one you know oh for nothing they're going to be on the same team box I spy a lot you know I've never hurt my nose inspiring but the white people that I've sparred a lot of the times their nose goes bloody you guys ever been pulled over by the police yeah I have here a few times how did the interaction go well weren't friendly what happened what happened let's pull me over because it starts speeding okay yeah you deserved it I never saw a Sweden today are you okay what are you speeding yeah what do you say to you he just said stop spinning no he's like just just telling me I've asked I shouldn't be going and said I was going to get a ticket yeah Anthony has had a pleasant experience with policemen oh no you caught me speeding ah don't do that again Anthony best be on your way again uh say the n word if we didn't need any more confirmation I know Jamal very well he he doesn't want to be disrespectful to our people isn't that right yeah there you go man I still do you want to say that mud no not really not really fair enough fair enough okay Anthony Anthony have you ever said it um yo for his sake I hope he's black many things in five months I hope but he's black have any of you guys ever been called the N word I've been black friends yet okay all right and any in a racist way in school no you know that's horrible oh wow and what did they say so they just said the n-word to you and how did you react blocked one of them on the nose cold Anthony sorry brother I don't think it's you take Anthony uh I'm just gonna make things interesting I'm gonna pick uh Ricky he's not here get out of here Anthony yeah same here though get out no worries thanks Anthony the hesitation last two you know what bye see ya and then there were two left here we go one on the white one William what's your date of birth 25th of May 98 and tomorrow 24th of February 1999. nice that was pointless um yeah what was the point of that Sharky what are you doing can you guys wrestle a little bit wrestling [Applause] you're gonna taste huh these guys are fighting each other it's happening nervous because this may be a hate crime we're seeing right in front of us right now even if one of them is black yeah we don't claim any of them yeah what was that that is just so let's say you've got three pounds in your pocket what are you getting to eat after school KFC what do you get for it I never said I was going to pay for it he's oh these people are they are something something special they are something special this accent has hurt me so much of course another stereotype yeah this guy's starting to get a bit rude I think Jamal has put a shift in and even if he's not he's the black person he's still black we should vote William out and give him no because I want to win I don't want a bit of money we've lost a lot of games then maybe Jamal has to sway you with a quick freestyle can I have a beat please come on let's go oh my name is Jamal I want the money give me the money before I rub ya [Laughter] I said forget what I said what's all this robbing thing man like not every black guy robs everyone was happy about you yeah love to Jamaica yeah all right and that's it Jamel is now as the last person black person yeah now William has to be black William slash I still tell you trying to do the Mind Games the tricks from the beginning and there was something about you something about you that just screamed here we go it's time for the rest here we go who is the black person oh yes William reveal yourself come on that's what I'm talking about our losing streak is over listen no one can overturn this stuff baby well ladies and gentlemen the black expert has done it again but it's called I'm here all week please let me do find the white person we're gonna spend the whole time going none of them no no they're all white trust me I'll be able to find them because I'm very white I'm so white I'm a coconut I want to meet my best best friend Jamal [Applause] how's that yeah we honestly next time [Applause] wait so would she be a snow bunny then [Laughter] let's go [Applause] Alicia are you actually Brazilian yep oh fabulous oh wow big knowledge how many likes one million 1 million likes one million you don't even know what I'm asking likes and it will happen okay one million likes and beta Squad will take all the sidemen in a charity football match what million likes one million likes one million likes [Applause] all this left is the trailers sadly uh that is not happening sadly it's not happening they might play but uh JJ already knew what it was JJ already knew what the the deal was if I hit Nico was like oh you haven't I haven't said it yet yeah what are we doing a charity match we've been scammed well blame KSI hey love yeah you guys you guys can get a two million likes but unfortunately yeah it's that's it's not happening we need another chat match we will be doing one we will be doing one yeah you just crushed many hearts I mean we'll still be doing one but yeah as I said they might be playing who knows who will it be against that is to be decided what's different why it's gonna be uh like we want to keep it sidemen versus like YouTube or something like a generic term because otherwise why come back to school join the challenge match they come they might be able to play we don't know but the uh it's more to keep it so it's like generic YouTube side if you know what I mean yeah anyway okay let's see the trailer just can you just please knowledge they play the trailer stop it Prime I'm sorry and then play the trailer we're gonna be matching the girlfriend to the boyfriend I have no idea best siblings I'm gonna vote for oh that looks like good video we actually had that idea but it got uh it got turned down it got turned down unfortunately um that was a good video not necessary it's not necessary to call the opponent team beta Squad yeah it's more it's more like for example who knows maybe maybe the opposition Captain would be Logan Paul who knows then it doesn't really make sense Simon V beta Squad but Logan Paul's Captain doesn't make sense you know what I'm saying I'm not saying Logan Paul is playing but that's that's more the the logic behind it please no America it's [ __ ] sake UK V us YouTubers is not a bad shout I know a lot of people hate that but you have to remember that ultimately the entire awesome beta Squad have a very very similar audience we have very similar audiences the entire event is to raise money for charity as well so if we played like us to be them it would basically end up catering just to us a smaller percent we want to we want to try and make the biggest event possible to try and raise as much money as possible it'd still be a big audience it would but we want to make it as big as possible to make as much money for charity as possible because that's the aim we could because the beta Squad guys be on your team potentially yeah show uh speed in a charity match I'd I'd love speed to be in the charity match you know I think that'd be jokes if you get speed a lot of the US audience is gonna watch it because everybody's interested in his football Arc that's true but yeah if um if beta Squad are watching this I'm sorry but JJ actually knew that we weren't doing side man beta Squad before he agreed to that so apologies but yeah he knew it he knew it we had had the conversation he was involved
Channel: MiniminterClips
Views: 840,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, miniminterclips, simon, sidemen, mm7, miniminter clips
Id: kJgrEI5j7ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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