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one of the hardest challenges to do and this is the most popular one ever documented today a book which has 85 million views so it better be freaking amazing let's do this within the Pokemon Community there's a set of self-imposed rules you can add to the games to make them more challenging called a Pokemon Nuzlocke you can only catch the first Pokemon you run into per route if a Pokemon faints it dies and you can't use it anymore and you have to nickname your Pokemon to get more attached to them so that is the biggest challenge if your Pokemon ever faints in a battle it is gone forever and you have to delete it and you can only catch one Pokemon per route this challenge is incredibly hard that means if you aren't careful you can technically lose a Pokemon game under those conditions I've wanted to do a Nuzlocke for the longest time I've started a couple in the past but never actually got to finish any because busy but today's the day that all changes I've never done one to make a video on my first full attempt at a Pokemon Ruby Nuzlocke let's see how it went after Breaking Free from the back of the moving truck these animations are amazing and introducing myself to the neighbor Brendan the kid that I always thought was a monkey said that he heard screaming up ahead Professor Birch is getting mauled by a level 2 pushiana so I let his Torchic out and she scratches the crap out of it he gifts me Torchic for rescuing him and I name her Teriyaki that is a beautiful nickname and I'm also really excited and happy that this does lock is done in Generation 3 Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire because that is my favorite generation now I've never done a Nuzlocke so if you guys want to see me do a Nuzlocke let me know and maybe I'll try to replicate something as amazing as this I'm also gonna be raining her teriyaki my first Pokemon walking up the route more I run into Brendan who challenges me to a battle where Teriyaki proceeds to also scratch the crap out of his Mudkip you're two for two Professor Birch gives me five pokeballs and the Nuzlocke has officially started I walked back up to catch my first Pokemon and ran into a Zigzagoon all right not the best zigzagoons are amazing Adventure dude so Teriyaki one-shotted critical but whatever contain your murder a little bit all right guy route 102 is right around the corner and that's where I was able to catch corn the CDOT look at us corn friends ready to take on those region together after watching the weird kid Wally struggle the nickname corn for her CDOT I'm gonna give that an 8 out of 10 that's pretty solid also ziggs and goons are very underrated in Pokemon Ruby because if he didn't know didn't ability or your thing that makes them pick up random items as you play the game so I used to get a full team of zigzagoons and just run around they would find a bunch of items and it was amazing so I hope that you can find some more in the future catch his first Pokemon I continued on to Route 104 and found a little talo in the grass there we go oh she's gonna go swallow hungry oh yeah I know your name in petalburg Forest A Team Magma I don't have some random Professor so Ari and Teriyaki Peck his eyes out oh hello shroomishing rewind and ping Rewind The Ting what on Earth is Taylor doing and how do I sign myself up for something I'm gonna name you onion mad onion nickname on Shroomish I'll give that five it's all right ready to take on Roxanne's gym Teriyaki kills another Zigzagoon I was about to catch come on because she also ended up evolving onion was able to destroy Roxanne with ease and we got our first badge exiting the gym we catch a glance at Team Magma is up to no good again something about the scorching Earth or something and this old man exclaims that they still lose Pico the animations of this are amazing here's your dog Elsa you're coming with me the mayor thanks Me by turning me into his Aaron boy and I arrive in duford to give a letter to Stephen all right what do we do oh here we go you need flash GM for this one okay the next year I feel like my while is not the first Pokemon that you see in that cave it's typically like a Zubat maybe an Aeron a makuhita is also very commonweil though I don't know that's even a little bit says to me Mrs Jaden animation gym leader Ari is a stone cold killer and easily let's go Ari in that fight things were going well two badges in and the team is looking good on my way to No Death yeah I caught a tentacle on the beach yeah Squidward and afterwards Brendan again in Slateport it was time again to get ready for the gym battle with wait wait wait Rewind The Ting again one is up with teriyaki and just going after the booty I mean I respect it don't get me wrong I do respect it and I wouldn't I mean I can't say I wouldn't do the same but seriously we thought this was supposed to be made for children oh I didn't even see onion looking onion I mean I think it's really going for the booty gosh dang Brendan again in Slateport oh my gosh get ready for the gym battle with Watson but as I was fighting some trainers Chomps the ma wild got electrocuted a bit too hard and was killed that thing got one shot by level 15 Magnemite okay honestly that it Chomps deserves to die I'm sorry so that's the first half let's battle I want to show you how strong I am yeah Ari this is an electric gym I think he's level like 15 rounds or something you can just wait outside while battling that is fine there's onion evolved into braillum and together with teriyaki they are able to get another victory yeah now we were riding High three Gym badges in and no main casualties with our massive confidence we decided straight family's challenge of beating all their family members I had Squidward out front to get him some experience there we go I knew it oh God it's gonna do a high jump kick we can take him out but I need a clean switch first come on Squidward oh no who is that what did she catch that I had to sacrifice hush child the Wismer where does she cut your Christmas the safest move to ensure no one else died goodbye that's two deaths well we were heading to Fall Arbor fighting some trainers Ari evolved oh look at Mike there's a swallow oh look at we had to get through the city grass on 113. the heck oh geez all right barf get in there with the rest of them I walked into Meteor Falls to see Team Aqua and Team Magma arguing about water and rocks can I go so get over here they kept complaining and I had to go up the volcano they were blocking to fight Maxie the team Max oh this is a tough battle it's a hard fight onion and Teriyaki were able to take out his Mightyena and camerupt but his Golbat hit hard I ended up having to switch in Ari and double team up to win the battle not the most honorable yeah that's kind of lame honestly we're moving on on the way down the volcano I ran into a match-up using those cheesy strategies is well cheesy but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do when it does lock you can always play by the rules oh hello there Chad what you're a female did I stutter we arrived in lava Ridge town and started getting through Flannery's gym during that time Squidward was almost killed by a fury so I mean Keck Leon what oh my gosh that does a lot of damage hey stop wow she is so lucky Fury swipes could hit three to five times or maybe two to five times and it only hit three if it hit one more time time to battle he pulled his weight and more honestly with the team there wasn't much I could have done to Flannery's what a ragtag squad came in clutch by learning bubble beam and it was all over for her badge four under our belt Brandon met up with us outside the gym to give us goggles so we could walk in the sandstorms I found a claw fossil and anareth was born I didn't know what to name it so my friend named him Gary now it was time for the fifth gym after some training Chad evolved into madchogue scary name I'm sorry I have to read all the names Gary three out of ten and the team was leveled up I started the battle with Ari and after realizing I was in trouble oh boy yeah this is one of the toughest gyms in the entire game it's only the fifth gym but slacking I think there's two slackings and it has the stats of a legendary Pokemon this Pokemon is not one to mess with so it's certainly a tough one to get through watch all the little damage it's going to do yep that's nothing and that's gonna do a lot yep I managed to squeak by with more double teams Ari was barely able to take out the first slacking so when the second strongest violation fight did anyone else see that or was that just me this is an AO violation like to the extreme hang on a minute working so when the second yeah what is going oh yeah I'm just gonna move on I can't make any more comments I played the Fifth Amendment on that one holy guacamole chip damage in which works I don't know if I'm also killed I'm sure I can watch this video facade which I thought he could take Chad was able to finish off the recipe it's the first death that actually hurts I'm not crying someone's just chopping onions in here oh with every down there get it because onions corn stepped up and was ready to fill onion Spot while passing through mauville again Watson asked us to help him turn off the city's generator and while down there I found a Magnemite and while fighting sometimes hey my boy's got a booty holy guacamole today's video is crazy oh my gosh that thing is moving I don't know if I want to play the video I'm I'm totally okay I'm just pausing it [Music] okay I gotta I gotta get going I gotta get going around I can't be acting up in a Pokemon video my ninja and a miss click from me which resulted in him tanking a wing attack from a talo corn almost goes down I'm so so sorry you're such a trooper good news is Squidward evolved while training so that's neat City and this was a gym I was really nervous about not only did we not have a good team to take on a flying type gym but Winona's Altaria is notorious for sweeping teams if she sets up too many Dragon dances I went to the grass to train up the team and the worst happened corn was killed by corn died to his exit code when he was still in the green what did sexagon use a pin missile from a zigzaga oh it's super effective oh it's bug that's why even when corn is dead man I mean that boy is still cake and garlic is this why he kept trying to kill all the zigzagoons I want to think that corn sacrificed himself because he knew we were at too much of a disadvantage going into monona's gym space we could get the type advantage we needed to stand a chance with a heavy heart I brought zip zaps up the magnify to the team and realized how much more grinding I was gonna have to do I had to fight so many merrells to get zip zaps up level 32 at least you want to know how many the move Thunderbolt can be used 15 times before it runs out and I had to go back to the Pokemon Center almost six separate times to refill it meaning zip zaps up killed more than 80 Merrell that were living in that Lake Winona LED was swelling that is a lot to be fair I was able to take out but she immediately brought out Altaria which what does he evolve okay because I know she's got earthquake on that thing I didn't have a clean switch and I knew no I feel like Magneton should have levitate on it because well it is floating but it doesn't and that might make it op anyway the team could take two hits from this Cloud bird so I ultimately decided that I'd have to have zip zaps up paralyze it in exchange for his death goodbye zip zaps up you weren't here for long but yeah you feel about it going for a smooch he survived somehow Zip Zap zop lived the earthquake on 2 Hp like a mad lad a boy zip zaps up corn must have been breaking down on us for that one because there was definitely a 90 chance Zip Zap zop was supposed to die there with that string of luck I was able to switch Aryan for Zip Zap zop to predict another earthquake I started chipping away at the altario Smart which was not gonna be easy she was already starting to stack up those Dragon dances which Make Her Moves even more powerful and I was legitimately sweating but with what little luck we had left Winona got greedy and she tried to get in that last dragon dance and that's when our protected swooping and snipe that kill nice Mario would have decided to attack at any point she would have one-shotted anyone and everyone on my team that Pokemon is so scary you shine your photosynthesis onto us from there I was able to heal up zips up and sweep the rest of her team the sixth gym badge was ours outside the Safari so no slugs are really tough but you can still use items in battles like hyper potions and all that stuff so she was able to heal up her Magneton and finish the gym but I think that there are like extreme nuzlocks where you're not allowed to use any healing items I think that would be crazy to try to do that in Pokemon Ruby if you guys want to see me try and I'll do it just let me know and I'll try Party Zone I found a disco I was able to catch I tried to have Gary on the team since resurrecting him from the dirt but he honestly has like no moves that do damage so I decided to replace him with sin we arrived in Lily Cove and I tried fishing on the beach for a Pokemon but Chad punched the whalmer I reeled up too hard and killed him oh come on Chad space and while trying to get the master ball they've got on the ground an electrode exploded and almost killed Chad which was uncalled for after beating their admin they escaped into a submarine and I went on to fight the next gym tayden Liza were the first double battle gym leader and I didn't realize until too late that I was just a tad under leveled for that she shows a combustion going into the seventh gym what she's gonna need Squidward to destroy this that's the only way she needs Squidward to just keep on ripping surfs that's the only possible way I think they're level like 42. more than two Pokemon so I think we should be the level 42 though oh geez oh no okay zubs up made a good Duo yes Shadow Ball fuse and paralyze them but Soul Rock managed to get off a sunny day powered flamethrower and Zip Zap zombies which totally killed them that really sucked he put in so much work for the team and really carried us this far the rest of this fights for you Zip Zap zop Squidward came out and together with sin were able to finish off the duo getting us our seventh gym badge yep all right Sparky you're up I think I single handedly wiped out the entire water Pokemon population between Zip Zap zop and spurkey I went to Shoal cave and caught blubby this feel and went out to take on me I like blubby last time first I actually I actually nicknamed one of my Pokemon Blobby in a Pokemon Scarlet video so for that I'm gonna give blubby a 10 out of 10 nickname meeting I love it I've named my Pokemon that before too listen I didn't learn my lesson when being under leveled for Tate and Liza because I was even more under leveled for Maxi that is not good yeah go down down right was Crow bat came out and luck wasn't on my side here because Squidward was killed by whoa the way Pokemon works is there's a small range of damage an attack can do it's not actually the same all the time and it's kind of based on chance so even though it looked like Squidward could have lived two Wing attacks Maxie was able to get a low roll on the first one and a high roll on the second which was the death of that is we had to persevere for Squidward Ari came in and took out the crowbat and lived on one HP when hit by camerupt's rock slide holy cow but we squeaked by barely she needs to evolve a combustion I needed to take a step back and seriously grind up the team again if we were just a bit more under leveled we would have been murdered Blobby joined the team and we got to work eventually arriving in oh there we go it's evolved it just evolved out of nowhere shouldn't even like talk about it I feel like that's a pretty big step in the in the journey but apparently the topless gym leader of Wallace were there saying Groudon everyone used the wrong orb and pissed him off so I went in there walked up to Groudon and master balls immediately there's no way I'm fighting Groudon now get in the Box while fighting Wallace Sparky was able I don't think you're allowed to use legendaries in nuzlocks either I hope that she doesn't use it because Groudon is Opie well to take out his love disc in Celio sin beat his whiscash and Chad finished off the Milotic the team was perfect and that's containing our final gym badge I knew we were ready for the Elite Four we got through victory Wally is a tough battle at the end of Victory Road though so I'm not sure she's gonna be able to get through it without any deaths he rode while you tried to fight us for the last time but he just needs to stop never mind apparently she torch Wally the final challenge here we go Sydney was up first and honestly he wasn't a challenge at all Chad and Teriyaki were able to take care of his team with ease she's gonna be less than difficult either with sin and Blobby being MVP the third one's gonna be easy for her too she has a lot of fighting type Pokemon which is good against dark which is the first one and then the third one is ice so fighting again is gonna destroy it Glacier was a bit tougher real Jackie was able to take out her gladly yeah Sparky could handle her celios but her wall Reign was the big problem what about your Machoke can tank a lot of hits and can do a lot of damage I would know because I have one I brought out Chad and she was able to to get in a good amount of damage but she was ultimately killed by Boys confusion and landed a sheer sheer cold sheer cold is a one-hit chaos it has a 30 chance of hitting the Target and will fail if the target Pokemon's level is higher than the users but even under all those kids that's crazy it and sin was killed two great team members down and out that means and she can't go into her PC after this battle so she has to defeat the next two trainers the fourth Elite Four member and the champion with just four Pokemon I don't see how this is possible Chad was with us for so long and pulled so much weight and sin got us through some really tough battles even with those losses we were able to finish glacia off and move on to the final Elite Four member Drake Drake's got a top team this is tough we've got a Blobby I was gonna say you need an ice type Pokemon to beat this guy he's all dragon types some are dragon flying some are dragon ground so Isis 4X against a lot of his team and she wanted revenge for her actually his whole team she ice beamed every single one of Drake's Pokemon just a straight up Massacre and with that it was on to the last battle let's go Steven Stone I was legit legitimately nervous I led with Spirits without his Skarmory as possible he's got a credilly Agron he's got his clay doll and Agron but then came his Metagross oh this might be the end Metagross is Stephen's strongest Pokemon so I'm like 62 as much as I could before it started doing serious damage I knew his Metagross had earthquake which would definitely take out most of my team so I had to have Sparky Kamikaze to get a paralysis off Blobby came out again and after a lot of hard work finally beat the Metagross by spamming surf Teriyaki was able to finish his craziness whatever Pokemon was armaldo very final revenge for getting booted from the team I brought out Blobby because Teriyaki was pretty weakened and after realizing she gets two-shotted by him rock yeah so with a heavy heart Blobby pulled up in the red and was killed Teriyaki the Pokemon who's been with us from the start who's seen her friends die in front of her the OG refused to let anyone come on Teriyaki onion come on Teriyaki Zip Zap zop Squidward Chad sin Sparky blubby there's zeros and ones won't go down in Vegas one good kick to the head and we did it we completed the Pokemon Ruby Nuzlocke Teriyaki and Ari were the only survivors team put in a lot of work to get us that was epic a cheers to the true mad lab you're new here hi I've done this before last year I made a video about my first ever Pokemon Nuzlocke the game I played in it was Pokemon Ruby it was fun so here I am again doing another yeah we watched that video it was crazy I'll explain again super quickly how a Nuzlocke works you can only catch the first Pokemon you run into Peru Pokemon faints it dies and you can't use it anymore and you have to nickname your Pokemon to grow more attachments still don't understand that's not my problem let's get started oh boy this was my Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke so none blocks are extremely difficult they're one of the hardest challenges in all of Pokemon and apparently this is Jaden's second one that she's attempting so let's see how it kicks off oh this is pretty cool oh so my friend and neighbor Barry basically dragging me all over the place with this hyperactive squirrel brain frantically trying to get a Pokemon as soon as possible from this professor Rowan he saw on TV he drags me out to route 201 and is about to LEAP into the telegrass when hold it you guys know going into the tall grass is practically a death wish right what you're doing is basically suicide borderline Insanity what absolute moronic lunatics you are having no respect for your lives this is awfully similar to uh Pokemon Ruby start no do you want some and like that I have a Turtwig I named him turt and immediately used them to Bastion Barry's Chimchar I was making my way through the routes but right as I was about to NAB the shanks I found on 202. no don't tell me you quit it no no she critics so no Shanks for us but that's all right Shinx isn't that great this early anyway I feel like she can get a Shinx later on as well if you guys are a little bit confused about the rules every single route that you go to you can only catch the first Pokemon that you encounter there's probably a decent chance that she'll encounter another Shanks first in another round so hopefully she gets that eventually then I locked eyes with our first trainer the first battle let's see how we fare against youngster Tristan and it's not a good matchup Starly I almost immediately lose my starter to a critical hit why do I suddenly have a very bad feeling about this nevertheless we kept going onward through jubalife City where we caught cronked the Zubat in the cave above route 204 and Magikarp on 218. hi magic car I have to say these animations are so so good I think this video is like a year or two older than the first one that we reacted to and you can tell that there's a pretty significant Improvement in quality from that one to this one let's see what she names her Magikarp though your name is puppy just outside the city Barry runs puppy puppy battle so I happily bash it not sure I like that one I'm gonna give that a three out of 10. I kept on my way eventually arriving in orberg city and nervously challenged dork I was terrified of his Cranidos but turret landed a crit Razor Leaf in one shot before it could even do anything badge number one for us I made it to floroma town and was really excited because if he didn't know outside the valley wouldn't work so you can find shellas and if you did know again I love Shellos I ran straight to the grass yeah she sounds pretty good and to vent my sadness and frustration over not getting a slug while there we found Team Galactic messing around okay hang on gastrodon is a good Pokemon but so is shakes I I don't know why she's so upset about that luxray is going to end up being pretty solid as long as she uses it I'd imagine for City and this little girl's dad so I beat up the ground guarding the door broken feet of the grandson building until turret evolved then Founders Corridor who I was scared of because she's got a fat semi truck but I had a plan back in the orbric mines I caught Dwayne the Onyx and I brought him to the fight because in case things got dicey I would switch him in to buy time and heal up my other Pokemon basically Dwayne was death butter chicken zuba and when per ugly came out crunk plucked off the orangeberry it was holding but she got hit pretty hard in the process and since turt needed a bit of healing before he could get back into it Dwayne can take a scratch look at that Dwayne Wow Let's Go Dwayne fine guys don't Dwayne is doing his job nose for Dwayne unfortunately Dwayne is going to go down here though don't worry about them oh my God dude oh yeah oh she just Screech with Wayne Dwayne gets to live somehow when Dwayne was supposed to die he hung in there on one let's go Dwayne and you know what shout out to Wayne respected the hell out of him for it I let Dwayne live and turt was able to take out the Pierogi what a legend I don't I forget if Steelix is in this game I think it is I feel like after that performance out of Dwayne she should evolve it into a Steelix and continue to use Wayne for the rest of the game because that was pretty legendary but then I put him back in the box and moved on oh no Jaden how dare you how could you my name is Jim crunk evolved which meant no mercy for those flower ladies badge number two we slashed bushes in front of the galactic building and ran up all the stairs where we fought Galactic Commander Jupiter let's take a look at how that went oh no every time she says don't crit I bet it's a crit it was a grit but she almost died you hey yo wait a second wait a minute hold up pause the video hang on what on Earth is contact Sprite is it like peeing on us why have I never noticed this before it's got its leg raised and it's like you're ready to just go to town Pokemon hey yo what uh what is going on there how did that get through oh my gosh contact might be my new favorite Pokemon don't cry oh gosh here comes another crit I think night slash is a high crit chance oh my God but that fight really knocked out almost went down I was shaking on my way back to the Pokemon Center when this lady Cynthia shows up and is like egg yeah anyway even meeting Cynthia wasn't enough to call my nerves so to keep my mind off the absolute tragedy we narrowly avoided I decided to start training a big boy on cycling Road and then he died this game and oh these crits are crazy anime glasses and tell me that steel is weak to fire which I know by the way the reason I kept Big Boy in was because not only is his defense an iron wall but he had heat proof which negates his fire weakness I didn't know that so first death I'm sorry big boy you never had the opportunity to become a big boy that's a pretty cool ability actually no way she found Gibble I'm pretty sure like I'm pretty sure that the encounter rate for Gibble is like just a four percent chance I could be wrong I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure so the chances of her getting a gamble on the first try very unlikely but hey yo I'm not gonna ask questions let's see what happens easily one of if not the strongest Pokemon in the game that is true legendary adding it to the team would give us such a huge advantage and now there is nothing in my way between that and Kronk and puppy evolved we had a clean win against fentina wow some lady gave us an Eevee I named I'm upset at that and I'm not even playing the game against trainers and when fighting this lovey-dovey couple hey yo let's go into to no who dies get rid of them oh that's dead yeah that's dead you're you're kidding and that's why I hate love see ya Danny DeVito The Scyther I caught on Route 210. some good news on Route 213 I finally found a shellas I named it there you go I loved it I loved it so much I know you're not supposed to have a favorite child but scoop was my favorite child and I wasn't apologetic about it I trained it up and now we got a gastrodon okay I'm not the biggest fan of gastro I don't dislike it but I will say the way that she animates it and draws it makes me think it's pretty adorable ended up evolving too so together with Kronk and scoop mayleen Was Defeated and badge number four was secured sure the story of Cydia I caught a Quagsire named LOL but when I went to get my great Marsh encounter I was trying to get a yanma and accidentally threw a ball at a Whooper so now we've got LOL and oops in the box then I swept Crasher wake with milk who is now a Jolteon with the TM Thunder I bought literally next door I walked out of the gym and Team Galactic set off a bomb I ran down the grunt who detonated it and took him out because he is weak Cynthia appears again and tells me to bring a charm to or Grandma so I'm like yes ma'am we found her in Celestial town along with Cyrus the leader of Team Galactic Cyrus hey yo someone said okay I anyway Cyrus is kind of close to siren just saying that could be me let's see if I can defeat Jaden teach about how everything is imperfect so he's gotta blow up the world or something I don't know I wasn't really paying attention and then he wanted to fight puppy took out his Sneasel and I sent out milk to take care of his come on Cyrus come on he wanted to be late come on Cyrus but also punch himself in the face come on Cyrus get him this is the only time I'll win against Jaden come on yeah hey yourself again hit yourself again oh no that doesn't kill there's like 12 I think you can't be doing this Kronk came out and killed the Golbat because milk was being difficult no we didn't get any of them Anyway come on Cyrus I went out and caught a Magnemite named C then arrived in canale city where we barged into Byron's gym and demolished his team with scoop and turd then Team Galactic sets off another bomb this time at Lake Valor so Barry Professor Rowan's assistant Lucas and I split up to check on the Lakes as I'm strolling past all the flopping Magikarp I run into Galactic I remember this part who we swept the floor with after that we headed over to Lake Verity where we did the exact same with Mars there was a part where turd got crit and almost died these pierogies are so strong apparently we had to go check up on Barry at Lake Acuity and after trekking through six feet of snow for like a mile we get there to find Barry at the top of a cliff like hahaha you can't climb rocks come back when you can climb rocks loser I'll go fight Candace's gym now I guess now we've been having some good tight matchups with the past few gyms so I haven't really been nervous about most of them but Candace uses ice types which like half my team is weak against that's true you know nervousness Rising Not only was I at a massive type disadvantage but the main threats on our team were her Obama snow because it hits like a truck and sets up hail and her Frost less because it'll use the hail from the Obama Snow to heighten its evasiveness of its snow cloak spam double teams and then just sweep my team I walked in took a deep that does not sound fun I will say Ice is like one of the worst typing statistically but it does counter a lot of really good types like grass flying dragon that's because it'll use the hail from the Obama Snow to heighten its evasiveness of its snow cloak spam double teams and then just sweep my team I walked in took a deep breath which didn't make me feel better so even I'm taking it or Sneasel and swoop took out even I'm taking a deep breath for you in the process and then she finally brought there's got to be one death here certainly there's one death at least yeah I didn't know we could fire blast anyway Gyarados because puppy is not a special attacker it is Forex effective though it didn't it didn't it's 4X effective it didn't one shot please kill it please it's quad it's quad oh eventually puppy took it out one HP absolutely terrifying last but not least for us last I wanted to have scoop rain dance to get rid of the hail so Frost glasses that's smart isn't activated but since scoop was sitting at a not so chill 20 hp that wasn't gonna work out super great however since I didn't want Kronk to be in this fight at all right before the fight I swapped her with failure the shanks no yep no Phil you're looked up at the looming death that was from how does she not like shakes I healed up scoop failure was killed in its blizzard it's really unfortunate we had to resort to it but I give failure a salute for stepping up and surrendering its life to the team got off the rain dance and after a close battle was able to pull through we won but it wasn't without sacrifice we had a moment of silence for failure the true MVP of the fight no you're I don't think they're allowed to do a moment of silence for failure the whole time you were disrespectful and rude to failure okay Shinx is a lovely Pokemon Jaden very lovely in fact and it evolved into a relatively strong Pokemon I am very upset that you could let this happen to such a cute adorable innocent Pokemon now we can climb the rocks to Lake Acuity and when we got up there Barry's got snot driven down his face crying in the snow because he looks like Jupiter who looks at me and is like see ya I'm going to veilstone HQ I'm gonna go to veilstone we start running through the base trying to find out but when fighting this sign hey Cyrus let's go oh no that doesn't kill it does it freaks me out okay way too powerful way too bulky and it's way too weird I do like Porygon oh God oh God it's gonna crit it's gonna crate it's gonna crit oh no very cute what what oh my gosh oh no we lost scoop I wasn't okay Kurt came out and curb stomped the polygon too out of Vengeance but to put it lightly I wasn't taking that too well that is sad that's the hardest one yeah I've like actually said but life doesn't stop when your dog dies so I had to keep trucking and brought wall the quags out oh she brought quacks thirst for Revenge I stormed into Cyrus's room fight shrimp and milk took out his name in no time I snatched his master ball and used his teleport pad to enter the basement or mess Spirit as elf and you see are all being held captive fight and like Cyrus Saturn was swept too after releasing the late Guardians we head to Mount Coronet because Cyrus wants to go there and destroy the planet I think and we catch up to him at the spear pillar before we can run up and attack him Mars and Jupiter step in then Barry arrives honestly I have no idea how he found us all here and it's like I'll help LOL takes out both the bronzers Mars is probably oh great with quack Cyrus going in you know let's go smooth sailing right well oh gosh here we go again really fighting a lot for the team aren't you oh why doesn't no Giga train oh no Lowell is dead that's four times effective no oh no oh no oh and it was Chris not only did I not know their Golbat had given me for some reason but it also got a crit so I was starting to feel bad but then I started panicking the thing is after you fight Mars and Jupiter you have to go into the Distortion world and fight Cyrus and Giratina if Cynthia forces us into the Distortion world without us being able to get a new member we're in massive trouble we finished up the battlefield let's go Cyrus Come on perfect blah blah blah everything come on Cyrus then he gets swallowed up by Giratina a hole opens a rip in space leading to the Distortion world and I'm kind of just standing off to the side twiddling my thumbs like Cynthia please don't shove me in there without my consent Cynthia can I can I go I have something our world will be destroyed I don't think it works that way Jaden no I'm not let me go I'm free holy crap oh wait she actually did go what why I'm sorry LOL we just got you and then you died but luckily remember when I accidentally caught that Whooper while trying to get a Yama it's time oops you were no accident you're our lucky star who will carry us to Victory we got oops leveled up came back to the spirit and she has another Quagsire sitting there waiting for us and hopped in everything is topsy-turvy and the light Guardians are telling me to push Boulders into holes and suddenly I'm on a floating crest of land with Cynthia who's basically like Cyrus get lost and never come back and Cyrus didn't like that get him Cyrus came out so I switched to milk but I was very terrified because Cyrus's Gyarados has earthquake so if milk misses his Thunder here he dies and milk is notorious for missing his Thunders if that does happen too maybe that Gyarados is a hidden ability Gyarados giving him Moxie and what Moxie does is every time you eliminate a Pokemon your attack gets boosted this could be very bad if her Jolteon misses but nothing nothing and the Angel of Darkness itself Giratina oh that was pretty sick oh foreign oh my gosh she has a master ball though I think wait what is going on help I've fallen and I can't catch up wait okay no that was cool I'm not really sure what that was but and like that it was over I saved the world to my gym bag I store City and started making my way through volkner's gym I know he's the eighth gym leader and he's supposed to so I'm pretty sure as well in Nuzlocke you're not allowed to use legendary Pokemon so if she does not use the Giratina for the rest of the video that is likely why no challenges them isn't good enough and he's bored but I wasn't concerned we have hoops and none of this Pokemon can do anything about it it's not like they have Giga drain or anything right they didn't I checked oops was just earthquake and everything and at the end I'll admit I got a bit scared okay don't crit holy that wasn't even a crit oh my gosh back to Victory Road we went where we cut ourselves a Gabite I named flakes would have been nice to have one I don't know near the beginning of the game in Wayward cave you know but whatever better late than never it's good to have who is she gonna replace he was horribly wrong out of nowhere oh the flakes is Basics yeah that doesn't kill surely that doesn't kill whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no you're kidding wow and that's the straw that broke the camel's back after puppy died I stepped back and decided well surely you bring the Gap bite on now needs to be the best possible team we can build the Elite Four here goes pretty hard so I couldn't go in willy-nilly just I can't believe that killed after literally a few hours of calculations and research I settled on a team I thought would give us the highest possibility of winning I added flakes to the top there we go there's the garchomy heart left milk and crunk behind as I brought see the now magnet Zone and Colgate the toga kiss I hatched from the eggs honestly I think that's a little bit lame like yeah she went through her whole adventure with that Golbat and the Jolteon and at the very last minute just for match-up purposes she puts them in her PC to battle the Elite Four it's probably like the smart thing to do realistically so I don't blame her for that but at the same time I've me personally I feel like if I go through the whole journey with those Pokemon I gotta stick with them through and through let's see how this goes to not bring milk and crunk into the final battles with us they won't be forgotten and it doesn't negate the fact they were such huge assets to the team and yeah exactly it's far without them exactly guys on the other side I took a step towards the doors of no return and immediately got interrupted by Barry who wanted to have one last fight anyway here we go oh wait what welcome what was that Elite Four the battle starts and C takes again oops takes out his rapion and Colgate takes out his scissor and Heracross next up is Bertha okay wait my period's easy come on it's ground types but turn and noobs had a smooth time smashing through her team I was gonna say yeah just take oops shiver when her riperior came out but things went well yeah that's easy pieces what is going on with all this [Music] like Giratina stuff something's gonna happen scary team but luckily oops and flakes had no trouble plowing through them as well and with that we're on to the last member Lucian now shrimp hasn't had much time to shine in these fights so far so I decided I wanted to let her go all out she set up sword stances and bullet punched everything there we go let's go shrimp I'm at the entrance to the champion the trainer who's been known to crush streams in a single battle true Cynthia is actually known to be one of the strongest champions in any Pokemon game ever so this might actually be pretty tough I'm at the entrance to the champion the trainer who's been known to crush streams in a single battle and many still fear to this day I took a deep breath things are going surprisingly well and I don't know how to feel about it but I looked up and there she was at this moment I have only one last objective defeat Cynthia she leads with spiritomb which is not an easy objective they sent out turret to hit it as hard as possible flakes takes out her toga kiss and then her Garchomp comes out this is known to be Tokyo's not fair enough Pokemon in the entire franchise and rightfully so that thing was made by Satan himself and I'm sure even he fears what he has created I immediately switched to oops who's the only Pokemon that can lead us to Victory here I planned to go to sleep with yawn and then ice cream it until it died that was the only hope but then it's actually a good thought oh no that was it nothing on my team can take a hit from this monster even if they could they could lose damage back I sat there in disbelief knowing there wasn't anything I could have done and the battle is basically unwinnable now I brought out shrimp to Bullet punch it so we could get in a little bit of damage but she was killed Colgate tried to chip away at it too but was crit one shot at this point I'd accepted defeat only tart C and flakes were left it's hopeless at this point flakes came out and Against All Odds flakes outsped Cynthia's voice and killed it oh he could do it he was two levels weaker and I just I I don't know I did I just didn't think he could outspeed it suddenly there was no flakes we could win this after all Cynthia brings out her Milotic which C took out with a few Thunderbolts ATM is on scoop and we all know what happened there finally her last Pokemon comes out Roserade flakes went in for the dragon claw and Cynthia is congratulating me a sudden feeling of overwhelming guilt washes over my entire body so yeah because you kill the shanks knocks me down I don't think I deserve this something there isn't right you shouldn't have killed the [ __ ] it wasn't meant for me back in the Distortion world when Giratina split me into how do I know I'm me what happened in the other timeline where I saw glimpses of what happened parallel to this world that was me too those things happened was that the ending I'm destined to have the world I'm living in now is how I want things to be but the other Jaden is equally me as I am her even if you might think I deserve this Dimension things don't work like that are there some things you can't escape even when you try everything you can do to alter it I don't know the answer I may be able to sit on this Throne now and then call the Pokemon that put in everything to help me get here blood Shanks there it is but I don't think I can ever accept this Victory what it was meant for me and I don't think I ever will what talking about you know the drill at this point Pokemon faints it dies catch one Pokemon Pearl and nickname it to set up for emotional trauma but this time we're doing something a bit different two-person Nuzlocke it's technically called a soul link but no one knows what that means so basically you in person two play the same Pokemon game but I wonder who she played with same as awkward however your Pokemon are linked which means if my starter dies player 2 starter also dies and they can't do anything about it plus we can only have one primary typing for both of our teams combined so if I catch a water type and add it to my team person two can't have a water type at all on theirs and this is such a cool concept randomized I can walk into the grass at any point and accidentally find God and maybe he'll just kill all my animals write that in there so with all these new rules in place I needed to find a player too what this is such a cool concept and something that I would love to do if you guys want to see me do this with somebody let me know who and when and where and why in the comments well let's see who Jaden chose one who's a real Pokemon Master sister able to adapt and Provisions and who else other than Pokemon Master himself Jacob Alfa rad win ratio here's our Pokemon heart gold soul silver soul link Nuzlocke we both go downstairs barely greet our mom and immediately beeline it to Professor elm's lab to see what Pokemon he's got for us I'm pretty sure the starter Pokemon are also going to be randomized so let's see if they get something cool or not cool because we don't know they're random in case you forgot what I just said we still up to him and he passed Jacob on the head and goes here choose from these three I picked them specially for you Torterra tender curl or Ludicolo awesome Jacob takes tartera and I take minky and we named them Franklin on our way to talk to Mr Pokemon Jacob runs into a Regirock in a random patch of grass which for terrorist Edition explodes on him no one died luckily but also oh my God we get an egg and immediately that is maybe the scariest thing that could possibly happen in a Nuzlocke is if the Pokemon you're battling uses explode probably the strongest move in the game lead Professor Elm calls and tells us he's been robbed and bullied you really couldn't handle being alone for 10 minutes could you on our way back to help a grown adult we stumble onto a shady figure who scuffs challenges us to a battle with Pokemon he stole from Elm which we immediately win scoffs again then drops his wallet passport credit card driver's license Social Security Target gift card on the ground in front of us for the world to see dude get your craps together you can't be doing that when you're wanted fugitive back in the lab Elm is crying on the floor as the police and our neighbor are trying to comfort him and the police asks us if we saw anyone suspicious yes we saw his info now here we get to name our rival Jacob and I try to think of someone that we both shared some sort of rivalry with when we remembered a certain professional Pokemon nuzlocker has been consistently reacting and critiquing our Nuzlocke so far some of his comments were more critical than others and directed at one of us more than the other Mr policeman his name is Jan hi Jan let's see if you can destroy us from the inside out anyway maybe if I react to enough of these videos I will become the new Jan except I'm not really a Pokemon Pro so I don't know if I can critique any mistakes that they may make uh rather than just be upset with them I feel like I'm also invested in their Journey To be honest rather than trying to figure out what is wrong with it anyway our name our neighbors how to catch a Pokemon runs into Articuno catches it in a Pokeball in the green and turns to us and goes just like that yeah if only it was that easy you can finally start our journey we both run around in the grass and our first encounters are barboach and Houndoom this would have been awesome for Jacob if he could catch the dang thing since we only had pokeballs Hound him was not getting in the ball no matter what and we ended up not getting that pair but you know it's all right there's plenty more encounters like hop it farfetch yikes Jacob accidentally kills Gyarados that's a good one Jacob accidentally no Tyro Jacob stinks there's no way he accidentally killed three Pokemon in a row that is like an all-time bad Pokemon trainer move that is that is actually insane I like I was trying to think of like how bad that is that's pretty bad I don't even know that's possible why do I get this and Jacob gets all this and why do you keep killing him Jacob but finally in the ruins of Elf we managed to catch a new pair sand slash camerupt not bad at all but we try to name them Michael but both misspell it so welcome to the team Michaels then on Route 32 we catch Totodile Pedro which is also pretty good mainly for just me yeah we started combining the two Pokemon to create their names so we ended up somehow with pedrodo we ran into a trainer who had a freaking Palkia on his team fun fact did you know if you Google Palkia type weakness Google will tell you that he's weak to fairy and Salamence no other dragons just salomons so Jacob and I started joking around every time we saw Palkia oh no if only I had a Salamence uh oh don't have a Salamence over here it was kind of strange how many palkias we ran into but that didn't stop us from bullying every single one so we take on fall at first oh God and Metagross Dragonair oh my God after a lot of difficulty we both managed to beat him with no casualties I don't know how that happened but hey everyone's all right oh he's gonna take himself out oh my God how about some encounters to lighten the mood oh hello sweet [ __ ] there's no way Jacob accidentally kills in Azalea town I mean he wasn't gonna catch that thing anyway he they probably still only have like Pokeballs and great balls right now there's no way he would catch a suicune we challenge Bugsy who luckily wasn't as stacked as Falconer and as we step outside Jan who is surprised we haven't been demolished yet yeah I'm surprised too challenges us to a battle which we also win hey hey we run into maw wild Deoxys in the forest who someone accidentally kills and make our way to goldenroduction security guard that'll give us both a Pokemon he hands me a Porygon too which I'm ecstatic about turns to Jacob and gives him Reggie gigas which we can't use because they're both normal types besides actual God we beat Whitney that is so unlucky and when she said Reggie gigas she sounded upset I was like how like why are you upset about a Reggie Genghis but can't even use it so that that's pretty brutal feels bad feels bad and in the Nash National Park find Piplup flaffy which we named flap I pitched to Jacob that I'm willing to trade the bedrotas to make room for this new pair so he essentially switches beetro with flaffy which we shake on the train and then my plap immediately almost gets killed almost Jayden I'll fix it I'll fix it sorry that could have been very good which is an actually insane pair we could use right away wow yeah but no yeah I ended up killing that one I'm sorry Jacob it is harder than it looks to catch these things we pour water on the street it's really not it's really not that hard to catch Pokemon I'm sorry Jayden you like I'm sure you're an amazing Pokemon trainer same with same with Jacob but my Lord how hard is it's not that hard to catch Pokemon I'm not sure what the big challenge here is six that actually turned out to be cradely silkun we kind of named them dillidoo and could have added them to the team but we ended up for getting two which is yeah a pretty silly mistake but what's the Worst That Could Happen who needs death fodder in a Nuzlocke Jacob and I make it to equity I think everyone does the burn Tower as we are about to go down there you're only trying to catch suicune to make yourselves look stronger than you actually are and we're like no we killed him a while ago but he still wanted to battle probably to show off the Mew he somehow found we beat him yet again go downstairs scare off the dogs and go challenge Morty Jacob didn't have any trouble for the team Morty had for him so you but for me I was having a bit of a harder time because he had a Lugia which neither me nor my team could even handle all I could do was bubble beam it with plop and pray I don't get that's gonna be doing nothing Jacob just sits there watching but it ended up working out we arrived in a lot and climbed the top Lighthouse almost falling to our literal death along the way reach Jasmine at the top who's like climb back down and go get medicine for amphi and seeing wood and we were like we almost died getting here surfing to see in Wood we encountered Obama's no Pupitar and I know what you're thinking yeah we did catch them immediately we've got a pretty powerful lineup going on gifted us a Mewtwo and weeping Bell finally what I'm the one with the legend now but we had to box him because we couldn't have two grass types all of this sudden shared luck combined with our zero death win streak got us feeling pretty confident which naturally means it's time to get kicked in the throat specifically by a black belt martial artist gym leader Chuck was indescribably tough in the most bull crap way possible for me Jacob had no trouble at all because of course he had a Kendra which I brought obamitar out for nothing else on my team could really do anything against it the main drawback of this is obamitar's snow warning ability which creates hail damaging every Pokemon including my own that's not an ice type which is pretty inconvenient in a Nuzlocke I didn't feel that would be bad a teeny tiny comment about it when I first got him I can I'm gonna call it snow is going to kill one of my Pokemon Kingdra goes down and Chuck's only other Pokemon he's only got two is frostless who if you don't know has snow cloak snow cloak makes the Pokemon 20 harder to hit if there's hail you want to know how many Pokemon and Gen 4 have this ability five three of which being mammo swine you want to know how many Pokemon there are in heart gold soul silver 493. now I know these odds sound pretty awful already but you know what this process does she uses ominous wind ominous wind has a 10 chance to boost every single stat of the user oh God she gets the stat booster I didn't even know that no after a lot of strategizing we both decided the best option for us would be to send in my chill as death father to heal up plap because he is the only one that can really do anything at this point and what happens please don't get another stat boost no way it gets another boost right he's good he's so good no no oh my process crit one shot [Music] oh that's so bad camera and then just Falls over dead for no reason I got plop healed up and basically started heel stalling which sure isn't a noble strategy but come on you gotta do what you gotta be struggling against my own bad luck for what felt like ours finally Frost sauce goes down Jacob practically drags me out of the gym and we head to the BC we decided to add a pair we caught back on Route 35 which was Charmeleon Don fan named darfell a fantastic Duo and I think justifiably still bro we just went through but Jacob convinced me that we should just move on we got our darfels leveled up and returned to Olivine to feed amphi the medicine that we picked up so Jasmine would finally do her job and check this out all right oh my God oh my God look at our I mean that's not too bad it's a Lugia but it's only level 30. and hopefully knows Ice real quick it's all right she also had a Deoxys we headed to Mahogany Town catching and adding Nidoran and the barrel named Barrel to the team and in the lake of Rage Jacob cut a Kyogre paired with my swallot we never used this pair but I just wanted to mention it for a reason why would you not use the pair kyogre's like the strongest Pokemon ever I mean I know swalla you know isn't the best and debatably pretty bad but that just makes Jacob's team like op then all you would need to do is just get one super strong Pokemon yourself there's no way you can use this Peridot that actually triggers me we approached the glistening shadow of the lake Beast activate the encounter and find a shiny but hey free shiny Pokemon doesn't hurt to cat oop I killed it that's again my bad sorry Lance walks up to us it's just unlucky I'm Lance grabs Us by the wrist Kicks Down the door to the mahogany Town 7-Eleven kills one of the guys in there and runs into the rocket Hideout where he continues to wipe out any living organism he finds down there Lance is the Beast classic Lance we decided to copy him and beat up all the executives in their power generator right before we fly to Goldenrod we pick up the seventh badge and then continue curb stomping Team Rocket we are getting a bit too comfy though and as Jacob wasn't paying attention mainly because he just got a chicken sandwich Obama was killed by a Golem's earthquake come on Jacob oh no that was a really bad blow when stung much more because we weren't paying attention sorry I got distracted by a chicken sandwich friend fair enough fair enough but we did have to move on especially since we were literally in the middle of a gang fight we shoved our way to Rocket executive and big boss Archer and give him a bit of a throat chop so he would calm down and stop doing whatever it is he was doing and everyone is saved on our way to Blackthorne we catch Frost last core fish which put me into a vengeful trauma spiral ah you and then Jacob caught himself both a suicune and an as elf we arrived until wait Jacob actually it has the best luck of all time he's found I think like four or five Legends but he's not even using them I don't think is he using any I don't even know who led with a Mewtwo against me which at this point I shouldn't even be surprised but all the rest of her team was pretty much a pushover for both of us Claire is a bad sport and refused to think we were good trainers so we talked to the old man behind the gym and he's like so do you beat your Pokemon and we're like no and he's like awesome Claire give him the stupid badge what so now we can head to the Elite Four hey guys I think you should go fight a horde of Asian women in equity so we enter the equity theater and start fighting the women and the second girl for me sends out ambipal as I switch to Franklin it screeched which I didn't pay attention to oh God and screen's harshly lowers your defense so this next turn Amber Palm might destroy the primates ambipom double hit killed Franklin yeah that'll do that that'll happen our starters died dude that was really sad we were about to make it to the Elite Four with them and Bam they were with us through everything pretty much the backbone to our teams Lord Franklin Jan's gonna make so much fun of us when he finds out as we're still mourning the last kimono girl rest spams with Wailord do you have any dignity woman we're lamenting over here we try to leave and the girls are all no no go catch the legendary Pokemon he's already got three so I head to Whirl Islands and Jacob scales the Bell Tower and what Legends do we find the legendary Zan goose and Loudred Loki zangoose is a sick Pokemon and should totally get another an evolution or like a mega or something it should be a legendary that that Pokemon model is sick finally we have some Freedom again and as soon as we touch the water in new bark to head to Victory Road what pops up from the bottom of the lake but Entei himself oh God and Doduo oh my god oh she does let's go please don't kill the doduoday okay it's going in the Box because fire types we catch cascoon Regirock in Victory wait it's going in the Box because of fire types why doesn't she just make Jacob put his fire type on the bench I don't understand why you catch an Entei and you can't figure out a way to use it I don't I don't get it Road and heading towards the exit Jen Sprints up from behind us and I iconically say this is your last chance to kill one of our Pokemon Jan and what happens oh God someone's dying here oh my God no him on top use counter oh no way it's not great oh he killed one of our Pokemon yeah wait isn't counter not very effective against Charizard I don't know how does counter work I I am appalled at this moment I don't understand sucks that really sucks Starfall was an incredible pair we've had since the fifth gym and we really grew to lean on we lost quite literally half our team right before the elite four oh God yeah that's brutal we beat Jan for the last time enter the Indigo Plateau but now you can use it to the PC to see what kind of damage control we can do after a very long time of trying to stitch together the best teams possible we ended up with this Ampharos Napoleon but Barrel Nido queen beautifly cradely that one is good you know at least you get one good Pokemon the ones before that though were just okay and victory and that one is also sick Victory Bell low-key I mean it's not great but it's usable so the last two pairs I am fans I'm a fan oh I know wow James super balanced you've got Mewtwo and Entei and Jacob has a beautifly look okay yeah Jacob's team is now trash which is crazy because he has a Kyogre how could they not figure out how to get Kyogre on his team that is pretty much the only Pokemon that he would need to destroy the Elite Four tell him Jacob tell him anyway big deep breath here we go into the unknown depths of the Elite Four will Coda and Bruno were all no problem at all we breezed right past them okay it's going great that's three elite four members down oh God the barrels oh Karen was not as nice move oh okay he just did crosstalk he's dead it's fine I was safe to fly him I'm just paranoid no way God oh my God hey crit oh no guys we're so sorry we got you killed in the first like 15 minutes of having you we ended up getting out of the battle without Jaden only has one legendary Pokemon and only five total Pokemon so does Alfred so this is gonna get bad facing Lance with a team of four h is really four not ideal to say the least but we walked up to him nonetheless it's a 4v6 there's no way they win last battle there's no way put Fiona and ledian which we were both like hahaha Lance is this all you've got and then he hits us with the no Jacob was up against us Rampardos licky licky Zapdos and Plusle and even though it's a pretty stacked scene he was holding his own and getting through them really well on my end I was dealing with a giga impacting Snorlax which I really had nothing for I just had to pray for no crits and as many misses as possible it goes down eventually and what does he send out next no oh well they apparently had a great and easy time getting through palkias in the beginning of the game so hopefully that translates to now as well but something tells me I don't think that's gonna be the case I could really use a Salamence right about now this is what we get we believe Palkia so much during our journey here looking at my team I don't have anything that can handle Palkia either except from YouTube and what happens he gets spatial around crit one shot no I am in a lot of trouble I took so much time getting past Snorlax that Jacob was already done with his battle so all he could do was watch this massacre from the sidelines I sent out Dilly dude to confuse stalom and just try to chip away at him with basically nothing and my God was I lucky because if Palkia hit one more crit at any point dillidoo and the Run was over and I was forced to dance on that line for a long time but eventually Dilly doolin's the finishing blow I was so proud the pair that we caught so early on indeed water was the one saving us we're so sorry for doubting you Dilly do thank you for sticking by us and not dying but that was only half of Lance's team might I remind you plastic out of sand slash which song but bastard on came out tanked clap Surf and killed him with metal burst I was in shock with that one ever since our Franklin's dog how did metal Birds destroyed Empoleon is it not not very effective I swear it's steel I don't how did that kill him Jacob and I both started seeing the plops as our Star members Barrel came out and revenge finished the bastardon and Lance's last Pokemon was a big old hard a hitting tanky freaking a zoomerang I sent dillidoo back out because Barrel would die immediately and started the chipping game again if that wasn't bad enough we'll set up the rain and an aqua ring for itself oh which turns your slime from uh to ah this awful one-on-one lasted 10 whole minutes I slap him he slaps back much harder and then heals eventually Dilly do wins the stalling battle and this girl in an unpredictable turn of events dillidoo saves us [Music] what an adventure just went on insane encounters insane bull crap friends death bullying and the Dilly dues thanks for going on this journey with me Jacob I quite literally couldn't have done it without you and a salute to the Buddies we made along rest in peace except all the Pokemon that died except for first class that video is absolutely insane if you guys want to see me do a soul link Nuzlocke definitely let me know in the comments and who knows maybe I'll do one anyway if you enjoyed this amazing video be sure to go ahead and check out Jaden animation she makes some insane amazing Pokemon videos and don't forget to hit that like button
Channel: SirudReacts
Views: 169,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sirud, sirud reacts, the sirud, sirud reaction, alec, beckbros, more beckbros, beckbros react, pokemon reaction, reaction, reacting
Id: OX2VqDd5rts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 19sec (4279 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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