Re-Air | Bellator 203: Pitbull vs. Weichel 2

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tale of the tape for this welterweight matchup twenty nine and one Dava D Armin Mimi taking on fought mere Gordy with an impressive record of 23 and three big reach difference but that's why they call Armony the bull he wants to get inside they look Toro fighting here in his home city of Rome against the Albanian Aires buddy Johnson [Applause] let's all take boxing on paramount Network presents three three-minute rounds in the welterweight division now we introduce first the blue corner he waited officially at 169 was 8 pounds or seventy six point nine kilograms holding a career 23 victories against three defeats from russia albania presenting Fatmir and fighting across Delaney in the red corner he weighed in at 168 point 7 pounds or seventy six point seven kilograms officially a career 29 victories against a single defeat fighting on up so Dave Smith our referee fight scheduled for three three-minute rounds here we go fought to Mir Gordy the albanian in the blue gloves the southpaw Rome zone Diaby de ARMA me me twenty nine and one making his Bellator kickboxing debut in the red gloves big left swing by Armand Nene Heath is known as a guy that just jumps in with big shots that's how he's not having a lot of knockouts we'll see if he continues with that at this fight very popular here locally and looking to score early he's popular because he puts people on the canvas and people like to see knockouts that's what he gives them he said after learning the technical aspects of the sport then I really started to hone my game and I'd say Big John at twenty nine and one he's honing in very well he's doing pretty good with a twenty nine and one that's showing that you know what he's known as it goes to and that's a big hook right there that you said you see it he's setting his feet he's throwing with powers are not light shots countered with the hook over the top then led with it scored both times 23 victories for flat Mir Gordy the good B's gotta stay active in the clinch but only for a certain amount of time yeah you can stay active for up to 5 seconds the referee can let that continue on if you are active and you are scoring arming Nene tried to put together some combinations just past the midway point of round number one good body shot that was a good shot and you're looking at this board he needs to keep in that length if you're gonna let him get inside our meaning he's gonna start eating you alive nice that one caught him that did I caught him on that low calf and that hurts I mean it's just numbs your leg out it's hard to walk on when someone hits it with that kind of shot I mean II need the current WT k a k one world champion won the title in 2017 defended it this year forties pace slowing a bit here in the final minute of the round yeah you can see that leg kick that even brought to the inside it's affecting the way Gordy's to be able to move cycling and karate the two sports in a life of dhaba de arma nene growing up and a good start in his Bellator kickboxing debut he's landing the big shots here that's what the judges are looking for when it comes to Bellator kickboxing we're looking for those knock downs then we're looking for the damaging shots and then volume of shots started kickboxing Anki won with his brother number of years ago and round one in the books nice straight shot from Gordy there but what you see in this fight is the power of Armagh Nene he's hitting Gordy with big heavy shots that's the difference in this fight right now all those power power to the body he is influencing where this fight is that able to close the distance Harmonie me at age 16 started to really get into cycling pursuit a good career as an amateur but then returned to the kickboxing ring as we begin round number two how does someone that's built like a bull ride a bicycle I don't know but it sounds like he wrote it very fast and very well so conditioning has always been one of his strengths and then so that's his strength right there he's a bit the fighter up to throw them down what you're really starting to see is watch the distance that arma Nene is able to close on Gordy Gordy's having a hard time keeping him off of him that is what our meaning he needs to do once he gets inside that's what he does his best work looking for the body good left hook to the body right there those body shots add up even in a three-round fight they still add up fast because when you can't breathe it's hard to fight [Applause] good first round for Rome's Habibi Yanni me 40 trying to score here in round 2 beat swinging to miss big swing this but he hit a body shot in a straight right hand that both landed he's still landing the best shots of this fight round 1 definitely going to Italy's Armin tini no doubt about it 10 9 arrived at the Roma Fight Club in 2011 because of his work schedule basically he'd worked the night train in the afternoon didn't have a car so he'd take public transportation to the gym it's come a long way since then 26 years old or that bike or that [ __ ] there you go thank you ladies a segue pardon that's why we're here together the one thing that you see out of our Bernini is he is attacking the legs and he's attacking the various places that we want you to attack low calf outside of that quad he's hitting it hard and he's hitting the inside and that inside slows your progression of being able to move down so much already looking for the big head kick he does have the reach and height advantage [Applause] font Aamir Gordy trying to turn it up a bit but the piece of armour Nene has been outstanding caught him again really hard shot you can see he's adjusting his mouthpiece that tells you all that one stung me harmony need Concord many belts all the way up to black belt in karate at a young age no action in the clinch so Dave Smith breaks him under 30 seconds on the clock here round number 2 board he's really looking for that left head cam he is he's trying to keep our man in the oven but harmony keeps on adjusting himself they'll pop out but comes into that range where he can be effective Gordy needs to adjust to it [Applause] second fight of 2018 for Rome Italy's DVD Armani me and the red gloves Albania spot to be our glory in the blue gloves third and final round another round in the books for Armenia it is another should be another proud again what the judges are looking for if you don't have that knockdown and what was them going to the ground was a push you don't have to knock down the secondary thing the judges are looking at is power punches that damage the opponent so tell me in your order the criteria of scoring criteria is exactly what you just saw just how to power punches land on Gordie Gordie is putting and he's punching but his punches are what we call volume punches there to try to keep harmony knee out and off of him that's not going to get you the score on the judges scorecard that you want but the knockdown is always gonna screw up that is always number one [Applause] lordy knows he needs a sense of urgency here with just over two minutes remaining in our fitting our welterweight battle Bellator kickboxing using the 10-point watch system man he is really looking for that head kick you'd like to see him set it up is that that's a big thing if you're gonna go for that head kick you've got to hide it behind your hands because if you don't you're showing in your tells that that's coming and our meninas gonna be able to block it beautiful uppercut inside though Michael good round three for Gordy lightly behind on the scorecards begin it's the reaction you saw when he got hit with a left hook he see his reaction he's stopping his offense progression which is telling the judges how that stung me [Music] [Applause] Andreea sorry Olli his current trainer dahveed eHarmony me as I mentioned the bull 29 and one nice uppercut to finish that companies exactly and right now you can see he is being the bull he's just marching his opponent down and closing that space that is the advantage that Gordy has Gordy can't do anything with it wait give a nice shout-out to a great guy he took this around town the other night John we did the golf cart or he said hey one of my teammates is on the card and that guy right there is steaming at the BB Armony me [Applause] our middle seconds are mean he keeps looking for that big uppercut they go the distance take a look right here that kick is nothing but the kicks that he lands to the inside of the leg or the big difference in this fight boom you see that kick and you see the reaction of fighter that's telling you how much it's affecting him he also lands big combinations with his hands inside that's the type of shots that the judges are looking for when you end up with a decision victory this is the difference that the judges are looking at distance three rounds we go to the decision judge Todd Anderson scores the fight 30-27 Chris Lee 30 27 and South the Amato scores about 29 28 declaring your winner by unanimous decision in the red corner davide big win for Rome Italy zone Davide Armin Nene congratulations to the ball victor by unanimous decision our tale of the tape for this catchweight fight at 183 pounds 18 victories for Cobb Riley Casella his opponent alex macrae on large height difference with six foot two to five foot nine we'll see if that makes a difference Alex seven years the elder of his opponent with the official introductions Bunny Johnson hell it's okay boxing Network presents three three-minute rounds in the middleweight division now we introduce first the blue corner he went in officially at 180 221 pounds or eighty two point eight kilograms as a professional in 11 victories five defeats fighting out of Milan Italy Alex nuclear and now introducing your red corner he waited officially 180 2.1 pounds or eighty two point eight kilograms as a professional 18 victories two defeats to a single drawer fighting out of home Italy Gabrielle a castle [Applause] recharge Ryan miner so Brian miner our referee for this catchweight battle 183 pounds the Romanian now fighting animal on Italy against Rome's cabaret Li the Magnificent Gizella here we go red gloves for Casella blue gloves for new gray hands high for Alex and a gray of the volcano there's a nice spin nice spinning attack but very nice return of action by Casella he's just taking his time popping that kick out strong outside kick yep the gray pushing forward now very aggressive here starting and he's a fighter Johnny told me always aggressive always coming forward always looking to inflict down he is he's a heavy puncher you had him he had a really good showing against Joe shilling Joe shilling is one of the meanest nastiest fighters you'll find in kickboxing and heavy handed and he stood with him the entire fight also did the same with Melvin Manhoef so he's a guy that's gonna be in the Miller face the whole fight made his Bellator kickboxing debut in April of 2016 in Torino and beat the legendary Melvin Manhoef he said that showed me what I was capable of sometimes you you're gonna fight a guy and you know who they are you know their background and you give them so much respect they almost keep you from doing what you're capable of and when I think about Melvin I think about Robbie Lawler in that battle in Strikeforce years ago that was a battle that showed what leg kicks can do and then what one big right hand will do to it just past the midway point around one good left you know you had that left kick was blocked by the glove but I'm telling you he still felt that negraph felt that shot Casella to beat some more tied for contact karate kickboxing k1 and boxing fought 12 times since 2014 in many different disciplines low kick and it scores both guys are opening up with good attacks good scoring opportunities and a beautiful almost Superman punch with the right hand landing over-the-top binder grab good back-and-forth action here in round number one but you can see how Cassell is utilizing that left jab just to keep negraph just at length [Applause] he's big swagger miss it's nebran looking for a Finnish non-degree it's gonna get fitted but I'll tell you he's so tough this is what I've seen from him he gets hit with big shots and he still comes back and another one great job by kuusela wow what a flurry nice axe kick at the end there that was some action take a look at this action right here that is a beautiful left uppercut nice knee hits it with a solid right hand all of those shots are huge and damaging the ability for Alex the greatest stay on his feet under that type of attack showed you how tough he is those are big shots and that's the difference in the round right there that shows you like a Braley kuusela is the current world champion the World Association of kickboxing organizations won the title in Rome in the wmo in 2017 round two and the spin early by Alex knew Graham Cassell is not saying it but inside his head he's going what do I have to hit this guy with I hit him with some bombs and he's still standing so given that flurry how do you score round one no doubt about it that's a 10-9 round for Casella that big flurry with those damaging shots is the difference in that round put together some strong combinations leading with a jab here to sell out a local star appeared on the cover of the men and fitness Italian edition he's a contributor writes a column very involved in the community and a heck of a kickboxer he is a talented kick buster he's landing some beautiful combinations but you got a look at this what I said about negraph when I first saw him fight against Manhoef he just keeps walking forward against people that can throw bombs he doesn't care he keeps coming after him and even though he got hit many times hit the end of the round he did tell us that he lets his seven-year-old daughter watch his fights he said little slip on that spin attempt just about to the midway point of this fight lead left hook lands all those big shots that you see them throwing though those take gas it takes a lot of energy to throw those and you just can't continue to do it under the assault that Cassell is putting on them at times too and we are outside the temperature continues to come down a bit but it is warm I'm saying it's hovering it's hovering yes 400 a telecon saying when you look at your watch those shots he's throwing shots but those are being blocked there's a difference in when we're he getting hit and it's being blocked by arm that's not a landing blow that's defense that's not going to count with the judges nice front teeth Gabriela kuusela back in 2016 fogged in Monte Carlo one of the world's most prestigious world cereals for kickboxing so he has some very strong experience as we watch him for the first time inside the Bellator kickboxing ring have V Kent heavy shots you see both fighters will shell up but there's a difference because when the grayish shells up you see Cassell it's lowering his attack he goes after the body goes after the legs and his shots are scoring another good round for gu Braley gazella [Applause] the volcano fighting animal on Italy Alex McGrath served in the Foreign Legion of France moved to Italy from Romania at age 16 grew up in a little city outside of town loved going into the mountains he's got a mountain to climb here in the final three minutes of this fight red gloves for kuusela blue gloves for Nagri on one of the things that I know Casella has noticed out of what he's been doing with [ __ ] is every time he throws that left high kick it is only being blocked by the glove he doesn't Dutch block and he doesn't bring the other hand over to slow it down and Casella is starting to pick that leg up and hit him in that same spot in multiple times he's looking to hurt him for those at home Dutch block the difference Dutch block is going to be instead of just blocking with one hand I'm gonna bring my opposite hand over and bring that against that kick to diminish the power so you can see all that almost looks like my hands are crossing I don't let you give me some kick boxing lessons as well some of those are just selfish young yeah but a really good performance here in his home city of Rome nice knee and again and you notice you how it's moved right back the gram moves back off of that knee which is telling you oh it landed just like that right hand just landed big again now what I noticed early is Aleksandra likes to carry his hands high now that Cassell is attacking the body the hands are coming down now Gabriel is coming over the top no matter what you do not have long enough for arms to cover your head and your body at the same time that God made it that way a man I'll tell you what when someone can pick you apart it is frustrating because you're trying to protect your head then you're trying to protect your body and you can't protect it all [Applause] nice combination that laid kick her man again the same spot great combination here body shot on the return I love the peace throughout this entire fight like a green leaf design he is just systematically using beautiful technique to break the grand down final minute of this catchweight battle see that right there that looks cool but that's kind of saying you know what I don't know what else to do yeah it's a desperation desperation of hopeful while I just got him and won a fight then I was losing big time yep and it's just not gonna work against a guy that has the skill level of Casella the way he's fighting is just impressive against the volcano who was a very tough remaining no doubt about it I mean like I said I've watched him fight many times and I am impressed by Nick ray he's a tough dude and he is just being technically torn apart final seconds and another big flurry towards the finish what a performance by God worriedly kuusela how good was that when you're breaking this fight down you're gonna see in the scorecards that it is one-sided but it was a very close fight but the difference in the fight is what you're seeing here look at those combinations body head bringing the knee up this is what judges are looking for and it's the power and the damage that he's doing with these blows that is the difference maker Alex degree is fighting and he's fighting hard but he is just getting beat by a technician that is moving up and down inside and outside him utilizing different combinations of punches knees kicks this was an outstanding demonstration of beautiful kickboxing by Casilla look at that double left hook brings the knee up back to the left hook covers the body so he doesn't get head back to the left hook that is a kickboxer the official decision is him and here is buddy Johnson this popgasa distance three miles and we go to your decision our touches Dave Smith Derrick clearing and south D'Amato scored about 30 27 declaring a winner by unanimous decision victorious in his Bellator kickboxing debut take a look at this record 57 and 92074 is great but that's a lot of experience let's officially get things started with the introductions from Bunny Johnson ladies gentlemen welcome to the 408 article Rome Italy medical kickboxing on paramount Network presents three three-minute bars in the light heavyweight division now the two Spurs the blue corner standing 6 feet 2 inches tall and waiting officially at 119 eight point nine pounds or 90 point four kilograms as a professional his career stands 57 victories against nine defeats from gossip ala coushatta Italy presenting Rafael a Spartacus be now across the ring in the red corner at 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed in at 199 points 7 pounds or 1940 clearance at the rear 27 victories against poor defeats fighting them out of Rome Italy [Applause] what accidential rep recharged Mercanti Dan Merkley atcha our referee our our first fight of the night Bellator kickboxing from Rome Italy [Applause] [Music] Rafaela Vitaly and Mattia follow me here we are fara only in the red gloves Vitaly in the blue gloves both men making their Bellator kickboxing debuts very nice ride hand landed by metallic but that was a big shot right back [Music] Vitaly in the blue three-time k1 global kickboxing champion as I mentioned two-time Italian national Muay Thai champion they clinch in the clinch and kickboxing you guys stay busy you can only stay busy for so long only for five seconds in Bellator kickboxing if you clinch you must immediately be offensive and be damaging your opponent with that offense which is why cam broke him up immediately exactly he's not he's not engaging he's holding but not throwing an offensive attack farah oniy with 12 career knockouts 12 of his funny centigrams the high kick on the spin that just missed its mark but it did land and it landed solid nice instance and the knee inside he had the head kicked in the axe kick that is his power you talked to me about it his kicks it is his kicks are what he does well and he does him at length to keep his opponent off him and he keeps that opponent from coming in to him based upon him landing those kicks flour ah only three time Italian national kickboxing champion you can see how light he likes to keep his front foot because he keeps you thinking that you know what that next one's coming [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can take a look at the right side of the tiling Mike you see those marks that's what that is that leg is it's just popping out those kicks are landing and they're having some effect on Vitali [Music] three three-minute rounds in this catchweight fight 200 pounds fifty-seven career wins for Spartacus in the blue gloves Rafaela Vitali 28 into amateur records and he's trying to score some points here late in the round southpaw stance now for flower Oney as it just switches over to Orthodox but that is that leg attack he's setting his stance up dependent upon what leg attack he's looking to land on Vitali spins with a low kick eats a right hand final seconds of the round [Applause] [Music] spinning back-kick John you said it was very close to landing it was look at boom right there the difference is the length of the leg and where it hit if that it hit with the heel you're not gonna stand up it hit with the side of the leg and the calf that's why Vitali was able to march through it round to [Applause] [Music] blue gloves for Rafael of Vitali red gloves for Matty F Farah oniy the real difference received in this Faraone is very good at distance and keeping Battaglia off as what he wants to do but Ali's doing the better work when they get inside he's a better clinch worker than far Onias and he's able to land knees and that's where he wants to do some of his work started karate at a young age Farah Oney made his pro boxing debut in 2015 trained both kickboxing and boxing starting at age fifteen and I love when you see a guy utilizing spinning techniques that are actually attacking the legs also because then as the opponent when you see that spin you're always bringing your defence up high and it lands in your legs and it numbs your legs it's a horrible feeling spin just missed and they clinch and work and you got to be careful that elbow and you can see when Vitali gets that clinch he's able to push Ferraro knees head out and to the side and you cannot attack when you're in that position so he's dominating those positions he wants to get inside that's where he can do his best work vitaly 2011 muy thai World Champion two-time Italian national Muay Thai champion and I bring that up John because you're almost to a muy tight elbow a second if you did and that is illegal in Bellator kickboxing you cannot land with the elbow no spinning back elbows you do the spinning back fist but the glove has got to be what lands past the midway point of this three-round fight vitaly owns his own jimmies his own trainer he also loves training these students it's an interesting fight just by the contrast of styles of the one guy wanting to do one thing while the other is trying to do something completely the opposite and it's who is going to be able to continue to do their Styles who's going to win this fight by the way the spin and he caught it with the glove yep missed him with the lead left caught him with the spin on the right 30 seconds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one point deduction there John big thing that he's doing is if you're gonna be in the cliffs and you're gonna hold you have to be offensive for Oney is holding in the clinch but he's not being offensive and that's why damn regatta took the point white Goldberg Big John McCarthy there's that spinning back fist lands hook attempt after but this right here when you're seeing the clinch work the fatality that's a beautiful axe kick to the top of the head the difference in this fight for Vitali is his ability there's that's the one that landed clean on the back fist the difference is that clinch work he is taking and moving he's moving the Ferranti in positions where faro knee is just holding instead of being offensive he's got to be offensive in that clinch work if he's gonna hold like he is right now fans check out Bellator shop calm today for brand new gear Kimbo Slice bobble heads International shipping and much more third and final round red gloves for Mattia Fabra Oni Spartacus and his 57 career wins Rafaela Vitali in the blue now the point deduction came from the non activity of clinch work Big John which is like strolling basically that's the way Dan's looking at it if both fighters are going to put their hands over and hold then you need to be looking to be offensive if you are just holding and not throwing any offense out there he's saying you're holding that's illegal so we saw the point deduction in number two teeth to the midsection yeah that one hurt and again Bellator kickboxing rules you must immediately be busy in the clinch and you only have a certain time in the clinch even if you are busy exactly you have up to five seconds to be offensive and hitting with what the referee is looking at is scoring or damaging shots [Music] [Music] take a look at the right arm Mattia fara only the flight continues in our three three-minute round flights if there is a draw after the 15 minutes we will have a sudden victory round the lead head kick you can see Batali has actually being verbal as he's attacking that body [Applause] the judges utilizing the 10-point must system prioritize criterion that values knockdowns impact on the opponent and queen scoring stripes it's not MMA you cannot hit to the back but anyway you gotta let that that per opponent turns you cannot attack them this just turned into a just a good old-fashioned scrap this isn't exactly the fight that you know that Vitali wants he wants this this grinding just nasty brawl he's the guy that is the bull in this for Oney is the technician he's that long-distance fighter but right now he's not having his way in this fight went down hard good knees in the clinch by Vitaly and again it's the it's the lack of knowledge in the clinch that's causing for Neroni problems in its fight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the fight goes the distance back with the official decision when we return Italy the official decision is in here is buddy Johnson is it gentlemen this about cosa distance three rounds and we go to your judge's decision Brian miner and derek clarous cost about twenty nine twenty seven and Todd Anderson scores about twenty eight twenty eight declaring your winner by majority decision [Applause] Rafaela vitaly comes away with unanimous decision victory for his 58th career victory his first as a Bellator kickboxer our tale of the tape for this fly weight fight Gloria territory and Martina Nicolette Oh which you'll see the big difference here is that height and there's the reach that height of Mickey Leto she utilizes it we'll see if she can keep glory the outside with the official introductions buddy Johnson Rome Italy presents three three-minute baths in the flyweight division now we introduce first the blue corner a former Bellator flyweight world title challenger and one hundred twenty four point seven pounds or fifty six point seven kilograms as a professional 16 victories to four defeats and a single drawer from Tuscany Florence Italy presenting Gloria the shadow and now introducing the red corner her official weight one twenty four point seven pounds or fifty six point seven kilograms with 23 victories against eleven defeats and three draws from all-star Italy introducing Martina Mickey Erica's your referee in charge Dave Smith dr. Dave Smith dr. Dave Smith our referee had to get that doctor party well probably a lot of med school you're gonna go to med school you got to get that doctor absolutely and if you do that time you deserve the title that's it [Music] [Applause] here we go Martina Mickey Leto the southpaw in the red gloves orthodox fighter Gloria para Torre in the blue gloves snide a really good left hook there but Gloria did exactly what I seen her do before she just walked through it and tried to score her own the big thing for Gloria she's got to counter on the attacks that michelotto brings if you sit there and just defend you're gonna end up just losing this fight based upon her controlling the action big shot off-balance off-balance so not a knockdown but still a good punch landed it was by Martine michelotto you can see the respect already that Gloria's giving Martine based upon what Martinez bringing to the table all those kicks that shot Gloria tonight now is trying to calm down figure out how am I going to attack this girl and be successful they tie up try to work in the clinch here early winner of a couple of straight fights prior to that battle against Annie Steele Holtz for para Tory to victories inside the Bellator kick boxing ring second time we've seen Martina in Bellator kickboxing her first fight in Torino the title fight with Denise kill holes Martinez doing exactly what she likes to do she's controlling the center of that ring she's bringing her attacks when she wants because right now Gloria is still not real sure about what she can do to get inside on Marty Nicolette Oh began her training in kickboxing at age 18 competed as a sprinter for eight years has done a lot of muy Thai a couple of World Championships in weight I'm a nice leg kick and that's what I'm talking about from Gloria wish if she's gonna have that attack come against her she needs to respond with an offensive attack off of it nice left hook over the top and from Nicolette oh you don't John see a lot of women in this division with this type of hike yes she is very tall for this division you know when she was fighting to these kills it looked like she liked two different weight classes face upon height but Denise is a lot stronger and she's able to get inside and that's where she was finally able to be successful but to get inside on Nicolette o is not an easy thing to do final seconds of round number one tour the top title challengers in Bellator kickboxing today Big John who to give round one to one ground one no doubt goes to michelotto she's the one that controlled the distance look at that that's that knocked out but you saw that parrot Orient was on one leg that's why the referee doesn't count that as a knockdown Gloria para Torrey practice team handball as a youngster and Sicily fighting out of Tuscany Florence now for time inside the Bellator kickboxing ring just missed with that spin she did but at least she's trying that attack because what she has to do is figure out how am I going to counter she's looking at that distance and figuring out when she's gonna make that move inside so she can land her attacks and it's gonna take her a little bit of time to figure it out but she's got to do it and that's what she's trying to accomplish in these striking disciplines you have your k1 you have your glory some rules are the same of course john-boy taya is very different Gloria pointed out that she has always fought under kick boxing rules that's an advantage win your kickboxing like the women are right now it is because actually Martine came from Muay Thai and when you get used to the activity of the clinch and the use of the elbows inside all of those things are now tools that are basically taken away from you so you almost feel like I don't get to do what I know how to do and that sometimes can play in your mind while the other person is basing their attacks and doing what they do you've got to just say I know what I can do then here's my attack and right now you're seeing Gloria starting to change that distance and the person that's controlling the distance right now Gloria para Torrey Italian national kickboxing champion [Music] worked a full-time job for many years in the fashion marketing industry but left her job in trains full time wants to be a world champion and Gloria is doing exactly what we were talking about Mike she is now establishing the distance she is creating that motion inside she's not just giving room like she's right now but she's the one that's actually bringing it to mark Tina in the fight and that's what she has to do she wants to get this win territory in the blue gloves Nicolette Oh in the red gloves territory set now training full-time better conditioning better power faster punches will be better than her last fight and she is very unpredictable she is with the one thing she has to do is start setting her feet she is setting her feet when she's throwing sometimes she's getting off balance by a but set your feet and throw and then move your feet off of that action that's what's gonna set you up for that next combination even Martina made the point when talking about this matchup that Gloria has always fought under the kickboxing rules and a good round two for the shadow [Music] getting set for our third and final round holiday congratulations to julia bud defending her title in Bellator MMA one night ago glory of territory blue gloves Martina Nicolette so the southpaw in the red gloves third and final round once again I will mention though if we have a draw after a three round flight there will be a sudden victory round both girls utilizing a high guard trying to keep their heads in position and coming inside is Gloria Porto / Taurus she is trying to bring this fight into the range that she's can be successful with it's not easy when you have that long length that you're faced with of Micheletto because she's got that big just straight-out jab that's keeping you off balance she hits with a front tip kick it's not easy to get past that but right there when that teep the kick comes out and it goes down you've got to attack nicoleff told trained by her fiance they've been engaged the last seven years waited a long time for this matchup in this fight [Music] under two minutes on the clock that was a good job of parrot or trying to go to the body but they're dipping their heads down in this a little bit of a head clash but parrot or is trying to go after her and closing that distance fast winner of six of her last seven fights the only setback for Martina michelotto was that title fight against any steel bolts back in April of 2017 territory state very busy here she is and McClellan's doing the right thing of it she's gonna come inside let me start landing this jab and let me laterally move myself out of that range so every all of her aggression is gonna work against her close fight it is a close fight both girls are landing good shots they're both fighting exactly the way they need to fight to be the victor in this Gloria has made it in her mind she's not backing up from her anymore Gloria Parra Torre made a nice adjustment at the start of round number two she has continued to fight in that fashion here in round number three and it was that adjustment of saying I can't stay on the outside this girl's gonna pick me apart I need to figure out my footwork and my timing to come inside and do my Martyna look for the spin - very good athletes want a former team handball player the other a sprinter for eight years and it's going to be a sprint to the finish here it is matter than both putting a lot of energy and a lot of shots out I think we have a low blow yeah and right back at it [Music] final seconds of the fight [Applause] [Music] they go to the instance will it be Nicolette o or para Tori our official decision is coming up next these flight weights go the distance the official decision is in and here is buddy Johnson rebounds and we go to your churches decision judge Dan Mariota and Derek Cleary scored about 29 28 and saw the Amato scores about 30 27 declaring a winner by unanimous decision Martyna meteor first victory inside the Bellator kick boxing ring for Martina michelotto in a very close fight against Gloria territory our tale of the tape Bolanos 11 and 1 taking on the former featherweight title challenger two year difference in age and a slight reach advantage for Dominique o l'amour no that's okay boxing on paramount Network now is set for three three-minute rounds in the featherweight division now introduce first the blue corner and one hundred and forty four point seven pounds or sixty five point eight kilograms he holds a professional record 31 wins two defeats fighting out of Bari Italy presenting Domenico stone no more no and now we introduce the red corner and 145 22 pounds or 66 kilograms even a professional record 11 victories against a single defeat he fights out of Dublin California Gaston that dream killer paulanos with AXA forget your referee in charge Ryan miner Brian miner our referee for this marquee matchup at 1:45 inside the Bellator kickboxing ring Gaston Bolanos and Dominique Oh lamorne oh here we go red gloves for Lima Peru born Gaston Bolanos Italy's Dominique Ola Morneau in the blue gloves one of the things you'll notice about Dominica Lamoureux had come out with his hands very high but he's very square which makes him available to be punched by a guy that creates angles like Castellanos and an interesting you say that bigjon because Bolanos came out immediately with that right teeth he did he went straight to the middle and that's when a guy is square hey that's where I'm gonna attack him when the hands are hide the midsection is open yeah and you can see the basic difference in their stance look at you'll see that Castellanos blades himself a lot more than Dominic Lamarr know does and when you say blades himself when he said when I say blades himself that means that he's actually used utilizing his footwork in his stance to create an area that he knows that you can't go to one side you're gonna come with an attack to an open side of him and he is waiting for that attack couple of minutes into this three-round fight long time training partner of our featherweight champion Kevin Ross who will defend his title later tonight against Gabriel Varga nice late kicked by bolaños and you saw that that leg kick came off of the use of his hands before which made it when that leg kick came out Dominique Oh had his hands up high and that's why that lay kick land is so solidly three-time Italian national kickboxing champion Dominique oh the stone l'amour no it expects a much better version of himself in obviously once that rematch with the LA knows his teammate Kevin Ross sure Kevin watching his training partner from the locker room right now very closely gonna be a great main event Giorgio Petrosyan still ahead as well Mike Goldberg Big John McCarthy Bellator kickboxing from Rome Italy was that nice spinning attack you saw that spinning back-kick right there those are the things that Gaston walls does and does so well body kick lands bolaños with multiple strikes just avoiding damage there yep just an inch off but that's what you want to be if your Bolanos he's got you Vilano this is working MMA and he understands the clinch very well there's a difference between clinch work in MMA and kickboxing but when you're not used to it compared to the way both guys are with Bolanos being a guy that works in a lot he's gonna be more effective there final seconds of round number one Bolanos Orthodox stance but switches back and forth very smoothly around to red gloves for Bolanos blue gloves for l'amour no I think the big difference you're gonna see is right now Milano's is much more comfortable with what he's seeing out of lemarchal than what Lamar know is seeing with Bolanos he's not confident right now he's not sure of what attacks are gonna come he's trying to be effective and I like what I'm seeing out of him with that high guard but he's getting hit with shots that he's not expecting and John you pointed out certainly an advantage when your teammate goes through a full training camp to take on an opponent in Dominique olam or no which is your opponent here tonight so you want to talk about scouting this guy they have sculpted him week after week after week you're saying it exactly right that is a huge advantage when your teammate has been in that ring for five rounds with this guy he could give you such information about where this guy's strong what he likes to counter with that's just huge Bolanos victorious in Torino in his debut inside the Bellator kickboxing ring suffered a third-degree MCL tear before the fight muscled through it and defeated an Italian in Italy and had previously fought all of his matches in muy Thai he's become a three-sport athlete when you're looking at a Muay Thai kick boxing and MMA and that is not easy to do that is so difficult to be successful at all of them is really saying something about him Slipknot a knockdown and we continue Bolanos obviously very close with his teammate the champion but also said he is excited to be on the same card as Giorgio Petrosyan and his favorite fighter of all time and this spin from lamoureux that time and he's doing and he's doing a really nice job of trying to negate what balonus is doing taking the kick but then countering sometimes coming into clinch but always trying to counter some cut type of offense off of what Milani's is doing that was a little bit off target [Music] [Applause] 45 seconds on the clock here in round number two see when he quit he captures that link he has in Bellator kickboxing he's got one second to do something offensively or he's got to let that let go good counter by Dominique Ola Morneau and Brian miner will break him getting a little bit of head clashing inside we've seen it about three times now hopefully nobody gets cut off of any of that Rome Arnold grew up in a quiet neighborhood in Italy like soccer a lot eight knockouts amongst his 31 wins good pace here late getting set for our third and final round how do you score it so far partner you know honestly I think I have it one round of peace I thought Bolanos absolutely easily took the first round and was dominating the action but I liked what I saw out of La Mer no and what he did to counter what occurred in round one and he started to attack and he's being successful Bolanos moved to the United States right to California from Peru at age 13 lamorne oh just got hurt he'd got hurt inside with that big uppercut it hit him solid and he's a little shaken and B'Elanna was trying to take advantage of that next to fight scheduled for five three-minute rounds good step through by bolaños on that spinning back and he saw it he stepped forward which is gonna make that spinning backfist be off target and miss bolaños looking to move to two and all inside the Bellator kickboxing ring little toss they heard that's not quite what we do in kickboxing anymore but that's okay that's the lemonade we saw that a little bit earlier tonight exactly still very impressed with Lamar no coming forward he knows I can't stay on the outside with this guy I need to get into him it's the only way I'm gonna be successful and he's working and doing it but he's taking some big shots in trying to get there the speed of Gaston Bolanos is always a factor something Lamar know talked about something that he said he needed to counter and of course always be aware of those spinning techniques you see that holding technique have taken that glove and holding that head and pushing and turning him you're going to see that later on tonight when you watch Giorgio Petrosyan and how he turns guys into attacks one of the greatest of all time the legend fighting here inside for alai telecoil on paramount Network minute left in this one and a very close fight no surprise that Bolanos has earned his three victories all by a TKO finish in round number one inside the Bellator MMA cage and the one thing I'd want to see out of Bolanos right now he's looking good with his hands but if your hands are lighting him up like that then finish it off with a kick because that kick is going to be open there it is good call partner and a heavy one in that thirty Seconds remains in this fight Gaston bolaños had his first fight at age 12 that left hook to the body hurt that was a big shot and it did damage l'amour no is hurt from that body shot and you can see him with that right elbow yep trying to cover left elbow looking for his well you saw Bolanos go right back to the vessel to the body big third round for the dream killer [Music] [Applause] will it be the dream killer or the stone we are back with our official decision this is Bellator kickboxing on paramount Network they go the distance and John the spin was there look at the need of the body inside that is a big blow spinning backfist look at that lad just perfectly that's where you look at bolaños to know he's got so much skill in being able to attack in that fashion and do it so fast to make this fight official here is buddy Johnson ladies and gentlemen this mouse goes the distance three rounds and we go to the decision touches Kate Smith Chris Lee and Todd Anderson all scored about 30 27 declaring your winner by unanimous decision Gaston the dream killer congratulations to Gaston Bolanos a victor tonight here in Italy Arco main event of the evening 32 year old Giorgio Petrosyan 24 year old alisov and yeah look at those combined victories partner it's incredible when you look at the victories of those two guys and you can't go any farther than the records he says it all you gotta give me one though the height is virtually identical buddy Johnson [Music] feature presentation set for five three-minute bars in these lightweight division now we introduce first the blue corner standing five feet 11 inches tall and weighed in and officially one hundred fifty two point nine pounds or sixteen nine point five kilograms as a professional 16 victories 34 by knockouts against two defeats and one no contest he fights out of minced Belarus presenting chinki's Ginga corner standing five feet ten inches tall with an official weight 150 227 pounds or sixty nine point four kilograms in career eighty seven victories 38 5 knockout two defeats and one no contest fighting out of Korea's I pray you pardon gorizia Italy presenting Churchill the doctor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dan merg leotta our referee for petrosyan this is his first fight in rome since winning the glory title back in 2012 they're even trying to get the advantage now in the staredown 38 career knockouts for the dr. Giorgio Petrosyan 34 career knockouts for chin Iggy's on Azov chinga we are underway red gloves for the southpaw patron blue gloves for alisov and the one thing you'll notice with Petrosyan he has got a laser left hand that comes straight down the pipe he will do that continuously throughout the fight kicks and knees you and I were speaking hit dinner last night big Johnny you just said Goldie he's just good at everything he is but his opponent you know it's so hard when you look at it when you're someone like Petrosyan you're sitting at the top of the mountain for so long and it's just these guys coming at you but then eventually you're gonna see that one guy and that is [ __ ] azzallel's off he's the guy that you go all that guy's different he's gonna be trouble much like our main event still to come this fight has also been won a long time in the making a Lezama nation and that was a good combination and that's what you will see out of allah saw he will throw multiple shot combinations big right kick there he hits with power all the time utilizes great angles said there's no safe place for my opponents [Music] maybe a little bit of an accidental touch of the heads the fight continues this is a five-round fight Giorgio Petrosyan started in the Muay Thai era of Ramon Decker and Rob came in and karoon he said to become a champion you have to be hungry and willing to make the sacrifices and that's what's so hard to continue to do when you begin you sat at the top you've got to come up with these things that motivate you you cannot sit there and just say I'm the best and so everyone's going to fall to me they're all gonna come at you hungry and motivated so you've got to be motivated dedicated to becoming a fighter [Applause] yes those guys were wrong yeah I think they were wrong then again Michael Jordan didn't make the basketball team in high school emphasize the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog you got that man is God and both men here tonight willing to trade willing to score definitely when you talk about alisov he will take one to give one and the one thing that I'm noticing out of just this first round is Petrosyan normally about mid round starts to figure out the attack of his opponent and starts to elevate his attack and he has not done that yet they'd knock down for Giorgio Petrosyan and it came very late that watch him was a big knockdown and takes the round 10 8 that's a huge difference boom there's a shot that puts him down it was a combination but that one that goes off the top of the head that's the difference in this round right here that takes the round for the doctor petrosyan in the early part of the round you saw where Allen's off was hitting it with clean shots but that big knockdown that's what they're looking for and that is a big difference when scoring a flight that that is much different than damaging strikes volume of strikes which of course are important yep but the knockdown which is the big yeah these guys know I do not want to have my but my glove any part of my body touched that canvas and it came very late in the round Petrosyan looking for his 88th career win it's amazing that he has not fought here a row since 2012 you saw that left hand that left kick come over the top that is dangerous and that's not something most people can do what a confidence builder for Giorgio Petrosyan who you would think would have no lack of confidence but John back in his locker room he definitely knew the magnitude of the opponent that he was facing tonight he did and I talked to the referee who went in the back to talk to him and he said you know what he seemed a little bit tight a little bit nervous while his opponent was actually really happy and feeling good about this fight and that's the pressure that comes with being the guy you got to come out and perform all the time and that you know right here 15 minutes you got to perform cuz you don't get to do it again for a long time alisov switching his stance back and forth Petrosyan the nash the very natural southpaw and block that right head kick eight-time k1 world max veteran two-time k-1 world max world champion [Applause] loved him here in Italy grew up in a rough area which is now Armenia but man a legend here in Italy lives in northern Italy and choices life Giorgio Petrosyan with a lead left jab that scores both guys are scoring with their shots than that left leg kick the Chingiz is throwing it's got a lot of power on it Matt it is hitting solid and when you see a guy throw a right leg kick and then a right hand off of it that is an unusual technique not everyone can do that because you're off balance but Chingiz has got great balance and can do it just incredibly well another good combination by the doctor Petrosyan starting to pick it up and again here at the end of round two watch this sequence there's that left kick right hand left kick over the top you're gonna get that good type of sequence where you you're looking for these guys to open up and that's what Chingiz is doing Mike Goldberg Big John McCarthy great to be here the eternal city of Rome Italy where gladiatorial combat began three of a potential five rounds between Petrosyan and al azhar [Music] one of the things you really saw in that last round but Rosina's starting to do what we call his lean back Chingiz is throwing combinations he's just leaning back waiting and then bringing at his offensive attack counter back forward he does that so well and is so effective with him in any combat sport you you really want your opponent to just miss because then you can counter on media exactly you don't want the big miss you want it to be just that half inch off you get that half inch that means that you can move that little bit of an inch forward and yours is going to land and that is something Petrosyan is absolutely spectacular at he's got hit with a good combination there because he's trying to move forward an attack he's trying to pick his spots but Alan's off is so busy in his attacks and so busy coming forward at you he creates a lot of problems that are hard to deal with with the south I mentioned earlier about the jab with the left that's the cross of course and again you don't see the jab a lot at least right now with Petrosyan because he's scoring with that cross that left hand that he brings straight down the pipe it is a laser when he when he launches it it's accurate it's hard and he just pinpoints the location where he wants it to land nicknamed the doctor because he surgically demolishes his opponents chinga when your name is chingy's that's a little easier to figure out well after they both are when you look at the fighting career of Giorgio Petrosyan how does Amazon get himself back in this fight al-azhar has got to start taking different angular approaches he's going straight ahead with petrosyan Petrosyan the guy that's turning the corner on him and petrosyan is turning the corner Petrosyan 'he's winning you've got to make Petrosyan start to make mistakes and have to go backwards you do that you have a chance against him but that is not easy to do born in Georgia grew up in Belarus fighting Ottomans Belarus 60 victories for 25 year-old chingy's alisov 28 fight win streak on the line against the legend Petrosyan final 10 seconds man at the end of every round Petrosyan really turns it on [Applause] [Music] [Music] give me your scorecard Big John right now I have Petrosyan ahead on this and he's ahead by a big distance especially with that knockdown in round one the end of round one Petrosyan with the knockdown of chingy's on his arm round four Petrosyan 32 years old a professional since 2002 front teeth the former bricklayer alisov very powerful very fearless trying to find some angles in which he can score you're exactly right Mike because he's look at it but that's what happens he keeps on getting hit with that counter right hand and he can't stop it alisov kala and super middleweight champion 14 time republic of belarus national Muay Thai champion getting overwhelmed here though by the legendary doctor Giorgio Petrosyan and they're both so good you know how it good alisov is and you know what he brings and to watch someone systematically just pick them apart in parts of this fight just goes to show you how incredible Petrosyan is as a kickboxer so many notable wins for Giorgio Petrosyan the couple against andy souwer come to mind got a cut on the left eye Mike I think that happened to go accidental clash of their heads [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] man they love him here in Italy well they definitely he say something when they see something clean land there's that lean back that he tries to utilize he leans back and then comes with his counter and he's just that whole part of just you making you miss by that half inch and he's leaning forward and he knows he's closing that gap and his gonna land minute left in round number four Petrosyan between March of 2007 and November of 2013 went on a 42 fight win streak six years unbeaten holds the leg for a moment tries to return that's exactly what's legal he can catch that leg and he throws that left hand off of it that's what they're wanting to see offense again different than muy Thai where you can hold for a much longer period of time yes and look for a potential trip as well the mark teller grotty special just these little elements that Petrosyan is so clean with it is just fascinating to watch a guy in a fight that can pick a guy apart with such precision so you're saying his precision is precise something like seven somebody said that [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] getting set for our fifth and final round red gloves Giorgio Petrosyan blue gloves chingy's alisov last loss for Belarus is al-azhar January 25th 2014 gonna have to do something special here to keep that wind streak alive I think alisov is gonna have to stop him in this round if he's gonna get a win tonight because petrosyan has been just surgeon-like in his ability to pick al Azov apart with beautiful straight left hands great counter rights just an incredible performance so far Petrosyan looking to go to three and all inside the Bellator kickboxing ring [Applause] he's kept a good pace both fighters have throughout this 25-minute part of me this five round 15 minute fight [Music] under 2-minutes now and you can see just by what you're seeing there they're not doing a lot and that is because of Petrosyan al is off is a guy that comes forward and throws a ton of techniques at his opponent but he's a little bit bewildered right now about what to do to land on Petrosyan Petrosyan only finished once in his entire careers only lost twice by andy risky and glory New York City back in November of 2013 just tried an outside hook kick to try to learn something and that you know that's that variety of techniques that he throws that he's trying everything that he knows how to do just to catch George you know with a hard shot just over a minute to try to pull it off off the forearms but that never feels great it looks cool but bad it hurts under a minute people sitting at home watch this and they'll see a kick go off of someone's form and they think oh he blocked it and the inside what's happening with that fighter is I can't feel my arm anymore it is it hurts like that and that is devastating to block a kick with your own or if you're Randy Couture it's broken yeah there you go Petrosyan looking to close this out and Stein nice counter-attack by petrosyan there alisov is going after him he's trying everything he knows how to do Big John you told me I was in for a treat you aren't lying my friend both these guys are so good that little technique of that knee right there just incredible they go the distance [Music] our official decision of this fine round type is coming up next we're gonna look at the replay here this is the brilliance of Petrosyan that shot right there puts him on his butt he ones a little off-balance but it was clean shots that put him down look at that beautiful right hook over the top that laser left hand that comes in followed by a knee this is what makes Petrosyan so difficult to fight it's all of these counters that he throws and these crisp clean shots inside there's the clash of heads that is what opened up al-azhar over that eye but it's those techniques that makes Petrosyan who he is the official decision is in and here is bunny Johnson 4945 declaring your winner by unanimous decision George our tale of the tape for this our main event of the evening you know as you say goalie the only difference is the experience of Kevin Ross if you look at that record but Gabriel bar go with the championship see what he's won it equalizes out so everything else is virtually identical you're not really allowed to say that but I'm cool with it cuz you're an awesome partner I just want you to know that let's get a pizza reductions from but a Johnson I won't sue you or anything world title sanctioned by the international sport kickboxing association with president Cory she at ringside now first we introduce the blue corner the Challenger vision ten-time kick boxing world champion standing might be ten inches tall and official weight 145 pounds even or sixty five point nine kilograms holding a professional record of 15 career wins against six DPS he hails from Toronto Ontario Canada but fights at a Victoria British Columbia Canada presenting Gabriel juice your champion in the red corner a five-time veteran standing five feet ten inches strong an official wait one hundred forty four point eight pounds or 65 with eight kilograms holding a professional record 33 victories 65 knockouts against 10 defeats hailing from Reading Pennsylvania and fighting on a turbulent California presenting the defending featherweight world champion [Music] but a special battery charge dr. Dave dr. Dave Smith our referee the champion Kevin Ross the Challenger Gabriel Varga fight scheduled for five three-minute rounds [Music] [Music] and in the minds of both these men and many kickboxing fans around the world the wait is finally over [Music] almost almost just a little drink of water thank you here we go Kevin Ross in the red gloves Gabriel Varga in the blue gloves tell me what we should look at and look for early partner well the thing that you're gonna see out of Kevin Ross is Kevin creates angles he is always moving he's always creating openings varga is a guy who comes down the middle with straight shots but they're heavy shots at times and he is fast what you want to see out of Kevin Ross is movement foot movement and when he can kick hide those kicks behind the hands if you're Varga you want to make sure that you are always keeping those angles closed off don't let Kevin dictate where the fight occurs both men so much success in their careers much more experienced in kickboxing for Kevin Ross 37 year old champion 33 year old challenger no you're right about the experience but a lot of you know Kevin's experience is off of Murray time yes and Muay Thai is a different form of fighting than kickboxing the ability to utilize different tools that Kevin is used to utilizing and being able to use those elbows and use those knees in the clinch for a long period of time in keeping that attack going it's different here at Bellator kickboxing if it wasn't for Muay Thai in his early 20s Kevin Ross said honestly he doesn't think he'd still be around he was hanging out in Vegas with the wrong crowd not to learn the right things found a love for the art of eight limbs and has persevered for many years since born in Reading Pennsylvania moved in 1994 Fargo born in Toronto Ontario Canada now fighting out of Victoria British Columbia and right with what you see there always hurt Marga's got him in the trouble gap now and Kevin's taking big shots looking to finish early this is what work [Applause] that was big power and that's what I was talking about with Varga he does have these straight hard shots and if he connects he's gonna hurt you and that's what he did to Kevin Ross third career knockout for Gabriel Varga and it comes in this title fight knee inside look at that left hook that wobbles you could see his legs doing the Funky Chicken there it comes up with the knee again with a left hook that doesn't hurt him but the straight shots coming through the middle opens him up pushes it back left hook boom that puts him in a place where he cannot respond that right hand hits him Kevin Ross is in trouble Varga closes it out the referee has to stop it based upon Kevin not being able to defend himself Gabriel Varga earns his sixth kickboxing world championship he is the new Bellator one to a kickback single world champ we will make things official when we come back congratulations Gabriel Varga to make it official here is buddy Johnson ladies and gentlemen dr. Dave Smith Paul astonish to the spots at two minutes and nine seconds into round number one declaring a winner by TKO and your new Bellator kickboxing Federation of the world Gabriel Gabriel Varga will visit with Big John McCarthy he is now owner of six kickboxing world titles what a moment congratulation Gabriel Varga you just beat an outstanding champion and Kevin Ross how did you feel when you landed that left hook to start that series yeah it felt good you know when you're fighting somebody of this guy skill level if you can see that you hurt them a little bit it's I mean I didn't want to get too excited but inside I was just overjoyed because I've never seen him be hurt and he's a little bit intimidating to fight somebody like that I don't blame you for being timid Kevin Ross has put on some incredible fights in his career what now do you think that you want to do as the Bellator champion who's the guy that's out there that you want a face oh I don't know there's there's so many great fighters you know I'll talk to Bellator see what they think for an opponent in the future if you know Lee we said Kevin is amazing champion I've been watching him for 10 years if you know they talk to Belcher they want to do it again he wants to a rematch win a fight or two and come back I'd love to do with him again because he's just a champion well in talking with your trainer before the fight he told me he goes looking Gabriel is a different fighter I'm telling you he's back he's blasting people do you feel like you've reached a new level this was a good camp you know you as a pro fighter go through ups and downs and my first Bellator fight was disappointing you know just a dusting to the European time difference threw me off so this time we came over took a couple extra days I wanted it to be the best fighter I could tonight in the ring in and show the world that I belong in the top five you talked about your whole goal was to capture titles congratulations ladies and gentlemen your winner the new champion Bellator kickboxing Gabriel Varga our tantal of the tape for this first fight look at the record Maxime Arado you do and when you look at Simone he had four losses in a row now three wins in a row he's getting it back let's see if he can make it to 500 the reach is virtually identical right we welcome in buddy Johnson to get us officially underway [Music] on paramount Network here in Rome Italy now 3ds 5-minute bounds in these lightweight division we introduced first the blue corner he stands five feet seven inches tall and weighed in at one hundred and fifty four point six pounds he brings eight victories against a single defeat from liova moldova but fight max the cage in the red corner standing five feet eight inches tall and weight and officially 440 pounds holding a professional record 3 victories for Rome Italy Denmark leotta our referee for our first fight of the night Bellator MMA the cage enrollment Li for the very first time la pre C OSA and Maxime righto and tonight's fight clock brought to you by Denny's welcome to America's diner red gloves for Simoni la Preciosa and Maxime rato is in the blue gloves [Applause] Chris chiozza has seen how Maxine likes to fight come straight ahead and he's - from the very start let me keep you distance and let me use angles but this is where Radu is tough he is a good wrestler and he's heavy on top wrestling is certainly his base began wrestling at age 13 wrestled at the sport school of Moldavia a military school he said that was a big challenge resi oza has that underhook but he's gonna lose it with the movement of router right now but he could just come and come out of this right now he's holding the Sharks that's gonna help him but he's got a guillotine locked on him and it's fairly tight Candy's finish it early and a nice job done to escape [Applause] a battle for position right now Roger needs to settle down hold position start to put pressure down on top of Prezi OSA and he will be able to control his motions right now with the position he has Maxime righto coming in as I mentioned with that 8 and 1 record riding a 5 fight win streak both of these men making their bellator debuts now one of the basic elements of jiu-jitsu is I want to pass the legs the legs are the strongest part of the human body and if I can pass those legs I can weaken my opponent just by not having those legs as part of the whole game good position here side control looking for some ground-and-pound Rome Italy's own Simone a lot Preciosa you say that name so well it kind of worked on a little bit we'll see how it goes though there's a couple of challenging names to say the least other than you know maybe pitbull of advice you rod is going doing really good work here it doesn't look like a lot but this adds up it starts to tear you down if you're the guy underneath because you can't get away from your opponent and you just take keep taking these big hammer fist shots doing a good job of applying pressure not allowing Simoni to get off his back here early in this fight and you can tell that pressure that rat who has this comes from all that base of wrestling when he started at 13 years of age he understands positioning he understands how to keep that pressure right now in the middle of preziose's body so he's heavy and it's unable to move out trying to improve his position but still staying very busy six of the eight wins for rato have come in the first round nice try and step over to batik submission and the scramble that was a good step over the first step over the rat who did was it was bad you saying don't bring your leg up high and over bring it slice it through the second one it was the right time to step it over it's just a matter of slow yourself down think about what you're doing and utilize the right technique but a smothering effort and what we thought we would see was the stand-up fighter having to deal with the wrestler early Big John that's exactly been the theme thus far it is and it's he's got a smothering attack Ratto has got the really grinding grinding attack that is it's so tiring and it can wear you out you're trying everything you can to get back to your feet just like preziose's just tried and also their needs back in the same position heavy hammer fist just under a minute on the clock here in round number one fight scheduled for three 5-minute rounds at least preziose at this time hasn't been guard so he has a lot more opportunities to be offensive but right now he's just taking shots dad American lot is looking to stop this if he doesn't change that position he may finish it right here all over I'm in their first round finish for Maxie morado his sixth consecutive victory and first inside the Bellator cage another first round finish all of his finishes coming in the first five minutes and it was wrestling and ground and pound 101 it's really the big shots that he starts landing that makes the referee start to look because at this point but as he OSA is stuck he can't get out he's just taking shots and he's not moving that's why dad meghanadha brings his fight to an end impressive debut inside the Bellator cage to make it official here is buddy Johnson inside the Bellator cage referee Don McNay oughtta call a stoppage to this bout four minutes 50 seconds into the first round declaring a winner by TKO it strikes máxima tale of the tape for this middleweight matchup a combined record of nine and all both guys undefeated somebody's always got to go who's it gonna be we will soon find out significant height and reach advantage for ireland's will flurry once again here's buddy Johnson [Music] I've been abounds in the middleweight division now we'll introduce first the blue corner he stands 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighed in at 185 point 8 pounds as a professional he's flawless with four victories fighting out of Dublin Ireland will flurry standing 5 feet 11 inches tall with an official weight 180 5.6 pounds he stands undefeated at five victories from Macedonia but fights out of Toronto Italy presenting Adamski [Music] dan Merkley auto our referee for this battle of unbeatens will 34 and all Allen Amador ski is five and oh we are underway tonight's fight clock is brought to you by Denny's welcome to America's diner it would be very interesting to see when Al Anam Adamski hits will flurry does will flurry react the same as his prior opponents do or does he just start to say I can deal with that I'm Adamski and the red gloves in the blue gloves that was a nice shot with the right hand that I madoski landed on flurry if we just smiled at him flurry coming off a unanimous decision victory to go to four no his first fight to go the distance nice job of keeping that ankle up high that's going to keep our madoski from being able to get his leg underneath him to get back up good movement with the hips by will flurry you see him coming over the legs he's in a position the only thing that's keeping him a little bit up right now is the fence and if he can bring him over he's gonna have a great position will flurry in that victory in his professional debut against now teammate John Redmond even warmed up in the same dressing room he was a member of the rival gym if you will back then John Cavanaugh said afterwards he said you know what you did exactly to John Redmond what I would have told you to do and like I said earlier John soon afterwards he was a member of the SPG Ireland team John Cavanaugh one of the best Cavanaugh's an outstanding coach oh he shot again [Applause] I'm a top ski by knockout there is no doubt that that man has power in his hands knocking out will flurry who I have seen take huge shots that's that's a huge statement flurry had utilized his wrestling had some control but when they came to the feet it did not take long for this fight to be finished watch this shot that right hand hits it you can see it stunted gets hit again with the right when he goes down he gets hit with one more shot with the right right there that puts him unconscious he didn't even need that last one all of those are right hands it's so hard to explain there's just people that have power you can teach people to have more power but there's just certain people's are not people on this earth they can crack and that is a little Podolski and now it is all six wins by knockout for in the first round our official decision from Rome Italy is coming up next again here's that replay look at that right hand that studs will flurry that what hurts them and puts it down this is the one that puts them out he is unconscious this right hand there didn't even need the land that was damn miracle out of trying to stop the fight but Allen Podolski has got power that power is big because he has put every one of his opponents unconscious in a fight or in a state where they cannot defend themselves he has got huge power and he is someone that everyone is gonna have to look at as a problem another victory by knockout he is a perfect six in Oh to make it official buddy Johnson inside the puzzle cage every time Berkeley oughtta call the stoppage to the sponsor at 1 minute 39 seconds into the first round declaring a winner by knockout Allen dusty certainly Macedonia's finest Trento putting on a show against Dublin Ireland's will flurry the former champion 27 years old his opponent one year his elder significant height and reach advantage for Andre Cornish cough with the official introductions buddy Johnson Bellator MMA on power mouths Network three two three five-minute rounds in the welterweight division now we introduce first the blue corner a four-time MMA champion standing five feet seven inches tall with an official weight 160 9.6 pounds he holds a professional record 33 victories against 17 DPS to a single tour from Couture Montenegro but fights are every sign of Montenegro presenting Vassell psychopath battle Chi back on TV [Music] and now across the page in the red corner the former Bellator welterweight champion six feet one inches tall and a 170 point four pounds a career 22 victories two defeats is about to record stands at 11 and 2 fighting out of arms crusher presenting on trade Spartan chorus car Todd Anderson our referee the former champion who held the title for 482 days andrey korsunov facing month and Negros hustle bucket check here we go tonight's fight clock is brought to you by Denny's welcome to America's diner Baca Jeff eaten most of his fights comes forward aggressively we'll see if he does the same facing off against andrey korsunov chorus cough in the red gloves Baca czervik in the blue gloves amazing kickboxer great lead hand straight right variety of kicks and he has the height and reach advantage against the psychopath Baca czervik nice kick there's only two fights and andrey korotayev has ever lost both of those in Bellator both in title fights one as the champion he lost it Ben Askren who is a supreme wrestler when course Coast wrestling could not match up with Ben Askren then he lost to Douglass Lima on a knockout but I'll tell you what everybody that fights on Drake or scoff comes out of that fight going my god is he good and I'll give you a perfect example one Benson Henderson go back to that fight I refereed that find out [Applause] that's what makes Andre Horace cough so dangerous he is explosive that was a huge spinning kick that landed it hurt muscle and put him down and out that's what Andre chorus comp can do take a look at the finish partner look at the finish partner the finish is quick and violent watch this he sets it up comes with that spinning kick boom right to the body right underneath the rib that is painful that's why Bosco cannot do anything in return he cannot breathe at this point his body is actually seizing up that is the accuracy and the power of Andre chorus cup he didn't even need any of these strikes right here that didn't mean anything it was all in that kick and flourish cops did his homework because Baca Chevak pads been susceptible to body shots in the past and chorus cough you I stay beautiful one the official decision from the eternal city of Rome Italy is coming up next three fights so fun tonight from Rome three first-round finishes including the former champion just a moment ago to make it official buddy Johnson referee Todd Anderson call us Thomason is back one minute six seconds into the first round declaring a winner by knockout Andre Spartan flourish car ten of his 12 knockouts have coming in the first round the Spartan well visit with my partner Big John McCarthy [Music] when your winner Andre course got Andre that was a beautiful spinning back kick to the body had you previously seen that Vasco had been hurt with body in his previous fights or the suchan yeah Mateo put pero watch probability Judy couturier was cause of stolen money by Billy a chocolate member allisonakemi cos Delta pod Kotoko ketchup over with my commando nope atop the pedir spoke it activist Onizuka Mandeville it's an irrational usually Richie Mastro Dmitry Petrovich are grown a one spasiba the first oh we do it is a sport of travel Brazil Guevara NEBOSH Bob Ross here at reach stone s Ellison Rambo Quan mr. Kato leader to squeeze yo Lee for you focus on it it was a plan my coach say me use knee or bed cake and they use Becky that fight right there in my mind puts you in what Scott Coker the president of Bellator is announced as the welterweight tournament starting on September 29th is that a place that you believe that you should be with this win right here in east of Grand Prix say machine kilogram yes of course I won't be tournament I ready fight with anyone anybody does well if you were given a chance at having somebody that you could have as a first round opponent who would it be I'll come up with the Rubidoux mr. beloved - gave us more him a little momentum easy for me it doesn't matter really well I'll tell you what that was an impressive knockout to the body everybody your winner Andres Spartan course come tale the tape for this title fight Patricio pitbull 31 years old Daniel Veit show two years his elder look at all that experience with all those fights but the big difference is that height did that reach that's what Daniel Veit shell has got to use to his advantage if he wants to win for the official introductions once again we check in with buddy Johnson not on anime on paramount network from the Eternal City Rome Italy the time is now for a main event five five minute bombs father featherweight world title Bellator MMA sanctioned by the Mojito tribe Department pathetic regulation chief of the Mohegan Tribe Lina Minerva German Kevin Brown and supervising at Capeside director Mike lazuli and now we introduce your challenger in the blue corner at fight beat ten waiting and officially 144 point four pounds as a professional he holds a career 39 victories 22 by submission against nine defeats and inside the Bellator cage his record stands at eight victories and want defeat from Frankfurt main Germany presenting Challenger [Music] and now my corner standing five feet five inches tall 144 20 pounds as a professional 26 victories against four defeats an 18 time petrol inside the Bellator cage his record stands at 14 wins and four defeats the two-time Tour tournament champion and the two-time Bellator featherweight world champion presenting you're a three-time defending Bellator featherweight world champion from your grandpa Dan Merck leotta bar referee [Music] vii Bellator title fight for the champion Patricio pitbull the Challenger Daniel like shell fight scheduled for five five-minute rounds here we go by the way belt on the line tonight's fight clock brought to you by Denny's welcome to America's diner red gloves for pitbull blue gloves for vice show both guys kind of switching stance there sometimes there's just guys the way they fight they just have to engage and that's what you're gonna see tonight with white facial against pitbull it'll be slow maybe in the beginning as they feel each other out but I guarantee the fireworks are gonna start you have been in the cage with Patricio pitbull a total of six times of course you are the referee for that first fight what makes him so special it is the way he believes it himself he has a belief that he can beat anybody and it's also the power to way he's built the compact build of him he can punch with power in both hands he's dangerous in on the ground he's the complete fighter and you've got to be careful and you can't make a mistake it's you could have a perfect fight you make the one mistake he catches you and he's the winner you also were inside the cage in Fresno when Daniel Veit show beat the former champion Pat Curran which was a really big confidence builder for him at the time it was and it was a very technical fight between the two but vital in that fight showed that he could stay composed that was the big difference in other fights in the past just like in his loss to pit bull facial has overextended and created an opening that his opponent has taken advantage of and in that fight against Curran he stayed composed the entire time no matter what happened he collected himself reset and came back in the technical fashion that makes him the fighter he is as he did in Budapest against John macapa when he took that heavy shot early he did he took a big shot that hurt him and hurt him bad and he reset and came back he lost that round but he came back in those next two and pick macapá apart just a couple hour flight for Daniel Veit show lots of family here his girlfriend longtime girlfriend Lisa staying home with their daughter who was born on November 24th 2017 November 24th is a really good day by the way and although I know we don't have a lot of action here I'm actually impressed with Patricio pitbull that he's not being that guy that says oh I gotta make something happen he is taking his time and he's trying to press Daniel into being the guy that comes at him so he can counter him that just shows the maturity of Patricio pitbull as a fighter well the crowds kind of spoiled at this point after all those quick knockouts they expect everyone to go the same so much for all that studying this also and you can't be overstated this is also mutual respect is what it is it is a champion or as the Challenger you've got to look and understand I've got five five-minute rounds I do not have to end this thing in the first 30 seconds or the last 30 seconds could be where I end it if I if I rush I can make a mistake let me get into a groove and let me start doing what I do best which is what vital said he will not do again in his career and that is lose his focus lose his composure he was so excited with that late almost finish in round 1 of the first fight he fought undisciplined in round number 2 and got finished with that counter left hook and it's so easy to do when you are in a position that you actually think you won the fight because he doesn't hear the bell he thinks that I come in and I stopped the fight and it's over and I have to tell him no that's the end of the round go back to your corner and he has to collect himself get himself back into a mindset of going after pitbull the right leg and he tried to finish the fight too fast the tree CEO said of his opponent he's a complete fighter doesn't get tired doesn't get intimidated he is a true warrior I think he's right about he doesn't get intimidated by buddy I don't care what who what fighter it is or what size you are if you took fedor emelianenko and said Patricio I want you to fight phaidor he'd go ok yeah it's true so infantry key by the way what interesting to note and let's keep an eye on it later that that spinning kick thrown a moment ago by Patricio he switched to southpaw and then through the spinning kick so let's keep an eye on that as the fight continues well it's unusual that he is switching to the southpaw as much as he is normally he's an orthodox fighter and he likes to fight from the Orthodox stance but he has cede something that tells him he wants that right hand forward just what I said just did it again from the southpaw stance exactly well this would be the first time this evening I can ask you how you scored that round well I was flapping my lip so much I would tell you honestly I think vital is the one that landed the best shot of the riding landed a good right hand I think that's what the judges are going to see they're gonna probably give it 10 9 to Dan vital I'd set for round 2 Daniel vital a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Dean Thomas the veteran out of American Top Team Patricio AMPA treaty both received their black belts in Brazilian jiu-jitsu at the same time back in 2007 [Applause] you know we talked about it my god I really do respect what both fighters doing and I respect the way that Daniel Vishal is taking his time he's trying to he's utilizing faiths trying to set things up but he's not rushing in that shows that he's matured as a fighter initially in the rematch back in Bellator 123 the tree she'll beat Pat Curren to win the title defended against Straus defended against facial eventually lost the belt to Straus and got it back by guillotine and back in April at Mohegan Sun Yat Bellator 178 said that one's former son young son young daughter for Drake Daniel facial just about a a minute and 15 seconds into round 2 now is it nice right and the pitbull just landed and it caused my son's a problem he is in trouble he definitely is a good sorry he's dead he's in tribunal looking towards finish here [Applause] nice job done by Patricio pitbull and it's a good job by Daniel by shell even though he's on his back he slowed the fight down slowed all of those shots that he was taken get yourself back punches in bunches half guard on top pitbull is a beast his jiu-jitsu is solid he's heavy and he lands really heavy ground-and-pound shots when he gets the position that he's comfortable with with a victory Patricio pitbull would be tied for number one all-time with Michael Chandler with 15 Joe Warren has 14 that has not happened yet and Daniel vishal plans on it not happening here tonight in Rome Italy Daniel Veit so going to a butterfly guard which is a great defensive guard although it's also offensive and he can just like what you're seeing right there by pushing up elevating on the hips taking pitbull out of balance and putting his weight heavy on the front he's giving him problems and he's creating time time that he's not getting hit by big shots pitbull does his wrestling with the captain Eric Alberta Singh who works with Henry cejudo the 2008 Olympic gold medalist he's got a title fight coming up title fight here inside the Bellator cage the rematch red gloves for Patricio pitbull blue gloves for Daniel vital lake over Big John McCarthy from Rome Italy 400 Teleca all that ground gave Daniel vital the ability to recoup from those big shots that he took from pitbull but pitbull gained confidence off of landing those shots and he's looking to start to walk down Daniel vital and land another right hand the finish came in round 2 in the first fight just over a minute remaining in round number 2 in this rematch I know it sounds crazy but it's so important for champions to understand I do not have to get rid of my Challenger right away I do not have to win every round I just have to fight a smart fight and when given the opportunities to explode then explode I think a perfect example of that is going the distance in what was a rematch with Curran and then the rear naked choke against Daniel Straus came 449 into round number full exactly and that's you know it's so hard when you're a young fighter and if you have success early in fights by winning early in the round you think I need to do this all the time you don't you just need to take your time and find that spot where you can explode and open up and do damage to your opponent that's gonna get you your win final seconds of round number 2 good job of ISIL to control the head not allow damage in this position [Music] here's that right hand left hip oh he's already hurt him in the sequence but now you see vitals starting to retreat he's crushing his distance that's the right hand right there that really hurt him you see the right hand come through lands with the lab tries to come up with an elbow bo another right hand puts him back on his heel these are big shots by shal is opening up trying to get him off of him but those shots definitely win petruchio pitbull that round we're now even 1-1 so ten nine vital in round one ten nine Patricio pitbull in round two on Big John McCarthy score and the unfortunate part is there were two completely different rounds if you can say who's actually winning the fight right now it's Patricio pitbull round three fourth time facial has been scheduled for five rounds his second Bellator title fight he has never fought past the third round although as I mentioned he has been scheduled on three occasions previous to tonight for 25 minutes well he's a cardio monster so there's no doubt he can make that time it's just a matter of don't give Patricio pitbull that big opening right there when you're getting hit you've got to lift that leg there you go check that kick if you're gonna take and eat that kick you got to make sure that it does not off-balance you so you can get hit by another shot that ends up hurting you vice shal has fought in Germany England Japan Ireland Sweden Bulgaria the Netherlands France the US and tonight for the first time here in Italy special treat outdoor venue maybe next time we come here will be inside the Colosseum that was good use of catching the kick and putting Patricio back on his bunt with that takedown what can Daniel Veit shall do in this position that's the question he just moved from guard to half guard so he's advancing position and he's showing that he's going after more than just being on the ground here and look at busy interesting to note that pitbull has 11 career wins by submission but seven of those were in his first 13 wins so they team very early in his career doesn't mean he cannot finish a fight yeah thanks submission the submission that you really see Patricio go after is the choke get a guillotine choke a rear-naked choke that he has learned that he likes to punch he likes the knockout so does his brother and that's what they really train they train their wrestling they train their stand-up they train their Jiu Jitsu but it's more of a defense of jiu-jitsu instead of that offense of jiu-jitsu both guys see and neck and they go for they do and they when they get the squeeze especially Patricio he locks it on you're in trouble 7 on his first 13 wins by submission 22 career wins by submission for Daniel vital who is now on top that was some really good Jiu Jitsu by both players right there you saw Patricio was utilizing an open guard using an elevator hook and vice you'll pass it getting the half guard great job by Daniel vise from the main control and get back to half guard [Music] right now what danielwyles is trying to do he's trying to unlock that leg that he has in half guard because with the position that he has his head in he's got to open up and open up on that that arm to start landing elbow strikes is the best thing that he could do you see where Patricios arms are at under his leg right now that left arm is not doing him any good he's got to start to move that arm out there you go gets it back to full guard and he's doing the same thing that facial did he in butterfly guard butterfly guard Maurice Smith was the guy that utilized a butterfly guard so beautifully for a guy there wasn't a jiu-jitsu guy but it was such a good defensive guard because he could offset that balance of his opponent and he kept himself from being hit with heavy shots and he had the long limbs to be able to pull it off yep right now look at your bachelor doesn't have anything he's got to change what he's got to make that effective he's trying to by sticking his arm deep inside but that's why you saw Patricia go from where he was sitting good to line down because he was in trouble there and it can still be tight he's just got to get a different position he can lock that leg over the top he's got a lot of time to try to do so he's keen he's got the ability to push against that it can create a pressure that's going to lock down on Patricia oh and give him problems facial trying to become the new champion what we really have is an anaconda choke but he can't finish it because the fence is there he can't position he just moved out of it good defense Don Patricio pitbull and they get up and swing and the real question is how heavy is Daniel when she learns after squeezing on that anaconda final seconds of round number three good knee and a strong round for the Challenger [Applause] here's the choke that he almost had on Patricio pitbull this is an anaconda the difference is he's not able to grab the leg so he tried to utilize the cage by pushing pitbull that leg right there wanted to catch pit bulls right leg he didn't work so he tried to push him against the fence to create that pressure it almost worked championship rounds first time to round number four for Daniel facial seventh time pitbull has been scheduled for five rounds he is four and two and five round fights one and two in the three fights that have gone the full 25 minutes we have seen a little bit of everything which is what we had hoped for here with the featherweight belts on the line nice right-left combination by pitbull hit him with good solid shots and that rattled Daniel pitbull has definitely landed the heavier shots thus far in this fight and that's what the judges are looking for they don't care so much about volume unless they see no damaging shots but when you see heavy damaging shots they give more priority to those than the volume talked about all those early submission finishes in the career of Patricio pitbull it is worthy of note that his last two wins have come by guillotine he likes the guillotine choke and like I said when he clamps it on he's so strong and he's got that squeeze that we talk about certain guys can create a pressure and pitbull is one of them he can create a pressure in that choke that makes it to where you think my head is popping off and you end up tapping out to it the younger of the pitbull brothers by 547 days about a year and a half but Ricky of course in the corner of his younger brother Patricio tonight vice shell has definitely slowed down and his offensive output part of that is due to that anaconda choke I'm telling you when you're starting to squeeze those arms get full of blood and lactic acid and you got to work that out and that's what he's trying to do he got hit by a couple of good shots at the beginning here and he hasn't done a whole lot sense except for that right hand he just threw and let's not forget that we are in an outside venue there's no time it's still a bit warm warmer than it would be if we were somewhere inside absolutely it's warm out of here and these guys are feeling it but again pitbull just landed two more really hard shots and it's slowing what Daniel vise will is doing down first fight and 456 days for Vice show that right hand again my up the right hand is getting through and that's what the Brazilians were telling you from the locker room before this fight to watch for the right hand of Patricio pitbull now he's in the southpaw stance will we see a spin again now he switches back way and you know what he's switching back because he realizes I'm doing better from my Orthodox stance I'm landing my right hand and I'm gonna stay with that man he just ate that kick trying to return with the right hand under two minutes on the clock here in round four Patricio looking for his first title defense of this belt that he now holds for the second five he had two title defenses the first time he was the champ that's a good low outside kick that by shell is landing but that is not going to make up for the shots that Patricio has landed so far in this round the-clock like me he's in trouble mica can t do it right here right now half guard and again this is very smart bye-bye shil he is slowing down their progression he's on his back but he's still not getting it now he's in trouble holding a full mouth and pitbull was able to drag that right pretty easily Rachel trying to get it back to half guard [Music] facials bloodied up from that flurry a moment ago yeah that elbow that landed landed right in the middle of his face and it did some damage patricio have pushed away in says I let's stand up thirty seconds on the clock here in the fourth and you can see the way that bite show got up he's still not steady twenty seconds patricio not being undisciplined here he's he's been a champion here he goes through that hole I thought it was gonna go for that guillotine final seconds of the round [Music] five minutes remain in this title fight in in John it's worthy of note although on a few occasions due to strikes it looked as if Daniel Vachel was in big-time trouble on your scorecard this fights at 2-2 going into the fifth this is absolutely this is the championship round right here whoever wins this round is going to win this fight in my opinion the big difference is the damage that Daniel vile took in that last round we're gonna see how much it affects him because right now he is not going to be breathing out of his nose he's gonna be breathing out of his mouth with his mouth open that's gonna cause him problems if he gets hit by pitbull first time past the third round for vice shell pitbull one and two and fights that have gone 25 minutes and you can see take a look Mike you can see his mouth open already that is a problem for him he doesn't he's not going to be biting down on that mouthpiece you can't time it with the punches you want to be biting down on it sometimes you'll bite down a little bit harder than others but it's always a pressure and when you don't have that pressure and you get hit it can put you out and your opponent knows oh yeah he sees it no doubt about it for a potential uppercut here good kick and pitbull walked right into that one nicely done by vise real good right hand by bicycle and a good high kick to follow it up that's what we talked about hide that kick behind your hands that is gonna make you successful Daniel H all said it's taken me 15 years to get to the position I'm in today three and a half minutes on the clock will pitbull win again and defend or will we have our first Bellator champion from Germany pitbulls just pushing him away he's waiting for that moment that moment that he can strike out with that right hand and hurt Daniel vital again and we'll see if that happens because if Daniel Weiser continues to move he's still going to try to keep that from occurring under three on the clock and both fighters are tired both have put out a lot of energy in that second third and fourth round there was a lot happening in this fight at first round was a little slow but those next two three rounds they put out a lot of energy and it is like he said all he's rattled again you can see him shaking his head out it hurt him and it's still 80 degrees out with a lot of humidity yeah it is not cool out here these guys are in the middle of oven past the midway point of the fifth and final round of our featherweight title fight another big right hand that you know no matter what you can say what was the diff right now this fight that right hand is what's landing for Patricio pitbull the reason that Daniel vice shall came in and is trying to take pitbull down as he was being hurt by those hands that right hand and what he wants to stay away from it so that's why you see him now all sudden going for the takedown you can look right now pitbulls got double underhooks with very high position that's a strong position in MMA does he decide to take this fight to the ground and grind vici louder is he gonna let go of this and go back to the stand-up that he feels so comfortable in under 90 seconds now there's your answer John I just answered it right away [Music] rematch living up to the expectations you know it's been a great fight but it's different than the first one and both guys have showed I learned something from it I can't be that guy that goes after things right away and just lays it all out there I need to be smart well part of evolving and improving is learning patience and discipline and not making yourself susceptible to damage or knockout or submission losses because you're always looking for the highlight reel finish yet it's exactly right Mike and look at this is the best performance I have ever seen out of Daniel vital even in his win against John McAfee which I really was impressed by him he has been even better and smarter just against a better fighter here tonight against Patricio 20 seconds remain in this fight slimey 15 seconds slimey that did not land so it's a lot of motion but it doesn't do anything pitbull facial and you could tell by pitbulls motion right now he believes he has won this fight they told the distance Patricio pitbull Daniel facial who will be the champion our official decision is coming up next ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage this championship action goes to distance five rounds and we go to your judge's decision Church Southie Amato scores about 49 46 in favor of Patricio George Derek Cleary scores the bout 48-47 in favor of vishal a third and final charge chris lee scores the bout 48-47 declaring your winner by split decision and still featherweight champion of the world but we see ho pitbull split decision victory for Patricio pitbull now tied for number one all-time with 15 Bellator wins with a former champion Michael Chandler phaidor boys Bellator presidents Scott Coker here in Rome of course phaidor and shale coming up very soon and the Brazilian next to the Brazilian and Scott Coker doing some great things inside the Bellator cage as of late congratulations to the champion here's Big John McCarthy that was a completely different fight than you had against Daniel Veit show the first time in the first one it was fireworks from the starts to the finish this one had a lot of technical and just incredibly just match fighting how do you feel coming out of this fight right now is the champ this guys is a [ __ ] monster and thank you home I am here to make a show for you guys and come on Bella to know more image please these guys are so tough I I want a easy fight one day come on SBG Jenn miss Gallagher his coach is here we have a deal come on McGregor where's your gym for your team aren't you beat everyone these guys are you easy are easy to me you know that SPG has all one tough fighter these kamekona McGregor but I can beat everyone in there you've been having a bit of a Twitter battle with between pitbull brothers and SPG who from SVG would you want to face if you got that match up in cod I want you know we've we do have a deal come on Kavanagh I am here I mean asking for you where are you hey this battle and this battle is bad for my side I love you I want to tell you that was a fantastic match everyone congratulations for Patricia oh pitbull still Bellator featherweight champion there's his son Davi his wife Theresa congratulations a champion with his little Patricio pitbull remains the featherweight champ [Music] [Music] nineteen career victories for Alessio Sakara eight years the elder of his opponent he has a lot more experience but both guys have power in both hands and the reach is virtually identical all right once again with the introductions here is buddy Johnson Lauro atomic Oh Rome Italy Bellator MMA on parables Network brings you a feature presentation three five-minute bounced in the light heavyweight division now we introduce first the blue corner he stands five feet 11 inches tall with an official weight 204 pounds even he holds a professional record eight wins against poor defeats and one no contest he hails from Boston Lincolnshire England but bites out of Bournemouth England presenting Jaime slow [Music] and across the page in the red corner a three-time panel Petrin standing six feet one inches tall and winning officially at two hundred 5.6 pounds for their career 19 victories against 12 defeats and two no contests on let's your Italy but bites out of Rome Italy presenting Alessio legionaries your referee in charge Todd Addison Todd Anderson our referee Alessio legionaries Saqqara 19 career wins 13 by knockout Jamie Sloane 8 wins 6 by knockout - by submission [Applause] wait wait wait here we go slow comes out swinging tonight's late clock brought to you by Denny's welcome to America's diner the slowed is being smart if he's going to go after and go after that's what Jamie slow does throw and if it worked for it great if it doesn't no low five first round finishes for Jamie Sloane he's never got out of the second round he's never had a fight go to the judges scorecards and you're seeing exactly why longest fight nine minutes and 50 seconds elbow over the top really pouring it on early on Legion arias 36 year old Alessio Sakara yeah but when you're less he'll Saqqara and you're seeing this attack you just need to bide your time be smart and pick your shots look for the openings they are there here wins by knockout for Saqqara three in the first round and big happy and is that left hand is hitting with power right Chikara with an elbow looking to finish this right here right now and if Jamie's slow doesn't mean [Applause] we're generous [Applause] take a look at this ground-and-pound big elbow strike big shots their power behind those he's bringing a lot of steam on those shots and you see slow start to just give in he doesn't respond he doesn't move that's why your referee Todd Anderson brings it into the fight look at the shouts coming right here my clone big shots you got a move if you don't enter the fight for Alessio Sakara and it comes here the first time he's fought here in 15 years third Bellator victory by knockout for Alessio Sakara to make it official buddy Johnson ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage our referee Todd Anderson called the stoppage that is about 1 minute 19 seconds into the first round declaring a winner by TKO with strikes Alessio legion aria [Applause] Alessio Jamie slow came after you hard pushing the pace of the fight trying to hurt you and you took your time you pick your spots that you showed what a veteran fighter you are how does it feel fighting in front of your people here in Rome he's my first time fighting room I love everybody because I fight on my my fight in their out of the country and he have a good energy the last time I fight I have a better knockout but this guy give me the power for combat 2 kg [Applause] you have an incredible fan base here in Italy you could tell they love you how much energy did you get from these people tonight honey you said you could tell all these fans love you how much energy did you feel from these fans tonight why is a lot i see me lot of super heavyweight the power they ever for the disease energy so at 2:05 were you feeling good at this weight you're gonna stay here for life and never more 185 i love the pizza pasta when you look awfully good at 205 congratulations on a great victory ladies gentlemen your winner Alessio Legionnaire istikhara let's see how celebrating with his son Marcos and Leo neatest inside the Bellator cage Alessio legionary Saqqara by TJ you
Channel: BellatorMMA
Views: 152,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8_aPrQlaEAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 54sec (9714 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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