RDR2 Voice Actors Funny moments | Red dead Redemption 2 Behind the scenes

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all the hell you just say to me [Music] [Music] so a lot of the horse stuff was actually going back to the voice acting and performance capture a lot of the horse stuff was actually voice acting I think it was about two days in the booth too and that stuff and you know as Arthur's horse the mayor or is it a stallion and to you and then there's different dialogue if you have a level four bonding than if you have a level one bonding you know you're not quite as affectionate at cetera so we did that and in a couple of weeks later I come back in and a wonderful one of our wonderful assistant directors Catherine Aldous he says Raj we got to do those horse lines again I was like why and he said well it's a little too intimate you know it sounds like you're not talking to a horse and I was like what do you mean he played it back and I was like you're all right easy girl people usually just ask me if if I have some money for them and they'd like me to scream Lennie at the top of my lungs which is awesome I don't mind it it's great I think the fact that you guys love that here I mean that makes me happy and then every once in a while I just if I cough you know people like for the last time make a lot of noise make a lot of money and get the hell out of here nobody here hey everyone my name's Rob we Dolph I provided the performance capture for John Marston and the Red Dead Redemption series we chose this life you me Dutch Hosea it's been a long time now hey [ __ ] who's this video for again boom Ben Davis but who who oh yeah I know him he's that musical guy he sings hi Dennis we miss you brother yeah we'll see in a few weeks hey everybody happy Lunar New Year 2019 mrs. Steve J Palmer you might know me as Bill Williamson from Rockstar Games 2010 original release Red Dead Redemption and they brought me back for this past October release of Red Dead Redemption to which I'm sure you guys are still playing and collecting all those three-star belts that's what we want the priests are ones we got something cooking you might be interested in been cooking since horseshoes but you went kicked up all that commotion at Valentine hi I'm Benjamin Byron Davis I've played Dutch van der Linde in the Red Dead Redemption series we have all made mistakes over the years Hosea every last one of us but I kept us together kept us alive kept the nooses off our neck howdy cowpoke's this is peter Bloomquist you might know me as Micah Bell from Red Dead Redemption too we're family now Arthur you and me sons a Dutch makes us brothers sometimes brothers make mistakes hi everyone Roger sorry Roger Clark here actor and voice-over artist I played Arthur Morgan and Red Dead Redemption - I don't know I think this life chose us now you can't put all this on touch you're worked up rightly so just don't get too far in your head with all this you'll never get out hello friends this is Kirsten Doble speaking I play hosea Matthews in rock stars Red Dead Redemption - if the boys behave themselves we'll all have a good time see you there Arthur night we're about to prosper in Blackwater we were onto something big then Micah got you all excited about that ferry and here we are hey what's going on it's got real slaughter aka Javier escuela for Red Dead Redemption - it's definitely as bad as we feared in there Arthur they got patrols out all over this area that's gonna be good hi I'm Jim Sant Anjali I did the motion capture for the character Pierson and Red Dead Redemption - so why don't you come by say hello it's gonna be good I met a couple of the Atrisco boys on the road in the town and things were about to get ugly but you know how I am in a fight huh I it's good to see you now remember I've got a song to sing fear and it goes like this is it okay if I help a little bit Oh Joe Joe from Blue's Clues okay Joe yeah that would be great what do you think we should sing mm-hmm sing I like it so long song gonna sing this song awesome awesome you helped me because I don't know if I remember it right okay okay sing along with the parts you know I will okay now it's time for so long just one more song one more sounds good yeah thanks for doing your part you sure are smart you know with me and you and your dad we can do anything [Music] thanks Joe hi Colin Oh see you later hey everybody my name is Rob we Dolph I did the voice and motion-capture for John Marston and Red Dead Redemption like you ought to come down to port city Popcaan it's gonna be a big one it's gonna be a lot of and also if you get a moment April 18th is Mike Roberts birthday he does a lot a lot of work in fact he doesn't basically all the work of getting these conventions up and going so if you have an extra second swing by his page and wish him a happy birthday I'm sure he'd appreciate it port city popcorn anymore [Music] [Music]
Channel: GRANDOS
Views: 3,010,676
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Keywords: RDR2 Voice Actors, Funny moments, Actors Funny moments, Voice Actors Funny moments, real life heroes, real life, john marston, arthur morgan, real arthur morgan, real arthur morgan voice, rdr2 behind the scenes, rdr2 behind the scenes voice acting, rdr2 behind the voice actors, rdr2 funny moments, rdr2 funny moments online, red dead redemption 2, red dead 2, rdr 2, rdr2 fails and wins, rdr2 fails and funnies, rdr2 pc, rdr2 story dlc, real life actors, gaming voice actors
Id: DYcO2Ketb8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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