Raymond Arroyo blasts John Kerry's credibility when it comes to the climate

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all right joe biden didn't say the words china or russia one time during today's speech before the u.n general assembly but he did mention the word climate a lot 15 times for those keeping score at home biden's climate agenda is aggressive but it won't succeed unless he gets china the world's top polluter on board and who did he charge with such a monumental task well john kerry of course america's favorite jet flying parasailing metal tossing swift boating gold digging flip-flopping son of a gun isn't that the best graphic you've ever seen i'm pointing in the wrong direction there it is it sort of says it all right there on your screen you see john kerry he's a man people take very seriously when he tells coal miners to make solar panels oh they listen and when he travels to paris he always brings james taylor with him and when he travels around the world he always puts the environment first it's the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle i negotiated the paris accords i negotiated with president xi to bring president xi to the table so we could get paris the time it takes me to get somewhere i can't sail across the ocean i have to fly to meet with people and get things done i'm not going to be put on the defensive i love that banner i'm allowed to fly private i'm important and when he does happen to fly public he always wears a mask except for all those times that he doesn't but for some reason he's having a tough time getting the communist chinese to listen to him i wonder why that is maybe because he's a weak ineffectual hypocrite incapable of strong arming the chinese into doing anything but maybe it's also because he's compromised by chinese money as i mentioned just a moment ago according to a new report his wife ketchup queen teresa hines has at least a million bucks tied up in a hedge fund that specializes in get this chinese government controlled investments now we know it's just a fraction of their family's massive inherited wealth but it's a bad look especially when he's trying and of course failing to muscle the red chinese toward carbon neutrality maybe it's time old johnny hang it up and parasail off into the sunset it's beautiful and maybe you can let anthony blinken and his baby bjorn take over for him just a show of intimidation joining me now raymond arroyo fox news contributor raymond you know we knew he was ineffective but we didn't know he was counting on state-owned businesses to line his pockets a little bit more yeah well they'll take that climate deal with a slight side of conflict of interest the hinds will uh look theresa heinz carey she's got up to maybe five million dollars invested in this chinese run hedge fund and i learned today pete you know i'd read those long hunter biden emails from the laptop turns out hunter biden and teresa heinz kerry's stepson christopher biden founded something called rosemont seneca partners they were in the chinese deal that hunter promised to hold 10 percent for the big guy so the heinz and the bidens once again they're colluding on a massive scale with the chinese and nobody's screaming conflict of interest here i imagine gee and the chinese are loving this look john kerry was the guy who negotiated the prison release the iran cash deal you know he gave uh 1.7 billion dollars to the mullahs what did we get for that not very much and it looks like he's on path to do the same with china vis-a-vis the climate xi is smiling from ear to coal emitting ear raymond you win the prize for six degrees of hunter biden i did not know that but uh well done but you i did my research you do you always do which we appreciate so sure this idea and i asked the same thing to vivek because i think it's important when we're negotiating over something that we care a lot about because the left is obsessed with climate change and our adversaries know they don't care about it at all and they can exploit that situation they do the happy dance because they can give away little concessions on a meaningless topic and then do whatever they want elsewhere in the world well we heard it today from biden you hear it from john kerry and nancy pelosi last week in the uk said the same thing they say oh well the uyghurs are being put in internment camps in china religion is being suppressed free speech is demolished by china but look the overarching and more important thing for us is to negotiate a climate change deal well the chinese love that math because they get to trade all their horrible trade abuses and the inequities in our trade imbalances as well as their human rights record away for some bs climate change pact the chinese are not reliable partners pete they lied to their own people about free speech they crushed hong kong they promised 50 years of no change in hong kong guess what they lied and putting john kerry in charge of climate change the the the emissions the toxic emission i most worry about is what comes out of john kerry's mouth that private plane that he he's defending a moment ago 30 times the emission of a normal private plane he's already blown and we're only in september this is like making mitt romney the u.s pet care czar or bill clinton the you know protect the innocence of young women czar i mean john kerry has no credibility when it comes to the climate or very much else raymond arroyo as you always do you deliver sir thank you very much appreciate it well my friend hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 29,852
Rating: 4.9315634 out of 5
Keywords: John Kerry climate change, climate change, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, fox news primetime today, primetime, primetime fox news, Raymond Arroyo, Raymond Arroyo interview, Pete Hegseth, Pete Hegseth Fox News Primetime, John Kerry Biden climate crisis, Biden U.N. climate address, Joe Biden, climate change speech, global warming China, China climate change, climate change China, global warming
Id: LbVXgdg0_uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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