Raw Edge Applique

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hi everybody it's leigh-anne Pinnock pretties i want to come in today and show you how I do wrong it's applique and I'm gonna be using Aran russek's pattern called home again I've gotten her permission to do this so but what I'm gonna do because I'm waiting on my background fabric if you read yesterday's post you saw that my word my fabric for this quilt and it's not here yes so I'm just gonna do a little test piece so I can share with you guys how I do my raw edge applique so I'm gonna isolate this little bird and put her on a little project and I picked my fabrics so this will be my bird's body yes right here right there and this will be her happy little wing and for her little cheek you see this little circle right here the little cheek right there I'm gonna put that pink on there now I've picked out three different fabrics and I want to show this because people ask me how small pieces do I keep for scraps and honestly I keep them really really small this piece right here came from a friend of mine Judy that lives down the road and she was going to toss it out and there was these little stacks of all these little pieces different colors I'm like oh you know I can use that so I'm considering using that as the beak I haven't made my final decision yet but once I get the bird going I'll make my decision on that so I'm going to turn the camera off put this over my light box and I'll be right back okay we're all set up on the light box this is the template sheet that comes with Erin's home again pattern and I have my roll of heat and bond lights I buy this at Walmart but I've cut off a little piece just to make it more manageable for this tutorial and first thing I'm going to do is trace this little bird and I want to make the best use of my paper so I'm going to try to get it as close to the edge as I can you want a little bit of wiggle room you want you want like a quarter inch all the way around so you've got room to to cut it out all right so one of the handy little tricks that I learned years ago when trace an applique is that it's really hard I'm going to do it over here on this leaf to stay on a straight line sometimes I'll get kind of wonky so when I'm tracing especially around curves I like to kind of sketch back and forth and it gives me more control and the line always ends up being exact instead of real way the especially with this heat and bond light because heating bond light has a texture to it and your pencil just kind of wants to go everywhere but with the sketching it just makes a straighter line I don't know why that is that whoever figured this out was pure genius in my book but even on the straight lines I do a little sketch that's what I call it anyway where you're bouncing back and forth now you can use a marker I suppose if you wanted to but I've always used a pencil to trace my applications but if you've got to steady your hand than I do and you're better at tracing you know give it a shot but I think this is the best way to go so I'm gonna finish tracing up the office bird well there's not much left I guess I'll just go ahead huh just go around his head or her head what do you think is it a boy or a girl since there's two of them on the the center of the medallion part I'm assuming that it's a boy and a girl huh now I do windowing which means I will cut when I cut out this applique I will cut inside this line and cut out a bigger portion of the body so I'm going to move this up here onto his belly and I'm gonna trace that beak or that little cheek and this is a little tool that I got at Office Depot and it helps me trace the circles exactly and it's a lot quicker boom it's done all right now let's go down here and get the wing and it's just gonna be the same process but I'm gonna turn the camera off I'm just gonna sketch sketch sketch and when we come back you'll see my sketches okay you're not gonna believe it but I had to go back and trace them again because I cut them out without the camera on I was just talking to nothing give me anyway here's my little bird and the wings and I also wanted to show you this I used this tool to help me trace around the wings here also to get those nice and straight I think it was this one it was just another you know to keep it straight now if we can cut straight that's the main thing so I'm gonna rough cut out these shapes you didn't you know you want to stay kind of close because wherever this paper touches on the fabric you know you're gonna have a sticky adhesive and you want to waste as little fabric as possible so I'm just rough cutting around the outside about an eighth of an inch or so maybe a little bit more just eyeball it and I'm gonna make a little snip and this is called windowing the reason why we do this and I don't always do it but on quilts that I intend to use to cuddle up with I like to window the pieces not the heat and bond is stiff but you know it is a little it adds a little bit of body let's say so we just want the very edges because that's all that really needs to be on there anyway is the very the very edge that's all it needs to be stuck on the front of fabric so come in here and it's a little birdie that out of the way and I know some people are really afraid to do raw edge applique the fusible they're afraid that it's going to fray but if you follow the directions on the heat and bond light it's not gonna fry I've never had a problem sometimes I don't set them set the heat well enough or I don't leave the iron on the the fabric long enough and my pieces will want to come up off the fabric and all I have to do is go back in and apply the iron to it again and let it set a little bit longer so it fuses properly that's the only issue I've ever had I've never had the pieces come flying off of a quilt it just doesn't happen alright so I'm gonna cut that out and then we'll go in and window the little bird now I will have to make two of these when I do the medallion but there's only one template she only gave me one template so I'll have to turn that template page over and trace from the backside on that second bird that way I've got a bird facing each direction when I get down here we'll head over to the ironing table and I'll show you how to fuse it and then how to cut it and why I love these scissors so much if you're interested in this pattern you can go over to Aaron's blog it's called one piece at a time today as a matter of fact is the first day she will be giving some quilting tutorials or applique to toriel's erin does turn to edge applique but she turns the edges before she puts it on the fabric I've used her method many times and it always turns out beautifully she has a lot of great tips and to be honest she is where I learned to do hand applique and then I thank her for letting me help you guys do raw edge F okay so let's let's head over to the ironing table okay we're over the ironing table and we're gonna take our little bird that we've cut out and we're gonna put it with the fusible down of course your lines will be up and we've got that iron set on a medium heat and we'll just come in and real quickly press now I've always flipped mine over and pressed again from the back and set it off to the side and let it cool and we'll bring over another piece remember this is the back side of the fabric that we're are knit on so I'll put my little circle up there give it a little press one two one two okay now we're gonna do the wing bring it up here I've got a salvage right there I'm trying to get right to the edge of it use as much fabric as I can and give it a press one one thousand two one thousand one one thousand two one thousand and you may need to do it a little bit more now you don't want to have steam and you don't have it too hot or you'll melt it so much that it will absorb right into the fabric and it won't adhere to your piece okay now you're probably wondering about my beat I didn't cut out a piece for the beak and I think I've decided I'm gonna use this let's give that a little press Oh Fuzzy's in here so this is a little bitty scrap piece of heat and bond and I've decided that I'll just iron that on there and I might be able to get two beaks out of this one little piece so just one two turn it over one one-thousand two one-thousand there we go we're good now you want to let those cool because they get kind of hot and we'll go ahead and start cutting them out now this is where I'll cut off the circle first to show you why I like these kay Buckley scissors they are serrated so when I cut out my pieces and please excuse them my fingernails they they aren't pretty I don't get manicures they are what they are okay you might not even noticed until I said something about it so I'm gonna cut right up to that line now I am using my scissors I'm pulling my scissors back and staying on that line I am not moving my left hand I'm only moving my right hand and I'm cutting with what happens is I can control it better and stay right on that line to get the most perfect circle that I've been able to get by hand cutting and I take a little bit of extra time with these circles because especially the little circles it is so noticeable when you get off let's look it's not 100% completely but it's as close as I'm gonna get so and I do the same thing basically with all the shapes I cut right on that line I can go a little bit faster with the bigger shapes because this is very forgiving once it's on your quilt nobody's going to know if you didn't cut exactly on the line but anytime you're cutting out applique shapes the ideal cut is to try to cut that line right in half and it's up to you it's how perfect you want it to be all right so here here again I can just pull it with the scissors instead of moving it with my left hand I find that it makes the does the curves a lot better that way for some reason I don't quite understand it but it's something that happened over time nobody ever told me that I just started doing it on on my own I find it to be the most accurate way to do curves all right okay now when you do the windowing on the pieces it makes it a lot easier to just stick your thumb underneath there and pull it off and you can see that that shiny is still on the edge of that wing and that's your adhesive you do not want to touch your iron to that it's not a good thing ask me how I know all right then are a little birdie I'm gonna cut out this little birdie and then come back and show you how to put the pieces on the background fabric okay I'm back and I'm gonna take the one more piece here to take the backing off of my little cheek and oh I forgot my beak so I'll have to to cut my beak and I'll show you that I am just gonna cut a little diagonal and let's see we'll come in here and cut a little diagonal there and there's a little big piece and I can just pull that off if you have trouble getting the paper off of the back you can score it with a pin which I may have to do with this itsy-bitsy little bitty beak well maybe I got it it wants to come it really does well Fiddlesticks there it is I just can't get a hold of it my old fingers there we go whoa we got it so there's our little beak all right pull all that off to the side now we're ready I'm real organized aren't I okay so we've got our little bird on there I found her little beak I'll take it and just stick it right under there oh how cute is that right and in the wing isn't she cute let's bring that down a little bit so it looks like a cheek instead of an eye straighten her up a little bit okay now Heaton bond light says to hit this first seven seconds no steam one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four one thousand five one thousand six one thousand seven one thousand we'll move it over one one thousand two three four five six seven all right let's flip this girl over hit it from the back for about another seven seconds now remember this is on a medium heat you don't want it really really hot because if it's super hot your peaceful the glue just soaks right into the fabric anyway there's our girl isn't she just adorable now all we got to do a stitch around it but what I do is I will let this cool I'll go get a drink go walk the dog or something and let all my pieces cool too and then start stitching them down so I'll be back with you guys as soon as this cools down okay we're at the Machine I've threaded my machine with a light blue Aurora fill thread and I have pink for the little cheek part now I'm gonna say I'm not a big fan of a royal fill and I'm gonna zoom in here and see how that's all curly I've never had a spool that didn't do that and it causes issues but anyway to do I'm doing a tiny blanket stitch that is 7.0 wide and 4.0 long but first I need to bring my bobbin thread up now my bobbin thread is White Aurora fill is so expensive that I use a different type thread in the bottom so I'm just gonna test my stitches the first thing I do is tack and on my machine I can just push the the back button and it will take two stitches and then one stitch forward it'll take two stitches in the same spot and then one stitch forward 1 2 3 well it law it didn't do what it said it was I said it would do 1 2 3 there it did it jump forward I just couldn't tell because I'm looking at the screen on my phone okay so let's just test this little stitch and go really slow and let's see if you still can't see it so I'll pull it out here in a minute and let you see the stitch and I'll do the tacking stitch 1 2 3 alright and I hit the automatic cutter ok and with the automatic cutter you see that I have these tails sticking out here so I can just cut those off and that's tacked it's not going to come loose at all and there's my stitch on top if I can get that to focus on it you can't can't see the white thread on the bottom at all it did not pull up through there's no puckering so I am NOT going to put a stabilizer behind my applique on these pieces so we're ready to roll alright so I'm going to pull some of that thread out let's start up here in the crook of her neck that's a good starting place and I'm gonna put my needle down now I have a knee lift but I'm not gonna be using it because I have a tripod set in front of me and the tripod leg is between me and the knee lift so we're gonna push the to come up and you see my needle jump over well pull it bottom thread up hold them I'll pull these off to the side now what I'm gonna do is lift this up and bring it over and take my clips take my needle down in that same spot I'm hand cranking it down and bring it up and I watch it it's gonna jump over to the right there it went it jumped so I'm gonna do that again because whip that up put my needle and the crook of her neck oh that's too far back all right now I'm gonna do my tacking stitch which on my machine it's two in this one spot and then it takes one little bitty tiny stitch forward and it stops I let my finger off the button now when you're you're stitching you do not want to hit the edge of your applique because if you do that it's gonna fray it happens sometimes but it's just one little video fray it's nothing to fret about don't fret about the phrase I see if I cover that if you can see it a little bit better I'll hold my finger there for a little bit maybe you can see the stitches better so if we can get it to focus there move the camera this way all right you see how I'm hidden outside of that fabric you never want to hit the fabric let me get a piece of tape and put over that and I'll be right back okay we got that light covered up so you guys can see what's going on down there a little bit better now I will say that I'm going rather slow for your benefit I normally go a lot faster than this you kind of lift up my presser foot and turn it now you don't want to turn your fabric when the needle is down in your applique you want to wait till it's on the outside of the applique otherwise you're going to get a V in them the stitches and that just won't look good so after you get comfortable with it you can you can speed up a little bit this is how I normally roll now see that is a little bit farther out than what I want so I'm gonna turn this and see if I can't make up that difference I'm not gonna worry about it I'm not gonna go back and fix it because what's my rule it's not that big of a deal this isn't going in a quilt show so we let little things like that go I do anyway if it were going in a national quilt show I would worry about it now you don't have to match your thread to your applique either I just find that it's a nicer finish it's the look that I like but a lot of people will use a darker thread because they like the looks of that darker thread I'm just not a big fan of it if I were going for like a 30 s look because a lot of the 1930s quilts were done with black thread or brown thread as the blanket stitch and I just don't care for that look I'm trying to be a little more elegant it's the only thing in my life that's elegant but if you happen you know to hit the edge of that fabric and it frays a little bit when you're done when you've done all your stitches go back and give it a little press to press that little fray down you to melt that you know there's a little bit of adhesive still on the back of it I generally don't go in and try to trim it because it ends up causing problems when I do that so I just leave it alone and give it a little press when I get to these points I just kind of jump over the point because these really sharp points up here if you try to put a stitch in that it's gonna fray it so I just jump over the point turn it [Music] okay let's take a look at what I've already done let's pull it up here and look can you see that oh look how pretty that is see if we can get it to focus lovey stitches just lovely I'm loving it this thread matches perfectly okay so I'm gonna go right up to the tip of this lip that cross over it and I'm gonna tie it off so you guys can take a look at the so I'm gonna hit my backwards button we're just going to do a tack stitch one two three it jumped forward on that first on that last one now you can do the same thing if you don't have an automated machine that will do this you can do the same thing on your non automated machine just take two stitches in one spot and one tiny one forward and that will tie it off so let me zoom out I'm gonna go in and clip those threads on the back making sure not to cut the knot I left a little bitty tiny tail and then I'm gonna go back up and clip the threads where I started and there it is just as cute as it can be guys super cute see if we can get it to focus and they're almost invisible look at that and you can see where well let me see where's my Oh got the camera in front of me where'd it go right there where I got off a little bit but it's really not that noticeable is it now we get right down there on it somebody's that close to your quilt and they're they're nitpicking your stitches girl ain't your friend you just need to tell them to go on but I think it turned out really sweet
Channel: Podunk Pretties Quilting
Views: 53,717
Rating: 4.8943396 out of 5
Id: nxEt-be-Tug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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