How to Raw Edge Applique Without Fusible Web with On Williams Street

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hi I'm Missy from on Williams Street this week we're going to talk about one of my favorite quilting techniques applique so what we're going to things a little bit different today so typically a lot of applique you use a fusible some type of fusible sheet fusible web to hold your applique pieces onto your fabric but I'm going to show you how easy it is and the different methods to do applique without having to have those fusible sheets okay so I really focus on raw edge applications what I like it's what I use on all of our quilts you can use one of these techniques for needle turn applique as well so keep that in mind as you're watching this so the two methods I'm going to go over with you is fusible thread and a glue stick okay so a fusible thread this is something that you will put in your bobbin and you'll sew it onto the back of your pieces the brand that I prefer is superior threads it's Charlotte's fusible web this one is the one I like best it's got really easy instructions on the back that you can follow because you are going to want to increase your stitch length so I increase it all the way to the point where it's almost like a basting stitch because then it's just going to come out so much easier as you're ironing your pieces in place so I'm gonna go over and show you the steps and some different methods to use this in your quilting so the pattern that I'm using today is our desk light pattern which you can get through our Etsy shop so we have these teardrop petals and I've already cut one out and I just want to show you this technique that I like to use when I'm doing a lot of applications especially when it's something that is one application multiple times so I like these cardboard pieces it's like you can use the cereal box or cardboard that comes in a special paper I hold onto those and things so I'm going to take my printed template and I'm going to just trace around it this is just going to give me a sturdier template to use on my fabric so I can use it multiple times without having that paper kind of wear out on you and having to be replaced softer so now that we've got our template cut our template drawn on we'll go ahead and cut it out and I've already got one cut here for us and then we're going to use this to trace onto our fabric now that we've got our template we're going to go ahead and trace it on to our fabric and I like to make sure that I'm using a fabric pen that is going to come off so this one is a heat erase pen that once you push on the iron it's going to come right off so we're going to go ahead and trace around our template so this process it up to this step is really going to be the same for either method either the fusible web or the glue stick so there's not going to be any difference between those two so there we have our piece traced on and now this is where you can have two options your first option is going to be to cut out that pattern now and then so the fusible web on afterwards or you can go ahead and sew the fusible web onto it and then cut it out afterwards which I am going to do because it helps with this point it's from getting caught in your machine and we want to make sure that that points not getting caught underneath our machine and so having issue so I'm going to sew this on and then we will cut it out okay so I've got our fusible thread already in our bobbin so we'll go ahead and put that in as far as the thread on the top it's just regular basic thread whatever you want to use we just got our basic white thread in here so like I said we want to make sure we elongate our stitches so I'm going to make them as long as possible this will just make things easier as we take that thread out and then we'll go ahead and you just want to go ahead and sew just as close to that edge as you can I usually typically try to keep it between an eighth of an inch to a fourth of an inch in from that edge I'm just going to sew all the way around using that nice big stitch now keep in mind that if you are using this for a hand turn applique you will need to make sure that you sew in further so that you've got room to hand turn that fabric under but we're going to go ahead and just use the raw edge technique that I prefer just kind of lift your feed dogs would go around those curves and you can see that this is not precise it doesn't have to be because it's going to come out you're not going to see these stitches at all [Music] okay and then we'll go ahead and we'll cut our fabric piece out now this is my favorite part of the process we've got it on our iron so you can see I've already got one piece ironed on you're not seeing it though that white stitching all the way around so we're going to go ahead and get this second piece ironed on to our fabric just a good hot iron and you're going to see is this fuses that thread you can kind of start to see it coming up a little bit this is what I love about the Charlotte's fusible web it's that top thread comes right off and our piece is fused nicely and is ready to be applicated so the other method that we're going to use is glue stick so when you're using a glue stick you want to make sure that it is a washable glue stick so this is just simply an Elmer's washable school glue it's the one that is the disappearing purple so that you know how much glue you have on your piece and then it will easily wash off when you wash your quilt for the first time so for the glue stick method we are going to have our piece already cut out so this is not one of those ones where you put the glue on first after you've traced it and then you cut it out so you want to make sure that you've got your piece cut out already so we're going to take our glue just a little bit around the outside and then we are going to just press it onto our fabric I like to use this method mostly what I'm doing larger pieces or pieces that you might need to finagle a little bit to get them to lay just exactly where you want them to because this one is a little more forgiving than the others if you needed to lift it off and replace it and put it back down so especially with larger pieces when you're doing a an applique piece that it's like the whole quilt or the whole block is one big applique piece with just pieces cut out of the inside of that I did a sea horse years ago and this was definitely the the method I use because that seahorse was the entire quilt so this made it easy so you could lay down the piece if it wasn't straight and flat then you lift it up and lay it back down so this method that works great for that now that we've got all of our pieces fused on and ready we're going to go ahead and talk about the applicate amnon to the quilt so what I like to use most is a blanket stitch so I've got some pieces here just to show you some examples so it's a blanket stitch is it goes around the outside edges and then it goes in a little bit and catches that fabric to hold it in place not all machines have this stitch so there are other options that you can use and I want to show you some of those so one of them is just a straight stitch all the way around the piece now this one is going to give you especially with the raw edge applique a little more of a frayed look after you've washed it because this fabric is going to free a little bit on you so if that's not a look you want then try one of these others so another option is just as simple as a zig zag stitch and you can really determine the width of this stitch you can change it to increase it or decrease it to get the look that you want and then also it's the really tight to the zig zag stitch which is referred to as a satin stitch that is going to get that really tight and give you a bold line around the outside so you'll notice that these are all stitched in white we did that on purpose so that you can see what those stitches look like on the pieces when I applique I like to match my thread to my fabric so that it really blends into those colors so as I stitch up these I am going to show you with a white thread though so that you can see what those look like another option that you can use is decorative stitches so I have this quilt block this is from our pixie dust quilt which you can also get in art Etsy shop so you can use a lot of machines come with some really fun decorative stitches and that is what I used around these wings I used a metallic thread with a fun decorative stitch because it I could really get away with it with these with these wings and so there are our projects and ways that you can do that as well if you want to throw a decorative stitch into your applique - now that we've got our pieces fused in place so this one is nicely fused with our thread this one we've got on with our glue stick so it's keeping it in place as well we're going to sew around our pieces so as I mentioned I do like to use the blanket stitch so I'm going to start down here in the point and the reason I'm going to start right here in the point is with this particular quilt the seams are really going to meet right up to that point when you sew the sashing on so we all help hide the little bit of a back stitch that I'm going to do [Music] so do a quick little back stitch in it now if you don't want to do a back stitch in your fabric you can always gather the threads and underneath after you've sewn this on bury them into your stitch as well so whichever method you prefer another trick that I like to point out when applique is if your machine has the option to move your needle position where it's either stops up all the time or stopped down all the time I recommend having it stopped down all the time and the reason for this is if you need to turn your needles already in place and you don't have to worry about losing your spacing or getting too much thread when you have to turn that and then just go slow around these curves and pick it up and move it as you need to I should also point out that I am using a walking foot and the reason for that is because I always use a walking foot my walking foot is just on my machine so much anymore I don't even pay attention to it anymore so I use it for application but you don't need to have a walking foot I would recommend having a still having an OpenEdge foot like this so you can see what you're sewing that's just gonna make it's so much easier to stay nice and tight with that edge of your applique so just go nice and slow don't worry about how many times you're lifting your needle and moving around that curve you just want to keep it nice and tight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and our piece is done I'll applicate on and ready to finish up the rest of the pieces and the quilt itself so I really love using these two methods when I have pieces that aren't a little tiny like my ballerinas I do stick to our heat and bond feather-light fusible eye when I have something with those those little thin arms and the small shoes I want something that's going to hold things on it and give it a little more of that durability but these are great when you've got the bigger pieces or when you've got layers so this is something either of these two methods who are great when you've got layers of applique on top of each other so then you don't end up with a lot of that stiffness from the heat in bond if you like what you've seen don't forget let's to subscribe to our YouTube videos so you don't miss anything we have videos that come out almost pretty much weekly we want to share all of the tips and the tricks that we've learned over the years of quilting with you to help you become a better quilter as well so make sure you subscribe to that check out our newsletter online and check out all the patterns in our Etsy shop like I said you can get these two patterns the desk light or the pixie dust our little fairies on our Etsy shop if you have any questions feel free to message us we're happy to help we'll see you next week you [Music]
Channel: On Williams Street
Views: 11,359
Rating: 4.8899083 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, applique, appliqe, how to quilt, make a quilt, raw edge applique
Id: N2BTy9_CYBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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