Ravi Zacharias answers feminism BRILLIANTLY!!!

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[Music] yeah uh hi there um I was raised by a mother who was a feminist and uh is a questioning Christian at the moment and she finds that there's some contradictions uh somewhere in the Bible that states that male have to be dominant over women and women have to be submissive so just from a Christian Perspective does God favor a gender specifically and you know why uh what I think your mother has a fair question there I don't think it's just in a vacuum or in any sense of just trying to be Cavalier about it uh not just that you think of uh the very nation that he chose through him to really reveal himself he could have chosen Rome he could have chosen Greece he could have chosen Babylon in fact William T ears talking about it in a piece of poetry said how odd of God to choose the Jews but then he went on to say how ERS still are those who reject whom God chose God I think often times in life for the human life chooses the weakest through whom to make his strength manifest if you were to ask me what really makes this world you know let me dispel one idea here you often hear a statement men are more cerebral women are more emotional nothing is farther from the truth but I'll tell you what I have found both are equal cerebrally but women are more consistent in willing to let the thought be connected to the emotion men like to hide from the emotional ramifications of the thought so if I talk to my mother she'd immediately connect the emotion with what she was thinking with my father you could draw circles around it because he'd run from the feeling I've talked to husband and wife we were on a on a vacation once and they had both lost a son and the woman was talking to my wife and said it has put such a strain on our marriage because my husband doesn't even want to talk about it while I'm breaking up on the inside they both both had the same thoughts one was running from it the other was willing to find the greatest bridge between in life between The Head and the Heart so the so even in theory the whole idea is wrong secondly some of the finest thinking in the world has been done by womankind you see a great success so this myth has to be dispensed with it's purely an archaic thing but to your question is the Bible dishonorable like this in gender we've just had Joe Vitali who is uh on our team from from Oxford she has just defended her doctoral dissertation at Oxford on this very issue and this very subject de demonstrating how strongly the Bible speaks of the equality of the genders and what it is God has in mind and the complementariness of the two so here is my question to you if God were a discriminator against gender the greatest truth on which the gospel hangs is the resurrection if Christ be not raised from the dead our faith is in vain why in Heaven's name did he reveal himself for the women to go and tell the message all of Easter all of Easter hangs on the testimony of womankind with whom he trusted the entire gospel when the woman with the alabaster ointment came to him and those were frowning about her he looked at them and said be quiet wherever the gospel is preached there shall also so this be told what this woman has done to me in worship he paid her the greatest compliment that the gospel would be carried to the ends of the Earth and this story of This Woman's faith will also be told he goes to S Samaria and he sees a woman of the well with five broken shattered marriages she was ethnical ethnically barred from the society as it were maritally broken and shattered five times he made her the first evangelist to the Samaritan world World Imagine what an incredibly gracious God to remind us that none of us is superior to the other we only have the same privilege of taking our distinctives and complimentary strengths and carrying the message to the world I can tell you this I would never be here today if it weren't for the strength of my mother and when when my younger brother was say six or seven years old he was dying with double pneumonia and typhoid my dad had given up our family had given up we were living in Delhi and the doctor came and told us my younger brother R who's today the chairman of the Department of pain management at mcmas University in uh in Canada he was six seven dying I remember seeing him as a bag of bones for the last time I'm uh six years older than him and I walked away from there bidding him goodbye he was unconscious my mother refused to leave she refused to leave she sat by his bedside and we were all worn to the Bone including my dad and so four of us kids packed up taken back home and all of us lying in bed saying we've just lost our youngest my mother Sat by his bedside whatever she was doing I don't know in sheer exhaustion for days she hadn't slept and just by his bedside crying out to God to rescue her son some somewhere in the early hours of the morning he began to move and began he was very much alive but just quite worn out and broken and that need of life was coming back to him and the next day when we all were told to come back to the hospital his eyes were open and his whole life given fresh strength there was only one out of the six of us there who had the strength to sit by that bedside and watch what loomed as a tragedy and watch the Triumph to turn into Victory anybody who thinks that's weak and lesser doesn't understand reality God is the god of humankind and the last thing Jesus said on the cross but the Redemption of mankind was look at a young man and tell him not to forget his mother to make sure she was also taken care of because a sword was piercing through her heart that is our Lord who treats all of us with intrinsic worth and reflective Splendor and I thank God for the beauty he has created in this compliment thank you [Music]
Channel: Pastor Kyle Bailey
Views: 618,458
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Keywords: ravi zacharias, ravi zacharias international ministries, christian apologetics, jesus christ, ravi zacharias 2019, ravi zacharias q&a, ravi zacharias debate, ravi zacharias sermons, ravi zacharias mormon tabernacle, christian apologetics ravi zacharias, christian apologetics debates, vince vitale and ravi zacharias, ravi zacharias ben shapiro, ravi zacharias evolution, ravi zacharias calvinism, christian apologetics 101, christian apologetics q&a, ravi zacharias feminism
Id: 8YOz7Td6Dao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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