Margie Zacharias (What NOBODY ELSE IS WILLING TO SAY!!)

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margie zechariah sent out an email last week that reminded me and hopefully the world of three ultra important things that to this point i'm shocked no one's talking about number one margie zacharias is not the enemy and not the one under investigation here number two she's a wife grieving two deaths and i'm gonna explain what i mean by that and number three please if you're gonna talk about her if you're gonna talk about this whole situation please do enough research to at least get her name right that's my heart for today and that's where i'm going so stick around [Music] hey i'm adam simon with responding to the call helping you to practically respond to the call of god on your life by keeping him first in everything that you do i'm glad you're here and i truly hope this video helps you in your journey of faith and if it does consider subscribing for more videos like this hit that like button to support what we're doing okay let's get into it your husband of nearly 50 years just died of cancer you're being evicted from your home after being told you can stay as long as you need and everything you've ever thought known or felt led by god to do in your life is being paraded and torn down by anyone with a pen or a microphone how do you even begin to process something like that if you're margie zacharias you do it with an email not to the world but to your friends family supporters and people closest to you people who love you and people who know you personally last week for the first time since robbie zecharia's death margie zacharias ravi's wife she broke her silence with this heartfelt very personal email defending robbie to those closest to her so then she sends it to her son nathan to post on his very public blog which is very pointedly and very purposely named defending ravi and we all know what comes next after that right every blogger every youtuber every journalist who's followed the story grabs their pen they fire up their computer and they stretch their oratorical muscles and they share what they know or what they think they know with the world or at least with their audiences anyway and you know what i've watched all the videos and i've read all the articles and most of them really haven't been that helpful with this just more reading and rehashing of an email that we can all read we can all access on our own with very little practical advice or help being offered here's my point everybody seems to be saying the same thing in the same way about this and the irony isn't lost on me right because it's present company included but for those who know me who know my heart by now if you've been following at all if you've been following this entire situation or the other six videos that i did at all i did not want to do another video on this i truly didn't and the only reason that i pushed record is because in the midst of the cacophony of voices out there there's three things about margie zacharias not ravi that i feel that nobody else is talking about and i think that's an important distinction because maybe they don't want to talk about it maybe they don't care but i do especially about the last one which kind of surprised me and i hope by the end of this video you do too and you'll understand why number one she's a wife grieving two deaths because regardless of our opinions or what we've heard and what other people are saying in all of this let's remember something here let's maybe keep it paramount in our hearts margie zacharias suffered two massive losses the death of her husband and the death of his legacy she just lost her best friend and her partner in life in ministry a man whose life and ministry and whose failures and shortcomings were very very public because of everything that's happened with him and in what's come out through the investigation his reputation his character and his legacy are marred forever and what i feel gets lost in the midst of the the shock and the heartbreak and the the disappointment that comes along with a scandal like this is that margie is still a human being she's a mom she's a wife of 48 years and whatever you feel about her whatever you would feel about that her involvement is in this she's still a wife a widow a woman grieving and defending her husband's life in legacy listen to the very beginning of her email i wanted you all to know that i've spent the last week going through every paper and article in robbie's desk closet and drawers i moved last monday as rzm told me i had 90 days to vacate our home which had been promised to me specifically in the case that ravi died for as long as i wanted it before i left the house i want to be certain there was nothing left of ravi that anyone could take and twist and create a story to use against him included in this were the suitcases from his last international trip last january which just stood unemptied in our closet for the past year seeing his shoes in it really undid me i went through every scrap of paper all his financial documents letters and cards he kept etc in short everything he valued and needed in life i found dozens of cards that he kept from the kids in me i found family pictures mostly of the kids in me but also from some of your growing up days in india he had a picture of me with my father on my 16th birthday another when i graduated from high school i found notes that i'd written to him i found an anniversary gift for me for for last year when we were in houston and a birthday gift for me for last year when he was in heaven i found cards he bought that bought to give me but he never had the chance can you picture it can you can you see her as she hesitates and slowly searches every pocket of his pants every drawer that he ever opened going through every paper every receipt maybe seeing his signature even on those receipts she was reliving moments and memories and milestones with every new drawer that she opened sometimes i think we forget to feel in moments like this like right now i have a very close friend who's actually younger than me who's literally walking through this right now after losing her husband a couple months ago and it's very personal to me because he was a firefighter too they only got to be married for a year before he died and she's obviously devastated it's heartbreaking to listen to and watch as as tsunami waves of sadness and shock wash over her from something as small as seeing his shoes in a closet or papers on his desk or clean socks that still aren't folded or the smell of things that bring all the love and good memories back instantly like he's right beside her and then just as fast as that sight or smell it in that memory hitter the reality and the reminder and the crushing weight that he's gone overpower her again this is something that happens over and over day after day for her and that's only after one year now multiply that by 48 for margie zacharias 48 more years of sights and smells and memories and moments 48 years of gospel ministry now i'm not defending or commenting on whether he did what he did i've already shared my heart on that i've already shared all of my thoughts on that through lots of other videos and feel free to watch those on your own from the links in the description or the card above but i just i saw her from a different perspective because regardless of what we feel about ravi's innocence or guilt i wanted to ask myself how would i feel if this was my wife renee if somehow i was involved in a scandal like this like regardless of my guilt or innocence how would people treat her it's in that light that this scripture comes to mind be kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one another as god in christ forgave you this really helped me because that's a command and it's a christ-like response for any one of us that's our calling that's how we keep christ first that's how we honor him in something like this and by the way this doesn't mean that you agree with what's happening this isn't a a commentary on whether or not she knew anything or not this is just just to help with perspective as we gather information it doesn't mean that you still don't pray for the victims it doesn't mean that you don't bless them and fight for them because it's a terrible thing this isn't an either or it's a both and be kind tenderhearted and forgiving toward the abuser and the abused number two margie zacharias is not the one under investigation ravi is over the past few months people from all over the world have weighed in on this who they think margie is and what they think margie should be doing with and they've weighed in on it with such vitriol and anger it doesn't even line up on how we as christians are called to treat an unbeliever i've even heard people blast her from behind a computer screen as if she was the one who did all this it's heartbreaking and a lot of that lands on the fact that many people believe that she is indeed that mysterious executrix of robbie's estate and the reason that matters is because during the miller and martin investigation when this unnamed executrix was asked to release the details and release laurie ann thompson from the nondisclosure agreement the executrix declined and refused to give that information so understandably tons of people were upset about that and the person most accused of being the executrix is margie zacharias there's also evidence in the email where she admits that ravi did have inappropriate pictures that were sent to him here's what she said anyone of any celebrity status who gives this email to any who asks because he didn't want to offend them by refusing receives hundreds of pictures and selfies from fans and admirers often in appropriate ones that is the pandemic in our society today and everything you receive on your phone or computer is there for eternity as we're constantly warned and can always be forensically retrieved so there are pictures the investigator never told us their origin whether he researched them or whether they were sent to him is he responsible for what is sent to him meaning ravi if he is then so is everybody else so naturally people want answers for this like if she knew why was he not held accountable and stopped or is this about money how can this go on for so long these are answers we might never get and answers we might not really need because margie is not being investigated margie did not send or receive these pictures and margie didn't abuse those women her husband did again do your own research and see for yourself but in the meantime put yourself where she is number three and surprisingly this is the one that bothers me the most her name is margie not margie i already shared my heart on why i didn't want to do another video on this situation but part of my frustration with the videos that are out there on this is the fact that most people are spending more time on trying to weigh in and talk about the situation than doing the work of actually trying to properly say the poor lady's name her name is margie with a hard g what bothers me about is that anyone who's ever listened to robbie zechariah speak his wife's name which he did publicly hundreds of times throughout his ministry over the years knows how it's pronounced so why is that important like why am i so upset about it why does it sound like i'm being nitpicky and even maybe splitting hairs over this because it is important mispronouncing somebody's name shows a lack of respect and maybe even disrespect not only for margie but for the entire situation i mean to me it reeks of unfamiliarity and when you do something like that it can very quickly disassociate the viewer from you and invalidate your entire message and it just makes me wonder whether the people that are out there that are speaking into this are truly trying to be helpful to people or are you just trying to capitalize on a trend and gain views and gain an audience if it's the former please have the decency to say her name and by the way if i'm being honest that same question makes me check my own heart and my own motivations in all of this all three of these points surrounding margie zacharias her family the victims and even down to you and me there's a passage of scripture that i think does a phenomenal job of informing not only our hearts but our actions as we move forward with all this it says this don't just pretend to love others really love them hate what's wrong hold tightly to what's good love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other another version says it this way outdo one another in showing honor i love that like be so eager to love and serve and give the benefit of the doubt that you almost trip over each other like pushing each other out of the way to outdo and out serve the other person the question i keep asking in situations like this despite how i feel about it personally is am i doing this am i obeying this scripture am i truly keeping christ first and seeking him first in the situation am i honoring him as i seek to honor and love other people other people like margie zacharias and my heart's exposed it just drives me back to my own need for his grace and maybe you're the same way so if that resonates with you hit that like button thanks so much for being here for watching i hope this blessed you i'll see you next time until then keep seeking christ first in your life [Music]
Channel: Adam Simon - Responding to the Call
Views: 591,743
Rating: 4.7794933 out of 5
Keywords: margie zacharias, margie zacharias allegations, margie zacharias bio, margie zacharias defends ravi, margie zacharias interview, margie zacharias letter, margie zacharias on ravi scandal, margie zacharias response, margie zacharias response to allegations, ravi zacharias, ravi zacharias allegations, ravi zacharias allegations true, ravi zacharias international ministries, ravi zacharias misconduct, ravi zacharias report, ravi zacharias wife, adam simon responding to the call
Id: jXG0j5f7omQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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