Rating Roblox Stitch Face Outfits

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whitish poppin slenders so i've been making a lot of videos on my channels about slenders and stitch faces recently and i thought we're making fun of these people who have these outfits you know they have stitched faces they have whatever but what if we actually tried to rate their outfits like what if we actually saw these outfits considered them and saw if we could find like an actually good one which honestly sounds impossible but you never know so today i'm going to be raiding stitch face outfits and you may be wondering how i'm gonna find these well meep city the cool thing about meep city is that it is the breeding ground of stitch faces and there's three outfits in every party so we can just go to a party look at the outfit rate it and boom and the goal of today is going to be to find one good outfit and if we find one good outfit it will be to find two good outfits which seems impossible but might as well get our hopes up it might be done and you know what what better outfit to start with than the one that i am currently wearing the one that i'm still wearing from last time this bad boy it is slender can't deny that it's slender you have a chain around one arm and then like a spiked collar around the other arm your headphones also have spikes i feel like you're a hazard i feel like this outfit is a genuine hazard like if you trip into somebody they're gonna have to go to the hospital you also have horns that can poke into people dude you might as well just be wearing a necklace made out of knives at this point but no we're jesus lovers in this house look at this cross necklace for good luck we also have a cape okay and naturally like six hairs stacked on top of each other which is the most important part about being a stitch face or slender you have to have like 40 different hairs you have to make it look like your hair is awful and matted and hasn't been washed in weeks much like my hair which constantly gets in my face and i don't even know what it's doing right now i'm going to be honest with you oh yes this outfit is a solid four four out of ten i i think four out of ten is a pretty fair rating i'm gonna be honest with you i feel like if i gave it more it would be unfair to people who actually have good outfits also while you're here like the video if you want to i just forgot to ask you and naturally i'm a youtuber so i have to beg at the beginning of every video look at this stitch face outfit don't you want to like it after seeing this i'm sure you do i can't even fit through doors why can i not fit through the goddamn door i'm supposed to be all right so this is a hazard to like life like i can hardly live a life with this outfit what am i seven a foot eight next to this tiny person four lifers who is like three foot two i can't even fit through the goddamn doors i'm like shaquille o'neal if he never ate and you could see his rib cage through his chest oh my god there are so many goddamn outfits in this building oh no there's way more than i thought there would be and this is just the first party and there's already all of these awful outfits all right well um let's go through them first up is this gun okay well um a literal clown which is funny honestly that genuinely like increases the rating of this outfit knowing that it's sort of like a joke outfit not necessarily meant to be taken seriously so you know what this outfit isn't that bad but i don't think it's good yet it still has a meep city outfit which means it can't be trusted this one gets a six out of ten though i'm giving it a solid six oh this one looks like a work of art jesus christ all right there's the multiple hairdos the face is entirely like scratched open like the eyes are scraped it's like i'm bleeding out right now i look like i need a hospital also there's blood on my chest what have i been doing have i just been murdering people this outfit would get me questioned by the police i love my full-arm tattoos next to my supreme bag good to see this guy is also an albert fan look at that it's the albert shoulder buddy i love this also he's got that cool ghost over your shoulder that you literally cannot even see yeah this looks intimidating from this angle huh big fan of the game bacon too because he has a vacant hair on his shoulder this entire outfit is like a jumble of things it looks like if you walked into a wardrobe and just grabbed everything and there was also a sniper rifle in there because okay look buddy i'm just saying if you're getting blood on you as a sniper you're doing your job very wrong all right well what's what's a fun looking outfit a lot of outfits have these sombreros on them which are funny because this one just doesn't have clothes this one's just the roblox the fault clothes what happened to him why is he naked why is he snaked oh no promiscuous i cannot show this on a video i'm going to get banned from the youtube all right we need to go to the next champion let's go to the girls section nice to see that all of these girl outfits have uh legs larger than their head this one this one's just naked why roblox huh did all of the shirts that these things once wear like get wiped off the catalog because they're just inappropriate i think that says something about these games i think that really says something the sombrero one from earlier was a zero and this one is also a zero because literal naked like literally naked i cannot make this up oh this one looks like a hot mess ah wow well this is appropriate for roblox if i've ever seen something appropriate for roblox she's wearing a cape but no actual clothing i feel weird rating this outfit i think i'm gonna go back to the boys section these outfits make me uncomfortable this outfit is like a two out of ten i hate that next outfit looks kinda goofy but before we rate this outfit it's the middle of the video that means it's time for me to beg you to subscribe to the channel i like to ask at the middle of the video because by now you know if you want to subscribe or not it's your choice i'm not going to bombard you at the beginning of the video like 80 percent of other youtubers do we'll go back to the video now look at this hat guys dream look guys it's dream i love dream dream for minecraft doing minecraft omg dream this guy is wearing a ski mask he's taking the pandemic seriously i see well any outfit that has a ski mask on it i immediately distrust so this guy's getting a five but i have an idea what if instead of rating these canned outfits that are just on the wardrobe what if we rate the outfits that people actually wear the outfits that people walking around the party are wearing for example abc for a girl i don't huh i was explaining the plot of the video i don't want to buy humans i'm not a human trafficker yet yet but yeah what if we see what outfits people are actually wearing and we can rank them based off of that wow this guy has an entire dead bear on his back do you see this look at this guy he has a jet pack since wind since when do you just get a jet pack the perks of being a stitch face haha that's so cool where did he go did he just disappear they're so elusive i always run away from me oh there's another one with a bear on his back go away all right i just gotta chase this guy now he's saying to go away i can't just go away if somebody asks me to go away i need to follow them forever to examine their outfit and rate it this guy's outfit is like a four out of ten uh no shirt so you're losing on the style points there buddy a shirt would help you in this girl's outfit dear lord she is covered in blood oh my god i see two things that could have happened to this girl and i hope that it is not murder because she's cut open her stomach is cut open how roblox how do you allow this outfit is this like not against the terms of service just to have yourself openly wounded and bleeding why is this fashionable i've heard of people like putting band-aids on their nose before but just like cutting yourself open before you go to a party like oh i forgot my fashion well my stomach is pouring out of my body but i'm fashionable oh wow isn't this an outfit yup that's bypassed i can't look at that that's against the terms and service and it will get my video deleted i hope you saw it when you saw it because it's gone and also i rate that one a two out of ten because it physically disgusts me i think i've recoiled this guy bling bling boy he's also perfectly still and a bit elongated which is normal it's normal your outfit sir this is like a five out of ten it's not bad at all don't your 16 i am a baddie you are two feet tall what what do you mean a baddie you could be picked up and thrown out the window big bus 20 big boss 20. your outfit is like a 0 out of 10 because you are like the shortest person i've ever seen i'd probably drive a clown car around the street car runs on three triple a batteries damn lord why do i keep seeing this stuff that outfit is zero out of ten anything that i see with like that type of thing zero out of ten and honestly uh if you are a kid you should click off this video because meep city is not a place for children despite it being like the third most popular roblox game which you know maybe they should fix and honestly i'm kind of hoping this video gets demonetized because if i get demonetized for making a video on roblox's third most popular game that would be very funny and i'm okay with that there are some more funny looking outfits it's beautiful he bust for leah oh my goodness oh my god oh look at them look at them look at them in all of his glory i'm going to cry my eyes are just tearing up i can't control it it's a big old giraffe a big old g-rap look at it look at how serene it is it clearly is enjoying itself it's enjoying being the most beautiful creature in the world [Music] i don't know what me took means he's speaking the language of the gods i can't decipher it i'm not worthy to know what it means this outfit it's a 10 out of 10. it's the best outfit i've ever seen and hey you know what before the video ends let's look at some more good outfits because i saw some good outfits back here and i want to look at them and by good outfits i mean awful outfits this is one that i see at a lot of meep city parties which is just horrifying i don't want to look at this outfit anymore but this one i've never seen before and look at this fella this is against the terms of service you're not allowed to put faces on shirts but dear lord am i glad they bypassed it because look at this i'm the most attractive man they'll ever have seen i have really weird colored legs that i don't like but you know what i'm satisfied we found three 10 out of 10 outfits we have finally found good outfits none of them were slenders but i mean what can you do [Music]
Channel: Laughability
Views: 96,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox stitch face, roblox stitch face outfits, roblox stitchface, roblox stitchfaces, roblox stitch face community, getting roblox stitch face, roblox stitch face games, roblox stitch faces, roblox stitch, roblox slenders, roblox slender avatars, roblox slender games, laughability slenders, laughability meepcity, roblox meepcity, meepcity, stitch face
Id: 6xeR2-a1LFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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