Ratchet & Clank (2016) Final Battle with healthbars

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and we're clear all units move in yeah way to go you guys ratchet greetings cadet captain quark on behalf of the galactic rangers i'm placing you under arrest oh you can't do that i'll just arrest you right back on what charge false arrest being annoying who cares you stabbed your own team in the back quark just like you stabbed me in the back taking my fans my sponsors my lucrative endorsement deals my parking space you were my hero now you're no better than nefarious how dare you i am way better looking than nefarious i'm taking you in by force if necessary don't want to do this don't tell me what i want to do you're right [Music] enough cork [Music] nefarious is tricking you he wants you to destroy the entire system oh that's right you know everything oh hey why don't we all just listen to ratchet buzz blades i taught you better than that [Music] he's just too good maybe a homicidal lunatic that he sure can't build a gun quark please you're not a villain you're not like nefarious this isn't you and you know it if is destroyed everyone will die including us is that how you want to be remembered [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm i'm sorry i don't know how things got this far this is just pathetic nefarious give it up it's over as head of the galactic rangers uh he's here to place you under arrest me absolutely arrest this man for his speakable crimes against the galaxy my crimes the real crime is how you who treated me the rangers couldn't even give me a proper laboratory we have an operational budget you called me king of the nerd hurt it was a term of endearment day after day i slaved away creating all the weapons and devices that made you look like a hero but you're not a hero you're not even a good villain you're the galaxy's biggest joke maybe but now the last laugh is on you wait what that didn't make any sense sure did no it didn't it sounded like you were combining the joke is on you with i'll have the last laugh take your pick that's not how it works my point is if you're gonna use a one-liner it should make sense and be relevant to the situation look i workshop thousands of these a year and they can't all be gold so put your hands in the air over your dead body incoming [Music] now online don't let him turn it on get off me you has been [Music] you know maybe direct was right i am a mad scientist weapon locker depleted [Music] yeah we're uh we're working on it now my plan you've ruined my plan you've had this one coming a long time of all my brilliant creations it remains one of my favorites eat the rhino as in rip you a new one hey nefarious what meet the omni wrench we must find one of drex teleporters i saw one on the bridge watch out just get out while you can so [Music] you
Channel: Thomas Barnard the Healthbars Guy
Views: 1,249,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fight, Healthbars, Thomas Barnard the Healthbars Guy, with, with healthbars, ratchet, and, clank, 2016, final, battle, captain qwark, dr nefarious
Id: oy_byga1cYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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