RAT ROD Tow Truck Almost Falls Off the EDGE!!

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matt called me last night said he needed some help he's got a jeep that's a dead motor we went and commandeered grandpa sherman's tow truck and we're gonna go see if we can get out it should be a little exciting it's gonna be rough so we're a hair late playing catch-up he's only going 50 million miles an hour on a dirt road she rides better if you're only hitting every other bump oh my gosh i learned that from my mom back in the day i don't know if that's true or not well that seems like it wasn't true there so here's what's here's what we've got going on so last night pretty late like 9 30 i called paul and i said hey we've got a problem because we've got a jeep down there in the bottom of the canyon then we were talking about how much work it was gonna be and then he said we could steal my dad's truck yep maybe the wrecker would make it easier yeah it may make it easier it may make it way harder we'll find out we'll have traction if you can keep the front end on the ground it'll come out do these valve stems whistle at 10 pounds do they go i don't know if it's that noise exactly let's see if it sounds like it i'm not hearing any not my fault your tone deaf we'll have the audience decide on that did anyone hear uh okay we'll uh follow you okay i'm really not worried about the whole process but it is gonna be rough here's the thing paul always skews easier shorter i know that when paul's like this isn't going to be a big deal this is going to be easy i have to just go to my little paw slide and i'm going to holy crap we're in for a ride it's going to make you pucker a little yup yeah that's what he'll say he's gonna make puckerless i'm starting to get into the four-wheeling and the off-roading and stuff and so i'm experiencing spotters now and paul is always like come on come on come on and then something just scary happy's like oh yeah that was gonna happen but did you die i'm kind of excited that's because you're not driving a leaf sprung one ton tow truck this whole girl is uh leaf sprung and we got the overloads on the back of it right now we may pee blood when we get out of here you're gonna drop right oh my now oh my gosh how was the tucker factor in that on a scale of one to ten it was a zero but like in here it was fine like i was fine do the motor i think they seized the motor started knocking really bad and then they checked the oil and it was no good there was no oil that's usually never good maybe we should get it up on there and get it turned around so we can hook onto it if they would have left the jeep in the bottom just push it downstream in that big parking area down there it would have been way easier we're going to pull it back then we're going to pull it up around here and then paul's going to hook up to it and we're going back up that road oh my gosh 11 51 11 we'll call it we're going to start it at 12 o'clock 12 o'clock we'll be back to your truck by 2. i'm gonna say 2 30. i'm going to say 1 30. oh wow back to the truck yeah 145. yeah i'm i'm with michelle it's 145. okay i'm saying three want me to shorten it um can you get on my right front tell me what's going on sounds like a u-joint let me shorten it one more okay i've got a u-joint she's a squawk ass i think it's in bad shape she'll make it out of here as long as i don't do something stupid a feeling we're gonna do a lot of stupid stuff here in the next few hours all right great are we gonna want somebody to keep running the brakes yeah going down this hill i think so rudy well as it turns out the foot pedal does nothing it's all in the e-brakes evidently he doesn't have the mounted that's not loose gravity is his mount here we might have to put something on them yeah i'm sure it's going to get a little more western than we've currently got it's all done but work now yeah we're going to pull it down there and then hook on this side no it ain't liking it this is pretty crazy it's trying to tip me over right there so we're going to just hook on drag them down here re-hook and we'll tip over somewhere down farther this one oh all right i think we're to that point well now we just got to get my wheelie strap hooked on and we're good to go i got to hook through here we got hooks on the front or we can go around let's go around the bumper so we know it's not coming off that way i'm hooked to you you go i go or vice versa once again we always say the camera is not showing what's going on here but we're on 30 degree climbs and paul's probably got the traction he definitely has the gearing and power but he may not have the ballast he needs to keep the front of this truck true so my job is to keep this rope tight no matter what how are you feeling about this i'm feeling fine this has a real roll bar i've never had that before so that's nice okay matt we're gonna have to go pretty slow here for a second okay now i heard oh yeah you say go you want me to stop you say whoa now i guess we see if we can get up the hard part don't worry if you go somewhere i'm going with you you're happy too yeah so the the path the line for this is to hang left and straddle that hole that he's in but this is going to be sketchy like if we do this perfectly it's going to be sketchy here if we make that we're in good shape i wish you had an automatic right now you and me both i'll bet this clutch wishes i had an automatic too who's gonna drive this so we'll put jamie in there so they're putting jamie in rudy's jeep to pull them rudy's gonna get into the customers dude she's a new worker and we're gonna have four it's like a train the crazy train we're going up the rails on the crazy train oh my gosh oh my gosh whoo how was that it's pretty good we need someone to sponsor the old man some some fuel injections trying to keep this old pig running was rough that was that rudy it was terrifying now how's the factor it was it was a lot more for that one one out of ten it was it was a solid eight oh really i thought it would be like nine i'm not 100 sure the leafs are coming back the leafs are a little bend over backwards at this point oh my goodness looks like i got some work to do good time that was pretty sketch it was a little harriet got my blood pumping i had the brake tap going for just a second there but that's what that's why you do it it's fun it's not my idea fun not my idea of fun at all well all right we load up head on out of here okay what time is that 12 12 48 oh wow yeah we're way quicker i should have kept my 130 because i think we'll be out of here by one thing oh we caught a tire oh yeah completely flat i got a tire issue what do you got well i don't have any air in it looks like i ruined it oh you hit the you hit a rock yeah sidewalled it so what do i win when we get back at the time i picked why do you think paul's blew a hole through his tire time was way too close trevor's just laying there ready sorry grandpa i don't know how it happened i saw exactly what happened pretty significant hole in the sidewall so never fun until you have a flat you have to tire which finger you really don't like a whole bunch decide that's the one that you're willing to lose you put it in there which one would you choose it was my birdie finger let's roll so we got tire all fixed and we're motoring out of here we'll be back to the trailer in no time that drive lines binding under there it's not feeling good it's going to be a very good trip for this little girl it's got the new or the springs bend over backwards and it's not liking the driveline angle that squeaking's match you joined up there we both got a little carnage today you can't work them that hard and not hurt some stuff once in a while i wonder i wonder if their rig has better shots than ours sure it does we don't have any shocks right now we're bottomed out you're going kind of fast poor lizzy lizzy's probably back there like what crap's this guy doing oh my gosh i hit my head did you i didn't i forgot those whoops were as big as they were there well do you want to be drunk by paul ever again how do we knock down those it's in between 130 and 145 was my time i win i win one casualty buff out dead off the cliff i can't see anything so i'm trying to get some help i'm like oh we gotta go and paul's like whoa but he really said go and i'm like he probably said go no no no and so we would go and then i look and jamie's reverse lights are on what did matt say to you he got out and asked me what i was doing why wasn't i going forward is that what you said i said what are you doing in reverse that was a good impersonation by the way and then in the back of the pack we've got paul saying what did he say to you happy i said you're supposed to be spying for me why aren't you spotting get over there and tell me what's going on someone's got to watch that other side nothing get out watch it or somebody yells at me whoa go whoa go cafe dang it that wasn't as bad as i thought there was one tire you would ruin the eugene joint leaf springs are not as good as they once were but but rudy didn't die and there was a moment there i was rudy didn't die they both would have died i was hooked there too so concerned about him but we made it we're here jeep's out that was a sketch that's a bad spot yeah that's horrible that was a bad spot it's done we're good if you want to watch matt's version of this go check it on up matt's off-road recovery link in the description thanks for watching you completely ruined my whole train of thought now oh no well we ruined one of your tires what we're about to get a tire for you is your lens clean are you happy with it i don't know maybe i should try oh that's where like do that matt well lost the camera a little we'll uh put that on better next time thank you so much for watching
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 118,269
Rating: 4.9913044 out of 5
Keywords: Fab rats, Matts off road recovery, towing, tow truck, fabrats, toyota, 4x4, off road, rock crawler, build, fab rats, fabrication, grind hard, offroad, off road extreme 4x4, extreme off road, fails and wins, Paul cox, stuck in the snow, stuck, off road recovery, Rat Rod, Rat Rod Tow Truck
Id: KvXQdBoESfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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