Rasta Pasta

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all right so we got the our kitty pasta to check oh that's my favorite I'm gonna get this is the assembly not a very little bit other ingredients you know someone hadn't I love the charcoal Poznan what we go and I give that a good stir I don't put much salt in the water I don't put kick with salt I don't it just goes down the drain I don't put all over the water so for the chicken breast get yourself you know a couple doubled over plastic wrap [Music] another one on top [Music] the flat side of the mouth you maybe with them [Music] see out what the hammer not a little bit [Music] pieces you take one piece and follow it over [Music] waste not want not don't waste the plastic wrap every day is a priority these necks nobody ought to know before all this tragedy we had with this coronavirus in all just like weights and so much waste went on of people of course people really started serving and that's why we're doing some recipes that are cost effective and we'll be right back all right so I like to do this with my pasta when it's like 3/4 cooked and late we lay it out on a sheet pan and don't know why you know we don't put any kind of oil on it says I'm not sticking to each other and then when you reheat in a couple minutes to bring it up so it's tender it's good it still stays authentic and I would let it cool down room temperature that's it we just put off to the side here then we're gonna start our Rasta pasta I don't have all my supplies here because it's what kind of all shut down this sides kind of shut down but we'll be right back here we go we're gonna go with the Rasta pasta it's a butter olive oil [Music] well blackened seasoning and here's the hizzy on here somewhat rusted rots the pasta seat up jerk jerk Caesar and we're through this without flour skills nice and hot they'll put some onions in at the same time [Music] then slice up some mushrooms kind of bigger chunks bigger slices we put some spinach in it so we get that nice bright that is a nice and fresh put some tomatoes roasted peppers of artichokes [Music] you want to get a nice little egg cup I kind of like Blacky but Craig that fire up Fox already [Music] smells good none of what I was and weapons where else she's got heat on you know of that rate of reps of that breakdown of moisture mushrooms we'll put a little bit more jerk seasoning in there I love this stuff I put on everything now look you should watch your tongue the other day a little bit of heat to it go make your own coriander spices I'll give you much [Music] all right so some heavy cream now we'll put our spinach in a little bit of chicken goes a long way leading the family artichoke hearts [Music] little more cream most pots you got a little bit of parmesan there's nothing like slow cooking here a little bit let's simmer down you're a little taste with seasoning always got to take one for the team what up my opinion these little bit of red pepper flake a little bit of red pepper flake all right unfortunately go no green chutney no more green onions well we're slipping but here's our Rasta pasta the amount of heat that you put in let it let it settle in for a little bit because it's cooking in there right now it's got a nice little bit of heat and with that uh jerk seasoning it's awesome but uh we're doing okay work you know we're like I have to say we're we're better often most I would say right now and we're worse off than few you know so we're will count our blessings if you want to you want to we just started a patreon account and become a member of of Komoda Blues and it's at a patreon slash forward slash comm cooking with the Blues we're doing a little bit of charitable work here as long as we're going to stay open we're you know seeing how it goes day to day be adjusted or down here we're practicing that social distancing sheltering in place you know well you know we got to get out we got to go a little bit we're out yesterday they took Axl for a run and you know we're manager who want this beautiful park and the some purple I made some pink tree was a full bloom and daffodils started to come out nature is still carrying on and there's no reason why we can't also get away from the electronics and do the best we can but we wish you all well stay healthy and when this is all done we'll be back you know doing recipes a little tough right now because like this box is shut off and we've got a lot of refrigeration it's emptied out shut out often I'm used to having everything at my disposal kind of winging it and uh but you know the bottom line is the recipe came out really good and and keep trying to make the variation yourself you can put some crushed tomato in there if you want whatever you like you have best around a house clean out your icebox that's kind of what we're doing here just working out of the icebox well god bless y'all of Danny Jack's coat of Blues I will wish you all good health stay happy get cooking and do some artwork do a painting make some music listen to some music read a nice book get your mind somewhere else because we sit down in one place so we don't keep our mind active we start to get in a bad place and kind of got a thing positively and it's self-preservation you know and those are your friends and your loved ones peace
Channel: Cooking With The Blues
Views: 109,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rasta Pasta, Spicy Pasta, Best Pasta Recipe, Easy Pasta Recipe, Jamaican Recipe, Reggae Recipe, Easy Pasta Dinner, chicken recipe, spicy pasta, jerk seasoning, Father's Day recipe, Daddy Jack, New London, Connecticut, Spicy Chicken
Id: gj6aMjGpn8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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