"Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny" - Complete 1996 TV-Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Hey come closer do you know what you have found I'll tell you my story this skull was once my mother's these bones were once my family [Music] the blood our family spilled marked the beginning of the most violent century the world has ever known mama why did they hate us so much and why did they hate our friend for the grigori rasputin he was my Savior my mother my wizard father Gregor II was magic [Music] golly what do you see I see a flower [Laughter] Gauri what do you see love [Music] there's my [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah no magic wait you stole your gurus horse what did you reconcile that I'd ever oh come here apologize why forgive me both let him deny it father that is denied [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is good [Music] they say you are a wizard say you're an imbecile tell me behind my back a coin a book the Archbishop's balls [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father Grigori said the holy mother asked him to help me no matter what people said about him later I know better because he came to some petersburg and he saved my life [Music] she became the mother of the hotel [Music] she not reached him with a meal who can describe the greatness of the Virgin Mother silver then gold her eyes were purple and her skin was either and she reached out her hand and blessed who are you grigory rasputin from Paris why are you here she told me to come many come here claiming to have seen the virgin some said the bishop was hypnotized some said he had seen the truth all of some Petersburg was talking about this day [Music] how's touched here [Music] [Music] there was little hope for me me Aleksei sovereign earth czarevitch to the Russian throne [Music] how much mama pray that God would forgive her for it was she who carried my disease in her blood [Music] with majesty I know of a holy man who can heal what a wrench [Music] Demond from Siberia [Music] Christ is with you don't weep anymore everything passes why is your heart so heavy different letters no reason to suffer the Lord bless his faithful servant Alexandra his father good [ __ ] papa he's come to bless alexei that's our image is sleeping my blessings alexsei this his father Grigori he has come bless father quickly how is your leg oh now that's enough there are then come the matter take it they like to sail she brings comfort in the waves they talk the Sun shines on the water as it gently rises you can see the face of God you look at the Sun your soul forget everything gives you wake from the dream relax Horace for the child left your heart and your soul sees the wisdom of life and beauty and described is the pain gone [Music] go to sleep sleep I'm telling you [Music] [Music] something to drink Madeira if you have it who told you about that today which is lagged the mother of God her voice blooms like a kiss in my ear and then grows till it hurts my body and tears at my ears until I want to cry enough she told me how your voice offered I know his blood is diseased I don't know why I was chosen oh it's just a Libra Gauri Prime Minister's tell you and thank you so much for coming my junk is a bow I called for a motor [Music] [Music] how else would he have known about Alex's leg gossip yessir you saw him limb from the bed he took his pain what there has been another bombing Stolypin thinks it's the electrical workers and the way they want another meeting it's a plot to undermine you to make you look weak and stir up more trouble smile I never see his smile [Music] do you remember the little cottage we stayed in when they visited your family in Germany and the picnics we used to have the songs we sang under the chestnut tree part of the world made you think of that and how those fishermen splashed us with their oars that didn't know who [Music] [Music] [Laughter] they are not saying from my youth up the last of my flesh has tormented me Lord Jesus Christ to not condemn [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] last week it was cured doctor Street for these things often take times [Music] [Applause] [Music] who are you really the infinite infancy goes to the tablet that's right inna if I might borrow today her Imperial Majesty The Empress Alexandra Feodorovna wishes to see me yes now call me a liar I spent days for my knees did you have healed my son in minutes do you have faith mama I pray hard do you have it I try answer the question I don't know get on your knees and beg beg like a peasant with your knees in the dirt like a bigger or smick or a thief you doubt the divinity of God your prayers mock his name every time the boy screams it is your life in his body mama God cursed yourself only he can do doctors listen to God answer no the disease will leave him the only mother promised but only if you believe in her mercy cherish you see God has sent me the child isn't helpless but he can do nothing in his weakness he doesn't need medicine he needs a pony a sled we met God on our knees but we also pray in joy and laughter they love premonitions of world my husband does not vote to roll America this yet poker [Music] grow father Grigori set me free with his magic [Music] I could play with my sisters and teacher in the park again for the first time mama could believe the Me's the next Tsar of Russia no food no coal some graft papers on their feet instead of shoes Papa said this is how God's had willed it I know that something called Papa Nicholas the bloody but those wise enemies are you going to be all right again why do you work so hard because I love Russia and I love her people but you don't love the revolutionaries Olga's Ted stop no they killed granddad they have to say and of course they're getting why don't you give them what they want because they want the throne and God gave that to me and only God can take it away father Grigori could protect it for us well I'll protect it for you Alexei as my father protected it for me [Music] mama and papa was so happy on the day when they can show me to everyone we didn't tell them all we had to thank for this miracle [Music] [Music] [Music] well he's a marine guard understand what do we know about this Rasputin's he has a fondness for strong Madeira chips taken gypsy prostitute [Music] we don't know if he talks to God or to the devil after 12 years of torture what if you were to talk to the press about Alex's condition but the next are the Russia's could bleed to death by pricking his finger on a rosebush handing the revolutionaries more I'm innocent Nicky okay I love you Morris is more precious to men than a mountain of diamonds and gold and pass the bread perhaps our next saw will be called Alexei the terrible you know children when father big or I made his pilgrimage distant Petersburg he traveled 1,000 miles sometimes days without food I worked with the laborers and I prayed by the river and I never touched a simple place no gold or silver but for taking on the life when I arrived I went for a walk through the woods and suddenly I heard breathing through the bushes I saw two monks naked as nature I insist you treated with respect you stood in the country it lands in the dirt here it lands on somebody's head the Empress likes you a great deal in fact she has opened her heart it is a fragile heart it is easily broken without me the little one will die I see more blood I have his pain you will need I think that that is it I didn't choose to be holy papa it frightens me true you will wait here for [Music] they came to celebrate 300 years of Romana flew our great dynasty anointed by God one day I will be upfront autocrat upon the Russian Tsar of Moscow here's Vladimir Kazan of Poland of Siberia of Georgia Grand Duke of Lithuania [Music] but what I thought was the beginning and out to be the beginning of the end [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you try to find father find a real priest Grigory recorded a sporty wake up called human for the peace and tranquility of Allah for the good of its people spare the life of this child fled the Greek or deciding on the Walter [Music] remember the pain [Music] [Music] [Music] okay open your eyes [Music] okay open your eyes [Music] [Music] very impressive you'll always fail because you fall was dead I had performed many autopsies in my time but I've never located a soul many memories or emotions have you found [Music] the future fresh [Music] man is the first class ended so we in the same room doctor did we see the same thing what I saw was a miracle the mind is capable of fantastic things the man is soothing the boy likes him this is nothing more to it than that so forgive me I think it's about time to people knew the truth about your son's health people are talking the papers are making up all kinds of stories to explain this man's presence in the palace I don't care doctor he saved my son [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is his new address I want you to post around-the-clock surveillance and record everything and begin immediately I am a poor man with no learning I have already performed great services for the crowd what service is the Empress has been under a great deal of psychological pressure so what he was saying she's very vulnerable [Music] father Grigori they say you are fool I'm a believer princess maria ivanna this is for I forgive you sit why are you here my husband what's all this noise you think that I see that you do but when night comes and you climb into bed he leaves you alone yes yes someone else who puts her black hair on his chest and listens to his heart beat in her ear and I see a tall man with the face of an eagle and a jacket that is covered in ribbons and go he wants your heart that he has a wife of his own what a Webley we the greatest gift in the world is love only through love can we enter the gates and you understand but pride is a sin and you are so full of pride what is the greatest sin of pride chastity repentance is very pleasing to God but before we can repent we first have to sin God has the answers he has a leaky excuse me to me than this I would cut these risks he would give you a single moment of happiness [Music] think of God my angel he gave us a business I talk to God kiss me you kissed him well I was me with you but when we kiss holy things we should kiss with the soul [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] so from ladies I use the term loosely I've arranged a club whereby they take turns in his bed he says it will put them closer to God princess Manisha yvonne of your own cousin people say that sardina knows peace only with her head on his shoulders this man is doing more damage to the dynasty than a hundred revolutionaries ever good why do you need nothing to do I love my country and a lot of you but this man must go enough is enough if we are worthy Alex this man is the danger to Russia I'm sorry Alex he is a danger to me until you and to Alex thing Nicky you do this and you are spitting Oh God well forgive but I never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you want PTC and I have to ask you to leave me yes kisses my hand I am the Empress's nothing very pretty but I prefer women are you saying you sleep with the Empress [Music] [Music] [Music] His Majesty those two you know I can't be hypnotized so don't bother you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Alex [Music] I love you [Music] okay I apologize majesty but the heir to the Austrian Empire has been assassinated assassinated by a Serb in sorry you know the Austrians will probably invade Serbia we cannot be indifferent to the fate of our Serbian ours make that clear to the Austrians but if we threaten the Austrians they will ask the German Kaiser to threaten us cousin worthy he would never agree to go to war against Russia against me I shall ask him to persuade the Austrians to calm down and if he refuses I think Your Majesty should put our forces on the war footing immediately I am not prepared to send hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers to their deaths it may not come to that but your cousin has long dreamt of war now he has an excuse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was behind him just as father Grigori and said [Music] what Papa feared the most tablet Germany llamas own country became our enemy oceans of Tears oceans of blood of father Grigori said we would only drown [Music] Majesty how can you take your troller they are me you're only training is as a cavalry officer how can you run both the Army and the government all military and political blame will be aimed directly your majesty the unrest in our streets is as alarming and as dangerous now as the problems at the front your Majesty you must stay in some Petersburg [Music] dear Holy Mother I'm so afraid please in this father Grigori Papa needs him and I need him too [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] what [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] how is he other grigori rasputin but I thought it was in Siberia yes I spat out God once okay [Music] [Music] that desired world even the most faithful you are design the father of the people do not let the fools triumph do not let them throw themselves and us into the abyss [Music] my precious darling I arrived at headquarters on Tuesday morning the situation is worse than imaginable our men are facing German machine guns with sticks in their hands they wait for their fellow soldiers to die so that they can have a gun as to the revolutionaries at home I say drown them all how I wish Stolypin was still with us the Germans have already struck at Riga while others marched towards Galicia my generals and I cannot agree unfair to commit our forces we could go for three but it's already winter and that alone should prevent the Germans from settling in South especially kalise father north yes it was seen in the night message from Ted Oh [Music] [Music] the right thing send me a sign please Wally Baltimore done to my purse turned up a little [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can all understand by this manner defiled our region [Music] [Applause] anything to stop him for my country I so forgive me my power how could I have known about the book did you see the fish swear in your mind before your eyes in your mind or before your eyes is the same don't you know the difference I saw her that's all that counts say it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] do heart [Music] what I'm sorry to bother you at this hour this is Prince Felix Yusupov my wife Irina is very ill she asks if you'll come see her no please father I beg you I can't you won't say no to the niece of desire [Music] come in three days but she leaves for crime here in the morning I'll send a motor [Music] [Music] [Music] how many does he have to eat one of these cakes will kill him instantly I'm so glad you could come this is my parents domain my rooms are in the basement Irina is entertaining some friends they were similar but she was dying she is from the headache [Music] but do you drink beer we have some from our very own vineyard - Russian two Russian no more wine what are you gaping at so where is she I'll be right back [Music] - Dead City free pure cyanide I swear [Music] [Music] the arena is coming at me she's coming maybe she flew by and I'm just the two leaves in the morning she Madea it's upstairs [Music] maybe please hurry it's impossible he drank it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me prove it you can't leave this water life [Music] [Music] this is careful educating beautiful [Music] [Music] get the bike [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh I leave this behind because I will soon die know that if I am killed by my brother peasants then you have nothing to fear but if I am murdered by Nobles if your relatives cause my death then no not you or your children will remain alive for more than two years you will all be killed by the Russian people your friend critically yes excuse me your majesty but they just follow the body who did it well holding Vladimir polish kibbutz vice-president of the Duma as well as Prince Felix Yusupov I'm so sorry your own family [Music] from that day on mama never smiled again [Music] we buried two fathers Liguori in a secret place near the palace his murderers were exiled mama said they were not punished hard enough for what they had done to us they took away the only friend we had [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Papa said what is given by God cannot be taken by man why was God looking away when Papa had to give up the throne [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] Hey [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we're all going to die they killed Aunt Eller uncle Sergei ego constantan honored all our relatives who could not escape [Music] [Music] the new rule was made us prisoners in a house in Siberia today it is 18 months since father Grigori died [Music] don't be scared everyone scared mama and I won't be trust in God I'm so sorry you always love me more than anyone I'll always love you more than anyone sometimes you don't know how to look for answers sometimes you don't know what to believe [Music] you remember the chestnut tree the fishermen because their ores but I will never ever wanted to hear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're going to take you a big fly there are rumors in Moscow which say that you are holding over the head can we at least have some chance yes [Music] for crimes against Russia the Ural Soviet has hereby sentenced you to death your life is finished [Music] [Music] sometimes we have to believe in something sometimes we have to believe in magic this depend on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 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Channel: LionHeart FilmWorks
Views: 772,400
Rating: 4.7876339 out of 5
Keywords: alan rickman, greta scacchi, ian mckellen, greta scacchi films, greta scacchi rasputin, rasputin, grigori rasputin movie, dark servant of destiny, hbo movie, hbo original, rasputin movie, grigori rasputin full movie, hbo movies, hbo movies full movies english, russian revolution, russian czar, Tsar Nicholas II, mad monk, hbo original series, hbo movies full movies english 2017, rasputin dark servant of destiny part 1, russian revolution documentary, russian czars murdered
Id: mSxvVdseB74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 17sec (6257 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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