Raspberry Pi Atari Bartop Arcade Cabinet Kit From Micro Center

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hey what's going on guys this is eta prime back here again today we're going to be taking a look at the micro center atari bar top arcade cabinet now this comes with everything you need it's a full kit plus they've included 140 atari games with this whole setup so first things first let's go ahead and take a look at the accessories kit this comes with everything we need to get up and going minus the bar top itself that's going to be in extra boxes plus we have vinyls and a monitor comes with a raspberry pi 3b plus and a 32 gigabyte microsd card with their custom image that includes those 140 licensed atari games but since we're running a raspberry pi here and retropie we can always add our own and you'll definitely see some extra arcade games and neo geo games running in this video by the end this bar top kit and their full size kits are available in micro center stores they were kind enough to send this over so this video is sponsored by micro center so yeah if you're not familiar with microcenter then you really should be if you're a tech enthusiast they have real brick and mortar stores that you can walk in you can test out the panels if you need to buy an lcd you can see the cases you can put your hands on the product before you purchase it they have stores in california colorado georgia illinois kansas massachusetts maryland michigan minnesota missouri new jersey new york ohio pennsylvania texas and virginia i've been planning on getting into one of the stores to do a full video from there but in the last couple years they've really gotten into the sbc maker board market which is something i'm really big into i'm going to leave links to micro center's website so you can find the closest store and you definitely need to get in there especially if you're into tech and by the way micro center is running a promotion right now where you can get a free 32 gigabyte flash drive and a free 32 gigabyte micro sd card definitely check out the links in the description for that let's go ahead and pop this box open and there is a lot of stuff in here so what i'm going to do is just kind of lay this out and we'll go over it that way so inside of the accessories box we get our power strip our zenmo 2 player arcade encoder an amp for the speakers that are included raspberry pi 3b plus all of our cabling our molding for our cabinet itself hdmi cable and power supply for the raspberry pi and finally our hap style buttons switches and sticks so this does come with everything we need to get this two-player bar top arcade cabinet up and running now when it comes to the cabinet itself it comes in a flat pack box we have all of the sides we need for this cabinet also comes with acrylic to cover up the screen and the control panel plus the pre-printed vinyls that they include now in this video we're just going to do a quick assembly i'm not going to go over every single step because it would be like a three hour video so what i'm going to do is just run through some of the steps i use to get this up and running and then we'll get into some testing all right so now it's time to get everything together first thing i want to do is apply all of the vinyl decals to each of the panels of this bar top i've taken the full vinyl sheet and just kind of mounted it to the wall each one of the pieces just peels right off and it's labeled but i'm just going to cut it out into sections to make it a little easier to apply to each side of this thing now i'm going to go ahead and grab my vinyl decal and when it comes to these sides i personally like to peel the whole thing off some people apply them a little differently you can kind of fold the bottom under and just start on one side and then peel it back from underneath but personally i like taking the whole thing off and i'm going to go ahead and admit it this is my least favorite part of building any kind of arcade cabinet be the full size or a bar top if this was a full-size cabinet i would never peel the full vinyl off but since we're working with a bar top here and i can kind of hold this with two hands it just makes it a little easier because the way they have this set up is you need a little bit of overlap all the way around so you'll need a razor knife to clean it up but as long as you're careful and you take your time this should go on without any issues so as you can see i have the left side done here and i do have a little bit of overlap hanging off of each side so i have to clean this up i'm going to go ahead and just apply the vinyls to the rest of the cabinet and then we'll start assembly so the way you put this together is super easy we have a cam locking system so we have these standoffs here that are going to be screwed into each of the holes now when you're working with the monitor mount in the middle just take your time with it you might need to take your monitor out of its box align it a little bit and then get it set up so i'm going to go ahead and get the standoff locker set up all the way around and real quick just to give you an idea of how all of this works i'm going to put the bottom on here let me move in a little bit closer so we can take a look at this locking system so i've just placed one of the cam lockers in and with a screwdriver you're just going to tighten this up and it's going to pull everything together so before i go any further with the assembly of the cabinet itself i do need to set up the speaker system so we have one spot here with these cutouts this is where our speakers are gonna go obviously so i'm gonna go ahead and attach both of these speakers here then i'll move in with the amp and do the wiring and when it comes to mounting the amp itself i'm gonna mount it right here in the middle of the speakers but i do want all of the control knobs facing the rear of the unit that way i can pull the back up and reach the volume base and treble and this is just gonna mount here with two screws so here's the finished product we got both of the speakers got that amp mounted everything's wired up and ready to go inside of the cabinet now i'm going to turn my attention to assembling the control panel itself this is where our buttons and sticks are going to go now remember there's a plexiglas panel that goes over top of this before we put our buttons in but i wanted to make sure everything lined up and just give you a quick look at how this works vinyl's already applied all i need to do is cut a little x in each one of these holes here put my buttons through now once we get all this together and the switch is installed you may have to do a little bit of adjustment so i don't tighten these all the way down that way when i'm wiring it up i can move these around very easily and i can get to each one of these switches and speaking of the switches you will have to install these after you put your buttons in these are hap style arcade buttons so these switches are replaceable if one ever fails in the future and these just snap right in here now we got our switch in place so i got a ton of these to take care of also i need to install the sticks here and once everything's in place it'll look something like this we got both of our sticks all eight buttons for each player plus we have that front panel i've already finished that up total of four buttons two for each side so all together each player can program up to ten buttons plus our joystick so i'm actually almost done here with assembly i just need to install my monitor and put the left hand side on so as you can see i have the top the bottom the control panel the front panel the speaker panel and the monitor mount installed on the right side of the cabinet i've kind of just set it on the table so everything's sticking up and this is just going to make it easier on me to mount that monitor inside of here plus i need to put that front plexiglass in it just kind of slides down so once that's installed i can put the left-hand side panel on and then finish up the build so here's a quick look without the control panel installed the control panel is detachable even when the whole unit's put together got my speaker system installed the 22 inch monitor is ready to go in here as you might have guessed assembling something like this is pretty time consuming and i still have a little ways to go on this i need to install the molding get the raspberry pi mounted up on the inside and finally wire up the buttons and install the arcade encoder and speaking of the arcade encoder this comes with the zen mode 2 player setup we have all the wiring we need for all 10 buttons and the joysticks plus the encoder itself and a usb cable to attach to the raspberry pi and after a little bit of time and patience i've come up with something like this basically all that's left to do here is just clean the cabinet up start playing my favorite games and yeah i think it came out really nicely now usually when i do a cabinet i don't go for the silver edging here but i think it looks really good with this old school vinyl that they have on here and if you're into these older atari games you're going to love the artwork on this unit now when it comes to the operating system all you need to do is plug the sd card that comes with the unit into your raspberry pi connect to the internet whether you're over ethernet or wi-fi and just select their image to download it's going to take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes depending on your internet connection and from there you're going to be presented with something that looks like this it's their custom build of retropie with those 140 licensed atari games pre-installed ready to go so we have some 2600 games some 5200 games some 7 800 games and a few atari arcade games you can also go to all games here got a list of all 140 games but i'm just gonna head over to the 7800 section and start one up real quick it does have these snaps here so you can see what you're about to choose give it a second to load in and here we have the 7800 version of asteroids now like i mentioned it's really awesome that they were able to license these atari games but really when it comes down to it for an arcade cabinet like this you're definitely going to want some arcade fighters some shooters some neo geo some fba and things like that because after all this is a two-player arcade game when i look at these i think fighting games run and gun games so what i'm going to do is just add a few of my favorite games here and just run through a couple of them [Music] so thank you come on come on [Music] oh so before i wrap this video up i wanted to give you a quick look at micro center's retro arcade builder website so if you don't want to buy one of their pre-made kits from their website you can actually customize your own i will leave a link for this in the description you can select your cabinet kit you can go the full size or a bar top here we'll just select this one we can scroll on down choose your raspberry pi your case power supply speakers amplifier buttons buttons with leds down here we have our graphics pack so if you want to go with something like this here which is the monster graffiti or their outer space kit you can do that so you can get out a bit cheaper going this way especially if you already own like a raspberry pi and you don't need it included in the kit i thought this was pretty neat so i wanted to give you a quick look at it and like i mentioned link for this is in the description so overall this is definitely a solid kit from micro center includes everything we need to get this up and running the cabinet the 22 inch ips monitor the raspberry pi all the cabling all the mounting hardware and everything like that plus they've included those licensed atari games and i know a lot of people will get tired of those pretty quickly but it's running retropie and you can always install tons and tons of different games on this unit now there's one thing i wish they would include with future kits and that's spacers for the speakers because when they're mounted in here without any spacers or washers under them the speaker itself is just kind of sitting against those speaker grates and it doesn't allow that horn to move any at all so what i did was just add a couple washers there but you know i mean that's a super easy fix at home if you got some washers you can throw them in there but hopefully they start including those in the future kits but overall i mean this is a great little starter kit here if you don't have the tools know how or space to cut one out yourself i think this is a great option so that's going to wrap it up for this video really appreciate you watching if you're interested in learning more about these bar top kits or their full size kits i will leave links to micro center in the description if you have any questions let me know in the comments below and like always thanks for watching
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 167,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi arcade machine, raspberry pi arcade cabinet, raspberry pi arcade 1up, raspberry pi arcade build, raspberry pi arcade stick, raspberry pi arcade cabinet build, raspberry pi arcade button setup, bartop arcade build, bartop arcade kit, bartop arcade cabinet build, bartop arcade review, bartop arcade pc, bartop arcade raspberry pi 4, bartop arcade diy, big box aracde, big box arcade frontend, launchbox arcade cabinet, launchbox arcade, eta prime
Id: aE5Gx0frj0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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