Raspberry Pi 5 plugged in to your Laptop. Windows, MacBooks, Chromebooks and Linux Laptops

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okay so there's several ways you can use your ransby Pi 5 with a laptop this is one of them well this is actually a lapdock from dopes playay and uh it's probably the easiest way of all so if we have a look at what's plugged in so I'm powering the pi5 uh with its own power adapter at the moment I've also got an HDMI cable plugged into the laptop because this particular laptop has HDMI in it also supports us USBC in but that's not supported on the Raspberry Pi 5 at this stage I'm not sure if it will be in the future uh but I've also got a cable here which supplies the mouse and keyboard data to my Pi so as we can see here we're getting a little bit closer we have trackpad uh and we also have things like the Windows key so we can move through all the open apps and everything so I've a launch the web browser so this is chromium and if we go to YouTube just to show that it's all playing uh it it also supports sound as well on this lapt and let's do a search for Le PSP video HDR I used this with this laptop yesterday uh because my daughter needed the kitchen which is where I make my videos and actually it was really good you can see the trackpad works as well so multi-touch gestures work and if I want to put the audio up but I'll also show you some other ways you can use your laptop with a Raspberry Pi 5 later on the video but before before I do that let's just show how the lapt can be a lot neater so this is the station PC M3 and this supports USBC display port uh which I'm not sure if the pi 5 will do in the future but it's really handy so what we can do is we can shut down this pie so we don't need HDMI so plugged in its own power supply and the USBC cable switch it on so you can see just the power cable for the station PC a USBC cable joining the two together and we have touchscreen control uh but we also have mouse and keyboard we had touchscreen control on the Raspberry Pi 5 before as well I don't know if I showed it earlier on but it does work but if I wanted to launch something you can see that it comes up and everything works as it should so we can quit out of that but by far the neatest solution has to be with an Android phone so this is one USBC cable uh just plugged in to this honor view20 phone and do projection mode and hit desktop mode you can see magic Desktop comes up and it's all controllable mouse keyboard uh all works with this so yeah super functional really really nice quick laptop you can see I've got various different emulators and things on there as well uh but it also comes with a full desktop browser so we do a search for BBC Sport and you can also use the touch screen just as you normally would on a tablet as well so we click on the website if we maximize it and we can scroll up and down and so on but let's get back to Raspberry Pi 5 and how you can use that through your laptop this is an M1 MacBook there uh if I plug my Pi in but just a power so nothing else that will start up and this is using my network to connect with VNC so if we do a search for VNC and launch that and go to Pi 5x and now you can see that I'm controlling my Pi via remote access so we can do this from anywhere in the world but they can also just do it locally uh we're on the same network uh and I've got a separate video showing exactly how to do this but it be open up the internet and chromium you can see that it will launch as normal so this is remote access which works on a Windows computer uh or a Linux computer or as you can see a Macbook but what if you want to colnect it directly to your laptop and not do it via a network well then you're going to need an HDMI capture device like this one so this is USB so I'm going to need a USB a to c adapter for my MacBook so let's plug that in mouse and keyboard and plug in the HDMI cable into my pi and then into the capture device so now if I introduce this mouse and keyboard select quick time on my MacBook and I'll should to do this on Windows in a minute and new movie recording and we can select a different camera so here we've got USB video I'm just going to restart my pi and you can see it's starting up and so I've got a mouse keyboard plugged in and uh as you can see it's more responsive than VNC uh it definitely is more responsive so if we open the browser and uh there is a slight input DeLay So if you're going to play a game then that's not going to be ideal let's install a game uh pseudo at install xmoto it's doable uh but you know certainly fast games you're not going to do it on I've done separate videos where I've shown an Xbox plugged into this and I've used it and played games but there's just that little bit bit too much input lag for certain games but using it as a computer it's really hard to notice that there's any input lag so if we Now launch xmoto and uh this is just space and cursor keys to control this new profile Le use profile and yes and just say okay to all of that and let's just pick a random level here we go and oh c am I going to get down there okay not like that but you can see that actually it is working what do I have to do jump over it not sure if I got to go all the way down let's go back a bit but you can see that it's it's definitely in this sort of game it is playable and it is responsive let's pick a different level that I can actually show it working uh quick level and let's just go for something here that looks like it's going to be easy to see so oh let's try that again where am I going to go let's go this way woo and let's see if we can land that not very well these are all difficult levels I'm picking but it definitely I'm looking at the screen I'm not feeling that it's not doing something that I'm making it do so if I do that I don't think I can go anywhere from here can I but yeah it's not struggling right so let's quit out of that and close all this down and even the mouse pointer and everything it is responsive it's doing what I'm expecting it to do so if I press the Windows key you can see that it's coming up and going away straight away so really nice functionality let's try it on a different device how about my $69.99 laptop from Tik Tok so we need to go into camera on this and launch that this is running Windows 11 this laptop little cheap seller and I've got loads of videos on this it's amazing what's run on it really quite well so we'll say okay the location and where do I change the camera is it this one yeah so there is my Pi full screen and uh it's an awful quality display uh from a certain angle as well so now you can see if I tap on this that I can go up and down I can pick X motor as a game again let's try and pick a level that's um a bit easier to play so not challenge cup arrows training and let's go for number 10 oh yeah really easy Well Done Right so yeah that feels all right oh it's really really difficult though how on Earth are you supposed to get up there bit like that or that's better no but as you can see it's definitely working even on a super cheap Windows device but what about a really old laptop so let's uh oh I'm shutting down the wrong computer here so let's close down that camera and shut this laptop down and try something else this is my mid 2010 MacBook so from 2010 the screen doesn't hold itself up that well cuz it's got a a cover on it so let's switch that on not sure what this this is going to boot by default but we'll soon find out if there's any power in it there isn't let's get a power supply okay let's try again now I've got power plugged in I hope this still works that's a good sound so this dual boots Windows 10 or 11 and Mac OS okay so it's going to do Mac OS first of all it's a really good display on this for for something made in 2010 it just works so well uh I wonder if I've got OBS on here if I have I'll use that if I haven't I'll use Quick time no it doesn't look like I have so let's launch quick time takes a bit longer than my M1 Mac see my daughter's been watching Harry Potter using the DVD player CU we haven't got very many DVD players in the house so file new movie recording this will be an awful camera say okay to the camera Cera and okay and let's switch that to USB video oh no I've unplugged it and there we go it's come up and it's looking really nice on my MacBook and again xmoto you can see it launches it's all working FS more responsive than the seller on which is uh impressive considering how old it is I mean it would have been £1,000 back the day I think I paid about £260 for it uh I'll I'll try and look up when I paid for it uh but it was years ago oh that didn't work how we going through here so we've got a we got a break if we're looking at the demo that's there so let's go forward and break no I've got to lean forward as well but it definitely I'm doing it and I'm not thinking oh a little bit too violent but as you can see see that's definitely working as well so let's close that down now have I got something I can run Linux on here's kubuntu running on the little coder seller on laptop and you can see I've got the capture device plugged into the USBC socket because I'm running kbuntu from this USB drive and here's my pi4 so let's see if it's going to work so I've just connected the Wi-Fi let's click on the Discover store and do a search for OBS OBS Studio unofficial okay we'll just go with that okay so let's launch OBS I'll leave it as it is 1366 by 768 so let's have a source plus video capture device and new oh that looks right let's just say okay to all of that okay so vertical sources I have it here and it's working if I put it on BGR 3 emulated but I can't seem to get it to go full screen ah display one ah here we go and there's my mouse so that's Raspberry Pi OS running from the Raspberry Pi 5 going through the capture device into kbuntu which is Linux uh it's auntu with KD plasma interface and as you can see it's all working so if I go again back in let's try should we try a different game EX tux racer so let's just close that down and let's go for tux and also this operating system is just running from the USB stick I haven't properly installed it natively on the device so uh it would be a bit faster if I did that and you can see my screen dimmed I think my laptop's probably low on battery so let's do this quickly so if I do that that will come back on and let's just skip through this here we go and you can see see that it's responsive I did miss the first fish but that was more me rather than any inut lag but uh it it's definitely playable looks nice and smooth oh totally missed and that again is more me so definitely working fine through Linux I think I'll try Chrome OS Flex because that's the last sort of mainstream computer that I haven't tried with the capture device so I've just just written Chromo Flex to this SSD drive so let's boot from that so I plugged it in via USB 3 and I've gone into the boot menu so let's boot from the SATA drive and here's Chrome OS Flex it's a great operating system for low powerered laptops and hopefully just browsing as guest will be enough to do this right have I got camera here I have and it's picked up the capture device straight away so let's oh and it's there so if I go full screen well that was super easy we do video does it give us a better ratio it does and is this usable as it let's see do I have any oh there you go I didn't have a mouse pointer but that's CU it was still in the game oh and it's in some sort of reverse thing at the moment okay that'll be one of these settings here is it this one mirror preview off that's better but that yeah it doesn't seem to go full full screen but it is definitely usable so there's probably another way of doing this but that definitely is working so if I click down here and again we go into games extreme tux racer and just go back in and just see that it's nice and responsive yeah that's working absolutely fine it feels it feels right when I'm going left and right on the keyboard if I move out a bit you'll be able to see that when I press it it is definitely reacting there's not much input lag there at all nothing nothing too much to worry about obviously on basic games you're not going to play a firstperson shooter on this but uh yeah that's pretty impressive okay so I hope all this helps thanks very much for watching I'll shut down my pie please like And subscribe
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 22,168
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Id: dRyV4kxdais
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Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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