Raspberry Pi 4 TerraPi Rig

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers a couple of months ago i made a custom rig to add an ssd and cooling to a raspberry pi 4. since that time many people have got in touch to suggest alternative solutions and these include the terrapy this is a vertical mount for a raspberry pi 4 from a enox 3d who also sell a compatible usb adapter and fan so let's go and take a closer look right here we have the terrapi which as you'll see in a second is a kit of 3d printed parts and mounting hardware for supporting a raspberry pi vertically alongside a two and a half inch drive here i'm going to be using the tower pi with this 2 gigabyte raspberry pi 4 and this 120 gigabyte kingston ssd although you can use a terra pi with any raspberry pi and any two and a half inch drive i purchased this kit from edux 3d where a terra pi with a fan hat for use with one two and a half inch drive currently sells for seven euros 49 plus taxes which is about 8.87 or 6 pounds 68 and there's also a dual two and a half inch drive version of a terpi which sells for a 10 euros 14 which is about 12 or a 9 pounds anyway let's open up the box look inside nice straightforward one this even for me there we are aha straight inside and there's there is a bubble wrap we can pop that later on and in here let's get it out or there's even instructions we've got as you can see the 3d printed parts and instructions for putting it together might look at those you never know but as you can see in here we've got the plastic parts and we've got a bag i can't open there we are i can get inside there we are and there we are parts there and lots of mounting hardware come out come out wherever you are lots and lots of bits those are all the bits we need to put together to support the pi wither the ssd however we also need a couple of other things so let's flick across this box over accessories a nice anonymous brown cardboard box let's open it up inside we find aha there is a fan this is a 40 millimeter by 10 millimeter thick fan 5 volt fan i paid 4 euros 49 plus taxes for this which is what about 591 or 4 pounds 49 but you could use any 40 millimeter 5 volt fan and then under here you can see we've got an ic box satter to usb adapter which uh cost what was this about uh oh i find my figures it was a 7 euros 99 which was about 9.46 or 7 13 pounds and let's just get in with us standing the knife up here if we can get in there how do i get in is that the right thing i think it is yes that'll get me in and there we are and the great thing about this is that the cable comes out at the end which is usb 3.2 uh saturn to go on two are a two and a half inch drive it'll just flick onto the ender like is it this way around i think it is that way like that but the wire is coming out the side that's really neat and normally on adapters like this if i can find one over here this is the adapter i normally use and it comes out the end and it makes things much bulkier so it's really neat you've got an adapter with something coming out the end so this is all we need to put the turret pie together so i think we'll now get on with some construction so we're now in assembly mode and the first thing we need to do is to take the ssd and to attach with these four screws these mounting points which go there there there and there i think all the construction is based around the drive so i'll put those screws in and there we are that seems nice and solid and now let's get them level i hope and now we need to take effectively everything and mount it on top of that so the raspberry pi will go on top of there like that and then there'll be some little risers here going on there and there and there and also there and then the fan hat goes on top of the here and then screws go into that but we need first of all to put the fan on top of there and unfortunately there were no screws or bolts or anything provided to fasten the the fan to here but i do have some available so i'm just going to get on with putting the fan on to the fan house up top plate there we are the fan is now attached onto there these little bits are rolling around now this will bring this back again and in theory it now all will go together put our writers back in and the weird thing is that it now goes together using these screws here so these screws will go down into this plastic effectively these these bolts will will self-tap which is in my view not a good idea it would be much better if we had nuts and bolts holding this together rather than self-tapping into 3d printed plastic but i guess it will work we'll find out in a second let's just put it together and there we are it has gone together i have to admit very securely although personally i would still favor a nut and bolt solution i think that would be a much better way to hold things together oh i've done it the wrong way around haven't i haven't got the right things the jeep i opened oh dear i better switch it around there we are that's uh better and we can now attach the wires for the fan pin uh there pin fours up and pin six for the ground rail like that and then now we need to do is to mount this thing onto the base and this i think is a very clever piece of a design because here is the base and basically it takes advantage of the fact you've got screw holes in the side over the two and a half inch drive so what happens is a bit like this that's how it's all going to mount up and to do that we simply go around here if i can keep you on camera and put the screws in there and there we are and i do have to admit this is a very solid construction so let's just give you a side angle like this so you can see the thing in it's a full glory it really is a rather nice big look around the back of course you can just see the ssd like that oh and i must add in the usb adapter which we'll do by the magic of filmmaking and here we are the terpi rig is now already to be put to the test greetings here i am back again we've now got the terra pi all connected up so let's turn on power and there we are oh it's got blue leds in the fan that's rather nice isn't it anyway let's transition across to the raspberry pi os desktop here we are and in fact little time jump there this desktop has been running a little period of time to allow the pi to settle down to get to an even temperature which seems to be about 37 38 degrees running with the terror pipe and i've got a terminal window here so we open up the terminal window and we do an ls blk list block devices we can see that our ssd is working okay there we are sda one is there hardly a surprise we've got a sater ssd connected by usb 3 adapter to a raspberry pi but so we just check it was there and i've also installed hd parameters on this pi so we can go to that and run that to get the speed of the ssd virus interface which of course depends on the interface the pi and the ssd it's normally about 300 megabytes a second and it's oh that's actually pretty good 317 megabytes a second let's try it again this to be wild let's do two different results if it's wildly different we'll be very surprised but anyway what's it showing 316 i think we can safely say it runs at about 316.70 megabytes a second with the interface we've got there on the terra pi brick so what i'm going to do now is to clear the screen because i think we should also test out the temperatures of the terrapin we can see it's a vital state up there but i've got here my temp test sh script which i've used many times before to test out different cooling solutions on a raspberry pi 4 and just to basically let you know what's going on it's a bash script clears the screen has a little loop which runs seven times which takes a temperature measurement stresses out the cpu using sysbench to factor prime numbers to a value of 25 000 continues through the loop and takes a final temperature measurement on the end so we get eight temperature measurements with a couple of minutes of stressing out the pie happening between each measurement so if we go down here it should be there in this uh directory already there it is and i think i've probably got it in the buffer haven't i somewhere where is it gone be quicker to type it out wouldn't it there we are let's run the script and there it is so we're starting at 36 so we'll now speed on through so we can get the results of this test to compare with other raspberry pi 4 cooling solutions and there we are the test has finished and the results are very respectable stabilizing in the mid 50s that's a very good temperature to run a raspberry pi at a full load this said if we put these results onto a table showing other raspberry pi 4 cooling solutions i've tried in the past things like an octua fan and a small heatsink the pomeroni fan shim the amazing ice tower and the flurk passive cooling case you'll see that the the terra pi is not beating any of these solutions even the flirt case manages to stabilize at about the same temperature and clearly the ice tower wins it always does it's a fantastic cooler with the palmeroni fan shim amanot turofan and heatsink also beating the tarapai in terms of cooling performance and before some of you start typing it in the comments yes what this suggests to me is that we need to take a small heatsink and monochewer fan to mount the monoterrapie and repeat the test so your assumed wish has been my command and here we are back again with the terrapi fitted with an octua 5 volt fan the same fan i've used in many of my other raspberry pi 4 cooling rigs and before i put the fan on i also put a small heatsink on the raspberry pi 4 so we're testing not chewer fan with small heatsink on the terrapin so if we go back to the raspberry pi desktop here we are ready to run the test script again and here we go and so now let's speed on until the end of this test and there we are it's finished and as you can see we've knocked about 10 degrees off the temperature by moving to an octo of fan with a small heat sink and if we put those results onto the table you can see what's going on here is that the terra pi is now performing almost identically to when we had an octua fan and heatsink on a different raspberry pi 4 rig which i guess is what we would expect so with pruto if you want to you can run a terror pi with very very good temperatures you just have to choose the right fan and also run it with a small heat sink on your raspberry pi as we've seen in this video the terra pi is a very neat vertical mounting system for the raspy pi 4. and personally i also always like to see products from makers for makers coming to market 3d printed products like the turpi coming to market i always think that's really cool but now that's it for another video if you've enjoyed youtube please press that like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and i hope to talk to you again very soon you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 383,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TerraPi, Terra Pi, Raspberry Pi Terra Pi, Raspberry Pi TerraPi, Raspberry Pi vertical mount, Raspberry Pi SSD, Raspberry Pi SSD mount, Raspberry Pi cooling, Inux3D, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt
Id: h8YQNKxlvHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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