RASKAL LOVE - Inspiring story of TRG Gangster turned BBoy (Full Documentary - 2012)

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we love we never disconnect I got the half you got the other half it's a Brotherhood Rascal gang I'm not lazy when I was 16 15 around there he was just like the older head in the back in the shadow he wants you to do right things you know he wants you to come up you know if you know lazy you know the same we are more than G's when I got to know him you know he told me if you have dreams and Ambitions go for it everything I heard about this [ __ ] it was just all been a whole bunch of big [ __ ] about how he changed a whole lot of people's lives he's an inspiration in the hood he he's done it all you know I mean everybody looks up to him he had a big impact on the hood he shaped the whole Hood as I see it some people have Heroes like Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X but my my role model my hero was lazy you know [Music] so I had met Vanna also known to the streets as lazy when I was doing research for my first film about Asian gangs in the end he actually played a part in my film and through working with him on that project a really great friendship developed and as I got to know him more I was really drawn to a story and moved by the experiences that he had gone through so here we are a year later and we're doing a documentary together based on his life so sit back and get ready for a true story Vanna was born on April 20th 1979 in Cambodia him and his family fled The Killing Fields during the last year of the karma root regime as war was breaking out with Vietnam when they got to America the family settled in Pomona California we lived in Holloway as 1500 Block in Hollywood in Pomona the neighborhood was a lot of Asian Southeast Asians Vietnamese Laos cambodians so growing up in my neighborhood everybody knew everybody from a childhood we became all family for Cambodia this was like almost I guess the project you could say basically it was a project this is the H section right here we lived in one crappy apartment with broken windows we were sharing food family to family you know it's a lot better it looks way better now they got [ __ ] Gates and sit on the windows and stuff like that first day of school everybody had a couple new gear my brother got a new pair of pants I got a new pair of shirts the next day we switched out despite being poor Vanna and his neighborhood friends found ways to have fun nothing bored US during our childhood we wanted to play war we dig a big hole in the back and we made water balls with sand and just threw it at each other and when skateboarding was in we all wanted to be skaters we use a ride to our middle schools our elementary schools in a group everything together in that group of kids that we grew up with the local police thought he was badass Escape one and said try to Ali had ramps and everything right here through this this block there used to be no grass here all this [ __ ] looked different it used to be brown I'm talking about dirt Brown not I like this [ __ ] right here didn't have that all that rails and all that [ __ ] well so this is his house right here this is exactly where where he lived at coming from the front view back then he was like so yeah I was like probably eight years old he's always hanging around with me and my little brother he's always being a troublemaker around Hollywood he's always out there running chasing other kid fighting arguing with other kids so one time he got beat up something like that and then I went up to him to say do you want to beat him up I show your house just come with me I'll teach you how to fight and all that stuff he was just packing me up pumping me up motivating me up like he was my trainer he just threw me in the middle it was fist fight there was no boxing club we fought fought fought so I showed him how to move a little like boxing and all that stuff and then uh tell them go back and kick the ass so he did he looked up to me I said he got scared because I told him he don't beat him up I'm gonna kick his ass so he said all right I'm gonna go kick down so he tried all his best and he beat him up and then the next day I take him again and fight all the kid around there and one time he lost so I pulled him out and beat his ass down with my brother and he cries and I say look you better win there's only one way to win you got to be strong you got to keep on fighting and fighting don't ever give up foreign yeah [Music] [Music] um oh my God [Music] the dance scene got really popular in Pomona around this time an explosive new wave of b-boys emerged I got into dancing with the rest of the fellas right when we hit the sixth grade I didn't have a curfew so I practiced all night the picture got bigger because the school dances was a time for you to prepare what moves you have are you ready for a battle one day at a school dance Banna saw an aerial backflip performed by someone from another crew he was immediately inspired by it when I seen that I want to talk to one of my old school buddies from Holloway SEMO we started practicing that routine when we figured that out we only showed it off to our friends in the neighborhood and people was like whoa that became one of my moves that I used it as signature [Music] I used to peek through my living room window I used to see like six seven of them on my neighborhood in Hollywood they was out there blowing up their music through speakers hanging out when I was 48 it was probably in their 15 16. across the street from me was an OG OG Playboy up the street for me was OG chill go down the street was Kim say there's a lot of people that I looked at um uncles because they all knew my father they came in my house out wasn't too interested at first I really loved my dance like what I was doing but came down to a point where I I used to peek in the middle of night through my window and she's like what are these guys doing I never knew how gangs look like I thought they was the guys who wear the motorcycle jackets with like spikes sticking out I started seeing the group I was hanging out they was talking about trgs 3D SeaTac rascal that's a little baby see out of the club with seven one two six two Assistant two five three Seattle Tacoma all day 5D 10d 20 deep no matter what still represented no matter what it's good as [ __ ] my dad he likes to go off and drink with his buddies he was walking home my mom went driving around looking for him so he won't have to walk who's driving my brother scream Giggles dad we've seen two cars parked with a bunch of guys jumping them eating them up for his necklace police came tried to ask for what happened and all this stuff my dad was beat down he was drunk my mom was trying to explain to him what happened her English was broken so it was hard to testify anything no justice was put in TRG fellas the older ones they came by to see how he was doing and they stood up for my dad during this time in Pomona there were an increasing amount of racial hate crimes aimed towards blacks and Asians from Mexican gangs who felt threatened by the influx of non-hispanics moving into their communities this one a black guy used to come around our neighborhood we didn't know his name or nothing but he came around a lot and all the Asian kids just would gather up around him because he used to do backflip over cars used to do tricks for us and we just go watch him everybody was just cheering him on it was powerful I seen two gangsters riding a bike through the neighborhood started cussing him out as the bike was rolling through [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] us up what's up huh the bikes rolled off we've seen the car skirted out right away and then we heard and screaming for help at that time I was young I don't know what the neighborhood did but me I froze one day while walking home Vanna witnessed something that sparked his interest in TRG when I was leaving Elementary School I seen one of their older TRG guy flavored he fought a total of 101. both of their faces surrounding what he fought when I seen that I was actually scared I can't back him up I can't do nothing we were scared of any cholos out there gang members they made fun of us being bullied we got used to just walking straight seeing how Playboy fought back against the Mexican gangs it inspired him to stand up for himself Bannon began to look up to Playboy and the trg's as his role models being inside my house it was hard for me to look at my father as a role model because when I come home he's busy being angry he's with his friends they're drinking he's busy angry at my mom Nana's life at home was far from perfect oftentimes becoming a witness and victim of domestic violence stemming from his father's struggle with alcohol and drug addiction I didn't want to join the Gang because I thought gangs were scary leather jackets spiky things when I wanted to join TRG I thought it was just joining the fight the stories I heard the fight they put I wanted to be that they protected my father and if I become a TRG maybe I could protect your father ladies always look up to me like my big brother because he's been hanging around with us since little Kip probably like around eight years old he wasn't like you know Elementary I was in a junior high I'd take him along with me hey there we go like right skateboarding break dancing [Music] on his ass cry until he's dead he's got chasing me almost chasing me with a shotgun so I run all over the place in Hollywood got the craziest thing my very personal OG um was getting jumped in goofy had been like an older brother Savannah when growing up when goofy was jumped into TRG it was only natural for Vanna to follow suit well I stood there just in a line just like Boot Camp style three guys they stood there in the middle of a field a baseball field chuco Playboy and gangster that's gonna jump our little group in to be the first generation in Pomona when they jumped me in initiated me I was official when I joined TRG I was like I was a young bug man I was a I was just a little dude 16 17 being around just lazy other older homies you know show me that love I was just a little [ __ ] looking for some Direction I was going through some hard times we lost our house because of drugs me and my brother me and my brother was homeless at a young age you see your friends pass away and this and that and the only people I could really uh to relate to was my homeboys because my family was never there for me growing up we saw a lot of [ __ ] together been through a whole bunch of stuff that no nobody else that I ever met when I grew up that would be there because sometimes it's too real for other people you know and then that's when I started kicking it with his older brother and then we started going around the hood chilling with my Rascals just having a good time maybe barbecuing and [ __ ] lazy wasn't the main reason I joined yeah yeah he gave me advice and this and that in life and then you know like this is what I am TRG Rascal they're there for me January through December [ __ ] Monday through Sunday seven days a week 12 to 12 on dot you know I mean on call whatever you know and I I'm grateful to to have people that you know that are there for me soon enough they asked me if I was down for them for life you know it's a big question because you know it's just people that you meet but then they ask you that question because if you have that connection with them in those short and that short time you're with them then you know and that's that's when you become a rascal you know I just got love for these [ __ ] that's why I'm in the game when school began again OG Playboy would come and pick Vanna up to make sure no one messed with the newest and youngest member of the family he was in Black Regal but gangster driver I was like damn Playboy just came and he just had like this Raiders actors looking like he just looked at me just get in the car you just give me a ride home and there was trolls everywhere and he was just staring at every gangster out there he was just giving them what you want to do look don't look back at that time because he was taking everything ready to the game that's just when gangbang is about to get started and I'm in the passenger side I started learning to gain a little bit later and start seeing guns here and here as racial tensions began to rise in Pomona Vanna quickly began to see the realities of gang violence there was a young TRG named dartmen who had a crush on banna's sister he would often come over to the house to hang out with her one day dartmen and another TRG were walking to Vanna's house when they were suddenly attacked pull the trigger shot dark man that's a shotgun it's a powerful weapon the other guy ran this is a lot of new shocking things to the young trgs that's the beginning of knowing that things are serious business there are gang wars and there are hate crimes out there that's why I just see a bigger picture and I seen it painted by Blood [Music] this is where we're active as hell too I mean like how often was there like a shooting [ __ ] I mean probably every other day probably every week yeah just always get into it with them because it was a racial War it wasn't really gang war anymore because we used to actually because they still it was because they were trying to take us out of uh the whole you know city is trying to get us out so basically it was wasn't even a it wasn't even a TRG against Pomona 12th Street no more it's like racial the [ __ ] started you know trying to Sue that regular you know cambodians any Asians yeah we'll take you through that Park I can't stop at that park though there's there's 12 streets Park too yeah they're still beef but it's not that it's not that bad I mean they don't you know we're not even out here gang banging really and everybody's trying to get their money but I mean you know just we don't step on nobody's toes you know we're fine and so long they don't step on our toes we'll be fine that's the 7-Eleven we used to go play Street Fighter at a long time ago be out there skipping school go play Street Fighter like what the [ __ ] we decided let's get out and go play Street Fighter 7-Eleven walked out the door seen a black car I know that black car it came out come over here pulled out a gun I knew that was a sign of problem it was a problem with my family my dad he was heavily into drinking and gambling during this time as trgs began to fight back against Mexican gangs the older cambodians running the gambling houses started to recognize them they start knowing those are the bad boys on the streets now they're now been off for Monday to handle business for them I went inside and I told my dad of who's here they're holding a gun my mom and dad start locking all the doors and I left because I still wanted to go play games so I left and when I came home I found out stories from my mom it happened that they came looking for your dad your dad was upstairs holding his gun telling him to leave and my mom said that she was telling begging him to leave just leave but they was trying to unlock the door from the bottom floor I don't know what happened after that but the crazy part is I just joined TRG when I came out now the ones that's after my dad is trg's the next day Vanna went to school not knowing that when he came home his life in Pomona was coming to an abrupt end I noticed a truck from Washington State and TV's going to my neighbors parents car being given away none of my clothes was packed just the family just waiting for me to get home throwing in the car we're moving life started crying where are we going we're going to Seattle we started crying the car because I missed with my friends right away I just made an accomplishment of joining a break dancing crew and now we're moving I just looked out the window and hold right it was like a 24-hour Drive and she looked out to win that whole way Phantom moved to Rainier an area of Seattle that was heavily gang affiliated there were Bloods and Crips but no TRG there he was enrolled into South Shore Middle School dancing didn't start out here so I didn't have nothing to look forward to I went to class people was ignoring me even my teachers was ignoring me they put me in the back of the class where everybody's desk was facing towards the teacher my desk was facing towards this wall I couldn't really hear what the teachers trying to teach me later Vanna went to complain to his teacher about his difficulties in class only to receive a bitter response so I told her and she go you thought you had a bat wait till tomorrow Phantom went to school the next day but when it came time for that class he would skip it for fear of what punishment his teacher had waiting for him it would be the last time he attended School I left school one day after school I was walking and there was this one guy he's walking towards me kept looking but there was one of my classmates that he was walking with we walked past each other we looked at each other's eyes were like what's up what's up I'm walking home he turns around he goes hey what game you from I turn around I'm from TRG then he showed me his tattoo he just went and he had a TRG right here I was so happy I jumped up I'm like oh what's up then he go my brother just got jumped in too so now there's three of us they all dropped out of school and I had a reason why I don't want to go to school now starting this way so when it was all drop out I met up with them early in the morning when their parents went to work that's where we all kicked it because all right in the early 90s along with the popular influence of gangster rap music a new wave of Youth gangs began to appear all across the country gangs really started out here in Seattle like the 90s it started Hard Out Here the gangs that was here in Seattle in the 90s it was starting to get made made up like four guys sat together and be like hey let's make up this game and all their friends join but when TRG came in it was already history so when you hear that as one of the first Asian gangs to step up to the plate and fought against the racist enemies so when they joined TRG it was a new thing in town it was the new thing it was a rascal parking that one of the first ones joined TRD he was third leader of the wild teeth um it was a [ __ ] gang his brother that time was one of them that made up the sdg gang at that time so when he joined a lot start coming when the main guys got in the other father was like why the [ __ ] not so everybody was great ragging throughout the whole Rainier Avenue we was all still young just learning the whole system I'm new to it again I remember joining when I was in Pomona but I did not experience gang life until I reached to her in Seattle this is where it all happens the Gangland over here is very different from where I just came from where I come from it's like everybody grew up together so we made our choices to join TRG when I came to this city there's so much gangs just like 20 30 different gangs all Crips and bloods people was switching gangs like it's okay I've known guys who joined seven different gangs when you do that you bring your new gang into a war it was hard to just trust anybody it wasn't wasn't the way that we wanted to start out as an instant where this guy named Chris k he was from a gang called UTB Uptown boys it's a blood gang loony probably didn't want him in but I was like everybody's getting in our Hood man let's just get deeper so on Chris cage join another game young Seattle blood we did not know went to the pool hall we see Chris Kate walked in with his new gang all red it was just three of us and there was like seven eight of them Looney drop this pool stick and said let's go outside you're getting jumped out [Music] right when we went outside Chris K's new game each pulled out a gun we only had one and we took our time pulling it out we had a take it out of the bottom feed of the bad car we had some screws these guys are pointing guns at other like damn they can shoot us at any time but Looney was down he was he was taking charge he was like one of the guys that you could learn from he was leader mentality he had it and he was proud to learn a lot from he pulled that thing so he told me like Point his back at them I'm gonna beat this motherfucker's ass in front of all these guns he did he ran up to Chris K to start fighting you said you're getting jumped out but the heart that Looney had is amazing he fought this guy one-on-one until he was jumped out personally that time we was new we was like the first five people so he was making us look like Champions like you don't betrayed us because we'll kick your ass in front of Seven guns we don't just go around jumping people in nah we ain't like that bro we gotta get to know you feel me yeah let me know you're down it's hard to get in our Hood man it's hard to get yeah it's like take an app you get interviewed you fail you're gone we do that background check where you from you don't say the homies you know and [ __ ] homies all that [ __ ] dog childhood all that damn we need all that info that's the thing man it's not about numbers it's about strength my brother he used to bring a lot of his friends to the house to my parents apartment and he used to bring installment stuff from stealing cars late at night so we got kicked out of the apartment so my mom and dad when we got kicked out of apartment we they went they found some older friends that they could you know pay to stay in the room and I couldn't live there because it was in my enemy neighborhood in Tacoma what happened was I went to the streets and I didn't want nobody know yeah all I knew that existed here in Seattle was games until like a late 1993. rumors went out that there was a break dancing competition at Mercer Middle School and it was at the gym a whole city of Burlington Washington that came down it was some badass dancers I didn't think dancing exists because I've been looking for dancers this whole time here's the day I'm watching I'm hearing the music I'm getting hyped and then Looney of them knew that I know how to do certain moves so today they kept encouraging me go go I'm like no I'm sorry I'm sorry these guys are in Adidas just ready to go I'm in my Nike Cortez Dickies I go out there I just I sat down I'm a group of Seattle guys I don't know I dance and you hear it on a video Looney's like Rascal Rascal my move their fake nothing but I just had that little dancing in me to go out there and do it [Music] foreign Jefferson Community Center at first I was like nah but it was really hyping I can't refuse something that just it's just fun later that Friday Vanna would go and practice with the dancers he had met at the competition a short while later he would become a part of that crew the day when it got serious when I walked in Jefferson I wanted to be a boss crew member which was the crew that I was dancing with in that moment we already knew that we wanted him he was coming around and it seemed like he wanted it and he could you know he could teach us a couple things and you know it was It was kind of natural that crew right there was the best crew in not just Seattle Washington I was a team leader at a rec center and he used to come up there and break and he would come up there and dance with a bunch of other kids and he was really good like super powerful he was one of those cats that he would see somebody do something and then he'd be doing it better than you did it and you're like man this guy get out of here with that when I first met lazy you can tell he had some Hood in him like you can tell that you know he's Rough Around the Edges so it's like he was making the change to where it's like you're either going to go one way or another 1995 Vanna and his boss crew would take part in a huge competition at the Seattle Center like 30 Crews hundreds of people surrounded coming into the show judges was old schools DJs was packed the lights was bright it was the moment so we battled we battled over and over we battled against every crew our tough to School Battle Zone they was giving it to us it was giving it back other Crews did not want to step out my crew member Raymond see me get this High flare and he motivated me to do a flare 90. that became my signature move flare 90. I busted like I reached a flare so high where I just 90 and spent he told me to save that move for one of the last moments but in the beginning I did this poppy move like just bounce boom and the other side they shake their head it was mad at me people was calling I want you guys go up foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] as a group and I had a moment of being like somebody coming up to me say hey congratulations I don't think nobody else ever congratulated me for anything because I dropped out seventh grade everybody believed in me everybody believed in each other so we kept on Dancing so that dance never stopped and when I did left that day I peeked out through the door oh boy it was like all kind of enemies waiting for me [Music] lazy stood out is because a lot of these a lot of the other kids didn't have the same background like they might have you know dibbled and dabbled here and there but they weren't they ain't putting no work at least not to the same level as lazy did I met lazy back in uh back in like 95 you know I mean uh it was kind of like a like a star out here there's people who might be in a gang and all they do is love their people like you know saying they might be in a gang or from the streets but they have a golden heart you know saying they're not out there trying to kill people or trying to hurt people or sell dope or anything that stuff they just want to uplift their people and make sure everything is good and there's other people who are the opposite they're rotten apples they're bad every battle you you know it was exciting to see them you know what I mean like you go to a gym you knew that boss crew was going to be in the house and he was going to be killing it on the floor started to have more faith in myself like in dancing I started to feel confident I was practicing on grass outside cement the clothes I was wearing is the closest that you're going to see me dancing at that time I was still knocking at my friend's house in the middle of the night be like hey could you give me your brother's key unlock your brother's car door I slept in there in the middle of the night in the morning I go when my the homies parents go to work I went and go got some more rest there and the practice where I can he brought a different like train of thought to the whole b-boy thing because you know Not only was he leaving behind something else making a turn for another Direction but the traits that he learned from the street like loyalty and dedication like he brought that to the game as well when I used to lay down I had so much to think about about life instead of stressing stressing myself away I took the last moment to stress what moves should I do I got a competition coming up one day Vanna went to a competition by himself competing against 13 different Crews he entered as a single man crew representing boss I battle against everybody you know every round they every crew come out one at a time or somebody just come out fade you fade you but there's not just one round it could go up to five rounds I went through four four rounds in this battle that's a single man crew the crazy part is I battle each and every one of them and every crew had like 13 to 30 people in their crew I battled everybody beat everybody [Music] I had a lot of anger in me that made me want to dance and I used my anger in the battlefields of a dance floor he was there when massive first started I think the first battle that we ever did together was uh it was a battle in I believe it was in Olympia it was the first time that like a lot of this old school cast came together I was part of it big laziest part of it it was called massive it's a long time ago so he's actually been there since the beginning of massive and then when we merged into massive monkeys you know automatically you know he's part of the massive monkey family he was always he always had our back too he would never let anybody touch our crew or anything like that you know so um you know maybe he inspired me in a way that I'm fat you know it kind of taught us to look out for each other my experience with him it made me who I am today you know taught me how to be humble you know taught me how to be a really good b-boy he's to me he's you know he's my inspiration battling your own imagination because it's the only way you can defeat who you're battling against is by being creative that's what people get props for props for who practice hard who put same work who challenges another person's creative mind the crazy thing is how I used to look at everybody that wasn't the TRG was my enemy the next guy you jump could have been that guy that you're dancing with it could have been your friend it could have been your homie b-boy dance break dance changed my life and it saved my life so check it out I just want to give some love to my boy lazy not only is he an inspiration for massive monkeys crew original boss member he's our family this is one of the pioneers of the Seattle b-boy scene during our generation and it also happens to be his birthday foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there was like two videos that really got me inspired one of them was you know b473 like everybody else but another one was this three-day break War battle here in Seattle and lazy man that must have worn out my VHS in one of your moves man I'm talking up front this is one of my biggest Inspirations right here so one more time thank you buddy there's this guy um that I grew up in Pomona name is Gangster Psy I looked at him as an uncle I to the point where he knows my family my parents gave him a place to stay when he came over here I stayed with him I introduced him to all my homies but he took power too hard my girlfriend was dropping me off to kick back with my homies in the hood I walked up all the homies like what's up lazy what's up shaking hands with everybody and the last hand was his I was looking down at his palm getting ready to shake he had a Buddha necklace around his fist with the head part that was sharp right when I stuck on my hand it's just disappeared on me before my eyes next thing you know when I looked up I was getting socks cut my lip right here it just cut me open I was bleeding and my hat fell told me to pick up your head go out down a little pick of my head gave me a good knee to my face where I just flop back and that time I was 15 15 years old he was 25 years old when it beat me he came up to me and he said that's what you get for being a break dancer you pretty boy you want to kick back with pretty boys huh you want to be a pretty boy huh and then my homies from the hood Stimpy and pony they pick me up they brought me to the restroom they're cleaning me up you all right lazy they're washing my face my homie said get in the car get them washed up we're gonna get them for you they said we're gonna get them for you it's gonna get he's going to get shot we're gonna shoot I said no don't do it it's been done don't worry about it because a lot of people would take this opportunity to give Revenge me it's been done and I'm not going to put nobody's life on their line for doing something for me you should feel special that you have a friend that wants to go through trash and measure for you that wants to get somebody for you just be appreciated that you have somebody like that but don't let them because if he cares about you you got to care about him too because if you don't you'll be the one doing time in jail and after that who's the bad friend so I said no and then he comes he can bang the door opens the door came in aggressive what the [ __ ] are you guys talking about my road dog step I was like nothing he walked out he came in he's like lazy you know you're like my nephew right I just shook my head yeah I'm supposed to be your uncle I'm like yeah I didn't mean to do that I just hit you because so many enemies out there and you're out here break dancing doing all this stupid [ __ ] you know I don't want you to get caught slipping like that a real Uncle a real person that's trying to watch her back would encourage you to do something better with your life somebody that I thought it was a role model from TRG that I always looked up to that I bragged about the reason why I got in these reasons of today turned his back on me and embarrassed me his mission was to humiliate me to degrade me to lower down my self-esteem in life [Music] another incident two weeks later would ultimately cause Bannon to quit Dancing we used to practice at a garage somebody's house and that's why I used to go practice when late nights closed down community centers I got approached by one of the dancers and say Hey you know what's going on I said what's going on Christian's spreading rumors about you that you stoled his dad's credit card and when it got gang affiliated tattoos I said what the [ __ ] he said I stole this credit card so I gave him a phone call did you blame on me for stealing some credit card he said yeah the FBI got you on videotape I'm gonna take you down you stole my Dad's credit card and went and got tattooed I go tell the FBI come arrest me I'm 16 years old how the hell am I going to use a credit card to get a tattoo and he's like oh we got you we're going to get you and the crazy thing is one official I don't even know how to use a credit card I never had one in my life my mom taught me not to steal it's been years now and there's still no single proof I just got a bad name for nothing so that kind of built me from having both sides turn on me at one time I got beat down humiliated for being a break dancer when I was supposed to rely on dancing they turned on me and looked at me as I'm a Gangster that I'm the only one that can stole this credit card We're not gonna let the whole world think that we're just because we were a great flag just because we represent TRG just because we represent a game that we're bad people because people's gonna look at us different we always said that man I'm sick and tired of somebody judging me when I used to be a break dancer people still look at me as a gang member they never let you give up and when you finally give up when you finally let things go they will continue to judge you and they will continue spark to bring you back out like when you guys first joined in I always stood up for you guys I always said man leave these leave these guys alone let them and and when you guys you guys ain't never had a big homie that could show you guys the opposite of making you guys be the hardest guy on the street but me I told you guys making crowd finish school right finish school you basically said do do what makes you you know uh live your life and all that you know so I can stop get a job graduate and I remember every whoever graduated you came to the graduation was like yep I'm proud of you you know what I mean and then that's what really mattered a lot because you get a good job good family take care of your family you know that's all it is man yeah because it's because you're in the game don't mean you're a bad person you know it's the choices that you make you know decisions you make after you join the game that's what makes you the persons really are everybody learns everybody learns yeah one afternoon while hanging out at his girlfriend's house Bannon received an urgent call like hey get to Tacoma right now your mom is lost your mom woke up lost I jumped in my car with Michelle just rolled to Tacoma going into my enemy's neighborhood and these were the oil beasts they hate the [ __ ] out of me so when I went into the house I said Mom she sat there lost so Mom is me I told Michelle called a ambulance right away number one my mom tried to reach for me she's like oh no no no I was like no you have to you have to so Ammons King they later told me I'll be on my way the ambulance drove off and right when the elements left up oh man I got no time for this there was a bunch of enemies say what's up blood what's up what the [ __ ] you doing here I just walk towards them open the door just got in the car deal like oh you're gonna be like that you ain't gonna come out start up my car went on reverse backed up [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] I gotta go get my mom went into the hospital my mom was laying blood was everywhere she's coughed his gloves come out of the North Michelle was over there wiping her wiping all the Bloods off her I was sitting there trying to hold her hand trying to talk to her but she can't hear me my dad came later her sister came she but she's following my relatives my aunt Uncle which I didn't want to see none of them at this time [Music] my brother was in jail at that time he don't know what's going on but my mom been sick for the last I don't know like years she's been sick but we were so busy a lot to pay attention to her we weren't busy we was just foolish there's no such thing as busy so the doctors said put his in the room and say sorry your mom got five percent to live my family looked at me and my sister look at me my dad looked at me he said do something just talk to your mom see if you can help her started talking her but all my relatives all came in the room just it gives you no room to talk one-on-one because everybody's interfering from you being emotional you can't let people see you be a weak link you have to be strong for your family's day the line went straight the line went straight and uh you said the doctors all said sorry [Music] I walked outside of the hospital my dad followed me he said what are we gonna do son I said we're going to go across the street and buy some beer what about each of 40 drink my dad just drank drank he looked at me in his sandwiches what we do now don't worry about it don't worry don't worry about it it's okay we have no money we're homeless I didn't work my brother's in jail what are we gonna do now and this my mom's blood is Thai my dad's family is trying to help but they weren't I'm not sure if they liked him my mom so I mean I had to put together money I had to sell everything I had to do a funeral Michelle's been on my side the whole time my dad was so lost after my mom's death he just went blank he just stood there crying laying there crying dad went crazy he don't know how to live without his wife I had to sell some more stuff I had to borrow a lot of people money I promise to pay him back because I need to get my brother out of jail it's one thing I didn't want him to miss out on me and Michelle went waiting for him to come out we seen the doors unlocked he was walking out of jail right when he opened that last door he ran I said Tim you turn around he looks apart he's like huh what what the [ __ ] are you doing oh I thought they accidentally let me out he was getting ready to break out we got him a meal then he asked are you bailing me out for I gotta tell you something then uh that time you know like I was mentioning we was homeless had nowhere to go we had a friend named little Christian Tacoma his electricity was out like they didn't pay electricity but that's the only place we had left to go to tell my brother to break off this news and I bought some beer and I drank my brother I told him hey I didn't eat before four days I thought you didn't eat for four days I said I can't eat for four days you drink a beer it was why why didn't you eat I'm sorry moms have passed away he looked down he goes do a lot of people go I go about your own time because I didn't want you to miss out and he was like what should we do and I gotta do a lot of things we're gonna just try to make Mom happy in order to give a proper Buddhist funeral one of her kids had to become a monk in order to do the blessings [Music] so when the monks asked us I stepped up and I got down on my knees and I put up my hand so I'll do it then my brother comes up right after me he's like I can't watch you do it alone shave their head shave our eyebrows we had to do like oh my God 10 hours of praying we had to repeat the words and stay in a couple days in the temple and you had to live there eat like once a day and it's just noodles we're from the street people are already looking at me and my brother has gangster Sons like no we're doing something good we're praying for my mom my mom was probably surprised like oh my kids the temple finder that me and my brother out to carry the casket to go do a cremation I couldn't do it I couldn't push the button I just stepped back none of us could do it that's the worst this horrible button ever for a child to do I wonder how to live today to make her happy she never seen happiness the way she's seen before she died when she seen me and my little brother and my sister we was gangster we me and my brother was doing bad my brother was stealing cars going to jail me I was always in Seattle and she did not know I was living on the street she always wanted a watch me work find my first job and she used to always tell me growing up it's like one of these days Mom once is going to do a birthday party for you she feel bad but um there's a strong woman she took my dad's [ __ ] to mind so everything I do today is for her definitely and that's why when I dated Michelle since 1995 I love Michelle because there's a quote that says if you could treat a lady like a princess that means she was born in the arms of a queen that's how my mom taught me how to treat people is like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X my hero was you [Applause] look as your older brother but Matthew is older you could be my dad I look up to you [ __ ] I'm too lazy make fun of your uh older homie that beat your ass you know it's not like that it's all family bro make a mistake it's cool we correct it we say what you did wrong and we correct it if it's worth checking you we'll check you if it's not we're going to tell you you're wrong and that's it you know we'll give it we give you a chance to fix it you know what I mean we don't we don't beat up people for no dumb ass reasons that's right yeah you beat up your brother like your blood brother I don't think so man I'm saying man I'll go brother well not not my Rascal Brothers he left 91 I want to say he came back in 92 and he left not 92 93 and then uh he left in 94. he came out for about a year we were he was just sleeping at everybody's houses running around and we really actually have a spot to stay at and then 1994 I was like doing time in the county and then I heard he came back and he stopped hanging around with my little brother them two got close and somehow lazy's always get stranded on the street just him and my brother and they they got nobody to run to so they do whatever for each other like sometimes they don't have nothing to eat my brother just sneaking style and find food for him they just stuck on the street for the whole summer and then somehow he got back to Washington found his way back and then around November the same year like around 1994 I heard of my brother got murdered by another Asian gang while it was locked up [Music] I know lazy he was helped when he thought about it the same as me heard me so much that took away my brother and that's how I'm lazy just keep in touch with me with me because he's really close to my brother until this day we just can see them consider each other's brother it's just she always when I stopped dancing it took me a while to even come back out I only came around because there was a lot of shootings that was going on and I lost a lot of friends it's one of the main guys I admired the way he ran things a lot of people wanted him he was the key to keeping us as a gatherer of TRG out here for July I got a call from Michelle saying that it was a drive-by got shot he died I flew in be there for his funeral and at the house there was a two guy bowing weasel they was talking [ __ ] to everybody then Critter come walking up to me he's like lazy [ __ ] those fools right there might jump me I go don't worry about them and he's like you show him like don't worry man and then another guy in Pokey came up to me hey ladies and these guys over here tripping man they're talking [ __ ] to everybody they mean mugging me they don't worry about them so when I said don't worry people came running grabbed me like hey those fools are jumping somebody at Looney's funeral you know that's our homie bow and weasel are jumping them and those guys don't like Looney at the time so they're jumping Critters beating the [ __ ] out of them the old folks that at the people were screaming like oh stop I didn't choose to sit there and listen to a reason I ran in there pushed everybody off I made a big scene I'm getting off get off and I picked up those guys start swinging at me my brother came in you see that swinging that it was so he came in right beside me he's swinging back he got in a big argument so we decided to leave and then they started giving me phone calls give me threats don't show my face around it was official that Beau gave up on me in the South Side now he just got what he wanted if it was power it was to show Fair his OG was the guy that hit me now he's running the show and he was the guy jumped in TRG he didn't want me to interfere or nothing so he took he took what he can he gets spread out my name bad that gave me a bad name and he told everybody don't let lazy welcome they was making it against us to the point where he chased us where it cleaned a lot of people out of the picture it was like NWO for them you know it was ugly it was ugly right me and him all we had beef ever since mind my own business and I stayed away for a very long time it's a family it's a family any time of the day no matter tonight the situation always do one phone call away and not even on some beef [ __ ] either homie that's a real family [ __ ] problems whatever dog I can one phone call away all right how many homies and you know that you didn't live your whole life where we've been through childhood with each other homie all the way from the start of this [ __ ] from when we was out there doing what we doing look at this now bro yeah we got history together now man we did lose some people but that's their fault it was on them it was on them we ain't perfect they made their own mistakes the [ __ ] they did was they wouldn't Slide Man so this is this is our Circle right now we keep it tight Bannon was now outcasted along with any others who oppose Bo he went away and stayed with his girlfriend Michelle there's not one thing no more now I'm just like split now it's starting to be three four different heads to turn into three four different sides and but there was one that was standing on top which which him Bo they was running a show now and everybody that they didn't think fit in their category or from their block wasn't welcome yeah he's the right way you know what I'm saying we we got rules you know I'm saying we don't we ain't wild like that but we know where they stay are laying you know what I'm saying we separate ourselves from each other you know what I'm saying we crack off you know lazy would rather tell you to live up to your dreams and Ambitions than until you go ride over any day you know what I mean it's not about us the crazy thing after all these years of me staying away and one day I ran into another TRG that was going through the same situation where he was by himself and he wanted to connect we connect and it started again he had a little brother that brought in all his little friends from middle school I told him don't do it just don't do it man there's too much problems and he kept getting in these little kids in the hood I told him if things go wrong I was gonna I'm not ready to handle this situation again but he kept doing it and then when it got deep he wouldn't be able to handle it so I took it in and started talking to these kids I started because I've seen so many things that weren't right this is going to be a generation that's about to fall through some [ __ ] that they weren't expecting now I can't leave and I just been a part of being a part of these kids is joining and I can't walk away so I didn't want what was happening to me to happen to these kids so I always stuck in stuck involved encouraging him to finish school I've been there for them when they finished school I went to their graduation I gave them money I did school projects for them helped them and they were getting deeper they came to me for advices over and over stories vices they kept getting more friends in the enemies found out bowling and they found out they targeted me that here I go building something an army most likely it was never meant to be two sides and so homies kept coming kicking my house we just hung out mind our own business and we got more deep and the name is just blowing up out there a lot of little homies are now growing to be so down and dedicated loyalty for the older homies he pulled one giant big mistake caused it a problem by starting [ __ ] this [ __ ] went far out of hand I got asked to stay out of it or stand right beside I said I I I'm gonna stay right beside him there was now four gangs that click up that's coming towards me my house was the first to get shot up and this was when my wife she was seven months pregnant for the last 10 years I've been fighting those guys been most instead of playing offense I was doing more defending myself this time was coming at me [Music] foreign was going all out but the problem stopped when it was the last fight my homie's little brother versus another um one of the big guys from the other side little brother they went one-on-one and nobody jumped in they said fight 101 and then the Canyons came around and he said just call it off no more of this after so many fights from the younger guys from another side and the younger guys that was down for my side you know thankful that it's finally everything is going to rest it's an ugly world out there your best friend turned you to your enemies you guys heard rap songs I said that it's a true story your best friend do turn into your enemies but if we are under one rule under one strength that we do not turn on each other's back by sticking to that rule and work together for the rest of our lives we don't we could be trgs for the rest of our lives but I'd rather appreciate to see you guys making it I've been through the stage where people call me like lady we need a place to stay lazy we need things and by watching the back they turn their backs on me I've been through this [ __ ] over and over when you guys do good you guys can appreciate me one day you're gonna be like damn one of our OG's from TRG told us to do better congratulate me when I graduated from high school and I'm doing good and I'm getting paid real good you know why because I wasn't used to go shoot somebody because I wasn't used I think the best solution is when somebody needed to go right is from your heart you don't get forced because the person that get forced out to go on the street to do drive-bys when it's time to get caught they snitch but when a person get hurt when somebody hurt any any one of you guys you just go out there with your heart and when you get caught up you're like I don't get [ __ ] because that [ __ ] hurt my brother that's why we stink so close into this category in rascal love and that's what Rascal love means to me because I stand up for everybody claiming TRG against the [ __ ] are stabbing against me put a knife against my back and doing everything can because I so much believe in this group that stands right here when I was working at a job at a warehouse it was a guy that called me an Asian dog eater he was looking for his screwdriver he's walking around yelling at everybody where the [ __ ] my screwdriver and I had a screwdriver where I was working with a bunch of screws he came up to me is this my screwdriver I said no it's mine then he was like it is mines now like it ain't yours then I grabbed it out of his hand and he said you stupid Asian dog eater and I started talking [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and he threw all my tools and everything off my off my workstation and I got up and I ran to his workstation I grabbed all his screws I threw it across the whole warehouse and then I started laughing he was like oh you think you're hard then I went back to work and each night I heard he was wearing a bubble jacket because it's cold inside the warehouse I heard a bubble Jack went and I looked to the side and I seen a fish coming directly towards my face very slow but you know I was already on the floor all I did was duck like this he swung so hard that he tripped over me flew over there I took the advantage and I jumped on him and I started giving him blows blows people came and stopped us co-workers they held me back people held him back and then we looked at each other's face he turned around he screamed Rancher that's my supervisor both Vanna and his co-worker were fired he was now unemployed and had to search for a new job there's a saying that maybe it's a blessing in disguise ever since he was a kid he had always liked video cameras now that he was sitting at home unemployed he gave him the opportunity to explore his interest I used to walk around my house when I had a shirt that says tiny Rascal gang Pomona I recorded that and now I want to record like some drawings that I did of gangs then I recorded myself throwing gang sign as soon as that they was looking for a production Assistant gave him a phone call they said you have an experience I said no if I could do some free work to learn off you guys just watch and learn so went in for an interview he came out he's like the last guy of the day and um he had no experience he had no equipment he had no education my first impression was dude this is not a warehouse it's an office work had inventive production sign I've seen cameras I've seen how a green screen Studio looked like and I was asking so much questions that's what sparked my interest and then he said that he wanted to learn and he he just like impressed me so much that this guy had more heart and determination that it's just uh this is I got to give this guy a shot RJ the owner of the company gave me the green light that I'm in come here three days a week I scan photos I capturing log on Final Cut Pro so and I was getting paid van was real open about I didn't ever hide it hide who he was he's always been authentic with me I told my wife I go I got I brought into somebody it's actually a gang member part of me felt scared a little bit about it because I had kids I was worried about maybe somebody's going to break into all my stuff you know and I had those thoughts that passed through my mind I go it's just got to go with the flow and see what happens the side work is going out with RJ work with him seeing how he used the camera coming back with his DV tape to the office and seeing how they edit videos they told me you want to learn get yourself a Mac so I went and got a iBook G4 Dana was always like the first one to volunteer if we needed anybody for a crew to go do a shoot he was thirsty to learn he would I would give him scanning projects thousands of them he never ever complained once I learned and I took learning onto my own by reading books going to Google YouTube learning everything on site so I started practicing doing my own work and I went and bought my first camera and I started taking the camera and just started shooting videos coming home editing and I started trying to do freelance work so that became my newest passion now even though Vanna was learning a lot from working part-time gigs with RJ it was not enough money to support his family he soon had to get a full-time job with Genie Industries but still kept his weekends open to do video work and so he progressed this way until he received an interesting email [Music] and I got a email from RJ it was a forward it came from Beyond Cinema saying that if I knew any gangsters in Southern California because it was creating a movie about based on Southern California Asian gangsters and I spread the word but just like a lot of people didn't take me seriously when no gangster stepped forward Vanna volunteered himself to audition for the park he said that if chosen he would pay his own airfare that sounded fine to me so I asked him to send in an audition tape hi my name is Vanna Foote and I am doing an audition for the role of Rocky you reading this [ __ ] no it's for school just gotta copy some quotes out of that [ __ ] you should take the time and read this and when the [ __ ] was the last time you read I read all the time you just don't see me sure baby get those books over at the library over at Holland's back yeah [ __ ] that place was a spot back in the days I remember back in the days when I used to be in school these would be all sorts of [ __ ] that went down drama Central I remember when the fox used to rumble and [ __ ] back there and where they used to hide although Vanna's auditioned wasn't the Oscar performance I was looking for I liked his enthusiasm I decided to offer him a smaller role instead and invited him to San Diego crazy part is got the email back saying fly to San Diego and so San Diego here I came popping the plane the whole time couldn't quit thinking I was telling my OG my OG goofy I called him in Pomona I was telling the news like hey I got in the movie I'm gonna be doing a movie I showed them the spec trailer he's like you sure you want to go San Diego don't have much homies I mean there's a lot of enemies out there and when you watch the video he's like man those look like a bunch of enemies that's very scary so I took chances the experience of making bang bang was just so far from any other production that I have been involved with we all stayed at Byron's house it's like the real world type [ __ ] we were just forced to just to bond and to live with each other for the entire amount of time that it took to shoot the film it just created this you know this era of like family Byron said the production crew will be here in the morning they came carrying a bunch of bags like oh man this is crazy we've seen the red camera like this camera is crazy seen the lights seen people holding things I'm like what is that hey we're doing a a take one where Charlie versus jock oh [ __ ] [Music] man went out and ate together morning breakfast lunch dinner and on our days off we went out there and kick it at the beach just hung out so chemistry was was built most of the time we were just drunk dude yes damn near like a frat house too everybody was just drinking smoking after the sad just whatever man whatever goes down goes down the Drake is a [ __ ] I mean actor and [ __ ] sleep on the floor what's up we got Mission Beach and SD feeling good you know day off been working hard all week that bullet right here and Wayne wankster so we're trying to ride the roller coaster Six tickets to the ocean all right oh all right I'll try my best I'll try my best I tried my [ __ ] best [Applause] oh [ __ ] okay this is gonna be the top okay oh damn dude oh [ __ ] what's up one year later bang bang finally made its Premiere at the 2011 Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival see how many people from the streets that imagine if they could just sit down and watch yourself on a base screen be seeing yourself was a dream come true [Music] the great feeling in the world is meeting your cast and crew again and just enjoying our accomplishment together it made me felt I became a somebody again if once the streets finally dragged me down it made me feel like I'm supposed to be a loser or if I didn't find my way out then I'm if I died or if I'm in prison you could blame anything when life goes wrong but when you take chances now you see yourself in a movie if the haters don't want to give you a congratulation you pat yourself on the back my homies they look at it is that man lazy support is graduating high school and he dropped out of school how the hell did he pull all this off I'm trying from saying who cares what was expected from us what the world wanted to see us we went to the awards Gala seeing Byron walk up there accepting his uh first award for his film it was even crazier just sitting in there that was the start of a film festival run and knowing later down the line that there was more to come in October 2011 bang bang made its Hometown Premiere at the San Diego Asian film festival [Music] foreign [Music] I think it has a lot of heart I think it's truly it comes from a real place and you can feel that what was my impression of them they look a lot like the characters in the movie the memorable part of school is already known as the bad boys of the film festival in San Diego each and every one of us we was in the hallways drinking we had a lot of drinks we was taking beers back to the hotel people seeing us waking up in the morning still drinking a beer with all the excitement at the festival it was now time for the screening [Music] [Music] during the Q a question about who the intended audience was for the film sparked a passionate response from Vanna we've seen movies like colors menstrual Society boys in the hood and with a big Asian film Community we done forgot about that the culture of Asians being in gangs does exist and we swept underneath the rug for so long so when this film bang bang came out told us a story that it is here and the message here is whatever your passion is whatever your goal is like Thai for example in the movie that whatever we have a goal of we're trying to reach we could change that anytime any moment and we can make it anywhere as long as we pursue one world one pack no matter what goes on behind us we move forward and we could be anything we want so this film shows that if Ty can make it and it's a true story he is out there and he's doing very positive moves right now he's in Minnesota talking to kids in high school about real stories that gangbang it does exist he's telling the kids now he's being real about it uh you don't expect anybody to change but it all starts by an example and motivations hopefully music it could be anything or being here in front of everybody here for me is a big passion I came from Seattle and never been on the film before and I had a passion for creating films and this is my first time being on being an actor so it's quite an experience and it's definitely changed my life and I came from the same shoes as a lot of people that I was involved with gangs and I'm proud to be here and I'm definitely taking a path where I can show my friends and everybody that looks at me today and that I can look at and hopefully we can all change together so I'm proud that bang bang is here today [Applause] if I can go back to all this experience I would actually go back to making bang bang again that's what started everything went to a dream come true but being able to work on the set of bang bang with everybody hanging out with my group was the best experience of my life after bang Bang's life went back to the routine working 12-hour shifts at Genie and spending some weekends to shoot videos with RJ that's where all the homies was working so we were doing warehouse workers 10 hour shifts but it always goes on to 11 12 hours every day work is dangerous the people is good the co-worker is great the job there is frustrating I like the 10 hours a day I didn't like 30 minutes of lunch with hundreds of people fighting for six microwave one day at work something strange happened I'm gonna go put some schools my co-worker go talk to me and I look at them I just felt my head and they go I couldn't hear him then I just told him I just tried to speak it out but I can't hear myself I was like I can't hear you guys I went back to work my league came up are you okay do you want to go outside and I heard and I'm like no that's okay and I told my um homie's dad got working with me at lunch I'm like man something's going on the guys I ride home and said that I was speaking random stuff where I was just saying something to them but it's spoke a different language got home told my wife something's going on I'm going to sleep I woke up in the middle of the night still happening it woke me up so I went to the hospital they put like five things on my heart and like 20 things on my head they discovered that uh was coming back that I got a brain tumor the MRI shows that Vanna has a tumor in his left temporal area and in order to figure out what it is and to determine whether or not he needs further treatment we need to do a biopsy when I found out when I got that news I wanted to run away from it I just jumped out the car and took a jog into the middle of nowhere to jog to like a forest dark roads just to find an inspiration to be Fearless bleeding in the brain or damage to an artery that could cause a stroke which could potentially cause damage to speech function or understanding of language like you said memory so all of those are risks that are involved and it could potentially be disabling or or life-threatening truth is we need each other because we fought each other we end up alone I'm I'm getting very sick now you guys know I got I got to the point where I lost my job I went to Medical medical leave to the point where I got laid off and I can't get an unemployment because I'm not allowed to seek work so now I'm getting more Broker Than Ever people that don't know me want to say that I was born in a better family that's why there was a struggle I strive I grind I did everything I can to get where I belong and where I want to be I never gave up in where I should be and well the other side's betrayed me and that's why I brought the game to you guys so you guys won't be treated the same way the first time when baby got in I tried to talk to baby you sure this is what you want I even gave baby that talk I'm like you sure you want to join the hood because this is how many people that's going to treat us wrong right I told you that in the beginning everything when sneaky was looking for stuff he found me on Craigslist trying to sell my alarm I found out that was sneaking his that his email address is so full it's just ebk 71 to say I'm like that's sneaky I played with him pretending to be this big girl I was just wondering I [ __ ] them up okay and then when we met little Joey little man I showed him a lot of love when we met Jason we saw a lot of love because we wanted to stick together as a family one little Joey even local when local first met me he had a little problem with his hand he came to me like lazy man I got a little problem in my hand how can we fix this and I stood right beside him and there's a lot of people in the hood today that will stand against you instead of with you they won't listen to your story they'll listen to who's deeper and that's how we go against each other that's the start this is the third term the snakes get rushed out of our group Out of the Shadows because we don't need them no more if I never stand up for you then you have a right to never stand up for me but if you know me very well I will never go against you I will appreciate you and I will support you for everything you do I had the bad movements in life I'm going through a bad stage I'm not supposed to be thinking about stress but we have some snakes here in town but we still got the same chair so ain't nothing going down in SeaTac right am I right so we're going to stay the same one love Rascal love [Music] coming from the childhood of like these gang wars you lost so many of them homies you think you finally got away with any dangerous to your life like I ran into gangsters I've been jumping shot at and stabbed now I'm facing something that it's just like walking into a gun you're facing a bullet now I survive all these days now I'm facing something that's going to give me an opportunity how how close it is to fearing for your life I reached my goals if anything was to go down but if not I want to come out a champion and pursue everything to be a better person because I still got to make it out here to take care of my daughter and my wife and my little homies I survived this long I'm not I'm not to worry at all I'm ready Fano wanted this documentary made so that his memories and Legacy could be preserved if he did not come out of the operation the same [Music] [Music] currently fana has made a full recovery but with a daughter to raise staggering medical bills and no job he still has many challenges ahead by watching this film and learning about his story you have helped him achieve his dreams [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: beyondcinema
Views: 768,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rascal love, raskal love, tiny raskal gang
Id: UEr1EgNc2jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 19sec (4999 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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