Rarest Baseball Odds 2️⃣

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foreign [Applause] right center field is it going to fall yes no it said they say it hit the ground and Randy Nguyen is going to be out anyway times sometimes the player will want to give you a ball so you just kind of throw it up there but you again have to be paying attention in this case no um that lady was off again tatis Hosmer Strikes Out throw down there and is still a man he did into a split steal second then go into a split watch as the ball goes down the dirt he takes his mask off yep can't do that he's absolutely guilty of it cannot stop the flow of that ball with your mask thank you caught by Flores and he made the diving tag to double up Moustakas to Aguilar b-ball four yeah on that point I thought it was interesting a little early this week I was reading a report zagalar's having a little bit of fun at home Aguilar and Narvaez yeah they started keep it close and then the bullpen comes in and the offense strikes late in the game vladim mimicking what Romano does on the mound now that's funny still raining yeah it is it is raining a little bit Francisco trying to catch the raindrops bundle of energy and now the bat thrown at the ball ground ball third France up with it well you can see that bat leave the hand of a rose Arena to make contact he just protects you know when you grow up and the other sport is football their version of football not ours you can do this in between Innings three for four effort last night there's a base knock whoa maybe not should he get the bag he did on the temple and touched up the bag gets an infield hit Shopper to third Nevers will come to the plate and Machado safe he got the footed before the tag and a real good job there by Will little not anticipating bring it home down the stretch no no 10 feet from immortality and not only that you know he's going to be bleeding on both knees walks and now he hits him with a pitch and Cruz limps out of the box he and Miley have had a little uh fun with each other I think I hope it's fun St Louis's favor Vader rolls one to Rizzo gonna try to turn two a little bit off Target on a little bit off the floor and the two Puerto Rico natives we saw Albertson Molina share a moment when Albert went up there to hit first time and holding the return of the favor when he gets down there to First debuted in 0-1 Mookie Betts and Cody Bellinger following sir on the State Farm side it's good that he can laugh 2-2 pitches bounced out to First there you go [Applause] [Laughter] there's the momentum going towards sure yeah he's having the time of his life he's like I'm coming towards you this at first but one step by the way that is a couple of guys having fun they've been talking the whole time over there down at first base so and he throws him an off speed pitch and McNeil rolls it and odorless he lost control of it and Nick Neal calls into first base what is he doing oh wow order Rizzy had the ball oh the 2-2 right back up the middle speered by Baez and he flips the candelario for the outage second oh what a dazzling play by Javier Baez that was Mike Matheny will bring in Harrison Vader to pinch hit the world was that that's a now that's out number two a little quick pitcher and you stand out there like you got everything under control that hitter doesn't know how you feel that day watch out but you could get this oh boy that's gonna cost somebody a jam shot and France is right there to make the catch oh he tagged him for the L it's a double play Maldonado is saying he forced him off the bag I think his left here's an O2 to Juan Soto ground ball double play into the second oh what a stop behind his back Velasquez behind his back was able to retire a little flare camp out and Camp dies and he caught it gets it back in I want to play breaking the ball hit dropping towards short passage Calhoun being waved around travel head to Third and he is safe fortunately he is safe because I don't know second is Kozar will make it and Kroner worth sends one through the left side into left field to base head fam will score tatisi is stopped and he'll be safe able to get back somehow again and that is a great play by Reynolds to Russian play by russet he spun around and still hit the bag that saved Hamilton on a hop Gordon backhand Edge foot on the bag he's out at seconds and there's a bouncing ball RC a little glove hand flip is wide to VR and still running is Fowler and he's out at third [Applause] who makes a fine play to get Young At first Kenny Vargas backhanding it and lying down on the another hard hit ball by Harrison and even Taylor can't track that down Harrison trying for two and somehow he is safe by Design struck out the side Ballinger swings first pitch and hits one out toward left center field off the end of the back Eric Young Jr Cameron may but it looks like ey Junior comes up within one wow how did he hold on and chops one toward Camargo tricky hop bottled and the Big Arm saves him at first base almost got nothing out of that instead there's a chopper to third Valencia has it a fair territory tough off-balanced throw just got him what a nice play WoW weekly to the picture [Applause] ground ball towards the hole there's VR wide range he spins got a plicked by VR [Applause] there goes cervelli's throw gonna get him nice Harrison goes up to get it comes down and tags ground ball to the right side pool holes gloves it stumbles rolls over South I hope Albert's okay find yourself rooting for a guy at single a guy Triple A it's a runner goes throw down a second a good one got him Upton gunned down by kainer falafa for the first out of the inning Bullpen piece is used as zobrist pops it up long run for Gonzalez Le Mayhew going out to make a fine acrobatic grab the one on one out Josh Tully's The Hitter totally pops it into Shadow center field Baldwin out what a cats magician life this time he pulls the ball right side Pierce wide throw gets away and here comes Diaz and he is going to be picked off if anybody can get out of a pickle it's Fernando tatis Jr and he did it what doesn't he do I know I have although all these years a hard ground ball hit off the glove of Otto who throws and an acrobatic play by both the receiver on the ground ball vato and the man the O2 from Street side to Les from his second a big stretch by VR to focus he's around the plate he throws a lot of sports foreign [Applause] pops it up foul ground over is the catcher Narvaez and he can't make the catch but a race the third baseman was right in the neighborhood after rivaldi exits ground ball schwarber throws wide and they get me out but no double play out in seconds no confusion Third Base side tough play in the Sun and moncada reaches back and makes the catch on his back Mancini lifts a pop-up short left field Correa out and he makes the catch Carlos Correa with an acrobatic catch on hey there's a base hit that is just fair Dickerson is on his way to second look at this he hit it off the ground it bounced first one Rojas and Gordon and Gonzalez and Ethier [Applause] I don't know the last time I've seen a four-man infield on the right side check swing no it got away here comes the runner the third got the plane out at the plate is Pacheco the played umpire is check Vader is picked off makes a good throw and attack by storm very athletic played by storm Runner goes the pitch is outside the throw down to Second and the tag is in time to get him what a play by Ozzy again wow the throw high and on the first base side of second Ozzy had to leave his feet to flag it down always a chance for dreams to come true a little guy just wanted to play catch with Josh Bell yeah I can see this catching on because it was what Austin Meadows the other night that played a little catch before wish driven toward right Calhoun headed toward the foul line still going into the stands dives into the stands and can't come up with it hey that fan made a great catch yeah oh man I am a real America oh man Hulk Hogan growing up so cool warm mookie bets up between idiots a Dodger fan in the first row that was not just a couple throws that was the entire half inning break was spent warming up I saw the kids I think he just barely missed that foul ball and then he apologized her and said are you all right well she freaked out because she was so funny well they brought her back to throw out the first pitch ball shallow right field sprinting out Castillo he does he hang on to it he did superb play by Jose costi popped up it's going to be a tough play for somebody and Sandoval flips it in the air oh my God snapped his Bat in a roller to Bogarts High throw and he's safe what a slide by us to deal [Music] how do you sense he snapped at a ball that was outside now Harrison going out Harrison leaping over Andrew Vaughn Harrison made the catch and he may have heard himself three for three with a homer make it three oh no why goodness stefanik made the catch it almost had a double play at it wow that too just mix it and gets a piece that was great that was fantastic hacky sack anyone I mean the soccer skills are coming out for a EU hanio no kidding this gets away for Murphy backed up by Walters they got him hung up he dropped it once and he throws it and it hits unbelievable hits Calhoun in the back I mean they have dead rights oh they say he moved into intent quick move oh my gosh it gets Escobar right in his groin area as suits Sugo evidently fanned on the ball I mean he threw a heater it upset him there at the mound what he did before he came out watch this he turns and fires it thankfully he threw it against the board so there was nobody in the seats there to get hit with it but you know you don't do that when your manager is coming all day off watch out gorkys Hernandez and the world's highest for him then maybe anybody else in the league and he's gonna bunt anyway and today it's Ramos Tyler Moore yesterday Wilson Ramos today pitch is hammered out to left field toward the quarter JB shot at the warning track at the Wally so can he get it he went over the wall Donato slots a ground ball to third Alvarez and the ball just fell apart oh my goodness I've heard of hitting the cover off the ball I've never have you ever seen that thing and a sharp slider I don't think that oh wow it bounced and it's tapped to Third and get him with a nice play by Longoria High Fly ball right field deep can Seiko back to the track look it up it is off his head it looked like and over the top [Music] sound about lost his job in the spring and he might have just lost his belt the 01 pitch Edmond chops in left side his speed he is out thank goodness as long as you're okay [Applause] West Point which means he's close he's close smashed up the middle Kinsler has a kick off his glove he recovers but not at all and Nails Santana and he goes down in the heat oh my goodness that's after he hit the ball yep in seven games he's got two tonight this one yank the third and it's glove by Escobar and that is out snow cone or did it go through the webbing yeah as moncada hits a towering Fly ball deep into right center field Zimmer is back at the track they run into each other and this ball is where is it that get us Ichiro ran around the tag and then snuck back to the plate and scores to give the Yankees a one-nothing lead and itro just it's an interesting matchup right here as the ball is thrown back it's over the head and a heads-up base running play by Peralta count now the pitch due to taking and it is low for ball four dude had to check and make sure but he has just walked dude and Murphy now tearing from second to third nobody's covering third time apparently was never out stays Fair Muncie can he get the tag he cannot and wisdom he slides in and now Munster saying he's at the base pack 3-2 driven deep to left field going back Damon still back leech and makes the play oh now he dropped the ball he dropped the ball two runs will score eucal is heading to third he's in there 3-2 pitch and that'll be a walk to Holiday who almost hit the Umpire [Applause] close bunt and gets it down a beauty arenado's only play is to First there are two Rockies there and they miss the band he's framing it in cricket that's a strike hustle back Howard having trouble and it falls it's a fair ball the Run comes in Reyes trying to get to second the throw and they out in front of one two can the Pirates get him to Chase Chad cool saves Todd Thompson very cool Todd wasn't looking either [Applause] if Mike Napoli could do that again he'd probably be a tough play tag him tag him tag him he's out yes he is that turn he wasn't running a straight hold on it's still four yeah you need one more there okay one-on-one oh my goodness the throwback get ready for the next pitch and put it right into there's a deep drive off the bat of schwarber left Center on Cubs lead one to nothing get over to the ceremonial first pitch which I can't decide whether that's the worst in baseball history or the best we need a Yasiel Puig camp in other words we need a camera just dedicated everywhere you go to watching him the entire game everywhere he goes there's no one liking guys he didn't mean to that stays fair oh he did not know oh they had him and he's going to end up being safe because the pitcher and the catcher ran into each other well actually Severino should have let split finger the question is did he hit the ball with the back and he's out he is out [Applause] hit the back Fair ball they hit the back and they're gonna throw him out unbelievable that's a strange at bat the only time I've ever seen that remember the old Clinton delivery on the way popped up short stop rondone oh couldn't find it base hit almost hit him did not go that and he Yanks one in the air to left field Tomlinson shy of the warning track makes the catch he doesn't realize that's only the second out tagging and trying to go to Third and insane I see the ball deep drops it and he scores [Music] and it's five to two that one cued toward Chapman Chapman's gonna throw it a second and everybody's safe and he got back and they tagged him out wow Calhoun thought about going tough play maybe no play maybe at third and they got him Goldie you homered his last time up David takes off is up the line Peralta's home and it's six nothing Tucker Barnhart winds up to throw that ball down nope to Third and third off the bag it gets through saladinos coming home how broken bat and Junior flips it over to Lopez second base bounce hits the bag and it rolls out into left field and Flores is going to take a wide turn and he'll be aboard with two outs this one right on top [Applause] is not a good Slide by Robert and police no I hope he's all right I would hope so it's an ego contusion that's pulled up the right side toward the line Phillips will make the pickup and now he falls as he gets ready to make the throw they've changed because of positioning oh look out Phillips hit by that pitch they they mistook that Phillips now Cody Allen is known for his nickname chicken owl and today Justin Masterson brought a live chicken out during the stretch to poke fun at his teammate but drops down breaking ball info was fouled well not according to James Hoy that ball was fouled what can you tell she's not after Jose is she she's got to be looking for Cal 73 for the year what was that that was a sound that was not supposed to emanate from the speakers here what spooked everybody in the ballpark including JJ puts this one slips right out of the hand Felix Dubrow [Applause] just missed the inside corner two on Earth pre-game talk it is warm after all today see Miguel Cabrera do that a few times and the pitch rocketed to short scooped out of the air by a Silverstone a hop gathers it in and throws to first again I think the ball came up in the middle of his cap that's two men down oh is he okay Geo stumbles down he goes lays there and I was hoping he was laying there out of amusement not out of it 1-0 and Lee Joe Espada I think got fooled by that one off the bat Joe bailed and the ball wasn't by him yet oh I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing no let's see Chavez reaction gonna come back here with a 3-1 pitch got him to pop it up Bogart's out still out still out and makes the catch goes tumbling right over Verdugo ball came free here's the throw in his a little pop into foul ground with the shift on racing over it unable to make the play is moncada boom wait a minute he's got a chance low [Applause] where was it the beauty of Bob Melvin yeah that that got Romine and he's being held up by David Rackley Seeger sends one to left center field and it is caught George Springer's got the ball as he and rymell Tapia almost five two homers against Freeland man misses it long throw knock it for Hampton that was weird and I'm looking at rhyming he swung in a pitch down by his shoes that's not baseball is a straight homework oh that's down there Pete time out you're getting canker sores and thrush foreign [Music] somebody just threw a ball of yarn ball was uh heading up to the plate he's a little over anxious at the d8 he's got time to kill and it wasn't his time to bat it was Nick Castellanos is tied in the back he wants to get up there yeah well you know you know what how it is out on strikes throws the BET and the ball is in the left-handed batter's box that was an uncomfortable looking event there it went through his glove it went through his glove through his bluff broke the webbing what a break for the Mariners that is kind of gross you know if you don't know what the bubble gum game is Michael what they do is use this to pitches as you see them down there it's like golf it's like frisbee golf They think bronze keeper loves it I'm sure Danny will be excited to put somebody else on that job [Music] he almost looked like he was playing soccer he was trying to look like he's in the third base side of the infield we don't worry about the outfielders during rain delays there out there playing with dandelion isn't anything in the Outfield anyway 1-1 hit in the air out towards right center field backing up Hicks to the warning track looks at the wall and it is off the top of the fence and it bounces over near the seats may have a play and he had it but he unfortunately did not catch it he ran into a chair down there that's never good just really nowhere to go for the suit glad he working on a short game [Applause] is that the Target off the pole yeah it was his feet I think that's a Tapper along the left side if it stays Fair no chance to get Bader and it will best part of this whole play besides if you're Harrison Bader fan and it's a knock watch Rafi devars exactly like nobody's going to see him huh yep is it cool you have a little fun at first base easy on the pushes big fella now that [Music]
Channel: Top All Sports
Views: 1,120,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mlb, Baseball, Beisbol, Sports, Sports odd, Sports odds, Sports oddities, Sports bloopers, Mlb odds, Mlb oddities, Mlb bloopers, Baseball odd, Baseball odds, Baseball oddities, Baseball bloopers, Best bloopers, Best odds, Funny bloopers, Funny odd, Funny oddities, Las mejores jugadas, Best baseball plays, Best mlb plays
Id: fCOY6M2iA-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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