Rare Silver Coin Haul! US Type Set Coin Collection Update

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luster baby lustre [Music] hello everybody silverpicker here and today's video is one of my most requested videos so i am super excited to bring it to you and what are we talking about today well we are going to update my united states typeset collection together yes many of you who have been long time watchers of my channel have seen my journey as i have built my united states typeset it is my beloved collection it is the really my most proud piece of my collection and today we are going to be giving it some serious updates now if you don't know what a typeset is a typeset is essentially a collection of coins that are all examples one example of each type of coin in that set in this case this is a united states typeset so it has one coin of every type of coin ever produced by the united states obviously there are some exceptions but we're talking about the main coins so this differs from a date set where you collect the same coin and you try and get every single date right so if you're trying to collect wheat cents right you would collect every single wheat cent all different mint marks right all the way from 1909 all the way through 1958 right so you'd get the 1909 s the 1909 d the 1909 p etc and you collect them all that's not my favorite way to collect because i like the variety i like the art i like seeing a whole bunch of different coins on the same page and not the same design but as i always say you do you right and if you like typesets great if you don't also that's okay but i always like to encourage people to get into this type of collecting because it is so rewarding now if you missed my last typeset update video you gotta check it out over here because i literally took out every single coin from this album i meticulously filmed each one and showed you up close and personal views of those coins and i am not ready to do that again it took me hours because you've got to be really careful some of these coins are worth hundreds and hundreds of dollars and i don't want to get my fingers all over them and i don't want to scratch them so i had to be really careful taking them all out filming them and putting them back in so you're not missing anything check it out in the card over here but today i have over a dozen coins that i am going to be putting in this album some of them are to upgrade right some of them are coins that i already have but are these ones are better examples and some are totally new and i'll be filling the holes in these albums now if you guys are collectors you know how good it feels to finally take something that was a blank space and put a coin in there it just feels great that is some of the most fun parts of collecting it's that sort of completionist attitude that we just can't help but uh that is what we're going to be doing so in any case uh enough with the jibber jabber let's crack into these coins and see what kind of updates we're making all right this is my united states typeset album this is the dansko brand album unfortunately these are out of print for the time being and they are relatively hard to find uh you can find them on ebay every now and again for a good price but they're likely to cost you around 50 bucks or more i was lucky enough to snag this one for 25 at a local coin store and again this is this is what we're looking at over here right so it has all the different designs of all the different coins um on my first page i cannot believe this but the only one i'm missing right now is the coronet uh head half cent everything else i have at least an example of on the next page uh the only things i'm missing are the capped bust half dime the shield nickel with raise but spoiler alert we're going to fill that hole the buffalo 1913 which is the variety one uh everything else i've got on this page a little bit more sparse we've got the 20 cent piece i'm missing again spoiler alert we're gonna fill that in uh the capped bust and the liberty seated with motto uh quarter and then for the half dollars i'm missing the cap bus with readed edge and the liberty seated with the motto i don't understand why but like i have had so many of these capped bust uh lettered edge ones over the years and i've never gotten a read edge one i guess these are i haven't even looked at the mintages i'm guessing those are rare but and then in the silver dollars section i'm missing the liberty seated dollars um and then the last page i have complete but see i mean i am making incredible progress on this collection a lot of it thanks to your guys help uh this collection i have gotten only through grab bags collection purchases and trades i have never bought a single one of these coins uh directly like on ebay or at a coin store or something like that my whole point of this collection is to do it the old school way and also to show you guys that you can get into coin collecting and have a beautiful coin collection like this one without breaking the bank i mean this collection all the ones again when i said purchase collections obviously i'm paying for them but i'm buying them for profit so all the other coins that i sold essentially pay for these and allows me to get this stuff for free as you can see i've put on my glove maybe a little prematurely because we're going to be putting in some of these coins but basically i don't really use gloves all that often except when i'm handling very valuable coins or one of my personal collections all right well we've talked enough about this you've seen it all before again if you missed it you can check it out in the link below and in the card in the corner um but let's just get started i've got all of these different coins over here that we're going to be putting in the album some of them again are replacing and upgrading coins that i already have and other ones are totally new the one we're gonna start with is of course this guy which is a two cent coin well you can see it fell out uh this is an old holder so that's why we're going to start with it it is actually right over here check that out in 1864 in spectacular shape you can read all of the writing the only thing wrong with it is that there are some scratches it almost looks like somebody carved their initials into the top but uh it is in significantly better shape than the one that i currently have so this is going to be the first one that we are going to replace i'm going to take out the old one and show you them side by side so you can see really what kind of uh upgrade i'm really getting all right see if i can do this the one i have now is actually not in very good shape at all so this is really going to be a true upgrade pop that one out and then i slide in if you've never seen one of these albums before basically it's two panes of plastic that sandwich the coins and protect them so let's take a look at these two different coins this is the new one and this is the old one really really night and day so let's pop this bad boy in to the album so i always like to sort of place it like this and then i get my cotton glove on and then i'm not worried about putting dangerous oils or scratches or anything like that on the coin and then i gently press it into place and now we have just officially upgraded the first coin in my collection and that is a spectacular beauty so proud to have that piece in my collection now um and by the way everything else that i'm taking out of this album uh will be available for sale so if anybody's interested uh drop me a line shoot me an email at thesilverpicker gmail.com or on instagram at the silver picker all right so that's one down next up let us check out another upgrade okay so again i'm going to slow roll it a little bit you know save some of the best ones for last you know we've got some really ridiculously nice coins so uh you definitely want to stick around for that um and if you're enjoying this video of course remember to hit that like button you see this is the thumb looks just like a thumbs up symbol it's right below the video and all you have to do is click on it once all you do is click on it once and it will make me a happy camper all right so we've got here this is the type 2 standing liberty quarter uh you can tell the type 2 standing liberty quarter really easily because the type 2 has three little stars beneath the eagle uh the type 1 does not there's several other differences but in this case we're looking just at those stars beneath the eagle so what we're gonna do is we're gonna pop this out i'm gonna compare the old ones just like before and uh i'll show you why i'm replacing it and then we'll do the replacement so by the way whenever i'm cracking out coins just like this i'm always very careful to make sure that the staples don't touch the coin right i get the staples far out of the way before i remove the coin because the worst thing that can happen is like when you've got this beautiful coin and you're so excited to get it out and put in your album that you pull it out and you scrape the coin against those uh staples and ruin it so let's take a look at what we're replacing this is the old one it's a very nice coin but it's dark it's a little bit worn and it's certainly not as nice as this guy over here this guy over here is definitely definitely nicer it's got more detail um at first i actually thought that the old one had more detail but that's just because it is darker because it's dirtier and that actually highlights some of the details better um but on the rim it's a little bit damaged and here you can just see that it is just a much much clearer coin it's a lot easier to see the details and uh i'm very excited to have this one in my collection the other one's still a very nice coin it wasn't like the two cent coin which was you know such an obvious uh you know upgrade this one's not as obvious of an upgrade but it's still in my opinion a pretty clear improvement so i'm gonna line this baby up press it in and now look how much brighter that is just so much easier to see you know if i'm showing this off to friends and flipping through it uh they're going to be able to see this significantly better than the other one and that's really what it's all about this to me is like the ambassador to coin collecting right this album is the one that most of my friends who are not into coin collecting look at when they come to my house and just think that this is just the coolest thing ever and uh guess what they're right so all right next up see what we've got i've got a whole bunch of stuff right so i'll just give you another sneak peek and again like i told you to like the video that was a pretty obvious request but of course hit that big old subscribe button i mean that big old red subscribe button is blinking at you it's staring at you it wants you to click on it so please do and join the other 100 000 subscribers that's right i hit 100k i'm not going to try and make it too big of a deal about it that is of course until the silver play button plaque arrives and then i'll make a huge deal about it but join the hundred thousand people that have already subscribed and have some fun with us all right well you know what let's do this one let's do this one you know this one's this one's been winking at me all right this one is a 1876 carson city motto and it has the motto on there you can see here below the eagle we've got cc carson city that's the most desired most coveted of all mint marks in all u.s coins so let's get us to the quarter page we're over here and we can see that we are filling a hole that's right we are filling a hole baby over here we've got the liberty seated no model as you can see here there is no ribbon above the eagle but here there is indeed a ribbon above the eagle so that's the difference with the no motto versus the motto tomato no motto tomato and here we are so we're going to be putting this guy right in here it's not in like the greatest shape but this came in a grab bag from one of my patrons thank you very much you know who you are um and i mean this is just bananas right 1876 carson city so this one again being very very careful not to scrape the coin so you look how easy it would be to scrape the coin right now if i pulled the coin out so you gotta get the staples far away bent away from the coin and then you can pull it out wow look at that really really nice holy cow i love the reverse of these seated coins love it just super cool super iconic you can't beat that all right let us get this pane of plastic out of the way situate this bad boy over here you can see 1866 to 1891 this is indeed 1876 and there we go it's it's in it is inside it is protected and now we just need to put our little plastic over it boom doesn't that look great holy cow all the seated quarters complete now we just need the capped bust and we are set with literally every quarter in the series all right next up we're going to move a little faster now we have another quarter over here this one is an upgrade you can see here it's a 1915 barber quarter it's not a particularly great date but it is a really nice example most of the the circulated quarters that you get from the barber era are just really really slick i mean the one i have in here you can see is the best one that i've ever got from buying collections right which is not to say much i mean the rim and edge are all messed up the rim is totally worn down on this one the edge has a little bit of a ding on it this one is just so much nicer all right let's get this out for the next ones you already know the drill right so i'm going to just compare them and then i'll put them in but uh you know i'll do some fancy editing uh until then old one new one you can see it's night and day right night and day all right press this guy in sometimes you don't have to put the glove on by the way if you're interested in getting uh a pack of cotton gloves like these you can find it in my amazon link down below definitely worth it it's like 10 bucks for a pack of them and it will definitely help preserve your coin collection all right next up wow look at that beauty 1891 seated liberty dime really nice condition let's see what we've got over here what do we have in the collection already i know i have all the dimes so i know i already have it but which one are we replacing we are replacing the 1891 which is this guy right over here now this one is the legend right again it says united states of america around lady liberty uh in this one it has arrows next to the date and stars around it and this one just has stars around it so this one is the one with the motto so let's uh crack it open so i wonder which one is the good one right well of course this is the new one and it is replacing this very very worn one again these are not like either of them like amazing amazing shape but clearly especially in the reverse look this one's got crud and gunk all over it's very worn this one is significantly nicer so let's put that guy in and give him a new home in my collection and who knows someday maybe i'll be saying the same thing about this one right someday this one will also be uh you know the old guy and being replaced with a new young whippersnapper that is in better condition but for now that's that's the journey that's the beauty of collecting right you're always upgrading it's a lifelong journey it is a marathon not a sprint now the next one we're replacing is this 1904 uh indian headset it's kind of dirty it's not in great shape i'm actually shocked that this is the best one that i've uh that i've had but we're going to be replacing it with this guy which is a full liberty which means it has the word liberty fully visible on the headdress you can see that probably even through the plastic and uh this one even has a little bit of copper toning still left so let's open this guy up definitely definitely an upgrade 100 for sure and it's a little bit older i always like when i can replace you know an old coin with an even older one even though this is only one year difference it is still a little bit wee bit tiny bit older and therefore to me more interesting nice and a lot easier to see again all of this is about presentation it's about upgrading so that it is more enjoyable to look at and you can really reap the benefits of having a typeset in the first place next up we're replacing this guy with this guy now this is an easy one right this is pretty easy the uh steel scent that i have right now is the 1943 steel scent is just pretty worn it's in better shape than a lot of the ones you find but you see i'm not even handling it with a glove because it's just not necessary but this one this one still has some mint luster you can tell that it has not been dipped or altered in any way it is just a really really nice example a really nice specimen so we're going to put this guy in there this one's not that exciting so you know we're not going to spend too much time on it but uh it is indeed an upgrade so we're going to put it in looks even nicer outside of the 2x2 how nice is that look at that look at that luster hoo luster baby luster all right look at that this whole row has gotten such a face lift look at that we've got this beautiful uh steel scent and we've got this beautiful two cent piece wow really really nice now here we have our first example of a coin that i already had that was in excellent condition this is the one that was inside my album and i actually am not a hundred percent sure if this one is worse than the one that i am planning on replacing it with so we are going to take a look and see if this guy is better or not so let's crack it out of the plastic and do a little side by side comparison so this is it i think it is yeah look at that luster look at that luster yep the one on the right is the new one that is unquestionably nicer we are putting that guy in there the other one is still really nice i'm sure it's going to end up in someone else's typeset it's been in mind for quite a while because it is so nice trying really hard not to uh get even the slightest fingerprint on it get the glove on and lightly press it into place nice look at that that is sweet i actually don't love jefferson nickels i don't love the design but having them nice and shiny at least is uh is a benefit okay okay we've got we've got an interesting situation here i was about to say that we're gonna do our last replacement before we move on to uh you know filling some more holes with some of the really really nice specimens this is an absolutely spectacular seated liberty half dollar from 1843 and i'm looking to see okay did i fill another hole here and i realized no this is 1866 to 1891 so this can't possibly fit so it must actually be this guy over here which is the 1839 to 1865. and i was a little disappointed because this one's also really nice and i wasn't doing much of an upgrade but then i realized something what's that date right there can you see what's the date on this coin the date on this coin is 1875. it can't possibly be here i had this in the wrong slot the entire time because i saw the stars and i read no motto and i actually thought that it was referring to saying united states of america as opposed to on the reverse having the motto in that little ribbon the little ribbon above the eagle in this case this one has no ribbon right there's no ribbon above the eagle so what i'm actually doing is replacing this into its appropriate slot over here and putting this beauty over here and finishing off the seated liberty half dollars so that is absolutely amazing i am super super excited about that because i did not expect that and it feels like now instead of having just gotten one amazing coin i actually feel like i have gotten two coins that's really what it feels like it feels like i've gotten two coins now so okay first thing we're gonna do is we're going to put the old one in its appropriate place because it is indeed the coin with the motto oh look at that sits perfectly right next to her sister over here and now huh look at this tell me what you think this was great at really tell me what you think if you are good at grading if you are somebody that really knows their stuff look at that you saw this come in my last purchase video super super super nice somebody told me they thought a bunch of people commented and said they thought this was cleaned look i won't say that i am the most knowledgeable numismatist on youtube i'm not there are some people that are way more knowledgeable than i am but i really do not think that this was cleaned um to me i still see some mint luster peeking through i see a nice patina this does not have the hallmarks of a cleaned coin to me but uh if you think that it was cleaned please tell me why what are the what is the evidence in any case let's put this bad boy in to its appropriate slot line it up lightly press with the glove of course and protect it with the sliding plastic window wow look at that look at that this is a video for the real hardcore coin collectors of course i know that you guys are salivating over this stuff and uh most of the other folks who are here just for the silver content probably turned off the video already but if you're still watching and you're a silver stacker give coin collecting a chance too it is such a wonderful sort of offshoot of precious metals investing what an amazing amazing hobby look how beautiful this is alright next next up now we are moving in to just straight up filling some of these holes and this is a shield nickel and the shield nickel has two different varieties you can see here on the back there are little stars surrounding the number five and also little lines or what they call rays now this one is the one with stars and rays and this one just has stars so we are going to finally get this first nickel this is the first nickel that was called a nickel previous nickels were just five cent coins and they were called half dimes because they were silver so it's just a little tidbit i bet everyone watching this already knew that though because you guys are the hardcore numismatists i know who's watching these videos okay gotta make sure again that we don't scrape the coin against any of the staples now this one of course is not an amazing shape but you can read the date you can see all the features really really nicely and this is going to be a great coin that will probably be here for several years until i replace it with something nicer wow it really just feels so good to get one of these holes filled uh and just be able to see the beauty coin the beautiful coin sitting there and just getting closer and closer to completing the first version of this collection i say first version because this is a lifelong venture this is something that i'm constantly going to be upgrading right like these coins are not particularly beautiful uh even though i'm very happy with them you know they're not like mint state or au or anything like that so once i have a full set then i'll just start focusing on upgrading or move on to other projects as well but you know for now some of these like it's unlikely that i'm gonna replace this we just put in right we just put this uh war nickel it's in it's really an ms condition so this is probably never getting replaced same thing with uh this mercury dime probably never gonna get replaced but you know this uh liberty nickel right this liberty nickel probably will be replaced relatively soon you know this this uh seated dime has a hole right she's got a hole right through her head so that's definitely gonna get replaced so it's a journey it's a journey all right now i'm going to show you one coin that we're actually not going to be putting in the album even though i would like to right it's this this beauty which i got in another video a few weeks ago it is a seated liberty uh quarter from 1861 it is absolutely beautiful and it is of course in significantly significantly better condition than this uh you know where there where we go there we go this ratty old uh you know uh seated liberty that you can barely see because it's so dark now i do want to replace it but this coin is in such spa spectacular condition that i really think i'm gonna get it graded and if it comes back you know cleaned or it comes back uh you know some other problem coin i'll probably crack it out and put it in here uh in any case but i think this is worth giving it a shot and uh getting this bad boy graded because this could be really worth a significant amount of money if it grades out at a really high mint state grade so let's uh put this off to the side just wanted to show you that and explain why it's not going in my collection or i should say not going in my typeset but we are up to the last coin the last coin the one that i am absolutely most excited for of all of these and that is of course the 20 cent silver i am obsessed with obsolete denominations i love the two cent coins i love the three cent coins i love the half dimes and the 20 cent piece is possibly the oddest one of all and now i am the proud owner thank you so much to the patron who gave this to me this was in a grab egg exchange you can check it out on my channel but you know who you are thank you so so much i am so excited to put this guy in here um so let's crack it out i'm going to be extra careful so i'm going to do it off camera and she's out lady liberty can breathe again and we're going to put her right in here again i will do one more impassioned pledge to ask you all to hit the subscribe button if not for me do it for lady liberty do it for lady liberty do it for freedom do it for america right no i'm just kidding just do it because you will get a lot of awesome coin and precious metals content if you do subscribe so that's it we did it take a look let me go zoom out a little bit and take you on a mini tour just to see what we have done not a minotaur a mini tour so just so i remember we replaced the steel scent over here we replaced the indian head scent over here we replaced the two cent piece over here all with significantly better versions we added a brand new coin over here this shield nickel was just an empty lonely little hole before and now we have a shield nickel with rays sitting there proudly we have the 35 silver war nickel that is now in obscenely spectacular condition we have the new new and improved lady liberty seated liberty with legend dime sitting right over here we have of course the coveted 20 cent piece which we just replaced a moment ago we have the standing liberty quarter and the barber quarter which we replaced the quarters got a significantly significant face lift we had this incredible uh coincidence and mix up here with this coin being sitting here and this coin sitting here and replacing it and yada yada yada you know the drill i am super stoked about that love it and we didn't do much on these pages but that is okay because again i've said it 10 000 times already this is a marathon not a sprint so if you enjoyed seeing me replace these coins with the beauties in here then come back stick around for a while hit the subscribe button hit the like button and join me because i make new videos about coin collecting precious metals investing personal finance alternative investments and even cryptocurrency all without a tin foil hat i'm not an extremist here i'm just trying to introduce you to new ways where you can make a little bit of extra money on your own terms and have a lot of fun learning about history and geography and the joys of numismatics all the while so i hope you enjoyed this video and if you didn't well that's uh that's your loss isn't it well in any case i really do hope you enjoyed stay tuned because we've got a lot more awesome stuff coming down the pike and until then silver picker out a huge huge thank you to all of my wonderful patrons you guys are amazing i literally could not have done this video without you and i am so proud to have you guys as part of the silver picker squad if you're interested in becoming a patron the links are below and we would love to have you i'll see you in the discord
Channel: Silverpicker
Views: 5,859
Rating: 4.9366517 out of 5
Keywords: Silver seeker, Silverseeker, silver picker, picker, silverpickr, thesilverpicker, coinhelpu, coins, coinflation, silverstacking, silverstacker, silver stack, silver stacking, silver stacker
Id: IroLghXLIt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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