RARE Features ONLY 1% of People Have!

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these are the rarest body features people actually have like this bone isn't what you got an extra finger this woman can put her tongue behind the back of her mouth oh my goodness i'm gonna struggle to watch some of these oh it's my hidden talent oh oh you want me to do it again what is even going on [Music] what one two three four five six seven seven fingers whoa that's crazy all of these things just the top of your super rare can you do it no way no literally physically impossible oh my goodness how that's not normal are you kidding me watch this y'all okay it's my hidden talent wait wait oh you want me to do it again what do you not do you not have a nose do you not have i do not have collar bones this oh that is not so i can take it out i'm struggling like this what whoa whoa put it back in whoa it looks like that like you can just play with it during the day something some of you might not know is that i have super super stretchy skin i definitely don't this this is very stretchy very real i can't do that i think it's fake but it's stretchy stretchy skin i've ever seen i can kind of do that guys look [Music] i've kind of got a rare talent it's the worst one you can possibly get it's not as impressive as his but i've got something my knees [Music] how can you do that are you kidding me ribcage oh my goodness okay what is it with people being able to bend oh no i can kind of wait oh no okay your fingers are a lot crazier than mine one person and every five thousand can move their index finger without moving their thumb okay if you're one of these people tag a friend or share the video if you can do this hit the like button let me know that you can move this finger without moving your thumb what the oh how is she moving her eyelids i got a big pot what what about your arms [Music] dude forget the sprite cans how big is my man's arms his arms are bigger than my future it's my hidden talent what oh you want me to do it again well i need to figure out by the end of this video i will figure out what my hidden talent is it's not having a tongue that big [Music] fold my ears in and pop them out when i feel like good so i can right now we're ready to go oh that's got quite big ears oh [Music] oh a condition called ectrodactyl and i don't have my middle fingers um another weird thing about my hands is that this is my little knuckle imagine having a missing finger i can speak in three voices at the same time what [Music] what whoa that guy's got a massive dent in his head is it photoshopped is it real all right we're about to find out if this is real oh my goodness how is he still alive shout out half head man okay cap no no i don't know i'm wrong no impossible wait so you're telling me you haven't seen someone okay come on i can actually move my ears for the way oh i'm gonna prove that i can do this if i can move my ears like her you have to subscribe all right ready wait just looks like i'm moving my hat i can do it i promise [Music] there you go surely that's it you've got to subscribe okay i can't do tongue once wait bro you're blowing up your tongue you've got an inflate it's an inflatable tongue it's actually blowing up how how do you blow up your own tongue it's like he's got a pump inside his mouth to blow it up oh oh my that is that a robot or a human it makes me so uncomfortable seeing people move like that but it's impressive don't get me wrong three leaf clover with your tongue roll your tongue like a hot corn okay number one i can't do how do you roll your tongue fold it in half okay can't do any of these can't do any of them l if you can do any of these fair play that's actually sick [Music] what did i just watch her fingers are all bent backwards it doesn't work i have a condition called chimerazone chimera is a very 1 in 76 million it means i am my own twin what what you're telling me that one half of her is this person and one half of her is that person is that why her eyes are different colors so i carry her dna and cells within my body this is my sister's genetics what what that's crazy she's two people in one most people when they put the head back it goes like this yeah i'm just like oh at least you can basically never break your neck because apparently you can move in any direction i can say that i'm kind of controlling my eyes so i was controlling your eyes one eye at a time and that's what this okay i'm gonna move for example this one oh oh boy you can do this on the other side too that's surely not good surely you're not that is creepy all right so about five percent of the population five percent planet it has tiny inverted xiphoid process an inverted what what the zytoid process is that little bony knob right below your sternum okay normally you can't see it at all even if you suck your chest in but check this out okay show me what we're talking about here it looks fine oh he's got a pointer five percent of everyone watching right now should have this maybe it's worth checking you could be pretty special three nostrils three i am going to give you this back out now because you can never unsee this do you want to see three nostrils heck yes i told you oh one two three i'm actually quite impressed okay what is this guy oh that's no no no no no no they've added sound effects there's no way there's no how how can your body do that that is beyond anything i ever want to do or see i'm never watching that clip again whoa [Music] i've seen people do this like women like add a coil in every like five years until their necks are super long but they can't ever take the coils off because their head is literally supported by them at this point i've never been able to burp what [Music] what what is it um it pretty much just feels like there is something in my song wait she can't burp also you growl so that noise was growling that's the greatest burp ever i can pop my jaw really loudly oh no i don't think this is like a nobody else can do it thing but i don't know i don't even like people popping their fingers so hopefully it's quite enough for you to hear okay guys ready oh that's not real no oh my gosh what is it with people and dancing shoulder blades if you can stick your tongue out and keep it completely still then duet this because not many people can the tongue is made up of eight different yeah running in all different directions within your tongue the tongue is controlled by two different blocks of that that's the biggest time i've ever seen but i've also just realized control it and the other is the involuntary loki is almost impossible to keep your tongue out and not move but can you touch your nose with your tongue i think i can it's so close but not quite i have this for mutation mutation um so i can flare my nostrils okay yeah we've done that one a lot of people i can kind of do that and i can like move my nose up and down like a rabbit okay like really fast i can't do that you can do that yeah yeah nothing special like individual like nosh but what can you do what mutation have you got whoa it's like sucking her nose into her face so as you can see if i put my elbows up this is what they should look like nope they do this and this one's worse but if i just hold don't do that why would you pull your elbow the wrong way that's a normal person no further than that okay this person's feet why like all the toes the same length and why is that pink what is going on that is the weirdest feat i've ever seen no offense mate lick your elbow it's impossible dude go on show me whoa no i can't get anywhere near my finger [Music] whoa whoa it's got no knuckle there oh oh how does a body let people do that and not just break how is everything still connected inside she's big chilling that's just rude holy oh oh my gosh why would you even want to do that that just looks so painful are you kidding me oh don't jump on them so i actually have three rows of eyelashes what maybe even more than that what she's got three rows of eyelashes she must have the thickest eyelashes in the world wait wait take a closer look dude the middle of the eye is leaking out of her eye i mean hey look it's super rare so i was born with this thing called marcus gunn syndrome which is awesome i have a nerve ending okay from my eyelid that's connected to my jaw that's not supposed to be that i literally whenever you draw um like when i'm eating or drinking yeah it does this so look oh oh whoa you literally don't i don't think you can hide that if you're eating and drinking that that kind of sucks poor woman in my case of joints and girls okay looking at you straight on is fine yeah no issues look normal if i try to look to my right yeah look this side what does doesn't move how do you look to the left and right then this person just can't do it i have a w a double what what show what what [Music] i can't even see mine i don't think it's that when people say they have big foreheads oh mate i have a massive forehead we'll compare four heads mate we'll compare four heads i am actually okay president of them whoa my forehead is quite big to be fair not as big as this though jeez this person can literally move the veins yo i kinda can actually oh my gosh that's scary i can do it i don't think i want to though now let's see if you've got any rare features watching right now if you do definitely let me know in the comments we're gonna work our way down to things that less than one percent of people can do i can't roll my tongue and i'm already not that special but maybe there'll be other things that i can do no wisdom teeth i definitely do have my wisdom teeth gleaking is that when you squirt out your mouth 20 20 vision is like perfect vision that's a beautiful one to have whole fingerprint oh wow dude that'd be so sick to have flair nostrils we can do that one look proof i can do it having dimples claire my wife is simple they are extremely cute i do not have them perfect teeth shoes has that i don't my teeth are a bit messed up thumb going back can't do that raising the eyebrow look look [Music] i can do it i'm basically the rock baby wiggle one ear i kind of proved that double jointed no that's awful gap in front of teeth don't have that but know how rare it was that's that's pretty tough to have wiggle both ears look i'm not sure if you guys are convinced i can do it but i can i promise you i can't clover my tongue i wish i could it looks so cool no what the heck you can squish all your hands together that's crazy what can see a huge range of color i want that dream in black and white i don't even know if i have that one curly hair i did not realize how rare that is morton's toe those are some messed up toes left-handed only ten percent of people i can't write in my left hand that's for sure no gravity's beautiful teeth coffee color birthmark i think i may have one of those on my back somewhere can touch your nose of your tongue we'll try again no we can't do it maybe you can counter whoa hair swell dude hair swells are kind of sick you know we're getting all the way down to only four percent of people with audi belly buttons x's on palms no i don't have any x's i think it's when the lines cross over red hair two percent of people single palm crease nope i definitely got the normal double double eyelash roll that person had triple that's so rare ambidextrous drawing of both hands clasping hands wait what i can do that if you hit the like button if you can clasp your hands we're super rare apparently small hole near the ear atp blood type an extra rib heart on the wrong side touch your elbow with your tongue i swear it's impossible these people are incredible more videos on screen quickly click when i'm about to disappear i'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 3,171,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t0oQvI_VzuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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