Rare and Valuable Money You Can Find in Your Wallet

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[Music] what's going on YouTube it's a Kyle Frank with variety and airs and this is actually the first video for this channel so it's actually an awesome subject to be the first video it's a probably my favorite thing to collect and that's fancy serial numbers and star notes and stuff like that on banknotes that's what I personally started with when it came to collecting currency and then I got into coins and gems and precious metals and stuff later but that's going to be for other videos so essentially let's dive right into the information on fancy serial numbers I know it's the thing that a lot of people love out there but beginners may not know much about and on our Facebook group as well as on the websites forum which is now at 700 people strong I appreciate that but essentially a lot of people ask tons of questions about the value of their bills and if serial numbers are valuable or good ones to keep and collect so on and so forth so I figured I'd make this video to maybe just cover the basics on it and then maybe if you guys comment on it we can go into more in-depth ones later and stuff like that but this just covers the the most common fancy serial numbers that you'll come across or not come across but see and general values on them some of them I give kind of more ballpark figures just because it does of course with anything you collect it depends on the buyer and how the market is on it stuff like that but I'll tell you how to spot them and different facts about them in information on them and of course the values so thank you for watching and let's get into it and you're probably at this point like man what kind of serial numbers are you talking about so the most common one that people talk about is what's called a star note at the end of the serial number the a digit serial number there will be a star that means that it's a replacement bill during the creation process during the production of the bill so during that series something happened to that original bill they replaced at the setting a star to annotate that it's not the original bill so that's one factor in something very easy to spot it's right in the serial number and you'll see examples of that in this video other serial to serial number types that we're going to talk about our solid serial numbers which are all one number low serial numbers which are course are very start with an abundance of zeros trailing zero serial numbers is generally referred to as one number in the front seven zeros in the back latter serial numbers is a sequence of consecutive numbers during the within the serial number of the bill radar serial numbers read the same way both ways so kind of like race car flipper serial numbers is it can be read the same way upside down as it as well as right-side up repeater serial numbers is two numbers that repeat over and over again or a sequence of numbers in the serial number that repeats itself such as one two three four one two three four so on and so forth so we'll start off with a very rare serial number fancy serial number which is a solid serial number which every digit is the same so you probably could have guessed that these are super super rare in fact only one out of every eleven or million 11 million or so notes printed even has the chance to be a serial number that's a solid so they are massively rare they're worth thousands of dollars as you know radars in a radar serial number the serial number reads the same left-to-right as it does right to left as we kind of discussed earlier so here's an example a radar exists for one out of every 10,000 notes printed so they are a little bit more common than the ones we've mentioned so far a choice uncirculated $1 $1 probably sell around 25 to 30 dollars so of course they do ripen with age as far as value is concerned so you know hold on to them if there's something newer and you feel like that's not a great value and you know here in a few years it might be worth a little bit more for you the next one is repeater notes in a repeater serial note second half of the serial number is the same as the first half so very easy to spot there's an example here if you want to check that out and and you know over a value aspect of it the serial numbers are going to be worth generally like a $1 repeater in a modern series would be worth about $40 something like that if it depending on the serial number generally the lower the number value like more ones in it stuff like that the better those are worth a little bit more money another one of my favorites is binary serial numbers only two numbers of beer it's referring to computer programming code so it's zeros and ones this example is a good example these notes are called binaries because the connection to binary code there is a large group of collectors out there who do specialize in binary serial numbers it's one that's very well collected it is popular to try to collect all combinations of ones and zeros possible there's a lots of people into that that want to get you know different ones and zeros that are in different locations within the serial number some people consider something like nines and fives to be like an offshoot of binary but I don't really agree with this because of course it's originally referring to binary code which is only once a zero so value of these would be you know of course like I said there is more of a subsection of collectors that are really into them so you know you can get more value to the right buyer of course but generally they're worth twenty twenty-five dollars something like that depending on if it was a brand new series but I mean I've had ones that I've sold personally for over a hundred dollars being like a one dollar bill face value due to the fact that the binary code and the serial number was was really unique it was actually a binary and a repeater so it was worth quite a bit more but then again I might have not got a great value at that time that was quite a few years ago but I'm moving on so two quick ones would be low and high serial numbers I think you can kind of pick it out yourself how they work because you're becoming a master already along the way with throughout this video and throughout your own collecting so serial numbers that have an abundance of zeros and the begin is of course low serial numbers ones with a abundance of zeros at the end or actually considered high serial numbers of course so some of these are going to be valuable essentially it'd be ones that are very low of course generally in series you know blue label notes and stuff like that as well as ones that are just really low or generally given out to specific people so if you add something with like six zeros and you're in the you know it's basically number you know one through ten then you'd be sitting on quite a high value it wouldn't be something that really we could put a direct value to because of course those are quite rare to get something that low but generally you would be looking at you know forty to fifty dollars for one that's just low in general in the thousands to ten thousand something like that you so lastly guys now that you know a lot about serial numbers and I've thrown a ton information your way we I just want to quickly hit on ones that are super rare serial numbers that are going to be probably the most valuable out of the ones we've discussed so far so ones that are combination of things or they're just a very unique version of it such as a radar review a radar repeater is both a radar and a repeater so that means that essentially it's two digits that repeat themselves but then our converse so they can be read right to left and left to right those are obviously very very rare those would be worth it and can be worth up to the thousands to ten thousands of dollars a super radar is a special kind of radar to super radar the interior digits of the serial number or all the same so an example would be like fours on each end with zeros in the middle or something some of them that are like this example here another really rare example would be a quad serial number where there is either four sets of two digits or in this case a double quad where there are sets of four the same number another majorly sought-after serial number type would be a latter serial number where as you can see in this example they go usually from one through eight or eight through one or of course can be in different facets like six seven six five four so and so forth down or up and then there's also some versions that are called broken ladders where despite having some zeros or repeats of the ones twos or whatever like in this example it still does form a ladder and is also highly sellable and sought-after there's also stuff like seven of a kind which is self-explanatory seven in a row double quads and a double quad serial number the first four digits are all the same and the second four digits are all the same of course and then there's a couple offshoot ones that are just unique serial numbers for instance a very popular one would be like if you had July 4th 1776 that's a very important date birthdays stuff like that you'll see there's a lot on Amazon and eBay and various coin dealer website stuff like that those are very fun if you can find your own birthday and that in the serial number but overall serial number hunting is awesome I love doing it it's my one of them I mean like I said it's the origins of me being interested in collecting currency and I hope you enjoyed this video any questions you have please put them in the comments below or jump on the forum on bright ears comm we have a current community of over 600 other people on the forum they're very active and we are growing the website as we can and but any questions you want feel free to email me or comment below and I love to chat with you thank you for watching my video [Music]
Channel: Variety & Errors
Views: 141,781
Rating: 4.8118033 out of 5
Keywords: coins, money, gold, price guide, coin values, money value, rare money, rare coins, trum, trump, obama, treasure, treasure hunting, bill searching, getrich, ret rich, riches, find ancient, ancient coin, ancient money, currency, rare currency, pocket change, rare coins in pocket change, rare bills in pocket change
Id: JYvMs1RbbFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2017
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