RARE 1969 Dodge Charger R/T SE - Will It Run And Drive 1500 Miles? Hot Rod Power Tour 2023 Road Trip

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oh even more now the value just went up 10 grand my day has been made you might be thinking this is just another YouTuber resurrecting a car after finding it sitting for 22 years and you may be right but please don't think for one second this car is any less special this is our 1969 Dodge Charger rtse yard fine the story we were given was a kid pursuing his career in the military drove this to and from school one day he left for the military and did not return for 22 years this car sat under trees receiving a new tarp every time the previous one had ripped although the intentions of his mother to preserve this car were good this nurtured quite a bit of rust over that 22-year Span in late 2022 a friend of ours found this car and thought we would be an ideal home for it James and I didn't even think twice about this one both of us of course are gear heads but had a shared desire to own a 1969 charger one day I'm not supposed to ever look at a car in the rain more in the dark or in the dark I'll take the Rain Over The Darkness what do you think I'm gonna go ahead and call myself out here because I was downplaying this so hard I was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning wow that's a little bit wow wow look at that nose the nose is beautiful yeah the rest of this [ __ ] we can knock out or the thing is is a lot of people are driving them like this you know they were driving them riding just because they're only like that once well just finding one that's all together well his head has only got 46 000 miles on it what look in there how many miles 46 000 oh yeah you got it there you go yeah all original lucky there oh yes it's an air from the kitchen car yeah James and I were absolutely beside ourselves about this car like when are we ever going to across another one like this there's there are so many basic arguments like that though like when are we ever gonna come across one again is it gonna be like this you know what I mean like all that basic stuff like you just kind of need to throw that out the window trust your gut freaking iconic muscle car right here I guess we're gonna own a 69 Charger this is sick I'm sick I've got a sickness it's called I gotta buy that car Titus a few days after the purchase we got a call it was going to be delivered to our shop just having to reposition the tow truck he's not happy I'm really happy I'm really excited be happy and excited when it's when it's here you know at this on our property that is totally already on the property yes but I mean inside the bay locked down in our Bay then I can sleep in it tonight you're so cute I can't even begin to tell you how excited we are to own this car James and I were constantly poking at each other saying hey guess what we own a 69 charger oh yeah we own a 69 Charger how awesome is it that we own a 69 Charger we may have seemed annoying to other people but we still just can't believe it rolling into early 2023 we left the charger parked inside with the doors and windows open to dry it out and hope all the critters found new homes elsewhere after about a month we removed the interior and gave this baby a much needed wash we also wanted to see what the status of the floor pans were after its long exposure to all that moisture so the crazy thing about how Rusty this car is up top it's amazing how not so Rusty it is on the bottom of it when you get a rusty car it's been sitting out and and the weeds here in South Carolina usually they rust from the bottom up and they the top of the car looks way better than the floor pans this is the exact opposite of that although this car did have its fair share of rust we were quite surprised to see how much solid metal was actually on this car okay just got our first seat out um see if you can see how nasty this carpet is it's just terrible let's go underneath here so you see there is some Rust yikes oh it looks like there might even have been a patch in here once you get this cleaned up we'll be able to assess a little better how bad the rust is and how deep it goes they're still extremely solid compared to some of the other crap I have especially my my red 68 I think we can put this together and drive it just the way it is this this car is special for many reasons the 1969 Dodge Charger was most famously known for its awesome Dukes of Hazard debut where they jumped crashed and led high-speed chases in this iconic TV show car in 1969 Dodge produced around 18 000 Dodge Charger RTS but this being an SE or special edition it's estimated that four thousand to six thousand were made with this package in that year unfortunately since the SE was a dealer option back then they didn't have the most accurate catalogs for that information this is an original 383 v8 car with a 727 automatic transmission it is also sporting 45 000 original miles yes original miles we knew that we wanted to preserve as much of the originality of this car as we could now you may be looking at this car as a rust bucket in need of a restoration and from some standpoints you're correct but that's not our intention here with preservation in mind we're planning to use as many viable components on this car to get this thing rolling down the road [Applause] yeah that pleases me I don't understand why they did this I guess it's because the pedal was there so they went around the pedal when they repaired it all right I hope you're backing this out and then pressure wash it as we grew closer and closer to May of 2023 James and I were making our plans to Hot Rod Power Tour and to little surprise we were thinking the same thing when it came to what we were going to road trip this year after all the fun and games the crunch time clock has started for Hot Rod Power Tour wow this headliner cleaned up really nicely we might have a good driver here [Music] yeah um I think we're gonna need another spare the insane things that we put ourselves through can you tell me if that Mouse milk worked on the uh throttle linkage oh oh my gosh that was frozen solid we're gonna change the carburetor I know but it was frozen solid all the linkage was frozen so that we can use the linkage at least in the cable and all the stuff you know it was all frozen solid I love that Mouse milk man that stuff to the rescue all right well let's get this thing pulled over to the garage and start wrenching what do you think about this idea Alex we don't need sleep listen don't look at it as such a Monumental task you know how do you eat an elephant take it out of the fridge first one bite at a time kids one bite at a time first drive I'm going so fast already don't look cool hey look ma I made it yeah okay so this is the first time we've had this RT Charger on the lift are we putting up in the air and this is really where we find out stuff that we couldn't see when we bought it in the rain we got a lot of mud daubers obviously that's just every car we ever work on a little crunch what do you got there some serious mud daubers look at this bam they don't waste any time on building the most lavish of uh well that's a saver that we should have you know we should have a glass case with all the stalactites that we've ever had stalactites what's what's living in there oh oh gosh you know what big breaks I like that this is a this is a good car this is really good well auction car ew let's get back to the car uh the brake lines look really good with this it's gonna get new rubber messed up because that one's that one's wait we're gonna call that the pumpkin spice the pumpkin oh God stinks this is what's thinking the Leaky fuel oh my gosh I could drop this in like two seconds oh look at that mortar daughters really sir sir what oh it's that's what I'm saying oh probably should have used a how did you get yours on you put it in the right spot better placement a better placement we just moved our arm in like oh it's the same it's the same we're fine safety third actually it's pretty solid I'm pretty impressed with how clean the underside of this thing is it's looking good it's dirty it looks it looks Road tripable look some work to do but I'm confident we can make this work we worked with worse in a lot sooner of a deadline let's make it happen and let's get wrenching yeah look at that it's so nasty it's so sticky that uh be careful that could be you could have black widows in there you remember the drive shaft in California yeah I didn't experience that it was just you they go after men they're fine with women we're chill all right it's on me it's all over me I'm not gonna get the smell off you for years [Music] ready oh my goodness this is so bad it's so bad no wonder it was full of water it's holy moly man that is unbelievable that is probably the worst tank I've ever seen in my life it's for it's for sure you got a new ignition switch for it all right Works how do you know the other one doesn't how do you know the other one doesn't work well I don't know that the other one doesn't work because oh there's no key oh what this is the only one oh that's right you took it out to get it re-keyed hey why don't you put that back in yeah just plug it in let it hang okay yep I can hear it trying yeah yeah I have a feeling the more we drive this the lighter it's gonna get we gotta get some things cleaned out this [ __ ] right here is like something out of a I don't know uh Indiana Jones movie or something like a readers of the Lost Ark I'm waiting for the giant spider to come flying out at me I've been kind of moving things around in here and I've stuck my head underneath this wheel well and looked down and I don't know if you guys can see but that is one gigantic big black spider in there and it is scary looking I don't know what it is stick your finger in there Alex see if it'll take a little nibble what do you got there I don't I don't mess around with spiders your choice hammer or fire well you're not gonna Hammer [ __ ] all right you're gonna need to burn him out of there or her out of there I don't know man I I don't know what do we do what do we do [Music] that scared the living poo out of me I have I have a I literally have a brown Mark in my shorts right now okay girl wait wait I'm I'm telling you man hold on a second we just drained a fuel tank all over the place all right why don't we just spray it with some chemicals and kill it I'm okay to cook the spider dude the thing is coming out of there it's not move yeah it's gonna move as soon as it feels the Heat dude oh she's pissed now oh my God he's like oh [ __ ] dude what is that I don't know it's a big spider though oh you're killing it you poor thing oh I hate doing that but I know it's either me or you excuse me she felt it was right to give you her 69 charges do with that get this off it's not her 69 Chargers it's HH Wheels 59 Chargers I like how she lace clean to every cool thing we get way back in 19 I want to say 85. my brother bought a 69 charger for 500 bucks I was 15 and I can remember him bringing it home and and it was like our project when it was one of the first cars I ever worked on we worked on it and worked on it and worked on it did a lot of body work and found a lot of Parks went to the junkyards and scavenged a lot of parks we could go to the junkyard and and New Mexico we knew then they had like four Dodge Chargers sitting there you know we were broke as hell so we could only spend you know 20 30 bucks at a time and just remember those times really it's what started my love for for automotive funny thing is I've had the 68 Charger for like 10 years and I've been working on it but my buddy calls me and says hey you want this car and he got it for a really good price and we went and picked it up and uh made a deal paid for it the day it was delivered to the shop was the day that my brother passed away it's just kind of funny how that's full circle I want to call the car frizz because that's my brother's nickname the funny feeling when this thing fires up we're gonna have a lot of fun with it and I'm going to be thinking about my brother a lot and a lot of oil build up down toward the crank area and toward the pan yeah to pressure wash that crap off and just see where the leaks are and hopefully that Pan's not leaking once I get some heat in the engine we're gonna find out I mean the car only has 45 000 original miles on it you know sometimes you just get really lucky and I think that is just our situation here if this car is for the most part unmolested and to come this complete even having the original windshield wipers on them the crazy awesome thing about this car is that everything that you see on it all of these lines all the nuts nothing is frozen usually these lines are all rusty especially if a car is sitting outside all I did was put a little bit of a Lube on there everything working very very well so now I'm popping that off just to see what kind of mess we got here because the pedal is frozen solid so yeah so master cylinder Frozen up taking the step 45. this is pretty good awesome lubrication um and I'm lubing up the pedal what I'm doing is loosening it's pedal up so that it'll come back and spring back it's going to take a lot of movement with lubrication because really it just I don't want to unbolt it all and grease it like I'm supposed to I just don't want to do that oh we got running lights now all the bulbs are good you're out what else is wrong I think it's a switch I don't know if switch is bad I think all of the terminals and everything on the inside of that switch just haven't been used for so many years that either we keep using it and hoping it gets better and if it doesn't get better we can always just get a new Switch but I think that's going to be our issue starting to take out this dash cluster so we can start checking wires and see if we can get headlights to work because we do have power to the starter when we turn the key that's good so we know the starter was bad we're waiting to starter to get here Napa will have that in the morning you have more knowledge and education on Chargers than I do so we put our two brains together I figure out all your wiring woes you disassemble things or notice things that are supposed to be there correctly I get an education and we get a running charger what's the coolest thing we've done today so far work on a 69 Dodge Charger so what you got there I have truly I think the coolest thing ever mainly because I love not having to go hunt for wire diagrams this is a 68 Dodge Charger cornet dot dot start service manual which is awesome and the wire diagram is not that different from a 68 to 69. this has an awesome breakdown of different parts of the car the engine bay all the lighting so I'm uh happier than a pig and mud that I have this to be able to decipher what we're working with since the charger is fairly untouched throughout the entirety of the car we spent the first few days testing and troubleshooting the great thing about almost all of the wiring was the fact that most of the issues were due to corroded terminals all of which was a simple fix with some lubrication and a wire brush definitely looks like running lights I would not put those as brake lights although they could be I I don't think they're bright enough yep all of them well that's cool how cool is that yeah this is where I die I've loved it good long short life This Is How It Ends good long short knife that doesn't make any sense exactly [Music] work that's the turn signal for the right side so all of our bulbs are good except for the driver's side turn signal everything else Works which is fantastic now we run into the issue of okay is it our switch is there a broken wire somewhere so we got to chase that I still think it's the switch though so I'll get here this morning and I'm walking in checking on charger I'm about to put a starter on this thing and try to get the motor to turn over and see if we actually have a power plant today for Power Tour and I walk in and this is what I see I like the old Harry High said and Days of Thunder this is not the kind of answer I'm looking for from you okay so as you can see there's our massive leak on the power steering box and a new starter fits perfectly let's go get it wired up and we'll be turning this thing over give me a lever and I'll move the world yeah not bad not terrible no it's definitely burning some fuel we're in the process of changing the spark plugs and we're less than impressed with what we see so yeah I don't think I've ever pulled a spark plug out and had it look like that soak down for a little bit we are going to try to turn the motor over by hand without the spark plugs or anything in it hopefully break whatever nasty stuff is built up in those cylinders and then the fun part of trying to get this thing to run will come shortly afterwards okay never mind we're gonna try it with a starter because we have no access from above or below with a ratchet so scroll down sweet got some new Champion copper plus spark plugs they've had champions in it before and this is all they had at our parts store so um we're gonna run with champions for now if you guys remember Holly gave us this awesome carburetor to get home with the race truck and since we are putting an LS in the race truck and now we're going to put it on and we're gonna Power Tour this bad boy yeah why not right it's been such a good carburetor for us [Music] [Music] [Applause] while James has gone in Monaco I had to pick up the slack on the charger so that we could stay on schedule and to say the least there was still a lot of work to be done while Alex routes all of the airlines thank you I'm not really sure why I look like I just stuck my finger in electrical socket just to act like I don't look like this right now I'm gonna go ahead and start taking the drums off because we have new wheel cylinders and new brake lines I don't know if the wheel cylinders are bad but I went ahead and ordered them and got them here anyways just because we only have two weeks hey actually these don't look that bad for 45 000 original miles I wasn't expecting it to be terrible what part of apart from the nastiest spider carcass filled drunk [Music] so Carolyn why do we go with air shots that's because of the Massive Tires that are going to go on these rims these little rubber bands aren't going to be rubber bands after we're done [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man we have made some really good progress on the charger the last couple days but I'm gonna be really honest with you I know we glamorize I'm over stressing ourselves and just having a massive workload but in reality sometimes it really takes a toll on us we have maybe a week and a half until Power Tour pretty much because we have to leave and we still have to get prepped on the other car because we're also bringing our SRT10 so I'm a little stressed I'm not gonna lie because we're really nowhere near driving this thing just because we got the engine to Fire doesn't mean anything we still need to put a whole new fuel system in this thing still have to por the underside we're working on finishing the brakes right now which I'm hoping everything's gonna work on that no problem the interior still has to go in and so much more the list honestly kind of feels never ending I'm confident that we'll get there but since James is out of town Alex is about to go out of town and I'm by myself right now it's quite a task I honestly really feeling the heat I just wanted to be honest with you guys because I really feel like Power Tour is a really awesome time for us to enjoy the crunch but at the same time it can be kind of stressful although we are gonna have a Chase vehicle I'm not having a lot of faith and I I feel really guilty to feel that way but probably just because I really wanted more time to get this thing you know shaked down get it on the road drive it around town really feel this thing out and make sure we really work out all the Kinks before we drive it as far as we're going to but I just don't think we're gonna have that enough chit chatting I gotta get off my butt and get back to wrenching because this thing ain't gonna do itself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Applause] [Music] definitely the best part of a 6869 70 Charger tomorrow just seven days and counting [Music] um yo that's that's not supposed to be like that yeah we're gonna drive this I don't think I've seen worse ever it might not go past the thermostat yeah hopefully it doesn't hopefully it doesn't I'm glad I took that off the drained out of here is still still beautiful well I don't know if beautiful is the word I use for that fluid but it's definitely better than expected 32 years old I would say it's beautiful there's nothing wrong with that thermostat housing [Music] it's pretty Grody dude hopefully it didn't make it past the thermostat it's pretty clean to me actually the bottom side of the thermostat looks great that's all been sealed up so I'm not sure why it'll be all crusty on the top end it had to have air coming in somehow we did a quick water pump change and then it was on to cleaning the interior since this car has been sitting for so long naturally it's going to collect dust mold and grime to give these seats the cleaning they really deserve I'm starting with a 303 interior cleaner to remove all of that built up dirt to properly condition and protect these 54 year old seats my go-to is of course the 303 protectant it always works some magic on old vinyl and Plastics the protectant helps prevent fading discoloration and cracking with its built-in UV protection abilities the most noticeable difference is of course how it brings this dull vinyl back to life since these seats have needed a treatment like this for a while I want to do my first application of the protectant while the seeds are out so that I could really reach every single nook and cranny if you're interested in trying out the 303 protectant or interior cleaner you can use the link in the description to purchase thank you to 303 car care for sponsoring this video time has finally come we can put the wheels and tires back on this car we would absolutely love to put the original Daytona 500 wheels back on but getting 14 inch shires is a much more difficult process than you think but a huge thanks to Continental Tire for hooking it up we got some awesome extreme contact tires for these Colorado custom wheels they're 18 inch wheels all the way around staggered in size and I think these are going to look awesome on the charger these are actually Alex's wheels from his 56 New Yorker but he's nice enough to lend up to us for this excursion so let's go ahead and get these put on get the brake shoes adjusted and get one step closer to getting this thing on the road for Power Tour yeah I'm in here messing around with switches trying to figure out why our headlights don't light light up or anything like that had to change your dimmer switch which was very bad then realized we had a bad switch in the dash and James came in a real clutch with all of his charger Parts it was like it was meant to be we now have headlights that work so switch brand new this is the old one up here that doesn't work and we have headlights I only have three four 68 69 Dodge Charger taken apart around here yep dang that's pretty let's get some heat in the engine and see if uh oil starts pouring out of every orifice of the motor that's that's the the question he's so pessimistic I'm very optimistic this is going to work out I love your adventure I love it [Music] [Music] all right I think we're Advanced a little bit hang on [Music] at this point we definitely knew we had some ignition related issues we called our good friend Rudy to lend us a hand we discovered that the advanced weights in the distributor had moved out of place which means you will literally never get this engine timed properly unless they're fixed right [Music] although we had a pretty gnarly exhaust leak at least we found out the transmission worked great [Music] well we discovered exactly why this engine's so freaking loud uh we turn it on I I actually thought that it had like a rod knock but but that's not the case the engine's running way too good I don't think we have a rod knock we have good oil pressure everything's good good gaskets on these manifolds completely worn out so I've had an interesting class with Rudy he ordered the alternator for us and apparently these cars it was like a one-year alternator and they have three different styles of alternators for from like 68 to 71. [Music] all right first time this thing has run this long in over 20 years some heat in the motor sounds really good typhoon Revolution helped me out today hour break ah man 45 000 original miles can't beat that let there be life look at the bad boys take all that bad I'm sure we'll leak at least that much out during this whole trip no not at this end I'm thinking out right there oh please don't tell me no no let's not this in this won't leak okay so we got a little oil leak from this bolt right here which is bottomed out in the engine so apparently this oil pump was changed or taken off at some point the washer was not put back on this bolt which kind of weird maybe the Bolt's just in the wrong place I'm not sure but either way we're gonna need to get some more pressure here in order to seal this this pump housing back up everything about this car you think it'll make it 2 000 miles we need to do 2000 miles on this car I think I think you'd be lucky if it makes it out of the parking lot ah come on you say that every time I do and what do you think yes I'm right anytime in our favor he has this much Faith every time and we've so far it's exceeded every time two days until we leave on our 1500 mile Journey on Hot Rod Power Tour our only chance we got to see its roadworthiness was to take it to Cars and Coffee nine is alive [Music] what's she doing there jeffo clean seat belt fanatic while the guys were working on putting the interior back in the 69 I was working on badging our 2010 Charger up to be our hot rod patrol car I really couldn't help myself from making this thing look cool especially since it's following us on Power Tour you can see this full surprise video over on our Instagram so when I went for a drive yesterday with it for the first time in 22 years this car has ever run on its own home power I was by myself we only had one seat in it but I really felt my brother in the car with me we were together in there and I called mark my other brother and I told him about the car and and the first thing he said was Gene was riding with me you know and my brother Gene's nickname was frizz because he had real frizzy hair and uh I think that it's only fitting that we named his car frizz so Carolina has made some cool name for letters here and that way my brother Gene frizz will be riding with us on Power Tour should be fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you changed my point of view like nothing before I knew [Music] and this is some Wicked weather we've run into the first hour in we stumbled across this nice patch of weather we pulled off waited for it to pass and then got back on the road what's doing there she's running a little low on oil problem but we got to make it to Atlanta first [Laughter] a rock Power Tour 2023. I'm so excited I can't wait to drive this thing breaks first drums baby [Music] this might be a jump [Music] number 16 turns into 75. it is so sketchy Caroline just smoked them [Music] no one can compare to you like well our first leg is over we actually made it yeah to Atlanta oh yeah what a quagmire of hot rods and muscle cars what was that you said Quagmire so huh we go from a lawnmower carburetor last year to this setup this year this is absolutely insanity fantastic [Music] [Music] well you made it decided this is awesome I the spirit of Power Tour this is why we do this it's just oh it's just such a good time and this is only day one we get four more days loose God I'm so excited [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] goodbye Atlanta that's a great stop that was awesome good first day very good first day so I'm sitting here enjoying the scenery of summit snack on some chips and I'm watching the boys do what Summit frowns upon work on your cars in the parking lot got a little bit of a Miss from the charger well the 69 Charger we're actually leaning against the 2010 charger I have no complaints successful [Music] I know eating the camera leaning against another cool car steering in another really cool car watching two strange men work on our car for us it's a good time I met some amazing people today the stories I've heard today make all of the sweat Equity all that fun stuff I have no brain cells left worth it I mean talking to people hearing their stories about their cars and their passion how much they love it and really showing us their passion so cool and then also just chumming it up with people we've met online yeah and awesome I met some really good Mopar buddies because that's what James does don't hurt yourself Alex you got anything set uh take more than three days to build a car then you're not in a parking lot building a car that should have been done a week ago but are you happy to be here baby oh I have a great time I love it here this is great I finally found a home after a little pit stop at Summit Racing Atlanta we were headed off to Columbia South Carolina to get a head start on day two which didn't go as planned and the pain is real first day of Power Tour and we got a flat tire on this car the 69 Charger is up ahead because we both stopped to take a leak because we have the fast car and we can haul but and catch back up with them but she ran over something [Applause] all I was doing was eating my Cheetos and all of a sudden she was turning straight right to keep the car straight the great thing is the 69 Charger actually has the Jack and the spare tire that we bought for both cars so now they have to turn around come back and get us we're actually come back and give us a job yeah that's that's flat I knew I heard something so what's their plan uh well I love Jeff but Jeff's like well do you want us to turn around yes Jeff I want you to turn around so they're turning around they're only like eight miles ahead of us Okay so awesome tomorrow I guess we'll just find a shop and put some Continental Tires on this thing in the midst of this tire issue we got the genius idea to use a wheel off the 69 to fix the 2010 Charger since our spare did not fit the brakes on the cop car we ended up busting the valve stem on the wheel off of 69 so we had not one but two bad tires on our hands at this point so we ended up putting the spare on the 69 and leaving James behind with the 2010 charger and thank God one of these roadside tire guys came by he ended up plugging the tire and we were back on our merry way to Columbia [Music] what are you doing James got the charger wheel 69. charger across the street valve stem in it so we can put the the right wheel on and actually get proper steering because the spare on the front not quite working rubbing the fender where are they why are they not here Caroline Alex well last night was very eventful and I'm not gonna lie to you I was in a pretty bad mood mainly because I was exhausted we left Hilton Head at 4am and we didn't even get into Columbia after a long day already in Atlanta at 1am believe it or not after the whole entire debacle we got the valves and stem fixed this morning and now we're gonna go drop the cop car off because we're gonna get it fitted with all new Continental Tires all the way around luckily there's a dealer like two doors down from our hotel you can hook it up a day so we're gonna do that and then we will probably all dog pile into the 69 and head to Power Tour day we're a little late today but honestly yesterday was such an incredibly awesome day but it was long and it was a little hotter than we anticipated like it didn't feel super hot but the Heat and the sun really did kind of take it out of us so it was nice kind of taking our time this morning but we are here in Columbia so it should be a quick trip to the fairgrounds and we can't wait to see everybody today is going to be awesome and then we might actually relax this time around we're actually going to stay in Columbia tonight instead of trying to head out of the way so yeah last night was a lot of driving your shirt is very fitting was unplanned are you sure unplanned well it's a good thing we got plenty of rest are you ready [Music] set of tires on this yes downtown Columbia is uh state capital we're coming up on right here mild stomping ground back when I was a South Carolina senator a senator I was never a sister Senator Senator a senator you guys ready for day two day two yes I got some good rest last night I think I did too how about you jeffro I'm good I slept like the Dead country baby [Music] Go Cops go go go Cox [Music] we're here at the paintless wiring Booth checking out an awesome thing that they're doing they are raising awareness for breast cancer fun they are selling long-haul gang stickers for ten dollars a piece 100 of those proceeds go to the fun and at the end of the Long Haul they're giving away a 500 gift card it's such an awesome thing we support it of course hopefully you did it through a long-haul gang let's keep checking out some cool stuff [Music] foreign [Music] thank you so cool the fact that this car is a Gasser true hot rod in my opinion that's from Massachusetts here in Columbia South Carolina for Power Tour I'm pretty sure he's long hauling a tube that's kick ass [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] well in and out of Columbia got my co-pilot Jeff bro we're here Type 4 Revolution had to get some petrol the old driving skills over to the one and only it's too good it's absolutely too good driving this thing it's just the coolest things ever it runs so good at Power like it's not even it's not going it's not doing much better [Applause] [Music] just first time driving the car at speed [Music] feeling that way [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the many really cool things about Power Tour is how it brings people together I don't just mean in literal event attendance I mean the people in their small towns who camp out in their front yard or even on the side of the road to see all the cars passing through come on baby this is quite a slope just need to Crest The Rock [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see how there's a lot of slop right there and so you're not getting fuel I'll show you right there when your fuel starts right there so you've already pressed the gas down that far before the squirter you're probably scratching your head wondering why I'm riding on a piece of cardboard that we pulled out of the trash some of our favorite people David freiberger and Steve dolsage from roadkill garage were also participating in Power Tour in their red duster from the get-go we really wanted them to sign our 69 charger but never had the chance to ask but at Rockingham they conveniently ended up parking next to us so we thought the best way to get their attention among many others was to have me stand on the charger holding my sign as if I was panhandling for autographs the line is here she's got made a sign and she is standing on top of the charger right now and we are trying to get their attention we've actually got their attention so they know they're gonna I think we're gonna we're gonna actually get our charger signed by David and Steve it's gonna be awesome but it was all the fans that have been waiting in line to get an autograph by him have basically pointed out that Caroline is standing on top of our 69 Charger and it's holding a sign saying hey Dave and Steve come assign our charger come sign our car and uh he's like he's already told them that oh yeah I'm going over there right what standing on your car yeah yeah standing on my uh get back to all those people waiting over there Caroline yes I feel like I blacked out at this moment like I was so excited of course I remember everything but I was just shaking with so much excitement like in disbelief that this moment was actually happening foreign in a small town in South Carolina oh really yeah oh you got lucky we call it our yard fund so sitting under a tree and uh oh yes swiss cheese under there for sure [Music] I still really just cannot believe that this actually happened [Applause] come on it worked that I'm my day has been made oh I have no words because I'm just so freaking excited we signed our charger we got this thing running in three weeks hasn't run in 22 years rtse green on green David fryeburger and spindles just signed it holy crap guitar now oh even more now the value just went up 10 grand they did want to trade the uh the duster for it though it's not a trade I was like I was like oh that's tempting I would own a roadkill car but I don't know if it's worth it did you sell them did you point at me and say that guy would kill me I was like I don't know if my dad would be very happy it works [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] David fry Runner and Steve Dalton set in this seat this is awesome of courseware super fans that was the best idea with the sign this is uh this has been the day of days Wednesday day three Hot Rod Power Tour I got it on the day four Charlotte here we go I really do feel like you're like you got it just hit the gas James really did say it best we really could not have had a more epic day and being halfway through Power Tour already was a little nostalgic but so exciting really invigorating we were so ready to move on to day four foreign [Music] we are finally at the zMAX Dragway in Concord North Carolina or Charlotte um letting James and Jeff do the directioning which uh today is day four of Hot Rod Power Tour and uh so far so good we got one more day tomorrow's gonna be a long leg it's going to be it's going to be a big one we're gonna head up to Bristol enjoy the day and then head home or at least head most the way home to Columbia and hopefully make it home for Cars and Coffee on Saturday and then we have another car show on Sunday so should be an eventful weekend [Applause] so it's really interesting I just talked to a guy named David who just walked right up to me in this car show not rough power to her he's like hey you interested in uh owning a C8 Fury 3 Convertible I was like oh yeah you got one and he's like he's like yeah I have one two miles from here I was like what do you want for he's like free you just need to come and get it this is the kind of things that are happening to us it's uh it's kind of interesting Ben the carburetor expert that you met the day before actually came back today to help us tune this carb so that would run a little bit leaner this day by far was one of the hottest and also the shortest mainly because of the heat I think a lot of our sleeplessness also caught up with us on this day but we did get to spend some quality time with friends before we headed back to the hotel to get ready for our final day and longest trip to Bristol Motor Speedway in Tennessee you ready to go do the most brutal part of this trip absolutely this is what I've been thinking about actually the whole trip yeah this particular leg uh we're because we're really really going to go up through some gnarly roads so it should be a good time but guys are starting out in the 69. 9 could you guys be a little more excited I'm trying to make a event window stay open you're worried okay let's go I can just look at this car going down the road I love that car so much that's how I'm feeling did you get some sleep last night I did one more day this is I don't know if this is gonna be the longest day but it's gonna be a long day but I'm excited because the last day of Power Tour is the last day to show this awesome car off and it's the last day to meet some really incredible people we've had such a great time doing that and uh I don't know kind of thought it's going to end but uh there's always next year [Music] foreign [Music] got some light problems over there Jeff a little bit I mean brake lights are optional especially when you're going up a mountain [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know I'm just so pleased with this charger not this one but the one we're watching right now just seeing it go down the road I'm just an awe man like how awesome it is the response it's gotten how much people love it and uh I don't know this is this is why we do what we do it's a lot of hard work but we we got it done and now so many people are enjoying it too I mean so many people are just coming up and enjoying the whole story of this car being back on the road and just it driving just the way it is three weeks or less I probably wouldn't have believed you [Music] Creek is beautiful you can't beat this you really can't like and the temperature is amazing the temperature is amazing I mean this is the spirit of Power Tour right here this is done that makes me happy everybody stopped out waving with their families such a good time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] first big climb man this thing 69 Chargers actually hanging in there really well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Valley baby we can now successfully call ourselves our first Power Tour is long hauling and the boys are in the back handing out tickets [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we're all done with Power Tour and uh just trying to start the car parking from the Continental Booth here and uh major problems um yeah like the starter is not I think starters overheated you made a crawl under there and bang on it and of course something went wrong at the literal last moment of Power Tour but crisis was easily averted it was just a loose ignition wire once we wrapped up a Bristol we were headed back home to South Carolina hot rod powered tour this year exceeded our expectations by far thank you so much to Continental Tire for hosting us this year they are such an incredible group of hard-working people that make events like this happen we're in love with our Continental tires and we recommend that if you're in need of a new set of tires just go online find your local dealer and give them a try you won't be disappointed we also want to thank each and every person that came to say hi or grab stickers or even just chat about their cars it was so awesome getting to see your cars talk to you about what you're building and just getting to be your friend thank you so much for supporting us you guys are really what helped fuel our fire for documenting our passions online you are truly the reason why we get wrenching every single day the last uh 35 miles back to Hilton Head Island trying to close out our day what's happening behind us right now um we'll get a traffic jam I believe people are thinking that this is an actual police car so now everybody's like scared to pass me yeah that makes things better the red light laughs [Music] [Music] well that's a wrap on Hot Rod Power Tour 2023 we had an awesome time here with Petty's garage and Continental Tire and everything made in here with pretty much no issues I am so mad impressed this charger is awesome frizz really came through on this one David fryeburger signed it Steve Dulce signed it we had an incredible year this year thank you to all of our awesome sponsors 303 Napa Continental Holly Grease Monkey everybody thank you so much for making this an awesome time impossible for us see you guys next year if you haven't been on Power Tour you definitely should check that out at hotrodmagazine.com and don't forget to like comment what you want to see us do next and of course don't forget to subscribe and get out there and get right here with your friends because if you do you could end up on Hot Rod Power Tour 2024. came into the shop today air conditioners broke totally sucks like 95 degrees in here it's a total sweat box but did not deter me from making this guy right here a massive burnout machine [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: HHWheels
Views: 443,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1969 dodge charger, revival, mopar restoration, barn find, will it run, hot rod garage, roadkill garage, will it drive miles, yard find, run and drive, 1969 dodge charger rt, can, chevy, custom, patina, restoration, vintage, we, will, will it drive, classic cars, mopar no car, mopa, motortrend, steve dulcich garage, david freiburger, david freiburger super bee, dodge charger, dodge challenger, hot rod, muscle car, motor trend, dodge charger daytona
Id: i_RXyPrqZIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 2sec (4682 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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