Demon Slayer is OVERRATED

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alright alright before you start filling up this video with hate comments and invisible dislikes let me first state that i enjoy demon slayer it isn't bad by any means i just don't think it's as good as people mail it on now a lot of problems i'm gonna point out in this video may not be obvious to people who've only been watching the anime and just a warning going into this i will be getting pretty in-depth about the manga so that is going to spoil major stuff for the anime but don't worry i'll give a heads up before heading into that stuff that said however most of this video talks about the manga so if you haven't read it i would honestly just wait and come back to this video when you're ready before all the negatives i'm about to throw out let's firstly discuss the things about demon slayer i really like i'm going to do this in a really quick sort of bullet point fashion just for the sake of time so ready let's go first off i love the character designs everyone here looks so cool and manages to not only capture the style of the thai show period of japan but does so while making everyone look simply put awesome and while i do think some characters look a bit too similar from time to time for the most part no one character looks like another secondly the animation there is no denying how fantastic demon slayer looks frankly there isn't an anime currently airing that i can say looks anywhere close to as good as demon slayer movements are so smooth lighting so clean colors pop and the action good god the action is just perfect thirdly the voice acting everyone here is clearly giving it their all tanjiro's va especially and while the style of humor used in demon slayer isn't my favorite when it comes time for angry or scared yelling that is oh so prevalent in this show everyone does deliver the lines perfectly lastly the music again there is no way to deny how awesome demon slayer's music is i don't even really know what to say here describing amazing music is hard which is why it's best left to the experts on their own channels if you have seen demon slayer you'll just know exactly what i mean especially if you think back to episode 19 or the mugen train movie so yeah there's lots to like here but there was a clear omission in the things i just listed that takes importance over all that stuff and it's what in my opinion holds demon slayer back more than anything else and actually it's what makes reading the manga so much worse than watching the anime and that is the writing when the manga is left on its own without all the flashy add-ons i just mentioned wow does demon slayer ever get boring at the end of the day there is no escaping the fact that demon slayer is just unbearably generic allow me to elaborate a generic story isn't the end of the world lots of shonen are similar to one another that's a given my issue arises from the fact that a lot of people are shooting demon slayer like it's this huge revolutionary thing when it really really isn't it's fine it's a perfectly fine manga if you love it that's great i just think that if it weren't for the ludicrously good animation and music the series wouldn't be nearly as big as it is before i bash the writing of the series for a bit let me say that i am in no way trying to tarnish the work of koyoharu gotoge what she has accomplished especially for her first manga is amazing and i couldn't be happier for her but since this is her first work i think there are some faults that can be easily pointed out and hopefully improved on in whatever her next major work is alright this is the point where the spoilers come in so if you haven't read the manga i recommend you just stop watching the video however if you don't care let's keep going also if you find that you're enjoying the video please don't forget to subscribe as it helps me out a lot and you can always unsubscribe later thanks my first big issue with this series is its pacing now correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure that from around the time tanjiro meets zenetsu to the very end of the manga is like a year give or take so if i'm not mistaken that means tangible goes from struggling to defeat some street demons to defeating muzan in a year and yeah i get that anime protagonists are overpowered but i think tangero was the most ludicrous example of this i have personally seen the series is just too quick i feel like it so easily could have been fleshed out more and given more time to many of its characters there is character growth that is never really shown happening it just sort of happens zenetsu for example seemingly stops being afraid off screen i was kind of shocked when he was facing down demons in the end of the manga with basically no hesitation what happened how did that come to be we never find out the same applies to the villains and a lot of the hashira for the demons backstory is given in a quick way and with almost no variation it's the same song and dance every time backstory only ever really comes right as a demon is being killed when the memories of their past life come back to them as they narrate their tragic origin aside from doma and kokushibo every demon is the exact same sometimes they don't even get a backstory at all even major upper moon demons the hashirod don't really fare much better either once again the backstory is normally relegated to one chapter and it will either come up right as they arrive at a battle or right before they get out of a dangerous situation giu is the only real exception here as his backstory is told to tanjuro while training but once again that's basically the only variation it leads me to not really care about the characters very much it doesn't help that the last 60 chapters or so are all one enormous fight and yeah the fight is exciting and when it's animated it's gonna be fantastic but would another 50 chapters to just flesh out a bit more have really hurt even in the end i feel like we know next to nothing about muzan and that is a really bad thing so yeah rushed characters and very samey writings certainly hurt how much focus i'm gonna give the story but frankly nothing bothers me quite as much as how unrealistically lucky and overpowered our heroes are in the end all but 3 hashira have died it's not like everyone makes it out without a scratch what primarily bugs me is how strong our main trio of tanjiro zenetsu and anusuke are this is going to become apparent to anime viewers very soon in the fight against daki and guitaro the way this fight is won honestly infuriates me to no end our heroes have gotten out of tight spots before but come on this fight is just insane enusuke gets stabbed in the back presumably in the heart but he somehow rearranged his internal organs what uzui straight up dies but that was his plan to speed up his recovery excuse me zenetsu and tangiro at least use methods of escape that are a bit more believable but still i cannot forgive how stupid it is that anusuke and azui survive that fight on that note tanjiro throughout the series runs out of steam and gets hurt so much and yes he takes a lot of time to recover but what i don't like is that in the middle of a fight his energy is seemingly all gone and then it just sort of comes back i guess throughout the series kanjiro gets his ass and just shrugs it off until the fight is over because he can breathe really good remember an fma when ed gets stabbed in the back and the only way he gets out of that situation is using his own soul to heal his wound costing him years of his life and right after that he still very nearly dies regardless yeah i know these are two different writers characters and universes but man i can't help but compare the two i personally just don't like stupidly overpowered characters especially if it doesn't feel earned and yeah i get it's fiction and that these abilities are otherworldly and strange but i don't know it it just rubs me the wrong way sometimes that they always have a get out of jail free card my last big issue is with neziko her character itself is fine the issue i have with her is how wasted she is can someone tell me why throughout the entire final battle nezuko doesn't do anything at all i really think they started her change into a human too soon it just takes her out of the story in the most unnatural way she literally shows up after muzan is defeated only to get bit by demon tanjuro for like two seconds before he turns back into a human like what was the point she is almost completely absent in the last quarter of the manga and it just really bothers me i just get the feeling that ideas for her character sort of started running out around the midway point of the story so she was just kind of put on the sideline hell the same actually goes for anus k and zenetsu who are absent for like 40 chapters as well it's pretty crazy lots of characters were just filled with wasted potential conflicts weren't properly established and the stakes for our main characters just didn't exist in my eyes honestly for me anyway it feels like it was missing nearly a hundred chapters oh and a small nitpick the whole opening thread thing that was very important in the start of the series just completely goes away it's like never mentioned again after around chapter 88 or something in the end the anime is going to end up being far more enjoyable than the manga because at least the animation is going to make all the fights look freaking amazing demon slayer isn't bad let me reiterate that i still really like it i just think its hype has been way too overblown i felt that way when i first finished season 1 of the anime and i really feel it now having read the manga i look forward to seeing the rest of the anime but i wouldn't be surprised if as the series goes on more anime only start to realize it truly isn't anything special everyone thank you for watching the video and i really hope you enjoyed if you want to see more like it in the future please don't forget to leave a like and subscribe as it helps my growth out a lot i'm really trying to get 1500 subscribers before the end of february and that's only possible with you guys anyway have a great day everybody peace
Channel: sirsurgenor
Views: 14,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, sirsurgenor anime, sirsurgenor review, demon slayer season 2, demon slayer good, demon slayer bad, demon slayer review, tanjirou vs daki, tanjiro vs rui, demon slayer movie, demon slayer season 2 review, demon slayer manga, demon slayer anime review, sirsurgenor demon slayer, demon slayer overrated, anime review, demon slayer anime, demon slayer death, totallynotmark
Id: H0exTXy_Azw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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