Rant: Vinland Saga Is NOT a MASTERPIECE!!! | Vinland Saga SUCKS!!!

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villain Saga is one of the most well-received anime in the last five years and I can understand why Vikings War mixed with a Revenge story seems like a good combination for a good anime but when I actually got the chance to sit down and watch season one of villain Saga bruh I'm sorry but that was some of the most boring [ __ ] I have ever seen in a long ass time and I know me calling something boring is a subjective criticism but I do believe there is an explanation as to why something can be boring and unengaging a lot of times when I praise the anime one of the things I praise the most is creativity and uniqueness the ability to take a simple concept and do something unique with it creativity a lot of times keeps an anime or any type of medium engaging even if it's bad that's not to say that everything has to be 100 original but the closer it is to being the original than I think the better even if it's something men rescue like a samurai using their breathing to perform spectacular Feats or a pirate eating the fruit that grants them magical powers those little additions to a simple story that's probably been told over a hundred times can shockingly take a story a long way and of course Aesthetics play a major role in this as well it's only natural that we want to see cool looking [ __ ] when reading or watching something it's one of the reasons why a series like bleach and berserk has such a huge fan base and is one of the reasons why a lot of people don't want to read or watch One Piece now what makes villain Saga boring to me is that it takes the concept of Vikings war and revenge and does absolutely nothing with it it's basic Viking [ __ ] where the Vikings in the show do nothing but fight party and [ __ ] is basic warship where the people in the show fight and kill each other over Petty dumb [ __ ] with little to no strategy with one person doing most of the killing in his basic Revenge question where one character Wants Revenge on another character because this character killed someone at this other character loved and I think this is the worst aspect of this show because the Revenge quest for thorfin's character is so painfully generic that it literally turns him into a one-dimensional character Thor from his character for 99 of Inland Saga is spent with him trying to get revenge on askalab because askalab killed his father and understandable reason for wanting to get revenge on the person I get it but it's how he goes about getting revenge on askalab that [ __ ] infuriates me after askalad killed thorfin's Dad thorfin decided to join ask a last crew to get the chance to kill askalad and the entire time that thorphin was on ask a last crew this [ __ ] didn't do nothing but [ __ ] challenge ask lad to a duel and bargain with ask alive to get another chance to fight him every time this [ __ ] spoke it was always about him wanting to get revenge against askalad keep in mind that this [ __ ] had a chance to kill askalab when he was asleep but he didn't want to do it because he wanted to kill ascala in The Honorable way an ideal that was heavily influenced by his father because thorfin respected his father so much but as the show goes on thorfen's way of thinking starts to not make any [ __ ] sense because despite dorphin wanting to handle things like his father there are two occasions where his father shows up in the dream and tells story from the pretty much stop chasing out the Revenge because that's something he wouldn't have wanted and that a true warrior doesn't need a sword to be considered a warrior he also told thorfin to go check up on his sister and Mom with thorf and respecting his father and one to handle things just like him the storefront take the advice of his dead father to at least think about the path that he has chosen and whether or not if it's right or wrong does he stop chasing revenge for his father's sake or even think about how his mom or sister or hell even the people at the Village are filling hell no he just continues this stupid ass Revenge question while whining about despite willingly joining his crew and following him everywhere and having multiple chances to kill him and I don't want to hear about how he's trying to do things his father's way and that's why he didn't kill ask last sooner when there's been multiple occasions where his father showed up and told him to stop and the [ __ ] just ignored him at that point you're just doing things your way and not the way your father would have wanted it to be handled also this [ __ ] thorphin [ __ ] about how the people around him are monsters because they mindlessly kill people without thinking twice about it while he's literally doing the exact same thing just to get another chance to fight askalad like this character is [ __ ] stupid bro even as the show goes on it gets to a point where even ask Aladdin Thor kale indirectly called thorf in a one-dimensional character and I know people are going to say that this is the prologue and thorphins character is supposed to be one dimensional but I don't think that's an excuse to give him no development in season one as especially considering that there were multiple opportunities for him to develop as a character like I said earlier the two times his father showed up in his dreams those were opportunities where he could have at least questioned if what he was doing was right or wrong or whether or not if it was something his father would have wanted him to do they could have used that to set up his development in season two but no he ended season one looking like a defeated potato overall thorfin's character was super disappointing considering the amount of Praise he gets in the anime Community after watching season one I'm starting to think that the only reason why thorphin received so much praise in the anime Community is because they feel bad for him and he fights like a badass not because of his character development or his character progression or hell even his character logic like seriously if he was to compare thorf into other Revenge characters like Sasuke and korapika it would be embarrassing on how bad they will clear him as a character and I'm talking about Sasuke and kuruki in their first seasons of their series unlike thorphin Sasuke and korapika actually develop his characters yes their characters want revenge in their series but their Revenge doesn't Define them as a character every word and action that they take in their series is not about getting revenge yes it was like that for Sasuke in the beginning but as the series went on in season one Sasuke became more of a team player and he even risked his life to save people that he didn't really even care for at the time same with korapika he started the series wanting revenge against the Phantom troop but as the show went on he started to care about other things besides Revenge after the hunter exam he wanted to go help Kahlua he didn't instantly go start looking for the Phantom troop and that's not because he didn't care about the Phantom troop around that time but because throughout the hunter exam he found more things to Value than just revenge and keep in mind this is basic ass development for Sasuke and kuropika something thorfin doesn't even have and even though I've been [ __ ] on thorphin's character for the entirety of this video he does have a good moment in episode 6 where he tries to help the villagers Escape because Vikings were coming over to take over their land it's also one of the many episodes that showed thorphin thinking about his family which kind of doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of things because if he really valued his family this much then would he have least thought about going to check up on his mom and sister when his father showed up and told him to do so that's besides the [ __ ] point after this great moment for thorfin's character the series does a horrible job in just treating this episode as another day at the office for the Vikings and they just kind of brush it off and redirect orphan's character into being this one-dimensional I want revenge character also speaking of thorphin this [ __ ] randomly gets strong out of nowhere and it even gets to a point to where he can even overpower grown ass men despite him being the little ass kid like this [ __ ] even gave Thor kale a hard ass time like this [ __ ] thorphine came from being a little whiny ass [ __ ] to fighting like a [ __ ] Naruto character bouncing all over the [ __ ] place in the span of one [ __ ] episode and the amount of plot armor that thorfin gets in Finland Saga especially in the beginning stages is [ __ ] insane like I find it hard to believe that a little ass kid who was scared shitless to fight on the battlefield has no [ __ ] problems killing grown ass men with [ __ ] ease like that no little kid can just flip the switch like that and I find it really funny that every adult that thorphin has came across on the battlefield them [ __ ] for some odd reason don't know how to fight like they'll be whooping ass killing [ __ ] with ease and all etc etc and then they come across thorfin's little ass and all of a sudden oh oh what the [ __ ] what is this a sword oh my God how do I use this against this little ass kid right here like all of us sudden they just magically don't know how to fight no more and [ __ ] like the [ __ ] be looking goofy as hell bro now throughout my experiences of watching Vinland Saga there has been one redeeming factor that made this boring ass show watchable and that is askalad askalad Carrie Vinland Saga so much that they should just call villain Saga ask a last Saga like no [ __ ] that's how much ass glass character carries this shitty ass show askalai has the Griffith effect where nothing in the story progresses or a character doesn't really develop unless ask a lot is in your vicinity every crucial moment in Finland Saga is a result of ask a last character thorfin's character askalab Prince canoe's character askalai the villagers being assassinated askalad the war on Thor KO askalad askalab's group turning against him askalad the shocking plot twist at the ending of villain Saga season one that hyped everyone [ __ ] up askalad like ask a last character is so multifaceted that it adds different dimensions to the story of Finland Saga like askalab might dead ass be a top 10 anime character of all time he has influence everywhere in the [ __ ] show he impacts the characters he impacts the setting everything is happening because of askalad this is why this [ __ ] should be called ask a last Saga now granted it really doesn't take until what episode 14 to 15 for ask a last character to really get the [ __ ] going but nonetheless when the [ __ ] gets to going this [ __ ] is [ __ ] dope it's just unfortunate that everything in this show besides askalab [ __ ] sucks and hell I haven't even seen Vinland Saga season 2 or read the Manga but I [ __ ] guarantee you that ask a last presence is still in that [ __ ] villain Saga needs askalab the same way that desert needs [ __ ] rain like this show is complete sweet ass cheeks without ask a last character now there are other characters in Finland Saga that are considered main characters that I need to touch on specifically Prince canoe Thor kale and thorus now when it comes to thorus he's as basic as they come he's your basic ass superhero that everyone respects because of his past as a war hero and his personality like I really don't know what the [ __ ] to say about his personality like despite Thor's having so much influence in the story of Finland Saga his character [ __ ] sucks like they have this thing with his character where they try to make it seem as if he's this High morale type of person like he's Jesus Christ or some [ __ ] like he's one of those characters that the Arthur would try to write to make him seem like the most stand-up guy ever even though the [ __ ] that he does to look like a stand-up guy makes no [ __ ] sense like the Arthur might as well put up a fat ass speech bubble that's the Force's character that says hey guys you see the stuff that thoris is doing is he not the most stand up guy ever hey look he saved a slave he even saw some valuable resources just to keep him even though the slave ended up dying later on anyway but hey look it's all about trying to make thoris look like the most stand-up guy ever right like this stupid [ __ ] thoris was trying so hard to convince the audience that he was such a good guy that he got himself killed against an assassin because he was trying to fight by the code and what I mean by the code is he was expecting a person who was trying to assassinate him to surrender whenever he was put in the [ __ ] up situation not even realizing that this is a real world and no one has to play by a [ __ ] code and so yeah thoris got [ __ ] killed for it and what made this moment so [ __ ] funny to me is that Thor's got mad as hell at askiland because he didn't play by the code he was talking about some oh ass glad I beat you Fair Square you supposed to surrender you ain't playing by the code you broke the code ask glad and I'm thinking to myself like [ __ ] he's trying to assassinate you where the [ __ ] does it say anywhere that you have to play by the [ __ ] code speaking of Thor's death his death had to be some of the most underwhelming [ __ ] I have ever seen in any anime like this [ __ ] was built up to be this Keanu Reeves Jesus Christ he's like this big badass who is [ __ ] everybody up he was going underwater and [ __ ] doing all types of crazy [ __ ] and then this [ __ ] died to some arrows [ __ ] arrows like arrows to this [ __ ] is like toothpicks it's like do you see the crazy [ __ ] that thoris did in this [ __ ] show you telling me the one thing that's gonna take this [ __ ] out is [ __ ] arrows dog they didn't even kill his ass on screen they killed his ass off screen it was like Joe this death is [ __ ] trash like this show is supposed to be about thorfein getting revenge right I'm thinking like okay his death has to be [ __ ] up like you know I'm thinking they're gonna cut the [ __ ] Thor's head off or something hell no they killed this [ __ ] with toothpicks they're like this [ __ ] is so [ __ ] ass and underwhelming dog and as far as Thor kale he ain't [ __ ] but a dumbass Goku clone who just likes to fight all the time it's like oh okay so you the dumbass that everyone is supposed to get hyped about because you be [ __ ] [ __ ] up and I'm not gonna lie he do be [ __ ] [ __ ] up but besides him [ __ ] [ __ ] up what is his [ __ ] character like his character is so one-dimensional that it [ __ ] hurts press canoe I actually [ __ ] with him all right even though his development came out of nowhere but I let this [ __ ] slide because the rest of these characters in this show suck so [ __ ] hard that I kind of had no choice but to let it slide at least Prince canoe did develop Prince canoe and askalab are easily the best characters in this whole [ __ ] show by a [ __ ] Landslide also there's this dumbass quote from his drunk ass priest that says love is discrimination [Music] bruh I know those special cases where an anime tries so hard to make itself seem deep that it starts saying [ __ ] that makes no [ __ ] sense like I see where he was trying to go with that but he said it is such a [ __ ] up way that it really just destroyed the whole moment of the series pretty much what he was trying to say was that things like water grass snow [ __ ] nature in general those things are considered love because they have no hate no intent to kill and they have no emotions so that means they can provide consistent value to humans as well as other living creatures but what's so flawed about that argument is that everything in this world can be considered love and hate even when it comes to Nature yeah we reap the benefits of nature but there's also negatives that come with it that's called natural disasters like tornadoes earthquakes hurricanes floods like these things can be considered hate to other people especially religious people that believe that there are God's plan as humans because of our wrongdoings there is nothing in this world that can provide 100 Love without some form of hate love and hate are in the same boat they're the Opposites of each other you can't have love without some form of hate it's impossible and because the word love in of itself is so subjective a person can create a meaning of what love means to them this show also tackles religious themes and most of it is Christianity but the deepest they go with it is the belief that God isn't real I mean it's really nothing that you really never heard of if you're a Christian or if you're just some regular person that follows the basic religious [ __ ] that the media pushes out on a daily basis you know [ __ ] like atheism Jesus Christ and Satan heaven and hell Adam and Eve you know [ __ ] like that like there is really nothing deep about this show it's just some basic ass Viking war Revenge story and maybe to some people who never really watched that much of Viking War Revenge [ __ ] or maybe they don't know that much about religion maybe if they watch this this might seem like the greatest [ __ ] ever but bro when you see enough of this [ __ ] it's like okay can you like do something unique with it it's like come the [ __ ] on now but other than that I think that's pretty much all I have to say about villain Saga like so far if I had to give it a grade I'll give it what a c minus and that's only because of askalad if it wasn't for askalab this show would get a [ __ ] F and I know people are going to say yo watch season two forphan's character actually gets better look I'm sorry but I have zero interest in watching thorphin's character in season two and I have zero interest in continuing this series all right I'm not gonna watch season two just to watch thorf and develop into his Bland ass father because his father wasn't the most interesting character either so why the [ __ ] would I want to see thorfin develop into him but when it's all said and done the only reason why people praise villain Saga as one of the greatest series of all time is because people surrounded themselves with shitty Shonen Jump series their entire life so when they actually sees something that's pretty [ __ ] edgy it blows their [ __ ] mind when they actually read the story that tackles deep themes like religion and [ __ ] it blows their [ __ ] mind because they're so used to the power of friendship [ __ ] this is the anime Community where they praise anime to the highest levels because they subvert their expectations and not because the series is actually good and yes I know villain Saga is based on real life characters so please do not say that stupid [ __ ] in the comment section all right just because an anime replicates real life doesn't make it good all right I know most of you [ __ ] didn't pay attention to this [ __ ] in history class so don't try to justify the [ __ ] being good now because it got animated in pretty colors
Channel: Triggered Senpai
Views: 22,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinland Saga, Seinen, Vinland Saga Sucks, Vinland Saga Is Not a Masterpiece, Vinland Saga is Overrated, Vinland Saga Kinda SUCKS, Vinland Saga Is Trash, Vinland Saga is a Masterpiece, Vinland Saga Season 1, Vinland Saga Season 2, Vinland Saga Manga, Thorfinn Sucks, Thorfinn is Terrible, Vinland Saga Is Garbage, Vinland Saga Is Great, Best Seinen Ever, Top 10 Seinen Manga, Top 10 Seinen Series of All-Time, Greatest Manga of All-Time, Greatest Anime of All-Time.
Id: KxJlwurG8uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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