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door you know them you love them doors doors are the best and there are over 70 types of doors in Ultra kill many of which you probably have just sped past without even taking a glance at them which is a shame because doors are so cool and there are so many unique types of doors and Ultra kill that you just need to take a moment to look at and appreciate this video was a collaborative effort between me inoob and comic 07 we went completely mental when making this video we made such philosophical decisions such as does a filth count as a door is every Gutterman counted as a door should the earth mover itself be called a door is Copus prime a door not Minos specifically Copus Prime and is minos's hole a door is this wall a door and so many other great philosophical discussions that will break modern Minds anyways let's get into the rankings for every type of ultra kill door not including effects but you'll see later up first is the classic Prelude door it's very iconic and pretty slick and designed a green bar on top and bottom with the intricate design and also the um the patterns the blocking patterns that don't let you progress they work the best on these doors I would say I would give them a b tier next are the boss doors these ones don't look as slick but they look cooler with four yellow bars instead of two green and a skull in the middle I really like these they are going to go in a tier and also the boss door you know lets you know there's a boss the exit door for every single terminal elevator thing I love these things P tier because they always let you know when you're about to leave the level and they're probably the doors that are most often like acknowledged the EG entrance doors into the level can be a little bit annoying though especially when speed running they're kind of not as cool too so I'm going to give them a lower a tier this hidden door in z-2 I like it you know it doesn't look like a door until you place a skull down it's kind of like a hidden door though it does look more like a wall texture I'm going to give it S rank the uh secret level entrance door when you enter when you enter a level is even worse than the entrance for the base base elevators there's not even any red it's just all gray D tier these blank walls which are the same ones for the abandoned all hope you enter here they're cool and the smoother Stone does look kind of nice and they've also got similar design to the elevator doors it's cool kind of not great High B tier the secret exit door is kind of the same as the base door though it just doesn't look as slick I would say I will give it low a tier or high eight tier sorry the abandoned all hope ye who ENT here door is such a good door man it's p tier I love it it's just the uh slick design the words everything not too many words not too few and also the cus boss fight it's great man the base limbo doors I love these doors you know I like to think that they're just make out of like mahogany or oak or something and I don't know how you would like use them in practically but they are just massive and I love them so I'm going to give them a low S rank the blue and red variations are interesting it kind of just comes down to color preference I personally enjoy blue more than red though and I think they add a little bit more to the base doors so I'm going to give them slightly higher ranks than the base limbo doors this trap door in one two with the which you need the electric rail Cannon for it's a trapo still a door don't question it I love the design of it and also the um the uh kind of like electric imagery next to it it just brings it all together so I'm going to give it a p tier low P tier I forgot this door existed when making the tier list it's B tier is this hidden wall in 13 it's basically just the glass but it's actually like a hidden door I love these glass designs highs this double variation door in 13 looks cool but I always get PTSD whenever I see it for one three so I'm going to give it uh I'm going to put it in between the blue and The Red Door the CLA Delon entrance door is just so classic CL and I love it and it even inspired the one in Wrath it's just the superior door I'm going to give it an a high a rank though because you can't really see the Boss face the lust doors I love the lust doors P tier I mean these things are just so slick and cool this um electric gated door out of I just don't like it for me B tier it's just kind of iffy I actually forgot about this door also kind of lame D tier now I you know how I said I love the slickness of the basic limbo doors the red and blue just doesn't feel like it fits as well they're more like lower a tier cuz I just don't like it although I will say that the red fits a lot lot more than the blue the limbo um Court of the corpse King doors where they have like the the train doors they are so cool P tier I love them they're great the gate door whatever this thing is there's a there's a specific text in 2s that says the gate must be closing by now obviously we can't see it so C tier but it's still technically a door cuz it's implied the actual door that you can see in 2s doesn't even look that good also highy the tooth doors I mean they're a cool concept I just don't like them midc I mean like the teeth that saliva the P rank doors they're lovely I love them Sleek design they're the same as the abandon all hope doors but with P ranks all over them nice and lovely and crisp and all that good stuff so uh yeah I'll give them um s here the actual p-2 entrance door is also like or exit door sorry it's so cool I mean it it it just feels a sense of forboding this like I love it and the golden the Golden feel to it it is a p tier door kind of like here actually no here here uh I actually have two of the same door so just pretend that this image is um of the entrance door to the prime sanctums I like them but like all of the rest I don't think they're as great but yeah I will give this a mid a rank these greed doors I do like greed but I don't know something about these doors just doesn't fit right with me B tier this Eye of Horus door is lovely I I just like the idea of the Eye of Horus being a door so uh S rank for you Maurice door obviously P tier I mean seriously it's Maurice these sliding glass panels are technically doors cuz uh they open and close and stuff for putting in the skulls and what not I have the image of the Red Skull but it's the same thing for the blue skull I don't really like these that much C tier the boss greed door looks worse somehow than the base greed door I don't know it just doesn't feel as good low be tier the Eye of Horus door 2 with like an actual like uh torches and stuff I love this this is great it's not that much better than the base I of Horus door but the blue pedestal door there's not much differentiating it from the base greed door so there you go the boss door to the entrance of V2 it's cool I guess but you never really notice it and it's kind of just like it's just background I couldn't get an up close shot of it cuz it always just opens way too early man I will give this a b tier the um wrath doors controversial take here but I think they are amazing man I love these these are some of the best doors I'm going to rank this right here so good the the pedestal locked wrath doors um you can't really see the door itself so S I guess it's still a good door but eh it's kind of blocked this is a door there's no handle d tier this one does have a handle though B tier this door with h holding back the idols eh I don't I didn't like the room personally C tier I it's just mid I don't like it the double doors with blue handles is a unique take and I really like it actually I'm going to give it a rank these two sliding glass doors I love I love me a good sliding door but sometimes you know when you like close them they don't go all the way frustrates me and just because of that it's getting bumped down to B tier also this door allowing you to exit the um side house where you get the Red Skull nobody ever uses this door C tier the base golden aesthetic for the um ship of Fool's door it's cool but it's B tier by the way but I love the blue one the blue one just feels like it fits so much more a tier and this double one doesn't really fit well with me but it's better than the golden one I would say so B tier is and this single door is just kind of yucky C tier the fishing level the 5-s door which only opens when you catch all the fish it's kind of just like a wall texture kind of C tier though higher than all the rest the base heresy doors look cool but eh they don't seem very practical as an actual door low a tier and these ones they're just worse cuz they're all red and stuff C tier but higher than the rest actually except for the except for the uh 5S one the Gabriel doors leading in are kind of similar to the ones for v2 except redder that makes them obviously better but I wouldn't say they're better than the base heresy doors so low a tier the panopticon door is cool but the panopticon icon just feels a little bit out of place high C tier this this garage door kind of thing is just ugly in P2 like why do they exist D tier uh same thing with these two idled uh hatch things and the blue skull in the middle I just don't like it man D tier the Locking entrance doors the two locking entrance doors are great I love them the first one is got to be high as but the second one man I'm going to say P tier because my God the the are you sure button thing it's so good the heresy is or that you see in the arena right before the panopticon eh kind of mid ID D tier I don't really like them the eyes kind of add a lot of personality to them the panopticon okay hear me out the panopticon is a door because Copus steps out of the panopticon and like opens the panopticon it can be opened the panopticon is a door s tier the base uh violence Slayer doors they're cool but these skull doors are so p toer man I mean I'm docking it down from the top level because it honestly the skull honestly looks like a stock photo but yeah this hidden door leading you to Big John eh it's cool I guess but eh a tier the opening doors where you need to like hit the yellow hook point there are a fair few amount of them but they're all different though I'll just rank them all now in order for how useful and interesting and cool they are B tier lower B tier H this one's slightly lower this one's cooler and smaller a tier this one's kind of mid C tier these ones holding back the yellow hook points are s tier man I love them the one holding back the bomb is High s not quite not quite high high a what am I saying High a not quite s tier and this one holding the The Red Skull back is kind of cool not as great though low a the entrance doors to 72 are some of the best in the entire game and the green indents I'm going to say it but they are on par with the base entrance elevator doors these Gates I I mean they're cool and they make a cool creaking noise so uh I guess High B tier but the rest of them are kind of C tier I don't really enjoy them that much some of them are just like mid the earth mover doors there are actually two earth mover doors this one which is um it looks more like an elevator door so uh B tier mid high and this one before you get into the actual Earth Mover itself it's such a great reveal I'm going to put it in high a right there oh I forgot one actually there's one in 52 that has like this uh valve on the top it's the it's a one-of-a-kind door and you never see it in the rest of the game so I guess low s p low P tier it's Unique oh yes my favorite the big door in the credits is the best door in Ultra kill without competition I mean it's just the best door in the entire game no questioning it bathroom stall doors there's not enough room on the bottom it always feels like somebody can peek through and there's always these side slits on the side and always bathroom stalls just feel so icky and gross man like I went to the airport that was covered in poop man it is awful D tier and a staff only door d tier because I want to know what's behind it and that is the ultra kill tier list uh my friend comic has made the uh tier list on tiermaker.com so check it out though he did miss a few doors which which I had to add in so yeah anyways uh yeah this m this was a video made by me in neophobic and comic 07 so uh check out the other two's channels and consider subscribing oh and also put door in the comments if you want me to talk about every single door in Ultra kill and tell you the total amount of doors anyways uh see you
Channel: JuanC4
Views: 12,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, Ultrakill, door, Door, tierlist, meme, funny, explination, violence layer, heresy, P-2, ost, p-1, braindead, gluttony, secrets, secret, clasic, benjamin, earthmover, V2, v2, v1, filth
Id: Nc209hX34Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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