Ranking Tiny Websites Automatically

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hey guys I want to show you something really cool how do you get these huge jumps in organic traffic on a website that only has about nine pages and it's leapfrogged above all the other resellers in that industry here's the original page 13,700 results there's the one we created okay and then everything else below that these guys were already here for like a long time a year something like that half a year to a year uh but they've been around a lot longer and they have bigger more powerful websites and stuff so how did we LeapFrog them I had to dive in and look and I'm going to point out the two things that I see that we did that have really caused this to happen I think it's really important to study so the first is this and this is to answer any questions people have about it let's look at the referring domains right um how many referring domains do they have about 62 okay you know what's interesting about these referring domains when we look at them they all belong to us all of these domains belong to us okay pretty soon we'll be knitting through them with all of the pieces done the external Authority linking the schema I mean all of this going to get embedded and this whole thing is going to explode so that's one piece it's really important to keep in mind by the way how do you know that they're all ours I'll show you the referring IPS there are two matter of fact part of our controlled test was to do all the backlinks on a single IP address along with the main site so that site plus 60 more that are back linking it are all on the same server okay this right here 511 1272 is right here 511 1272 it's ours it's our server then you got another one down here 18 191 18 okay having said that this was added to do the test of what if we need more than one IP for the backlinking we think and it had a modest seven total links on that website okay just enough to get caught noticed by Google and we think that that's important we think this is a really important thing so it's good as we continue to grow our our empires of all these sites we'll knit together more uh server space you know knit together we'll get more servers in play benefits absolutely everyone for every next server that we add in we can actually move sites around or create backlinks through them there's all the stuff we can do okay so all of the backlinks are ours and this thing slammed to the number two position why isn't it the number one because Google knows that the number one guy is the first guy to ever mention iter 100 we're not supposed to be able to beat him because he is the original author you know of the term right so we should be completely content with our number two because it's what we should have expected on that term anyway now let me show you the other thing that's really really important about this tiny little n-page site that beat all the resellers to the top okay we link out to 19 domains in the content there's links in the writing or on the images uh that link out one of them is the actual main website we link out to okay and that makes sense we link out to a couple of their Pages it's just in our content now what we link out to um newswire about the event these things have to do with with the product itself and the company itself so we link out to them they're totally authored or high Authority for the topic then we linked out to another release about the same thing and then we linked out to some studies that have to do with the technology to justify the technology right and um finally we've got this small link down here it's kind of funny CU a couple these uh links that we put out there actually forc these things to the front page of Google right next to us because we link to them novel extra nasal tear stimulation pivotal study results right check this out if I come down there it is that's the one number seven it didn't used to be here now it is another one we linked out too and now it's there is this guy right here okay so by pushing um links out to Authority sites we give them some credit and some ground but you know what both of those links are below us we're up here you know what we've been learning how to do this right so not only are we going to knit the cross link smartly through all the other websites with limits set to what they should be we look this stuff up but we and and built the tools accordingly to make sure that we can follow that so we don't spam anything and that's why we're not getting hit for coming off the same IP address we're not spamming backlinks second thing um now that we understand what we're doing with authority links we just go get a bunch of them and put them out you wonder how you do something like that I'll show you let's go to um spyfu.com just to get an idea of how this works right I'm going to put in a keyword okay this whatever keyword all right and um for this keyword I want to see the SHP analysis okay and it's going to tell me who's ranking number one two three you know what I would be doing if I was doing this fresh I'd be looking for.gov org like that that.go that.go you know. org.gov um.edu this one here and then things like the newswire things like who's who like who invented the product anything and everything that allows me to create expertise experience Authority and trust and the more I build that into the pages of my websites the the less risky my websites become for Google to rank uh they they're going to become more authoritative for that reason we're learning so much another one that we learned before I forget is just a different thing I want to point out cuz it kind of matters anyway the backl links that we created oh the back links pointing in the site I want to say this there there I put a little tag on the end of each so I can make sure I'd recognize mine I have them here they're all no followed why are they no followed they're very few that are do followed as a matter of fact I can show you that why are the rest no followed because we have an ad a big banner ad in the middle of every single page of all of our websites that point to to where you can go get the product right perfect thing to do if you're an affiliate or a partner or setting up sites at the distance that's about the information but then you've got the ad to say hey if you want to buy one of these things go here right so having said that why no follow because otherwise it would be spam right we'd have the ad in every single page thousands of pages and it would be spam but you know what we learned no follow does not kill the benefit maybe it did once but Google says huhuh it doesn't you know what no follow means you suggesting to Google that you don't want to pass juice because you're afraid of passing juice because it might be spam you know what Google reserves the right to do override your decision on that and pass some kind of scoring whatever they would call it alternate juice or alternate scoring um that they think is worth um what what you're trying to do because they'd say okay I see why you're no following it you've got a banner ad on every single one of your pages but do you know what they're related pages with related content and they have a related offer to a site that's related so we will give some juice what we think is appropriate based on this for each of those websites huge okay so yeah we're we're we and we haven't even put schema in the site yet we're going back through and we're outfitting all the projects with um the cross links done the right way with the right limits you know per page and per sight limits of outbound links um how to do no follows right um the external Authority trust sites you know so linking out so that we can deserve it and um schema okay on top of all the other stuff and this is to dive for because we buildt our Tools in such a way we can add them in take them out make adjustments throw them back in with the adjustments now we can see what's going on same with schema we can add schema in we can take schema out we can come up with a different schema model for a particular site and put it back in um there's all we have such total control so yeah we've been at this a while uh getting all the stuff right and the monitoring tools but it allows us to absolutely control the output now the outcome so we're doing everything we're supposed to do as website developers to rank uh on page everything plus understanding what to do with expired backlinks and how to set them up perfectly in such a way that yeah we're going to have our monster Empires running here real soon thanks okay
Channel: maxedtraffic
Views: 4,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4V8WbfHHEdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.