I Tried Thousand Year Door's Randomizer...

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now you might be wondering just how exactly it got to this point and guess you're going to have to watch and find out all right so in this video I am going to be checking out the randomizer for Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door that was created by zil I think it's pronounced zil I don't think it's ziles it could be ziles I know last time I mispronounced a moder's name I got absolutely cooked in the comments so just going to play it safe and call him z/ ziles so anyways I am checking out the randomizer for thousand your door this randomizes every loading zone in the game it randomizes every item in the game and you can even set it so that every coin in the game is randomized to be an item and my goal is going to be to collect all seven Crystal stars that is the objective so let's get into the video I am here I have every partner I have the strange sack and nothing else so let's see what I can get done here so I don't know if the text is supposed to tell me anything useful I have literally no idea so this is supposed to be random right hello the prices are in fact scaled though so when I start with 100 coins so here let's see are any of the star pieces in this area randomized a Last Stand P we will take that I guess I just want to get like everything I guess that is a an ultr shroom that could be useful on my quest I think that's all the star pieces I can get right now so let's just take a loading zone and this should just take me somewhere random it indeed did the randomizer is randoming uh getting some stuff this is all worth like money I don't even want to fight butt enemies I don't think cuz butt enemies I could just fight late game enemies and get way more star points oh okay see the weird thing about doing all this is I have no idea what state of the game I'm in there's nothing in this room for me uh I'm going to have to fight the guys aren't I I do okay so I have the Sunstone now that is a thing that I have access to okay we're going to attack this one cuz he's the only one with a healing item and then I'm going to Super guard these watch going to bang this out I tried [ __ ] there we go I still have something deep down inside me I don't even know if this is necessarily worth it I don't know if the Sunstone is ever going to be relevant to me I don't really know exactly what my end goal is at this point though to be fair they still drop the spiky soup me when I eat a bowl of pointy water this is an entertaining room to be in so this is the room before the Shadow Queen I'm going to get the things in the chest at the bottom of the stairs a Jumpman I probably shouldn't use it till I have Spike Shield but that's nice to have all right we're going to go in and face the Shadow Queen all except we're not it's hooktail's Castle I can get this key I don't think there's anything oh wait no I think there's a shine Sprite up the stairs here okay so shine sprite's going to be something random right yeah there's a chill out in there so I can open that door but I don't think I want to I kind of want to just hold on to every key item that I can because it' be funny let's just go this way I think the loading zones are literally just random every time I don't think there's any repeats like I don't think that it's going to be consistent anything that I go through okay so have an elevator key now I'm getting a lot of things and they're not necessarily useful yet but oh my God I stay in the same area let's go watch Pete shower I don't really want to fight these guys right now I think I'm just going to go out this door I don't need to get that juice down there I will take that though that's actually pretty good I'm already racking up some good ass healing items oh that's actually clutch I could fight one of these guys Power Plus and and charge P okay we're going to do a little PVP action all right hold on ready for this I didn't want to do that very important there and now watch I bomb this guy does he have a Mega Jump badge from the first Paper Mario do they add unused stuff in this like even more than the infinite pit mod okay now I'll use the shooting star I'll kill the front guy wait I should have used the shooting star first now he's just a pile freeze him freeze him freeze him neutralize the threat okay I still think it would have been better if he didn't heal him but it's all right so I did the first turn in the wrong order so now I got to get rid of that guy for good all right so that is both the dry bones taken care of they give a lot of star points this is why I didn't bother fighting those Koopas oh he's going to live this turn with like one Health isn't he hold on wait no he's taking eight damage so wait I think I think I'm going to get a perfect kill here please I I couldn't remember math yes that that was a clean ass fight for how strong those enemies are that was just level zero oh my God there's a there's so many things oh he put so many things into my pocket holy crap why did I get so many items from him okay well that guy just dropped an entire inventory at my feet I don't know if I necessarily want to do this without another attack item did I get a good attack I got good single targets hold on wait ready ready ready ready damn it it's too slow three of them is a little bit ugly but I'm just going to do it I'm just going to send it I think I can win shouldn't have left Mario in the front though I do not feel shy about just throwing all of my items at every threat in my way I'm just going to die wait use your item or throw harder than anyone's ever thrown before okay so here's the plan oh wait no this is perfect never mind this heals Mario okay okay I was going to say the plan is just to not die but I'm literally going to live and that guy sucks at video games the randomizer is interesting getting pit against strong enemies at like the beginning of the game is pretty cool does that kill him nice all right so that's another 45 bomb in my pocket meaning a level up where I'm obviously going to pick badge power who I'm who am I kidding of course I'm going to pick badge power oh he also drops a big I have like two Lucky Day PS yeah see like why not use all my items fighting guys just going to get a bunch of stuff back I got another Thunderbolt I'm going to have to start like thinking about Inventory management in this game though which is crazy this room is useless to me let's leave oh God no wait no it put me in a room with bone tail not bone tail Gloom tail why why am I fighting Gloom tail already I'm level two guys think I can win do you think I could pull this one off I think I maybe could I think if I make one mistake I lose though so no I don't think I'm going to do this it's going to take like 40 turns of Boby I have like two items but and like no useful abilities whatsoever no this is not going to happen okay okay I think miss Ma might be the better call I think she might do three it is the same amount as Boby so that's good to know that I have multiple options if I knew I was going to fight a boss I would have tried to do something with my badge power I just was not ready to fight an endgame boss he got dialogue God damn it I forgot I had to Super guard that well that was a fantastic use of like 10 minutes or whatever fighting that guy there's a timer in Thousand your door counting down when game play will resume it just puts you back in Oh and it carries over all my losses so all my guys are like dead okay I was going to say I think it soft locked me but no it gives you this ability so that you can get out of here it that's like coded in my character doesn't even have that unlocked hold on wait I should check the Coconuts over here right cuz these are just going to be random bump attack earthquake hey attack items are useful right now I'm not going to knock those wait what the object Jolene gave you after defeating grubba ah yes I remember that that was a good memory that i' have from doing this okay this is the flurry room sick oh I just came through a locked door sick do I want to fight a chain chop I don't that's the thing what a weird State for the game to be in the doors are locked but there's no punies in there oh no shot let's go super boo skipped okay so my jump attack just went up by two and then the game has to give me that to get out of here yeah this is an interesting experience cuz there's not like a ton of strategy to like navigating the game because as far as I can tell everything is just random like every loading Zone's random there's no like oh these doors are randomized to this one and every time you go through it it's going to be the same thing that doesn't overwrite my ultra boots does it no it doesn't that's I arious that I got those back to back though Mario's room so this is the state from when the chapter first starts this is just like when the chapter first starts yep yep the story of the game it's a good video game but I'm just trying I don't know what's going on right now I don't know how I got here is Yoshi trying to me he just put a couple's cake in the corner of the room Yoshi's trying to plow I'm in this room again leave me alone I don't want to be in here think I can trigger this fight with ultra jump like does this shake him off off already they're going to start grabbing me no it doesn't count that doesn't count got to get out of here okay that sucks I was actually down to trigger that fight I'm in the state of the game where the wedding ring can appear which is interesting is everyone still dead only Bob's dead now nobody's dead we all have Equity stop stop putting me in here I've gone through all three pipes that go into that room and I didn't want to be in them any of the times oh what what I can be right here what I didn't know I could be right here oh they're not interactable is she no she isn't interactable what a crazy place to end up this is awesome getting to walk around this room oh you were just on the stage oh my God I'm in Glitz pit [Music] Hell Fire flow sure I came out of the Thousand-Year Door I don't have paper mode or anything so I can't even get any of the items in this room I can't go back in cuz the door is not actually activated in the state that's funny so canonically Mario just walked out of the sealed immovable Thousand-Year Door and I think that's kind of beautiful what this is the guy that I already fought he respawns uh actually I kind of could fight some guys in this room like this guy right here he's a dead man walking boom it's how we do so he's going to drop a dick load of stuff right um not that much stuff [Music] honestly okay I can already tell the regular items are going to get very overwhelming but that's okay it's crazy how fast I got to a point where I could like one shot a lot of enemies like most enemies in the game that are jumpable maybe just don't use the ice storm that'd be good I'm asking for for a solid here man you can't deny a fellow homie a solid that's a okay oh I love getting all these star points from such weak enemies like that was not even a hard fight at all just going to keep plugging badge power and honestly as long as I have like attack increase badges everything should just be pretty easy some of these items are like technically better than other things I just don't want to deal with inventory managing all of them like I don't care about a power block I don't care about a sleepy sheep someone left their candy inside the floor happens to the best of us oh God that's right there's a man in here isn't he just a lone pervert though yeah he's a lone perve oh I didn't even know that I got the spin jump First Strike he just died in a first strike my Mario has already gotten quite strong all right now here we are in Far Outpost don't know what state of the game of course but General white here no he's still not I have no idea what state the game's in it doesn't really matter for completing it but I'm really trying to get a feel for Mario's motivation here because so far I'm very confused and I don't know if he's as confused as I am I'm going to use 4 FP to kill a bunch of goombas so I can do it in one turn and he doesn't have to live stream I didn't let go of R what was that I was holding it the whole time I wish I had a controller input display or whatever I don't even know if I got scammed by thousand your door or by my controller or what but let it be known right hand to God right trigger to God I was pressing the right trigger who just leaves pasta sitting out behind their beach chair like that actually heinous this is the one room in this tower that I've already been in why is it giving it to me again it can give you the pit of 100 trials wait that's messed up this is level four so it can just give you one and you have to complete it to randomize again that's actually hilarious I like that a lot and now I'm like on level for these guys so they don't give crazy star points I swapped to coups to use a power shell but I don't have FP so I will deploy the fireflow instead go fireflow I don't need another chill out I already have as much chill out as one one guy needs I can't chill anymore I'm just chill like that imagine the EXN Nots were in this tree looking for the crystal star the whole time and it was just sitting right over here they had that huge operation dozens of foot soldiers Lord Crump himself he had a giant robot and they were they were searching that tree's innards and this Crystal star was just sitting on the outside oh it took me to a different room it's the walkth through walls room palas key dude I've got in this room four times now stop giving it to me there's nothing useful in there okay this is the beginning of the Palace of Shadow and I'm getting the cut scene and I have goombella out for some reason I didn't just have goombella out right why did it Force goombella for the cut scene I could have sworn I was walking around with my bro Yoshi the engine room facing the other direction does it not have the flippable panel when it's facing this Direction that's insane this one's really not too hard for the Mario that I have going right now and these all might give me drops anyway and maybe I don't know if the enemies can drop Stars cuz I've only seen them drop or I've only seen Stars just spawn in the Overworld right now but I'm assuming that anything goes in terms of like item spawns I'm just going to only upgrade badge power the whole time probably I don't see need to upgrade anything else although sweet treat would be nice but I mean I guess I do have a t of healing items also is that sweet treat right there that's a big ass map so I think getting the magical map there gives me sweet treat right I got another riddle Tower I remember these so well I immediately know which one I'm in every time beyond beyond beyond before before those are the words passed down to me by my ancestors and my ancestors ancestors just to make it to me wait can you not break these from the back guess I will just have to blow their backs out with Boby no that doesn't work I'm actually stuck back here TM cuz I can just go back down the pipe I've gotten like four chill outs I like skipped a couple of them what why did it change to a super appeal there was no reason for it to change and my game has frozen oh I don't have the second star now God damn it I lost some progress oh yeah I can beat him all right ready for this earthquake really you're going to get a lucky a 10% lucky on my earthquake and now fireflow to finish all the dry bones off and since it's a fire attack they're actually dead dude it's that simple get destroyed stop destroying me why did he get two lies this is a lucky man he got two out of four so far on his lickes when it's a 10% lucky and that is 100 star points I do not need any more casual 100 bomb hey look he left his thing on the stage like they do in the infinite pit when and you kill dry bones and level up so there's the palace key and then an interest of keeping the key and having as many key items as possible we're going to go out the other door wait do I have to do a fight did I randomize into a fight wait what am I fighting The Rock Hawk all right then sure now I can kick this guy's ass I do have the condition to use the special move at least once I don't actually think that I need to but I am going to in the interest of this guy in the butt I mean why not why not have a little bit of fun that's a plus4 attack meaning this guy's about to get rolled look check this check this oh spicy wait don't go on the ceiling oh this is fine and now he just like dies this turn see you later [ __ ] he only gives 15 star points really please tell me I get the champ spell from this or is it literally just going to Chuck me into another room immediately do I celebrate I get I get the cheers the crowd of is roaring and then it just Chucks me in another room exactly what I was hoping for no way wait no way wait can I operate it right now I can oh my God this randomizer is awesome now 10 out of 10 mod actual 10 out of 10 I literally just I wish the real game was like this imagine if this was the plot of chapter 7 instead of having to fight Magnus for it you just had to fix the claw machine to get the crystal star the object you got out of Magnus Von grapple 2.0 yeah I did ah it is sparring time what on Earth is he holding what the hell is that that looks like a text bubble or something is he going to use that on me I want to leave him alive I am going to get Miss Mouse out and I want to steal that I don't know what that does it says Okay a run meter what is that an item automatically fills the run meter what is is that a badge it is a badge that doesn't even like matter you always fill the run meter basically when you mash P 100 trials flashbacks are very real I've played a lot of pit of 100 trials recently it's kind of nice to be back in the real game getting to do some real gameplay where I interact with the world around me I hate rooms like this that have nothing that are slow to reload like I have to go all the way through like two animations to do that what up I don't know if the shops ever have anything interesting except this one has power bounce and I want it and I will have it cuz I have Investments I made investments in Gold shout outs to the gold standard now that I have power bounce I think if I encounter just about any boss I could beat them maybe Shadow Queen would be a little hard but I think I could manage everything else for sure it kept the rogueport music into this room what a weird vibe am I going to climb these stairs and fight the guy I don't know if I want to fight the guy but I might be able to do it no one comes built in with like a really good attacking all Targets move but I guess Boby is my best bet cuz he's the tankiest oh God he is here wait do I have to fight grotus and Bowser right now do I have to fight them back to back there's no way I know I said I felt like could take I could take on about any boss but this is two bosses that does not fall into that category all right let's do it I might I might be able to pull this one out yeah I do have sweet treats so first order of business is going to be a power lift me when I'm literally lifting up my power okay I got plus three attack that's all wanted I could have gotten plus five defense there if I gamed hard enough for it all right let's Thunder rage take out his little minions oh spicy super guard and now I just power bounce him it does a little bit of damage not quite as much as I would hope for but um okay what I think I want to do right here is zest Dynamite so the guys don't give him a shield next turn actually sucks okay not super into that happening I think I just got to go for no I I'm going to take so much damage from that direct attackers thing I don't know if this will hurt Bobby or not but I'm just going to do this no it didn't oh a big seven too and then I just need to kill one of these little guys I have no idea what the super guard timing for that one is ah I don't have any good attacking items now do I no I used them all up all right I have a new plan Mario's in danger should give me a little bit more should give me quite a bit of star power Supernova I kill all these this might just finish grotus if it doesn't I might be boned actually this might not have been a great strategy I probably should have just healed he also could throw and just do status on himself is he alive still don't kill me no no no no no no no oh I'm so good at the game game he's about dead for sure he probably has like three Health but I just don't want to I don't want Mario to get got though I'm just going to heal I don't even think healing is the right choice here I think I should have tried to kill him because now these grotus X's are going to do a big ass damage on me ow I wish I got the one on Mario Boby can't hit any of the grus X's oh this is so hard what do I do what do I do what's the best move there's so many guys alive uh um I don't like this I think I should have gone for That Power Balance at the time that I said it was greedy to do so okay I'm going to go for the high roll he bet he needs to have four or less Health left and I need to hit through the dodgy I hit it actually worked oh my God I am a genius and by genius I mean I am am significantly lucky and now I have to watch this whole cut scene and then Bowser is going to spawn what an insane fight grotus is a hard battle I don't think that we appreciate grotus enough for how difficult he is okay so unfortunately also I did not level up after grotus which would have been nice but instead I have 99 star points okay let's do this get the extra star power while Mario's still in danger okay I'm just need to kill Cammy Bowser is easy to Super guard look at that yeah that's a little less easy yeah Bowser yeah Bowser's so easy to superr I don't know why let's keep attacking Bowser while cammy's invisible and then I'm going to pop down a power lift I guess oh I missed that don't kill Boby that's fine oh he missed her because she was invisible crazy outcome all this is kind of a waste of this item but none of my characters have that much health anyway Bob's already the most health filled character and now we will do a power lift and then I will obliterate Camy Koopa forever give me another Power okay no if I didn't choke I could have gotten plus four there I choked though saw that one moment I slowed down that was the choke whoa I mashed through the animation so fast the bouser just came flying from off screen that was badass and it was badass because I still hit the super guard I have no idea how to time the Bingos people in the last Thousand-Year Door video in the comments kept clowning on me for not timing my bingos I legitimately just didn't know that timing bingos was a thing that you could do in this game like actually I thought that they were just random because it's like I played the game as a kid right for the very first time I was actually four years old when I played Thousand-Year Door and so the game presents you with a thing that's like oh yeah random chance to get a bingo you just assume that it's random you know and you take that idea to heart and so here I am at 21 years old and I just learned that the Bingo can be timed in this game I have no idea how much health he's still on but I'm I'm not scared of this fight anymore yep he's dead Okay luckily Bowser was a lot easier than grotus but still insane to put that against me right now and we will keep up the badge power tradition and now after all of that all of that fighting different scenario we are now in the peaceful land I just came out of a pipe that doesn't exist as a concept oh she's rewarding me for being the champion I have the Champs belt I'm also inside of this bookas or whatever oh no I was going to say I can rest here and heal up but I just got healed from my level up that is not how you leave the room Mario why we get damag for doing this I think it's just okay right yeah oh that guy had a crystal star on his pocket nice it is probably worth it to fight battles overall just because the coins all random Rize into items at the end of battle and that makes it so that they can just drop Crystal Stars cuz I did learn that that was a mechanic at play uh um is this the whole encounter am I about to do the entire Shadow Queen fight um is the randomizer over if I do the Shadow Queen fight do I just win cuz I feel like the goal should be to collect all seven Crystal Stars yeah I'll refuse the switch honestly I should have said become her servant so I got a game over and then didn't have to do this but I'll try oh my God that's ridiculous that she can do that she's deleted Boby nice that went so well for me yeah I don't think I'm quite equipped to take on the Shadow Queen yet lowkey I think Shadow Peach is harder for me right now than the actual Shadow Queen fight would be also now that I'm thinking about it isn't the money money badge broken for this because it randomizes all the coin coin drops and then you get extra coin drops I think that actually might be a strategy that I should try to employ I just need a money money first I can to see the duplex cut scene that Mario just has no context for I am imagine this was your first time playing this game and you just see all of this stuff happen you're like what the hell yo can we fight dupless I'm down what he's not here that's disappointing I was ready to kick his ass it would have been so funny to see him in the last sequence where he ran away and then he's just here and have to fight him but maybe by triggering that he's not here I don't know I have no idea how the sequencing for this randomizer Works no shot I'm not doing it again no I've already done it I'm not doing it again that is the grotus room God damn it flurry's room she has a power smash there's definitely a joke to be made there about flurry having a power smash I'm not going to be the one to make it but someone will I'm sure this better not be Rock hawk again I swear to God I have to fight Rock hawk again [Music] I love super guarding that that attack that attack just has so much buildup and then you super guard it and he just flies back unceremoniously he dies so easily he's so soft wait oh I'm going to fight Macho grubba I'm actually so down oh I'm going to put on peekaboo also I just want that I think it's I think it's good for the context of a YouTube video so you guys can see what health enemies have especially if I'm editing around so I am going to wear it even if it takes a badge power because I am a content creator first and foremost and I'm trying to create content here all right grubba let's [ __ ] I mean fight I meant to say fight that exclamation mark just spun around Mario was that supposed to happen what was that oh no he's sucking the power from the HP drain it just spun around Yoshi also yeah Yoshi's a baby he doesn't know that that's the crystal star all right power lift time this should be absolutely enough juice to kill him power lift is unfortunate right now because you have to press the left stick a lot of times per second and I just crushed my left thumb with the hood of a car right before this recording so it kind of hurts to do that ability but you know it's fine my power is lifted I only got plus two which sucks but I think it will be plenty okay so he always burns his first turn and now I should be able to just no I can't kill him this turn I don't think so funny to superr him now he just dies right yep see you later power lift and some decent attack increase badges make all of these earlier bosses not a problem anymore and now I have to watch this whole sequence don't I why do the exclamation marks keep spinning around what is causing that to happen oh yeah I need to up update my texture pack for this her lips are still the old texture so she has like kind of pixelated weird gross lips I need to update there's a newer version of this I just forgot to do it so nobody yell at me in the comments I was going to do it but I forgot yeah not all of his Sprite is up to date either I'm sorry I know it looks ugly I swear I will fix it next time probably I will maybe remember to do it the magical HP drain oh diamond star so now I have four out of seven Crystal Stars the key is just on the ground the guy is already dead Mario doesn't know that there was a guy in here ever but we know as players of thousand oh I almost just didn't open that okay we now have another star we're closer to the dream than ever before I think I just need four and six not that it matters which ones they are but I'm just saying those are the ones I haven't gotten so far this is like arriving at Twilight town for the first time am I soft locked oh what did they spawn across the room and walk all the way over here for the opening cut scene I have no idea how the story sequence thing works it's really making my head hurt trying to wrap my brain around it dude shut the hell up I don't want to talk to you I want to leave this place also is it just ear this guy's Sprite like really weird I don't know what he's supposed to be I don't know if he's supposed to have a little toughed of hair on his head or what species he's supposed to be but it's always looked to me like he has a hole in his head and he has stuffing coming out of it like a stuffed animal with a big tear in it and I don't know if that's what he's supposed to be or what these guys are even supposed to be like the Twilight Town residents I don't know what species they're supposed to be I think they just I think they just Vibe I think that's all they do oh no they stole the star I actually need that that is one of the ones I need another triple gold wait can I can I get the super Hammer finally please tell me he gives me the super hammer in this state yes he does no messages English my favorite line of dialogue oh he really doubled down on it that's an artistic take oh my God this room is full of money also there is an a button that is animating being pressed under this thing right here the debug badge automatically Action commands stylish is super guards and fills the run meter why can you acquire that why the hell are you allowed to acquire that that's cheating I'm not going to use that it gives you guaranteed super guards that's just like not it's not fair you know I think everyone wants to see me suffer more than that okay well I got quite a few things in that area I don't know if any of it was actually that useful I mean I technically got the greatest badge ever conceived but just going to keep rolling them I'm not going to deal with those guys I got to try gloomtail again except this time I think I'm actually maybe going to win winning would be preferable I wish I didn't have y y out right now but honestly my survivability still sucks actually wait can bone tail or can Gloom tail just straight up one shot me I think I have two P up D Downs on okay if I can just power lift and stay defense boosted he can't oneshot me so this actually it it adds a layer of complication but it's not that bad come on yeah no it was on the full thing I could have gotten plus five I got so scammed Boby is mostly the meat Shield here I could have kept Yoshi out but it's fine Mario does the real damage in this relationship no it still kills me God damn it why oh wait I have a life shroom why am I whining never mind okay I'm just going to have to power bounce unbuffed and hope he doesn't kill Mario immediately okay now one more power lift and I should be fine can't believe I had to use a life stream to survive this guy super guarding that like stomp attack is just so hard yeah that just did not give me the panels to get plus4 that time oh that's fine I don't mind that I can kill him now see you later gloomtail I definitely always want to avoid using life streams whenever possible just cuz they're such a a lame crutch but you know oh my God he's not here because I'm in the sequence past this area I guess the higher the sequence number just the more things that don't trigger so 399 is like probably almost the end of the game I maybe that's how maybe that's what's at play here all right he now has the ultra Stone and I can level up one partner twice and I think goombella is just the plan cuz now she'll get multi Bonk and then she'll be as strong as Mario's jump and now I can just tear through bosses like wrapping paper on Christmas morning see that's topical because it is the month of December and that is a thing that happens in the month of December yeah no I'm just in a later game State now I think I think I pretty much know how this works yeah the ship isn't even there in this game State now I get it okay oh I just came up through the floor I'm a level 81 well it's awesome that I upgraded goombella right now yeah this is kind of a a rude encounter to give me I would say oh except you know what I can do is literally oh I literally can't okay well it was kind of rude of it to put me on floor 81 of the pit oh but it was all worth it it was all worth it cuz now I have have the Ruby star and I only need one more Crystal star I think I should start killing things to get more drops for Crystal Stars I guess just sucks at all the battles I have to have so many guys in them just going to Supernova all level up or butterfly click time ASMR also oh GameCube ASMR shout outs to the GameCube controller all the sounds it makes are so good do I want to cave and go 10 no no badge power only I'm going to stick with badge power only that way if I run into Shadow Queen I can beat her like a man wait why is one set of the barrels spawned but the others aren't what that doesn't make any sense I do have the boat power up so I can get out of here though but if you didn't have the boat power would you just be stuck in this room surely this is like version not it's version not one of this mod so I would think that they've ironed out all the soft locks by now but I have no idea I don't know if there's any room left in the game that I haven't been to yet I can't think of one but actually I don't even think I've been to rogueport Harbor yeah no that's a room like a memorable one that I can think that I haven't been to I haven't been to the area with the train I haven't even been to the left side of the schwank Fortress I've only been to the right side with that fuzzy there I have Atomic buo PTSD after that last time that I fought him in infinite pit where I had the settings jacked up and he had six times health and three three times attack so now this will be a Victory lap compared to that got capped and he's dead he's not attacking he is dead see wasn't that so nice that guy when he has 300 health and 15 attack was a little present sitting over there how cute it is getting very soggy though wait what did I just have the egg following me wait why do I have the egg following me when did that happen okay I guess I have a new friend yo I can have Yoshi and the Egg following me around at the same time never before seen Yoshi literally hatches from this egg oh my God he's still programmed like the other followers to like hop on Mario's back oh yay the useless piece of room my favorite woo yeah I have not found anything that's been able to set my game sequence back from the Gloom tail State imagine if the star fell out of the tree oh money money is clutch oh I'm so happy about money money cuz all the coins get randomized is going to make grinding things faster all right let's kill this guy and see how much stuff drops from him with money money on okay they drop hell of stuff and there's a spike shield in there that's all I care about wait what why is he holding that is that one of the Stars what is that does that count as a crystal star what an AA hit boxes what art attack hit box it displays hit boxes around enemies when using Art Attack I guess it is exactly as described in the name but I still wasn't expecting that it's a weird debug badge all right check this out these four [ __ ] may be on the ceiling but this if you Max it out can actually reach them up there I do wonder if that's something that people know about this game I'm sure plenty of you out there know this but still cool to point out for the people that don't know it Earth Tremor will actually actually reach and damage ceiling enemies but only if you get excellent if you get anything less it can't reach [Music] them I spaced off wait what oh I literally lied it still hits them I actually told you guys a fib okay I thought it only hit them if you got an excellent apparently it hits them if you get a wonderful alsoa interesting the ship is still here but invisible well I'll just go back through that door what what what I have this guy is a companion how did this happen was he like an unused scripted companion or something like does the code for him exist in the game or like did they originally plan for him to be able to follow you obviously they just reuse code between all of your like companions that follow you but still that's interesting I wonder if that's a thing or if he's just there because why not not yeah I'm back to this being the beginning of the Palace of Shadow State okay right so yeah I definitely understand it wait no my sequence did just update from entering here I don't actually know what the numbers mean specifically but I know that bigger number is later in the game oh another one oh he's Rising oh my God that was kind of beautiful that that happened that way okay I would I bet I would have had to fight him if I didn't just trigger the Palace of Shadow this room yes that is what I was talking about game thank you God damn it I'm in the gloomtail state again I have to fight gloomtail again H he should be even easier this time allegedly I don't know if that goes through defense or not or if that would have killed me but don't have to find out now because I did manage to Super guard it finally okay Gloom was a little bit easier that time you know what I got it back last time I'm going to use it again I could just put on a new Jumpman for Mario because I have more badge power but I kind of like the wasteful route it's funny in a video game it's funny in a video game not in real life don't do that in real life oh I was about to put on another Jumpman but that is it I have collected every crystal star look at that isn't that beautiful beautiful I did not beat the Shadow Queen but I did beat two Gloom tailes and I beat the grotus and Bowser at level like five or four which is pretty cool I guess you know that was a pretty climactic encounter so yeah that is going to be it for this Quest so if you guys enjoyed make sure you get subscribed and all that I do plan on doing some more stuff with this randomizer in the future because I have a few ideas to kind of spice it up and make it a little bit more fun than just playing it but right now I just wanted to get kind of my first impressions for my first time playing it and all that so go ahead and like And subscribe share the video all those things that tell YouTube that this is a video worth watching and with that GG goodbye
Channel: Bringle
Views: 161,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bringle, speedrunning, challenge, minecraft speedrun, super mario 64 speedrun, 16 star, 70 star, mario challenge, minecraft but, no jumping, jumpless, but i can't, bringle channel, raisinbranden, soup, 4 cheese, four cheese, video game challenge, world record, personal best, pb, minecraft but its, thousand year door but, can you beat, thousand year door
Id: AO60nqETfHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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