The Worst Things Lila Has Done | Miraculous Ladybug

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hey everyone welcome back to anime pause i'm your host wylie and today we're counting down lila's worst moment so if you like this video please feel free to like comment and subscribe for more share every care let's get to it one of you suggested that i do a video listing all of marinette's worst moments that video did amazing so today we're going to be talking about lila's worst moment so these are going to be moments that just instantly pop in my head so if i miss anything please drop it down in the comment section below and maybe we'll make a part two if this one does really well okay so these entries are not listed in any particular order i'm going to again leave it up to you all to decide what lala's worst moments are or what her worst moment was okay so let's get started so number one on this list stealing the miraculous spell book from adrian so the park huh uh sure a vixen super heroine hmm interesting so number one stealing is wrong so she was wrong to take that book from adrian number two this is kind of a doozy because lila did steal the book from adrian who stole it from his dad who's hawk moth so lila inadvertently kind of got the book away from hawk moth but then again the book may have been safer in adrian's hands but what was he supposed to do with it but if we look into the future and realize that masterful actually needed the miraculous spell books to basically take some recipes out of it to do the power-ups for like the flight being underwater ice powers without that book lady bugging hat noir would have been like kind of asked out like they would have been like out of luck basically had she kept that book thirdly this wasn't completely lyla's fault but in this whole situation of lila stealing this book she almost influenced gabriel agrest's decision to keep adrian at home and homeschool him so adrian would have gotten punished for lifeless actions did you take my father's book of course not if he finds out it's missing i'll have something worse than hawkmoth to deal with now is holding adrian hostage in his own home entirely lyla's fault absolutely not but lyla would have played some part in that although we could like just argue that since lyla met with adrian in the library that caused marinette to follow them to the library which led tiki to discover that adrian had the book so it's very complicated but she played some part in that so this one is lightweight on my list of things that lila has done but she basically lied about being the super heroine volpina so not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things but eliza lie is a lie and the trick that she played on ladybug and cat noir wasn't cool to basically just lure them in and allow them to believe that she's a superhero and just run around like chasing after like mirages when they could have actually been saving someone or helping someone in the city that kind of sucks so i guess that part of the lie is what hurts people i can't believe it it's hawk moth in the flesh he never shows up something big is going on really big we can take him down but it's going to take all three of us we better make the most of our individual talent number three getting acoma ties willingly in the chameleon episode after this i was just like okay lyla like you're going so far at this point i have to admit i kind of have a proclivity towards villains i think that majority of the time they're super relatable so i do like villains i don't condone their actions but there normally is like i don't know there's some type of fun and um i don't know i feel like sometimes villains have a lot of fun sometimes i find refuge like by always constantly doing the right thing or trying to do the right thing and like just watching villains do the not so great thing is like a way of creating balance but in real life would i do that absolutely not should you no let's try to be better people but we can write some crazy characters or some interesting characters but my life for her like started to like diminish like at this point in time i still somewhat do like her because i don't condone what she does but she's just so charming and her english voice actress is like chef's kiss like this woman she knows how to just captivate you with her voice like that is a good voice actress i don't know like they make you like them just like great delaus like just when you hear the sound of their voice it's just so soothing and it's just so captivating despite what the character does or doesn't do i'll still somewhat like them lila's voice actress has it going on lila gets willfully accommodating by hawkmoth lyla is that mad at marinette and ladybug that she's willingly going to work with hawkmoth it was just like such an extreme and to go around kissing everybody which is kind of nasty a little bit if you look like a shibbo thing that's fine but like to kiss all those people that's a lot like is mano still a thing so she went around kissing people and turning into them or the spitting image of them and then trying to ruin people's relationship like she could have ruined you know adrian and nino's relationship had not been that strong like why ruined such a good friendship and then number four lying to her mother now this is a doozy because lyla has been lying to her mother ever since she got found out or like exposed kind of in the volpina episode so she's been lying to her mother hiding the calls and any type of messages mr dimon please leaves her mom but it's just like this is like a doozy because i'm not exactly sure about france but here in america if a student misses a certain amount of school they can be held over so it's like she's only kind of hurting herself and then two also here in the states if a student misses too much school not only will they risk the chance of failing their classes but you know acs like child services can be called so she could have gotten her mother in a lot of trouble by doing that and just the fact that she's lying to her mother so much it's just like that's just indicative of their relationship and it just shows that there's something seriously wrong here like that's not okay number five lying to principal democracy like this guy like you know at this point i feel like mr democracy overreacts oftentimes and he punishes the wrong people but these so many students are really able to manipulate him to the point where i honestly kind of feel like he's not that bad of a guy but they manipulate him so much and put him in awkward situations that it kind of makes him into a mean guy and you know at this point in time i'm starting to kind of feel sad for him because i don't think that he wants to you know be so rude and mean to students it's just that the privileged students like lila and chloe are the ones making it that hard along with mrs mendeleev so it kind of sucks but she basically lied on the ladybug episode and told mr democracy that marionette pushed her down the stairs forcing mr democracy to threaten to expel marinette that was just going way too far it was just like a happiness skip and a jump i kind of blame this on the writing but we're gonna like throw the writing aside and just really focus on everything that the writers give us i just feel like that was like an extreme so i can understand i don't condone it and again i said i don't condone it however i can understand why lyla is so upset at ladybug but to jump so crazily or to jump so like quickly at marinette who she just had her first like verbal altercation with i just felt like lyla just jumped to an extreme like sure you know marinette and lyla are at the point where they don't really like each other and they've already established boundaries but it's just like to go that far that's a lot and so quickly like chloe and marinette are the way that they are because they've known each other for so long but for lila and marionette to have so many much animosity between each other just so interesting to me i can kind of understand more so why marinette has like the animosity towards lila but for lyla to have it back towards marinette just like what else is going on here like what are we not seeing what are they not showing us for us to just escalate so quickly to the point where lila is accusing marinette of pushing her down the stairs like that's like assault that was just so extreme so just like how do we get to this point number six leather lies to her friends thank you you're so sweet here's your appetizer lila and i've got your main course i'll fetch your dessert i'm sorry i can't carry my own tray it's almost impossible with the sprained wrist sorry lila's totally lying she made up that whole tonight a story just so she could sit next to adrian and her sprained wrists completely bogus too now i feel like this is worth like another in-depth conversation regarding friendship but the fact that lila lies to her friends and manipulates them into doing things for her it's just very telling of her character and i just don't think it's okay like she's abusing like she's abusing their friendship and i just don't think that is cool friendships go both ways and she wants them to do things for her she should do it for them and she shouldn't have to lie to do so but it also speaks volumes about you know marinette's friends morals and their boundaries because they haven't said it with lyla and they're willing to believe or do anything that she tells them to do so are they really miranda's friends and why are they easily persuaded by letter like that it's just very interesting and very telling number seven texting gabriel agress like to me this was just like so weird i believe it was in the oni-chan episode lila sent out a picture of her and adrien to all of the people in her contact list just the fact that lyla feels that comfortable to text gabriel just speaks volumes to me like adrian and lila are not friends like that so just like how did he man how did she manage to do that or why does she feel that comfortable i guess i won the bat how about a little souvenir photo what's that young girl doing in my house i can understand that you know sometimes friends um are cool with each other and and being cool with each other they become cool with each other's parents i can understand that but we have not seen that on the screen so it's very strange to me and it's also very strange to me that lila would take it upon herself to go alone and meet with gabriel and natalie like in the park so lyla was sitting on a bench in the park gabriel and natalie were driving by and they were talking to each other from a distance but i still found that strange that's like stranger danger and i'm going to need the writers to be a little bit careful about what they're doing because some people are very impressionable and this just felt very uncomfortable to me so i'm not going to entirely blame this on lila she does take a part of the onus or the ownership of this situation happening but i'm mostly blaming it on the writers and on gabriel and natalie like why do they feel that comfortable to meet up with one of their son's friends close to a park lyla doesn't spend much time around adrian like this has given me like ariel castro vibes growing up in the city like that's just not typically a thing that in my experience and i said my experience and my experience that a lot of people do like we didn't spend the night over at each other's houses like friends and i didn't spend the night over at each other's houses and vice versa i didn't really know anyone who had a sleepover like i've even had these conversations like in high school junior high school college i had these conversations and a lot of people just didn't do this this wasn't a thing that we do because you never know like what's going on at someone else's house and that's not to fear longer i think that is okay if both parents or like both sides of parents meet and they have a conversation but lyla clearly didn't do this like her mother doesn't really know what's going on in her life and this is me being presumptuous but in accordance to what we've seen on the show it just doesn't seem that lila's mother is like very active in her life because her mother just seems very busy so i just find it strange that she's gonna meet up with this man that she's barely spoken to she doesn't really have any interaction with his son outside of class and adrian is kind of like always trying to get away from layla and we just see them meeting at a park having a conversation it's a little strange stranger danger run away don't accept the candy number eight lying to natalie so this was kind of sucky this was in that onichan episode where leila basically lies to natalie and tells her that adrian needs help with his homework and she basically like forms her way into the aggressive mansion and she eventually ends up getting natalie yelled at and reprimanded and got the bodyguard in trouble too adrian i so wanted to help you make up all the schoolwork you must do to all the modeling you've been doing lately what will your father think if he finds out about your lower grades adrian who will he blame adrian have your grades gone down if it's only half an hour if you really insist i'll do it what was that young girl doing in my house i decided it would be good for her to help adrian review his mathematics i'm the only one who decides what's good for my son this isn't the first time you've been fooled by his schoolmates number nine dismissing adrien when he actually gave her a chance to basically turn the other cheek and become good so i kind of honest honestly understand why lyla would dismiss adrian um partly because i mean first it was ladybug coming at her and then it was marinette constantly coming at her so by the time adrian comes this is the third person comes to her and tries to have a conversation with her she's not gonna listen and i can understand how she would have felt attacked but knowing adrian's track record knowing his heart and knowing how kind he is like he just he had a good intention so i just wish lila would have seen that instead of just like being so stubborn and choosing to be evil when adrian would have honestly just been her friend he's very accepting and i'm just mental and he's patient so she should have just had the conversation with him but her head is like inflated um she's very stubborn and she's very arrogant so number 10 that dang oni chant episode when lila tried to get ladybug caught by oni-chan and even adrian in that moment was just like yo like you took it so far girl like you really hate ladybug that much that you're willing to get her captured by a super villain and willing to allow basically like basically willing to allow hawkmoth to win no don't look at your phone but what if it's an emergency her leg's an emergency hmm you're sure it's not her forehead instead because her leg looks fine you just wanted me to leave ladybug alone with the villain do you hate ladybug that much what you just did is really terrible you should be ashamed of yourself we should have saw the signs there like lila has no chill like she's gonna win at any means necessary so this one to me is not that big of a deal but it's kind of like um like a bonus on this list like basically when leila lied to chloe and told chloe that if she was really friends with ladybug ladybug would respond to her signal and this almost like chloe to work with hawkmoth but luckily chloe resisted hawkmoth so that was kind of a sucky and manipulative thing to do again like lila does not care who she hurts again this one this next one is another bonus lila pushing adrian to his limit we often see adrian be like cool calm laid back he's understanding he's very sweet he's like really aloof so to really see him focusing in on lila letting her know like if you hurt anyone else that i care about you're gonna get it it's just like whoa like this is like exposing a different side of adrien and for her to basically be able to push him that far is really telling and that was one of her worst moments so if i missed anything please let me know but that's it for this video thank you so much for watching bye bye bye
Channel: AnimePuffz
Views: 15,097
Rating: 4.9678531 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 wtf moments miraculous ladybug, 10 times miraculous ladybug went too far, miraculous ladybug, miraculous tales of ladybug and cat noir season 4, miraculous ladybug racism, best mmoments miraculous ladybug, united heroez miraculous ladybug, united heroez full movie, animepuffz, proodf adrien likes marinette, luka and marinette, marinette and adrien, season 4 spoilers miraculous ladybug, marinette's worst moments, all miraculous villains ranked, all kwamis ranked
Id: tW-SPmakePY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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